Knock knock.
I glance toward the front door from where I’m sweeping in the kitchen. “Oh, Mom, looks like some Jehovah’s Witnesses!”
Mom emerges from the hallway and graciously answers the door, explaining to our visitors, thanks, but no thanks. They accept the offered tract and go on their way to the next house.
While I don’t agree with Jehovah’s Witnesses, I think we can learn some things from them. Honestly, when was the last time we went door to door sharing our faith in Jesus? For that matter, when was the last time we even randomly shared the Gospel with anyone?
Right before Jesus ascended into heaven, He gave His disciples (and that includes us) one final instruction.
Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. (Mark 16:15)
Brothers and sisters, we have a commission. 2 Corinthians 5:20 says we are ambassadors for Christ, to implore people to be reconciled to God. It’s true, God could have chosen other means to bring people to salvation, but He chose to enlist us. He gave you and me a job to do. Are we carrying it out?
Perhaps the cashier you talk to just found out they have a cancer, and are scared to die. Maybe your friend feels like no one cares for them and is thinking of ending their life because they have no hope. What if that person you meet at library ends up in a fatal car crash on their way home?
And we have the answers.
Why ever are we keeping silent? Because we’re scared of what people will think of us? Because we’re afraid of not having the right words? Why? This is a lost and dying world we live in. Every day thousands of people cross the great divide. Maybe we could have told them.
I am learning in this, too. These are questions I am asking myself.
I must ask though, what does it matter if people think we’re weird? We’re following Jesus and to the world, yes, we will look like radical nuts. But in the scope of eternity? It doesn’t matter.
If we had discovered the cure for cancer, I bet you we would be out telling everyone we could so that their loved ones could be spared. We have the cure for sin and have been sent to tell others about the Good News. Sadly though, I think too many of us are being quiet.
Yes, they won’t always listen. Yes, they will sometimes laugh at us. But our job is just to be faithful. It’s a comfort to know that it’s not our job to make people accept Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:6 says that Paul and Apollos planted and watered, but it was GOD who gave the increase. Our mission is just to tell of Him and trust Him to grow the seeds planted. But how will the seeds be planted if we do not plant?
My fellow warriors, let us be faithful to share this glorious Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us step forward in His victory and raise our swords high as we tell others about how they can be saved from the wrath to come.
So tell that cashier Jesus loves them. Leave that tract in the restroom. Attach that Bible verse on the end of your comment. Share with your friend what God has done in your life. Wherever we go, let’s spread the news of salvation.
For Him and His glory, charge forward faithfully!
I’m so proud of you, Rachel! Thank you for sharing such great truths in such an awesome post. I love you, sister.
Yes, this is so true, Rachel. Witnessing is a vital part of being a Christian, but a part that is often ignored (I know I’m guilty of this too). Thanks so much for sharing about such a very important topic! 🙂
Thank you, for the encouragement to share the Gospel Rachel! This topic has continually resurfaced for me this week. You really helped to put things in perspective.
Rach! You’re amazing xD Congratulations on getting this published, and thank you for the challenging encouragement! Looking forward to what God’s gonna do with you in the future 😀
Thanks for an amazing article, Rachel! Very convicting and packed full of grace and truth.
I was literally just thinking about this today. Awesome article! Thanks so much!
Woah! Awesome! We were just talking about this in my teen group!
This was a great article, Rachel! I agree that many of us don’t share the gospel often enough (including me). 🙁 But we should be spreading it because it’s even better than a cure for cancer, like you mentioned.
Thanks for this.
I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately too. I have so many friends that I’ve never shared the Good News with.
Which leaves me asking myself: “How can I be their friend and NOT share the gospel with them?” I actually wrote a short article on the topic at Secondly Magazine, but I haven’t published it yet.
Beautiful and true. Hands down, we should more frequently share the Gospel. Our settings vary, so sometimes the way we go about it should differ though.
And this is where we get into Tim’s remark. If you just come out with the Gospel directly, it might fall on deaf ears. But, what I find absolutely critical is for us to do excellent work. When we do that, people ask questions, and it’s precisely then we can share a testimony and explain how the truth of the Gospel is the basis of everything we do!
Can’t wait to see your article, Tim!
What a great reminder, Rachel. Sometimes it may seem scary to share the gospel with someone, but God is the One Who is with us and will give us the strength we need. Thank you so much for sharing <3
Thank you, dear friend! Glory to Jesus; I’m still learning in this area myself! Love you too. <3
Amen, Sara! May we always beware of ignoring the sections of Scripture that don’t fit in our comfort zone. Glory to Jesus!
You are welcome! God certainly works in mysterious ways. 🙂 Blessings!
Thanks Cory! You’re amazing too! 🙂 Blessings to you too as you follow the Lord!
Ephesians 3:20-21
You are welcome, Bekah! To God be the glory.
John 1:12
You’re absolutely welcome, Emma!
Psalm 115:1
How cool! May your teen group continue to be generational warriors for Christ and His kingdom!
Ephesians 6:10
Praise the Lord! Yes, I’m guilty in not being faithful in this area, but by God’s grace we are going to change that, right? 🙂
2 Timothy 1:7
You’re most welcome. Wow, what a powerful question. May our love for our friends spur us to action in this area!
Hebrews 13:6
Amen! God works through various means and forms…we just must needs be faithful!
2 Timothy 1:9
You’re more than welcome, Ashley! Yes, I will admit that sharing the Gospel can be scary at times…one thought that has encouraged me is that when I step out in faith and give that tract to someone, or whatnot, God wins! When we ignore His prompting and give into our fear, the devil wins, because he certainly does not want us to share the truth! Blessings!
Ephesians 6:12
Wow that’s a really great way to look at it! I will have to start doing the same. Thanks for that Rachel!!
Thank-you for the encouragement – I get so scared at the idea of sharing my faith, but Jesus is always with me.
Have a great day, and thanks for writing!
Strong and very necessary reminder Rachel! We need to always be reminded that we hold the best news ever and hence shouldn’t be quiet.
No worries, I get scared too! 😉 I think we all do! But as you said, may we step in faith and trust God!
2 Timothy 1:7
Amen! How glorious to know that we have, as you put it, “the best news ever!”
Luke 2:10-11