rebelling against low expectations


Your Permission to Dream Small: It’s Not Always About Big Things


“So, what do you want to do after high school?” I asked my co-worker as we sat at the edge of the courtyard, our backs against the cold concrete wall. It was a hot summer day and cooling off in the shade was the perfect thing to do after a Wednesday at day camp. The last few children that hadn’t been picked up yet scampered around, playing four square or catch. “Well,” she said, “I want to be a...

To the Girl Who “Just Wants to be a Mom”—Don’t Be Ashamed of Your Calling


“What do you want to be when you grow up?” It was my least favorite question when I was a little girl. “Oh, I don’t know,” I would casually reply. In reality, I wanted to be a mom, but I couldn’t quite figure out why I was so ashamed of that. My parents were always supportive of my dream to get married and raise my own children someday. They love that this is still a dream of mine, which I...

Missing Milestones: Grieving What You Never Had


June is well underway; graduation parties, proms, grad walks, and ceremonies are all happening around you. For many people, this is exciting and meaningful, a way to mark the beginning of a new chapter in their lives. But for others, this time of year can be hard, because they never got those things. It makes me think of milestones I passed by with little thought. My family had just moved when I...

Should We Follow Our Dreams?


I follow my dreams. In fact, you do too. Each day, we form new dreams, develop old ones, and hold them up high as our ultimate destination. I have dreamed of becoming many things—a missionary, a doctor, a mom, a wife, a writer, a singer, and a princess, among other things. Although my dreams have changed with time and age, I have held on tightly to each one, often unwilling to let them go. I’ve...

What God Taught Me About Unfulfilled Dreams


August 18th, 2021, was one of the most challenging days I’ve ever experienced. I felt like an all-around failure. Despite how hard I prayed for God to make it happen, my dream got destroyed. Honestly, my mistake was not praying correctly. I wasn’t praying for God’s will to be done but was merely asking God to make my desire happen. When I did pray for Him to gain the glory in my...

When Your Dreams Die: Walking Through Grief and Finding Courage to Dream Again


When you hear the word dream, what immediately comes to mind? For me it’s Disney’s 2010 animated film “Tangled.” The humorous, perilous, and romantic retelling of the classic Rapunzel fairytale is all about dreams– chasing dreams, worthy dreams, frivolous dreams, and dreams coming true. We all have dreams, childhood longings, and future hopes. You may find yourself staring out into...

Your Dreams Can’t Save You


Savior. What does this word bring to mind for you? Undoubtedly, for those professing to be Christians or those who grew up in the church, Jesus crossed your mind. For others, perhaps it was a significant role model—a parent or grandparent who brought you where you are today. Maybe it has even been a dream or hope for the future, not a person, that you consider to have rescued you from a...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →