rebelling against low expectations

AuthorGrayson Zaragoza

is a nineteen-year-old homeschooled graduate pursuing a career in writing and filmmaking for secular and Christian audiences alike. He's passionate about telling authentic, emotive stories that inspire, encourage, and entertain his audience. When he's not writing his next short film or finishing homework, you can find him working as a full-time Video Editor at Celebration Church, hanging out with his amazing friends, or reading some sort of literature exceeding 400 pages in length.

Let God Use Your Problems


A common misconception about Christianity is that a relationship with Jesus will take away all of life’s problems. I grappled with this idea for years. If God loves me and I’ve done all he’s asked of me, why do I still have faults and struggles and problems? If I’m supposed to be like Christ, who is perfect (Matthew 5:48), then why am I not that way? I was a good, homeschooled, church-going boy...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →