rebelling against low expectations


How Big are You? Remembering the Bigger Picture and Your Place in it


We humans often think of ourselves as the main character in our stories. Part of this is because we know ourselves better than anybody else does. We know what’s going on inside our heads, but we cannot tell what’s going on in others. We know our preferences and what we like better than anybody else in the world. The other side of this is that humans, in their sinful nature, are self-oriented. We...

The Self-Centered Nature of Self-Love


Self-love is an ideology that has taken our culture by storm. Messages of “you are enough,” “all you need is yourself,” and “to love others you have to love yourself first,” are plastered all over social media platforms. This idea sounds wonderful on the surface and appeals to the insecurities many of us face. But there are damaging worldview messages packed into these seemingly innocent phrases...

5 Important Foundations for Godly Leadership


My heart breaks every time I see another story. The ones where pastors are let go because of integrity issues and moral failures. The ones where leaders are fired for not leading and acting in the way the Bible commands them to. Adultery. Greed. Sexual immorality. It feels like the stories will never end, and in my heart, I feel hopelessness and grief settling in. What about you? Through each of...

It’s OK When You’re Weak—Because He is Strong


“I can do it.” Those four simple words were the embodiment of my attitude towards guys throughout my early teenage years. With the strong feministic views of society crowding my mind, I was not about to let anyone, especially a guy, help me. I was a strong, independent woman, and I could do it myself. I remember very clearly one afternoon at church, when we were all cleaning up after a church...

What Humility Is—And What it Isn’t


As I copied the words “humble and gentle” from Ephesians 4:2 into my journal, the list of problems I constantly faced ran through my mind. I was too quiet, too unsure. I needed confidence and boldness to speak up. Why should I focus on being humble? That seemed like the opposite. I was puzzled. Humility was something I’d figured out a while ago. I didn’t brag. I didn’t think I was the best...

How We Filter Our Friendships


It hit me like a ton of bricks. Someone had unfriended me on Facebook. My thoughts were fixated on understanding why they had deleted me. Was there something about the posts I shared that led them to remove me as a friend? Or maybe I was either too swift or slow in liking their posts for them to keep me as a friend? That’s when I realized: this person I considered a Facebook friend was only...

The Importance of Doing Hard Things in Humility


Last year, I decided I wanted to do a hard thing in the wake of the reversal of Roe v. Wade. I’m very passionate about fighting against abortion and helping young women and their babies. I consider it my holy ambition. So, I researched how I could help. Ultimately, I settled on holding a bake sale that would donate any profit to my local pregnancy resource center and the pro-life organization...

To The “Good Christian”— Stop Finding Worth in Your Goodness


To the one who grew up in a Christian family . . . To the one who memorized chapters of the Bible . . . To the one who wears T-shirts that read “child of the King”. I am speaking to the one who never rebelled against their parents, never went partying late at night and never shoplifted. I am speaking to the Christian who grew up with a false front marked “goodness.” I am speaking to people like...

Should Christians Cuss?


We spend a lot of our time asking the wrong questions. “What can I do or what can I get away with and still be a Christian?” “Is it sin if I do this?” We may not word our questions this way, but we ask them, nonetheless. The reality of what these questions show us is that we want to live a double life. We want to be able to indulge in the pleasures of sin while also maintaining our salvation. We...

You and Your Pen: Why the Words You Write Matter


Sometimes I have a hard time believing my words can make a difference. Writers get that – the risk, the uncertainty, the naysayers that tell us we will fail. Our world is made up of words – harmful, hurtful, loving, giving, grieving, cherished words. We spend our time rearranging the twenty-six letters of the alphabet, and even when we feel like we’ve crafted our finest, it’s just not good enough...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →