rebelling against low expectations

TagServing God

The Culture War: Gen-Z, Youth Group, & The End of Christian America


Stop feeding us pizza. Okay, I admit that was a strange way to start an article with such an intense title – but it got your attention, didn’t it? Now, let’s talk about Generation Z and the future of the Church within America. Culture Shift in the Church There is no denying the shift in the culture, but it seems not many understand what that looks like for this generation of teenagers. Otherwise...

My Prayer as a Young Christian Writer


7 A.M. rolled around, and I felt fresh. God’s words were alive. Ideas flowed fast. I would dig through Scripture until something caught my eye that I could carry to my desk, and then I spent an hour typing up pages in my pajamas. Those pages worked nicely for Sunday blog posts. I sometimes wondered if a big Christian website might peek at them. And do you know what? Being a young Christian writer...

5 Practical Ways to Serve the Elderly In Your Life


Recently, I wrote about how important it is to serve despite any lies the devil might feed us (find that article here). As I pondered the topic more, I thought about the situation the world is in at the moment. Many of you may be thinking that yes, serving sounds great, but how do I do that now? If the last article covered serving in theory, this one covers one aspect of how to put this into...

3 Lies That Keep Teens from Serving (And 3 Reasons Why They Should)


Doing the dishes, going shopping for an elderly church member, or tidying up a Sunday-school room. All this is serving. Serving is usually done in the hidden. Often, it is the “dirty jobs” or jobs done behind the scenes. On the surface, serving is as easy as picking up a broom and sweeping up after a meal–and yet, I so often see that many teens shrink back from taking the initiative when it...

The Bible Is Still A Book: 3 Forgotten Tips on Studying


The Bible isn’t magic, but sometimes we treat it as if it is. We see it as a horoscope, or a magic pill, that by simply popping in each morning, we will receive all we need. Like an oracle of old, we come to it with our questions, and it will spit out the answer to our queries. Each morning devotion tells us exactly how to live that day, every quiet time automatically encourages us, and with only...

Warning: Following Jesus is Not Cost-Free


Following Christ will cost you… are you still willing? When selling a product, we as humans like to only mention all the positive benefits. Just imagine: You want your friend to come join you on a kayaking trip. What will you tell him or her? Well, you’ll mention the wonderful scenery, of course. The lush green woods around the lake. You tell him or her that it is the ultimate experience in...

Live With Purpose (But Make Sure It Doesn’t Destroy You)


Many distractions battle for our souls on a daily basis, but there is One who is worthy of our full attention. With all this noise, it can be hard to focus on what really matters. There are countless external voices vying for our attention. Even our own internal voices can get out of control. Our ambitions can trap us. Our worries can entangle us. Our striving can entrench us in chaos of our own...

Does God Hear Me When I Pray?


Prayer is one of the key foundations of faith. Much of our faith, as Christians, hinges upon it, and without it, we are rendered completely unable to grow in relationship with Christ. A Christian’s spiritual walk involves prayer from the beginning to the end. From praying to first accept Christ to praying our last words on our deathbed, prayer is deeply rooted within the life of every...

Do The Right Thing, Even When It’s the Hardest Thing


What comes to mind when you hear the word hero? Do you see a man or woman with biceps the size of a soccer-ball flying through the air, cape floating behind them and fist leading the way? Or, do you think of someone who has had a significant impact on your life, such as a parent or teacher that helped you achieve or overcome something? It seems like everyone wants to be a hero. Everyone wants to...

Was The Cross an Act of Love or Murder?


You love me Jesus, it’s a mystery. You know my faults, You know my wrongs, and You still love me. As I scrolled through Instagram earlier this week, a post shared by one of my friends caught my eye. Clicking through to the original post, I pulled back in shock. Jon Steingard, known to me only as the lead singer of the Christian band Hawk Nelson, was renouncing his faith. While their most...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →