In the Lord of the Rings, as the journey grows increasingly dangerous, and it starts to become unclear who is truly on his side, Frodo slips on his fateful ring, running as fast as his hobbit legs can carry him, alone to the dark land of Mordor.
But his faithful and devoted companion Sam eventually figures out where Frodo has gone and catches him in the nick of time—moments before Frodo sails alone across the river. Frodo is greatly shocked and dismayed, but sooner than later expresses his gratitude to Sam, saying, “It is no good trying to escape you. But I’m glad, Sam. I cannot tell you how glad. Come along! It is plain that we were meant to go together.”
These books and stories make our hearts yearn for friendship such as this. Don’t we all wish for someone who would stick by us, even as we sail into a land of darkness and grief?
Perhaps you are wondering today where all the “good and faithful” friends are and you long to have deep fellowship with other believers, but the Lord hasn’t provided it yet. Or maybe you are only looking for an encouraging article that will remind you of the faithful friendship of the Lord. Whatever place you are in, I pray and hope that you will know the loving friendship of Christ today.
A Friendless Society
Since the unveiling of the iPhone in 2007 and the rise of online games, social media, and “connecting” through text, somehow, we have managed to become lonelier and more friendless than ever. Social media promises the hope of connection and fellowship but ends up providing the opposite. As Mark Engler put it, “Although people may have hundreds or even thousands of online ‘friends,’ they may have few actual people in real life that they can rely on.”
What a tragic and sobering truth.
If you are hurting and feeling lonely, take a look at Jesus. See His heart. His feelings of loneliness, of being misunderstood, and His eventual betrayal by all who professed love for Him. See what a faithful friend He is to you. Share on XToday if you are hurting, feeling lonely, and companionless, I invite you to take a look at Jesus. See His heart. His feelings of loneliness, of being misunderstood, and His eventual betrayal by all who professed undying love for Him. See what a friend He is to you and how faithful He remains when all others fail.
A Friendless Man
Jesus is indeed our deepest and closest friend in whom we find refuge at all times. But throughout His life, He was quite a lonely person. He was without sin, which was probably a source of great frustration as family members and siblings couldn’t quite accept this perfect child who never did anything wrong or sinful. They thought He was crazy! (Mark 3:21). Jon Bloom in an article on the loneliness of Jesus, rightfully calls Him the “white sheep of the family.” No one understood Him or could comprehend His nature or perfect holiness.
Remember as a little kid how important friendships and acceptance were? No doubt Jesus wished for that too, but He was spotless in His moral record! Let’s face it, in our sinfulness how many of us would want to be friends with a righteous and flawless human? I doubt any of us would since “misery loves company” and we take comfort in knowing others are just as sinful and flawed as we are, that we’re all in the same boat. Bloom goes on to say, “No one has experienced or understands the depths of loneliness like Jesus.” That should be an overwhelming comfort for our hearts as we look at Jesus, who forever enjoyed the joyful fellowship of the Trinity, but chose to come here and experience the lonely brokenness of lost friendships.
“What a Friend We Have in Jesus…”
The story behind this beloved hymn is a shockingly painful one. A young man called Joseph Scriven had everything that is to be had in the world. He was born in Ireland and grew up in a rich, educated, and joyful home and atmosphere. He initially pursued an army career, but his health failed him, so he settled down as a teacher and fell deeply in love with a sweet young woman.
The night before their wedding day, his fiancée was riding her horse to meet Joseph. As she crossed a river, her horse bucked, and she flew into the icy water and died.
Joseph was heartbroken but by God’s grace, he continued to live his life in humble worship and service to the Lord.
Eventually, he fell in love with another woman who just weeks before their wedding date, became very sick with pneumonia and passed away.
Most of us would doubt Jesus’ care through such tragedy but Joseph held onto Him with unbelievable faith.
Right before he died a friend came across a poem Joseph had once written to his ill mother and asked where he had gotten it. Joseph in response said, “The Lord and I did it between us.”
When All Friends Fade
The longer we spend on this earth, the more friendships will fade away. But there is a constant, faithful Friend who is standing by your side everywhere you go, and He loves and cares for you.
John 15:13 says, “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.”
By Jesus’ death on the cross, He proved that He is our greatest Friend who is able to carry and defend us through all the stormy trials of life. His love is unmatched, unsurpassed, and unequaled by any other. Share on XBy Jesus’ death on the cross, He proved that He is our greatest Friend who is able to carry and defend us through all the stormy trials of life. His love is unmatched, unsurpassed, and unequaled by any other. He is more than qualified to be the Friend you are looking for. Reach for Him and bring all your lonesome burdens, and He will give you the tender care and friendship you will never find elsewhere.
“Do thy friends despise, forsake thee?
Take it to the Lord in prayer;
In His arms He’ll take and shield thee,
Thou wilt find a solace there.”
thank you, Summer! this was beautiful <3
This was a great article Summer! Thank you for the encouragement!
Beautiful article, Summer! So encouraging to know that Jesus fully understands our loneliness and social struggles, too! Thankful that God worked through you to bless others, myself included, today! “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” is one of my favourite hymns, but knowing the backstory sheds a whole new light on it! Thank you!
You are so welcome! I’m glad you liked it!
Thank you so much!
Olivia, thank you for such an encouraging response! I’m so glad it was a blessing to you today and that you enjoyed reading it!
Thank you for this, it was beautifully written and so timely for me!
Hi Holly!
You are so welcome and I’m so grateful it was an encouragement to you! ♥️
This is such an encouraging post. This will definitely be such a source of an encouragement for lonely people.
Hey Lila!
Thank you so much. I surely hope it will!