rebelling against low expectations

AuthorRachel Crosswhite

is a homeschool graduate and the oldest of 8 kids. Among other things, she enjoys playing her piano and harp, studying God's Word in depth, writing, having deep conversations with friends, and loving and serving Jesus right where He has her. She shares her random writings at Compositions for the King.

When God’s Answer is Wait


You’ve prayed. You’ve cried. You’ve hoped. And still the answer is wait. In those moments where it seems God’s only answer is wait, and there is no end in sight, what do you do? Why does it seem we so often receive that answer for things we so desperately long for? Why is it so hard to trust when God does say “not now, my child”? When we don’t receive the answers we so desperately wish, it is...

Teenagers, Please Share the Gospel


Knock knock. I glance toward the front door from where I’m sweeping in the kitchen. “Oh, Mom, looks like some Jehovah’s Witnesses!” Mom emerges from the hallway and graciously answers the door, explaining to our visitors, thanks, but no thanks. They accept the offered tract and go on their way to the next house. While I don’t agree with Jehovah’s Witnesses, I think we can learn some things...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →