rebelling against low expectations


What If Sickness Keeps Me From Graduating?


It was four years ago, around this time of year. The flat was silent, empty. I had just arrived home from university. I didn’t even take my coat off. I just dropped my backpack, sank down on the floor, and cried my eyes out. It would be two more years before the doctors worked it out, and by that time I was resigned to how my life was changing–how it would have to change if my...

Glorifying God with Your Covid-19 Quarantine


Have you ever seen a ship battle a storm? I know it feels like we’re weathering our own storm right now, but I want to focus on another aspect to storms. I’ve always wondered what a sailor would feel in the face of a storm at sea. Once, I heard a sailor remark, “In a storm, what you really hope for is that no one building the ship took any shortcuts.” That left me thinking. How often do we take...

5 Things To Remember When The Coronavirus Cancels Your Life


The world is changing all around us. For students in high school and college, it can feel like everything has been cancelled or is about to be cancelled. School. Church. Youth group. Field trips. Movie theaters. Everything. The gymnastics tournament you’ve been training for all year? Cancelled. The musical you were supposed to perform in next month? Cancelled. That mission trip you’ve been...

Faith in the Face of Coronavirus


Every year has its fears—but this year has had more than its share of them. We’ve had fires, threats of war, and now this unknown that could be hiding anywhere among us—the Coronavirus. There are a hundred things we want to do. Be afraid. Hide. Use every bottle of hand sanitizer. Stock up on toilet paper. Live in a hazmat suit. As we see more and more people come down with this virus, it seems...

Precious Lessons From Time Spent in Bed


We love to think much of ourselves and have others think much of us. All of us, at some time or another, will find ourselves seeking out ways to show others how “attractive” we are. This is human nature — our sin nature. We can fight the temptation to strive for man’s approval, but in our depravity we will always reach a point of failure. Thankfully, I am greatly blessed to have been given...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →