rebelling against low expectations


Christian Culture’s Obsession with Identity (and Where We Should Focus Instead)


Almost everywhere we turn, messages like “I am a child of the king,” “I am loved,” “I am chosen,” and “I am worthy” are plastered on t-shirts and water bottles. They are prevalent in many song lyrics, books, talk shows, and everyday conversations. These phrases of identity in Christ and worthiness in God’s eyes are attempts to replace despair, self-doubt, and feelings of inadequacy. Yet despite...

You’re Not The Only Chronic Illness Warrior


“I can’t, but thanks for the invite.” The sentence echoes on my lips, spoken to more people than I remember. I don’t know about you, but I don’t like to say no. I thrive on adventure and exploration. I’m a social butterfly. And yet, I’ve said so many no’s I never wanted to. I wasn’t always this way. But when I first got sick as a young teen, I watched as “out of sight, out of mind” became a...

A Letter to the Bleeding Soul-Rest in the Hands of God


I had an unplanned chat with God today. I sat on the cold floor, crying. He sat with me, Said, “I see you trying.” I spilled my heart out, Bleeding, tired. He held my hand, Waiting, quiet. He didn’t say much… Allowed my heart to fall apart. So, I watched it rip to pieces, Leaving scars I can’t erase. Fractured bits swirled in the waters, He took my hand and held my gaze. And then, I stood, So...

A Friend to the Friendless


In the Lord of the Rings, as the journey grows increasingly dangerous, and it starts to become unclear who is truly on his side, Frodo slips on his fateful ring, running as fast as his hobbit legs can carry him, alone to the dark land of Mordor. But his faithful and devoted companion Sam eventually figures out where Frodo has gone and catches him in the nick of time—moments before Frodo sails...

The Truth About Belonging


You sit surrounded by people, yet you feel alone. Each person talks to someone else. Each one seems to feel completely at home with those around them. You get a few glances, maybe even a few smiles, but there’s no doubting you feel like an outsider. You feel small. You feel invisible. Even if you’re conversing with someone, perhaps one you may even call a friend, you wonder if they’re really...

Encouragement for Exiles: Living as Citizens of Heaven


Part of being a Christian means experiencing a tension, a pull between the immediate realities of daily living and the ultimate reality of eternity. Being in the world, but not of it. Redeemed, yet still facing temptation, still witnessing evil, still mourning for the lost, still reading tragic headlines, still watching friends get hurt, and still struggling in our own sin. Secure and content yet...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →