rebelling against low expectations


Navigating the Influence of TV: The Dilemma of Magic and Witchcraft


When my siblings and I were little, we gave little thought regarding what we watched on TV. Our lives were entertained by Thomas the Train, Bob the Builder, and of course, Veggie Tales. As we grew older, we moved on from our childhood movie favorites, and discovered other shows that engaged us. I quickly noticed that some of the content on the shows we watched wasn’t very Christ-like. Can you...

4 Pitfalls of Secular Music (and Cultivating Godly Listening Tastes)


I love music. I’m a musician and have music playing most of the day. I love listening to well-written songs, enjoy all different styles and genres, and I appreciate the craftsmanship and talent that goes into songwriting, mixing, and the whole creative process. In summary, if I had an obsession, it would be music. But I know that music is incredibly influential and have seen how it affects the...

Spotify and Saul: Thinking Like Christians About Popular Music


It’s no secret that I love music. The Spotify app on my computer is almost always open. I have several albums downloaded on my phone. I memorize the lyrics for my favorite songs and sing them at the top of my lungs when no one else is around. I play both violin and guitar whenever I have time, and I’ve even tried my hand at songwriting (rather poorly). It’s no secret that our culture loves music...

Is Fiction Less Important for Christians?


I still remember the delight of sitting on the living room floor and drinking hot chocolate while my mom read The Lord of the Rings aloud to me and my brothers. I remember how invested I was in each and every character, the excitement of seeing them struggle and overcome, the surprise of each plot point. I remember trying to decide who was my favorite character (pretty much every one of the...

Don’t Instagram Your Godliness


At risk of repeating the obvious: We’re living in the internet age. We communicate through emojis, learn through videos, and relate through pictures. We have surmounted the limitations of space, breaking her hold on us, as we can now communicate just as easily with those who live across the country as with those who live across the street. But we’re not just inhabitants of the...

The Powerful Impact of What You Watch


During my time off from work around Christmas, I ended up going down the black hole of YouTube. I don’t quite know how I got there, but I watched a few short films on domestic abuse and emotional manipulation within relationships. I was drawn into the plot, desperately hoping for the victim to stand up for themselves and escape! The next day, I had to talk with one of my friends about something I...

3 Ways A Biblical Worldview Impacts Your Daily Life


Editor’s Note: In this article, Debi unpacks three ways a biblical worldview impacts her daily life. For more information on the foundations of a biblical worldview, check out A Biblical Worldview: What It Is and Why It Matters. I hold a biblical worldview. This one statement has numerous implications. First, I believe that absolute moral truth exists and absolute truth is defined by the Word of...

Why I Gave Up Secular Music for Two Weeks (And What I Learned)


I’ve never had a talent for playing instruments. My voice isn’t all that great. In fact, I’m one of the least musical people you’ll ever meet. However, I love listening to music. While I’m getting ready in the morning, doing homework, and driving in the car… I always have music playing. Even now, as I write this post, I’m sitting outside with music playing on my phone in the background. A couple...

Why the News Media Won’t Just Give Us the Facts


I saw an advertisement recently claiming, “Unbiased News from a Christian Perspective.” In the comments, more than a few people pointed out the irony of that statement. We understand ourselves in the contexts of stories and narratives. This is how we make sense of the world. This “sense-making” takes place as we interpret our experiences in the context of the world around us. When we...

Be Careful, Christian, What You Post


“One of the great uses of Twitter and Facebook will be to prove at the Last Day that prayerlessness was not from lack of time.” – John Piper A Sober Reminder A smartphone in the hand of a human can often become more like an extra limb than a tool. Technological advancement has seen exponential growth over the last decade and has greatly entranced the masses. While not inherently wrong, our...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →