rebelling against low expectations

Search results forChronic illness

You’re Not The Only Chronic Illness Warrior


“I can’t, but thanks for the invite.” The sentence echoes on my lips, spoken to more people than I remember. I don’t know about you, but I don’t like to say no. I thrive on adventure and exploration. I’m a social butterfly. And yet, I’ve said so many no’s I never wanted to. I wasn’t always this way. But when I first got sick as a young teen, I watched as “out of sight, out of mind” became a...

Doing Hard Things with a Chronic Illness with Sara Willoughby


How do you do hard things…when you can’t even get out of bed? Sara Willoughby—long-time rebelutionary and author of He’s Making Diamonds: A Teen’s Thoughts on Faith Through Chronic Illness—was given a few months to live at the age of 15. Over the course of several years, she was diagnosed with Lyme disease, toxic mold poisoning, and MCS. In this honest and vulnerable conversation, we talk about...

When You Love Someone With a Chronic Illness


When someone we love receives a chronic illness diagnosis, it is easy to feel helpless. It doesn’t matter if they are our younger brother, our mother, or our best friend. We can still feel like we are too young to help them. For most of us chronic illness is huge and scary and unknown. What can we possibly do? Yet you don’t have to be a certain age to love someone. Love is about relationships...

Why I’m Grateful for My Chronic Illness


I began developing the symptoms of my multiple chronic illnesses at the age of 13. People always seem to feel sorry for me about the early onset of my illnesses, and have expressed their sympathy by saying things like, “You’re too young to be sick.” This may sound crazy, but I have learned to view my suffering in a different way. God has taught me to see it as a blessing. Life...

Three Truths For The Chronically Ill Teen


My heart broke as yet another chronically ill teen unwittingly voiced questions and struggles I’d heard over and over again. Most of us don’t know it, but we all seem to have the same questions. Perhaps there are some variations in wording and scenarios, but those questions you are ashamed to verbalize? So many others have wondered the same things. You know what? It’s okay to ask those questions...

3 Truths for The Teenager Worried About Money


How do I pay for Christmas gifts? How do I pay for gas? How will I support myself when I graduate? What job should I get? Have I saved enough for college? Should I take out student loans? Is my budget realistic? What will happen if I accidentally mess up my taxes? We have endless questions (and fears) about finances. I was terrified as I prepared to move out and support myself for the first time...

A Letter to the Bleeding Soul-Rest in the Hands of God


I had an unplanned chat with God today. I sat on the cold floor, crying. He sat with me, Said, “I see you trying.” I spilled my heart out, Bleeding, tired. He held my hand, Waiting, quiet. He didn’t say much… Allowed my heart to fall apart. So, I watched it rip to pieces, Leaving scars I can’t erase. Fractured bits swirled in the waters, He took my hand and held my gaze. And then, I stood, So...

Stars in Mordor: Discovering Hope in The Lord of The Rings


A company of twinkling stars do battle against an ever-growing darkness. A clash of glittering hope and ravaging despair that does not even spare its own servants. While an army of starlit souls press on the black tides, two lone stars have crossed the line of shadows to thrust the light into its ever-darkening heart. Within this pair a different battle wages, it is one thing to press against a...

3 Reasons to Rejoice No Matter What


There are many things in life that can get us down. Daily struggles and difficult situations try to steal our joy all the time. This is something I personally have experienced in my life. But God doesn’t want us to live in constant sorrow. In fact, He came so that we might experience His joy even in the middle of our struggles and hard seasons. Here are three reasons we can rejoice in the Lord...

Waiting on God When Life Feels Like a Waiting Room


Do you feel stuck in a season of waiting?  Waiting for a relationship. Waiting for healing from chronic illness. Waiting to graduate.  Waiting for the next season of life. Waiting… waiting… waiting. There are so many things we wait for in life. In this episode, Sara and Tabitha share about things they’re waiting for and how to keep hoping, trusting, and living in seasons of...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →