Picture in your minds a six-year-old boy; curious, slightly mischievous, and easily impressed by the strength and talents of grownups. So, when a maintenance man comes to fix his family’s furnace the six-year-old is standing right outside the furnace closet, watching and admiring.
While he is watching and admiring he notices something he has never noticed before: a small hole in the side panel of the furnace that the repairman is using to gain access to the furnaces inner workings. An idea sneaks into this little boy’s head. This is his chance to do adult work!
So, when the repairman finishes the job, switches BACK ON the breaker which powers the furnace, and drives away, the six-year-old boy finds a screwdriver, shuts himself in the dark closet, and prepares to plunge the screwdriver into the hole – where 240 volts of electricity await him.
Now, for those of you who are getting worried about the well-being of this sweet, darling little boy — don’t worry. I can assure with special authority that he doesn’t die. You see, this sweet, darling little boy was me.
So there I was in the dark, darkness of the closet, and I plunge my screwdriver into the dark, darkness of the hole. And suddenly there was brilliant light! There was a flash, and a poof, and a PSzzzzzzzz, and the smell of burnt plastic filled the air.
In a complete daze I stumbled out into the living area of house where my entire family, who had heard the sound and observed the lights flicker, were all frozen in mid-motion. My face was black, my eyes were bursting out of my head, and my hair was going poof. But I was alive! And I was alive because my screwdriver was dead. My little screwdriver was bent, blackened, and the peculiar smell of melting plastic came from the plastic handle — which had melted over my hand.
Now, this was just one of many near death experiences for me as a child. I recently discovered that the odds of dying from accidental electrocution are 1 in 9,968. I’m not sure whether I raised or lowered my odds with that incident.
Odds of Dying, Any Cause: 1 in 1 (100%)
I once came across a handy chart that presents the odds of dying from a number of various causes. Some of it was surprising. For instance, a person is more likely to die from a bee sting than from a flood, earthquake, or lighting. The least likely cause of death listed was “fireworks discharge” at 1 in 340,733 — though I have some friends who seem to want to make death by fireworks a more common occurrence.
At the top of the chart was this category — Odds of Dying, Any Cause: 1 in 1 (100%). The article accompanying the chart begins, “You are going to die. It’s going to happen. But how you die is the great mystery of your life.”
In one sense we think too little about death and too much of death. Too little in that we hardly live as if life is but a fleeting breath — and too much in that we spend our lives running away from the finish line. The world says, “Don’t think about death, but be afraid of death.” God says, “Think about death, but don’t be afraid of death.”
The title of this new series is, “Not Too Young To Die” — based on a message I delivered at a missions conference last month. I share it with you, not as an expert on the topic of death, but simply as one who is not too young to die.
Some questions for discussion:
- Have you had any near death experiences? Tell us about them.
- When was the last time you really thought about death?
- Would you describe yourself as afraid of death? Be honest.
- Death is generally considered a morbid subject. As Christians, should we think about death? If so, how should we think about death? If not, why shouldn’t we think about death?
Yikes. Just ONE of your near death experiences?
Well, my closest near-death experience might have been birth. I was born blue, but nurses revived me, and I was rushed off to surgery. I had a quarter sized hole in my back, where part of my spinal cord was sticking out. I have spina bifida, and am paralyzed from the knees down. But besides that, I don’t really have lasting effects.
Abigail 🙂
As someone who relies on God as a source of love and understanding each and every day, it’s easy to feel happy about eternity– the life after death, and I’m not afraid. I thank God each and every day for that, but that doesn’t mean I’m wasting my life either. Great post, I can’t wait to read the next instalments!
Sounds like something I would have done as a child, and truth be told, I probably did more things close to this than I care to remember! My darling mother, on the other hand… 🙂
My most recent near-death experience was my car accident last July. I was driving a ’94 Ford Escort wagon, stopped in traffic on the interstate, and was rear-ended by a 2000 Chevy Trailblazer; you do the math. It was scary, and my car didn’t survive, but I did, after an ambulance ride to the hospital to get poked, prodded and x-ray’d.
I don’t know offhand when I last really thought about death, but one time that comes to mind was about five years ago, after my dad died unexpectedly. It was a tough time, and this was years before I found the Rebelution (and before it existed in its current form, I suspect). I was far from prepared for his death, and I definitely wasn’t ready for what happened after; all the things that have to be done in the wake of a death. Bank accounts to close, funeral arrangements to be made, people to notify, and so much more, and that’s even before you give yourself a chance to come to terms with what has happened, which I didn’t for a couple of weeks. It was after a youth service (I’m a youth leader at my church) when the worship team sang “Worth It All” by Rita Springer that I finally just sat down and cried, let it all out, and finally started healing. Looking back, I can see how God’s hand was moving through the whole thing, and how He saw me through everything, surrounding me with people who helped me through what is, to date, the darkest chapter of my life.
Am I afraid of death? Not anymore. This question always makes me think of the movie Hook, with Robin Williams playing Peter Pan and Dustin Hoffman as Captain Hook, and Peter Pan’s line “To die would be a grand adventure,” to which Hook replies, “Death is the only adventure you have left.” I really do believe this is true; to die will be a great adventure, into the great unknown, into the arms of the Savior who laid down His life for me, and to finally leave behind this physical body that so many times weighs me down and holds me back from that which the spirit is willing to do.
“No guilt in life, no fear in death, this is the power of Christ in me. From life’s first cry, to final breath, Jesus commands my destiny. No power of hell, no scheme of man, can ever pluck me from His hand. Til He returns, or calls me home, here in the power of Christ I’ll stand.” ~In Christ Alone, Getty/Townsend
Your section title reminds me of the quote from Bella when the main character said she’d done a lot of research and found that ten out of ten people die. The question is, ultimately, what meaning will your death have?
As Christians we should think about death–we’re told to be ready for “that day”. Death is an enemy, but Jesus has conquered it and transformed it into a gateway to life. Personally, I’m not afraid of death…just afraid of dying. I know I shouldn’t be, though I think it is natural…it helps me when I think of it as birth into a new life.
I think Christians should most certainly think about death. When we die, we either go to Heaven or Hell- hopefully Heaven. We need not only to be prepared for death and the ultimate meeting with our Savior, but we need to live our life on this earth to its fullest potential for Him. So, we don’t want to constantly think about death etc. but we do need to give some thought to it.
One other thing is whitnessing. We have to mention death then (more or less), and Christians we are called to “go forth and preach the good news.”
wow. thanks for sharing. i’m still pondering those questions. thanks a lot.
I’m going to answer number three and say yes, I am scared of death.
I haven’t ever really had a near death experience (unless you count almost killing myself trying to peel potatoes little while ago). I went rapelling this summer, and that was pretty scary, and one of my friends fell halfway down the 50 ft. cliff before somebody caught her about 5 ft. from the bottom.
I think about death quite a bit, like wondering if I would be ready to die.
I don’t think I’m that afraid of death itself; it’s just how I die is what I have a problem with.
As Christians, we should ponder if we are ready to die for our beliefs. I don’t think death should be that sad because, when we die, we’ll be in Heaven.
Wow. It sounds like something my brother would have done. : )
The last time I though about death? Maybe a few months ago.
Truthfully, I’m not really afraid of dying.. Just more of the way I die.
I’m not really sure how to answer the last question. I’ll think on it for awhile.
I have to say I never really think about how I will die, but I think about my earthly body dieing and how awesome it will be in heaven with God. I just can’t imagine what it will exactly be like but I really do want to meet my Lord and Savior.
But yes lots of people are scared of death, I am not scared because I know that I will go to heaven. If you are unsure or have not excepted Jesus as your Savior I can see how it would be scarey thinking about dieing. I have not always been unafraid of dieing. As a child and young teen I was but now I am assured a new life.
In Christ,
This was an amazing post and I can’t tell you guys enough how much you have helped me grow spiritually!
The last time I thought about death was before I was saved. In fact that was what saved me, I didn’t want to think about spending eternity in Hell. I wanted to be with Jesus! So I asked God to save me and he rescued me from my sin filled life! I’m still in awe that He would save me just like that… no strings attached! When I think about death now, I’m excited! I will be able to be with Jesus!!! I can’t wait till that day!
Sometimes we tend to think that life just goes on and on, but really it is just a breath of air, so we need to live like we are going to die the next minute. Do you live like that? Like there is no tomorrow?
Well anyways I just wanted to share that and thank you guys again!!!
I have never really had any “near-death” situations (not that i remember off hand anyway)
but I have thought about death, at one point I was scared of death (even though I was saved) I think that fear wasn’t really of not being sure I would go to heaven, it was more of a fear of what I could not see, I mean, would I be sad if someone I dearly loved (say an unsaved relative) died and went to hell? it all just seemed very uncertain.
I no longer have that “fear” though I do wonder sometimes about heaven, it is not in fear anymore, it is in a hope, I cannot wait till I meet Jesus face to face!!! its such an exciting thought!
I remeber this story from the conferece you had in AL a few years ago. Great illustration!
(1) You know, I don’t think I have had any near-death experiences, at least that I can remember!
(2) The last time I thought about death? Besides right now, this morning.
(3) Am I afraid of death? No. I know that my physical body will die, but my spirit will be alive forever, safe in the realm of God.
(4) That’s a tough one. Yes, I think as Christians we should think of death. We should think of death as a death that our old self must die, so that we can live for God. Romans 6:11 says “In the same way, count yoursevles dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus.”
“Have you had any near death experiences? Tell us about them.” No, not that I know of any way:D
“When was the last time you really thought about death?” This past week, my brother has been having some heart issues, not near death, but I still have thought of it a lot.
“Would you describe yourself as afraid of death? Be honest.” I am not scared of dieing, I am more scared of how painful my death will be. (Selfish, I know)
“Death is generally considered a morbid subject. As Christians, should we think about death? If so, how should we think about death? If not, why shouldn’t we think about death?” I think Christians should think of death as a good thing. After death really comes life(For Christians)
Your Sister In Christ,
I had a high fever and seizure when I was four and had to be rushed to the hopsital, but I don’t remember how close to dying i came. As for whether or not I fear death, I’m not afraid of being dead; it’s more the action of dying and how I do it…and also wondering what things will be left undone when I do leave this world.
The last time I have thought about death was today, actually. There was a funeral at my church. I didn’t know the guy personally, but my dad (the pastor) visited him in the hospital and said he was not open to the things of God. He hadn’t been to church in years, but was still a member.
Honestly, I don’t think I am afraid of death itself, but of what will happen in Heaven. I know I will go to Heaven, but I’m afraid that when I get there I will have regrets. I will regret not giving all I had to God, not witnessing every chance I had, not serving God with all my might.
Yes, I think we should talk about death, so we’re prepared. Death will be a suprise no matter what, but we should be ready. We should especially talk about death when we’re witnessing, so we get the person concerned about hell and then we can share the gospel.
I had to have an emergancy blood transfusion at the age of 15 – apparently I was very close to death when they discovered I had severe anaemia…which was mainly my fault, as I hate hospitals and even though I knew I was sick, I didnt go tell anybody until I was passing out at work three times a day. The worst part of the whole ideal (and yet also the best) was that the doctors couldnt find anything wrong with me.
This created a severe anxiety disorder, because I was worried I would just drop dead at any moment one day – or go to sleep and not wake up.
But I dont regret that experience. It was during that time, I realised that my anxiety was caused by my fear of death, and it caused me to conquer it. It also made me realise that my life was too earth centred and not eternity centred. Many times I used to think “God, dont take me now, I have so much I want to do.”
Now I have no fear of death, nor the timing of it. Mainly because God is the one who will take me, and He will take me in perfect timing. Nothing will be left undone or lost when I go – instead I will gain everything. During my severe anxiety, I prayed to God during every attack ‘Lord, put eternity in my heart’ as the Scriptures said He would. And He did.
I have no anxiety now.
Praise Him.
1. I don’t know how near death this experience was, but I found out recently that I have some physical heart issues and at first the doctors made it sound like I could have a heart attack at any moment. Other than that I don’t think I have had any other experiences.
2. Other than now? Not really sure. It probably was recent though…
3. Probably more afraid of the way I die than death itself. When I die I know I am going to see my heavenly father and the one who died for me, but I am still human and worry about how I will die. Though God has been good and corrects me when I think that way.
4. I think we should think about death. We should think about it in the way that it is time for us to see our God who became flesh and died for our sins.
Under Grace,
Caleb Nathaniel
Oh yeah,
I do think that Christians should be continually thinking about death – not death itself but the eternity afterwards.
The more you think of eternity, the less interested you will be in the things of earth (the sins and pleasures of it).
The hope of eternity creates a deep gratitude, amazing peace, and the willingness to be more selfless in our (less than) 100 years of earth.
Thanks for this post, it’s really made me think. My mom and I were just talking about this last night. When I was seven we were almost in a car accident. All I remember is watching a semi slide sideways towards us through a snow storm and my mom screaming. Moments later, after the semi missed us, another car was coming directly towards us. I remember my mom asking me to pray out loud, because she felt unable. As a little girl, although frightened, the reality of death was far from my mind. Now, looking back, I realize that it was all God’s hand protecting us.
Although I haven’t faced any situations like this recently, I have often thought about how fleeting life is! Yes, sometimes I wonder when I will die, and how. That’s not the most pleasant subject to think about, and sometimes I start to worry. I am extremely thankful, though, that Christians do not have to be slaves to the fear of death. I’m a person who, apart from Christ, probably would be. We will spend forever in the presence of God, delighting in Him, and that’s exciting.
I think Christians need to be aware of death, and the fact that we do not have all the time in the world. Otherwise, we would not make good use of the time we do have! It is motivation to spread the gospel. Saying that, I don’t think we need to be constantly afraid of it, so much so that we have a hard time trusting in the sovereignty of God.
hmmm… near death experiences.. there have probably been so many times when i have stepped in front of the car on the street and could’ve been killed. Another time is when I had the surgery to remove my tonsils, I was just thinking the other day that if the doctor had his arm bumped he could’ve grazed something in my mouth that could’ve have bled so much that I might’ve ended up dying but God protected me and the doctor from getting bumped at all. I am very thankful to God. The last time I thought about death was when my niece Felicity Margaret Piper (My brother Abraham and and his wife Molly’s baby) was stillborn on September 22, 2007. I cried a lot and thought A LOT about death then and about God. I am a little afraid of death because I have never gone through it so I don’t know how it will feel. But to be honest, I am more excited at seeing God on his throne and Jesus on his right hand side and the glory and the angels and Heaven itself, that frankly I am definitely more excited than afraid… I think that we as christians need to talk about death because someday we will be dying and we need to know for a fact where are we going after we die. Heaven or Hell? We defiantly need to figure that out before we die, wouldn’t you say so people? So yes we as christians should talk about death with each other so that if ever someone is confused about Heaven or Hell or where they are going, we can help and aid them in figuring that out and we should always use the greatest instructions and helpful wisdom book ever, The Holy Bible. That is all I have to say and I hope you as christians really talk about death, talk about Heaven and Hell, and talk about where you personally are going as well as where your family and friends are going…. BLESSINGS!
The only near death experience I can remember clearly is when I was four months old, as a premature baby I couldn’t breath very well and soon I was struggling for my life. The doctors even told my parents that I would not survive, but God had another plan.
The last time I thought about death seriously was when the head pastor of my church did a message talking about when God comes back to earth. He talked about something I had never heard about or even thought about,he said when we die we do go to heaven but in the end we go back to earth with God. That was a new thought for me.
I look forward to dying and being with my Father but there is always a hint of fear in my mind because I don’t know how it will feel too die or how it will feel to live eternally.
As Christians we should think about death, and we should talk about it too. We need to look forward to death because that is when we are made completely new in Christ and given new bodies to worship Him, but even though we should think about death we do need to focus about the season of life God has put us in.
Thanks so much for posting this! God bless you!
I am looking forward to death, but not the process… I don’t really like pain, but Heaven will be wonderful! At this moment I cannot think of any near death experiences, although it is interesting to think of how many times we might have been there without knowing it and God protected us. This is an interesting topic. Once when I was babysitting a 5 year old girl from a non-Christian family, we were talking about our grandparents. I mentioned that my grandma died when I was 5 and she glared at me and said, “Died is a bad word. Don’t say that!” I didn’t argue, but I thought how sad it was that she was so right. For non-Christians death is a bad word, it brings God’s eternal wrath. For me (and my Grandma) it is a release from sin and pain to an eternity rejoicing in God’s presence! How wonderful is that!
1.)Have you had any near death experiences? Tell us about them.
Not that I know of.
2.) When was the last time you really thought about death?
Well, a few minutes ago as I was reading your message. Before that… I don’t know,
most weeks I spend a few minutes thinking about it.
3.)Would you describe yourself as afraid of death? Be honest.
You got me there. Honestly, I would say yes, I am afraid of death, though I’m not afraid of dying. The thought of dying soon often scares me, I think of all things I haven’t done, or that I should have done. It’s rather embarrasing to admit this, but I’m afraid of a few aspects of heaven. I look forward to seeing my Saviour and meeting all of my fellow Christians…. but if I dwell on the subject I start to become afraid, but that’s a long story.
4.)Death is generally considered a morbid subject. As Christians, should we think about death? If so, how should we think about death? If not, why shouldn’t we think about death?
I would say yes, Christians should think about death, but not bsessivly dwell on the subject.
Have you had any near death experiences? Tell us about them. One time my older sister and I were driving home from church on a really busy highway. It was raining very heavy and all of a sudden Kara lost control of the car. The car went around in circles a few times and then went towards a cliff on the side of the highway. Thank God abundantly He let us smash into the gaurdrail or else there would have been a really high chance that eternity would have been our next second.
When was the last time you really thought about death? Right after the car accident (which was last year) I thought about it alot. And then of course while I was reading your article, which is really good!
Would you describe yourself as afraid of death? Be honest. Um… sometimes. If I read stories of Christian martyrs that died these torturous deaths with a lot of pain involved, yea… I cringe thinking about it.
Death is generally considered a morbid subject. As Christians, should we think about death? If so, how should we think about death? If not, why shouldn’t we think about death? Yes, in the case of our salvation and eternal destiny but we shouldn’t dwell on it.
Ouch! Didn’t that hurt? My guess is your mom held you so tight and then once she got over her crying fit gave you the scolding of a life time! :). But to be serious, I personally think Satan is after you and Alex. He realizes what you both are doing and is going to do anything to stop you. He will try with all his might to crush, destroy, and even kill you. But thankfully, we have a wonderful God. If we put our trust in him he will not allow Satan near us! Stay close to God and his word always guys!
Have you had any near death experiences? Tell us about them.
Oh yeah, I have had plenty of them. I was born a month pre-mature and had a lot of trouble breathing. When I was three I fratured my skull. When I was six, ten, and eleven I almost drowned, once in a little floating innertube that had overturned, once when I got two very painful cramps in both my legs and couldn’t do anything but sink to the bottom, and another time when I just swallowed a lot of water and couldn’t breath. When I was twelve I got an ice cube lodged in my throat (till my dad used the heimliech maneuver on me :)). When I was thirteen I almost got bit by a snake, although I don’t know if it was poisonous or not. Oh, I almost forgot, when I was seven I disobeyed my mom on a trip to Mexico and went to close to a wild dog. The moment I came near him he jumped on my back, making me fall heavily to the ground. I don’t quite remember what happened then, other than I somehow got up and ran faster than I ever had before.
When was the last time you really thought about death?
Two days ago actually. I was thinking of my grandma and that she may not be with us much longer.
Would you describe yourself as afraid of death? Be honest.
Being a Christian, Christ has given me peace and I am no longer afraid of death :). But I am afraid of the pain of death. I hope that when I die (If the Lord has not come back by then) it will not be very painful.
Death is generally considered a morbid subject. As Christians, should we think about death?
Yes. We do need to be thinking of death. If we are not thinking of it then we are not thinking of other’s souls. Everyone is going to die and we as Christians need to be out witnessing to others and bringing them to Christ’s saving grace. Think on death as where you and other people are going to be and you will be very motivated to go spead God’s word.
God bless!
Sarah. 🙂
Brett and Alex,
Thank you for this thought-provoking post, as well as the time you have put into the other countless work and conferences you guys do.
As a Christian, I do not fear death. I believe that we are to fear God alone, and I know that I am in His hands – when He calls me home, I will joyfully go. It is an adventure that I am actually looking forward to, because I trust in God’s complete sovereignty, and that His will for my life is the best possible thing that I would ever want to be doing.
Our church just completed a sermon series on “Death and the Afterlife”. I believe it is proper for Christians to be thinking about these things – as what happens after death matters far more in some ways that what happens here, because this life is just temporal, whereas our eternal life either with or apart from God is… everlasting. Which should spur us on to love and good deeds, including proclaiming the Gospel to every creature.
“If sinners will be damned, at least let them leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unprayed for.” – Charles Spurgeon (Spurgeon At His Best, compiled by Tom Carter, (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1991 reprinted edition, first published 1988), 67. ) (http://www.founders.org/journal/fj33/editorial.html)
“Prepare to meet thy God…” – Amos 4:12
In Christ Alone,
* Have you had any near death experiences? Tell us about them.
Yes. I was anorexic and I almost killed myself because I thought that the beauty and the meaning and the Life and glory was in myself – in the way my body looked. Swimming in my rebellious pride, I worshiped myself and my own rules in my own little world with its own fake reality. I almost drowned.
* When was the last time you really thought about death?
Today. I was talking with a friend who just experienced the death of another friend by drug overdose.
* Would you describe yourself as afraid of death? Be honest.
No. Just nervous and excited at the thought of the resurrection. Well, every once in a while a tiny wave of fear will cross my mind. I wonder “Will I make it?” But that is eclipsed by Jesus’ very words: THE LAST ENEMY TO BE DESTROYED IS DEATH. And I’m going to be there, praising Him. I am not afraid.
* Death is generally considered a morbid subject. As Christians, should we think about death? If so, how should we think about death? If not, why shouldn’t we think about death?
Yes, we should think about death. We have nothing to be afraid of. Jesus has set us free from the fear of death. He holds the key of death and Hades. That’s the point. He died FOR me. I will not experience what he experienced in the Place of the Dead. It’s this truth that allows Paul to say “To live is Christ and to die is gain.” GAIN?! We are running to win a PRIZE, a CROWN of life! There’s nothing in the Bible that says we are to be remotely afraid of death. We are truly “passing on to our reward”.
Well, I feel the same as many people when I say I’m not afraid of being dead, just how I’m going to die and how much it hurts. I agree with Talitha that I’m very excited about seeing Jesus and that Christians should talk about death. And I wanted to share this funny story about my mom. When she was little, she thought that an electrical outlet looked strikingly like a keyhole. So she decided to see what exactly would happen if she stuck a key into it. After doing so, she zoomed across the room, bumped into her mom, and her fingers were black. And it was all very exciting to say the least. I never did that though. 😀 And Talitha, I believe my sister knows you, does Mary Brennan sound familiar? Just curious…
You guys…from shower issues to trying to electrocute oneself, to having the biggest teen blog out there, is there anything you don’t do?
hmm…those are good questions…
1. my life betrays me…i have a perfectly safe life and i hate it…i never even get close to a paper cut. so no, never been near death, sad to say.
2. i thought seriously about death last week when we were talking to some very close friends whose dad died in january…i think about death a lot now, because this was the first death that i’ve experienced that has been close…it troubles me…
3. afraid of death? no. the cause of my death? yes. i really don’t want to be burned alive or anything like that…MAYBE gun to the head…
4. i think about death a lot. ever since our friends’ dad died, it’s kind of troubled me. i think i may have them read these posts.
When I was young, I used to have these moments that I defined with a word…maybe heaven…maybe
When I was a young girl, I remember having moments-God moments-where I was fully in His presence and had total awe. He wrapped me in pure peace and love and it seemed like the holy spirit had covered me entirely. I remember it was about one thing-one word. When ever I thought about it or spoke it He came back to me. It would happen in the car, in my bedroom, at school, anywhere. He was everywhere.
Then I was in middle school. Negative influences, people, thoughts and temptations came pouring in. Yes, I withstood them, with God’s miraculous help, but my faith dwindled. My fire began to go out. I felt I had lost Him.
Suddenly, I remembered it. That place with God. Where I was His little angel.
I tried to say that word, speak that word, write it down-anything- but I forgot it. I forgot that one word. The word that held me closest to Him.
A few years later when I was in grade eight, I finally asked my self questions. God revealed to me that I didn’t know if I was going to heaven. I didn’t know what was going to happen when I died. I prayed that He’d show Himself to me, and He did. Only a few months later.
Heaven and the security of my Lord and Saviour was what brought me back and I’m sure it was what held little Faith strong when I was a young girl.
It’s quite interesting what many are afraid of and try to ignore was what kept me strong and brought me back to Him-my ‘Daddy’.
When in God, your Faith determines who you are and what you will become. Death is just a barrier, a fence or cage, if you will, that can restrain you from what Faith defines. Or it can challenge you to conquer what Satan doesn’t want you to conquer. Isn’t death what Christ came to earth to destroy?
Yes, it may be some what alarming but in God, and ONLY in God, can we be fearless.
And yes, by the way, as you can tell…I do think about death somewhat often but more- a lot more- on the conquering side Kind of like what the blog states about God sayiong, “Think about death, but don’t be afraid of death.”:P (Also, don’t think I’m telling you to totally throw death out the window. Many think hell satan, and death shouldn’t be dealt with and talked of all the while it is in the holy bible*. )
Anyways, excuse the spelling and grammar and thanks for reading my super-long answer
Satan is after you and your brother because of the work you are doing. Don’t let him win!
I believe that God has something big in store for my life. Satan has tried to kill me since the moment I was born. The docters were afraid I would be born dangerously premature. But my Mom and Dad prayed that I would be born after at least 34 weeks. I was born, on the dot, at 34 weeks.
When I was about 5, my sister and I were playing with the nightlight in her room. She had the bright idea that she should unscrew the light bulb and stick her finger in it. She got a small shock and called to me. She convinced me to stick my finger in too. Woweee!!! Don’t think that my sister is a very bad girl; she was only 7.
The scariest moment of my life was 4. My mom was in the living room of our house watching TV that night when she heard a gigantic thump coming from her bedroom. She looked all around the house but couldn’t figure out what had happened. She decided to check on me and my siblings to make sure we were alright. I was sleeping on the top bunk in a bed I was sharing with my brother. My mom came in just in time to see me somehow fall over the side of my bed and get caught in between the bed and the wall. My brother woke up hearing my mom screaming for him to get up. They moved the bed in time but my mom still thinks that there might have been something supernatural going on. By the way, we never found out the thump was.
As Christians, we shouldn’t be afraid death; but we should be concerned that we die in a manner that gives honour to Christ.
Oops! I forgot to mention one more thing. When I was only seven years old I plugged in my night light and pulled out the bulb. I have no idea why I did this, but I then put my finger in the socket. Poop! Hiss! Boom! Every hair on my head stood up and my whole body started to ache. That only lasted a few seconds though. And yes, I then called my brother (Willberforce) and told him to stick his finger in. Don’t ask me why. 😉
God bless!
Sarah. 🙂
The last time I thought about death was when my Great Grandma died about a week ago. Honestly, I am afraid of death, more specifically, how I am going to die. But it says in the Bible to not be afraid of death and dying, because God gives us Christians everlasting peace and we have the assurance of where we are going. But think about those who are afraid of death and dying, and do not know Christ as their personal Lord and Savior?
My nearest brush with death was on a backpacking trip I took with church friends. We hiked in all day and spent a fun day at the lake. That night we read psalm 34 focusing on the verse “The angel of the Lord encamps round them that fear Him.” After letting our fire die down the 6 of us split up into 2 tents. About three in the morning a huge storm blew up. In the distance I could hear trees cracking and squeaking, then a loud crash that could only be a tree falling boomed. “Aren’t we glad we camped here where it’s safe” I remember telling the girls sure the tree was up the mountain farther. In the morning I woke up to the sight of a huge tree laying inches from my tent. If I had placed my tent ANYWHERE in the camping area except right where it was I could have been squished. Needless to say we were all more than happy to be alive enough to enjoy the hike out that morning!
No, I haven’t had any near death experiences. Not that I know of anyway!
I think about death often. Maybe too much. But then again, how much is too much?
I am not afraid of my death, I know that my faith is strong. I know that I will rest in my father’s arms. I am rather afraid of the death of others, though.
Yes, I think we, as Christians, should think about death, but we must realize that there is something wrong with death. Before sin, there was no death…and God is not the God of death, but of life!
To God be the glory!
~Miss S.
I’m curious, was this Alex or Brett? 🙂
“Have you had any near death experiences? Tell us about them.” I think the only time was when my sister and I were driving home a few months ago. I was in the left turn lane and had the green arrow to go, and a car in the lane to go the direction from which we were coming took a right turn. I was in the middle of the intersection, and, since it was a two-lane road, I didn’t brake, since it looked like the other person would stay in the right lane. I was almost into the left lane when the other car crossed over into that lane as well. I had no time to stop and so swerved into the oncoming traffic’s left lane. As I did, though, a pick-up was pulling into that lane, too. Thankfully we both were able to brake in time, but wow was that scary! We stopped with our front bumpers only about a foot or so away from each other.
“When was the last time you really thought about death?” Hmm, yesterday I think.
“Would you describe yourself as afraid of death? Be honest. ” Not exactly. I’m not afraid to die, but it’s more the ‘how’ that is more the issue.
“Death is generally considered a morbid subject. As Christians, should we think about death? If so, how should we think about death? If not, why shouldn’t we think about death?” I think we should be thinking of it in the sense that we’re ready for it, and also that we are conscious (sp?) enough of the fact that our interactions with others may be our last. But I think there is a degree to which someone can be too fascinated by it.
Anyways, great post, and I can’t wait to read the other installments!
Near death experiences? Just one? I’ve got several that could have resulted in death, from a serious case of croup, to nearly drowning in the tub when I was a baby, to my most recent one this past summer with a gangrenous appendix. But there is this one where I really can see God’s hand and healing…
I was a really big baby when I was born (over 10 lbs?) because I was born late. When I was two weeks old, my dad went downstairs to watch a football game. He had a soda in one hand, and me in the other arm. Now, because of my weight, I had a lot more force than one would expect from a 2 week old baby. Unexpectedly, I threw my head back, and because my dad had only been carrying me in one hand, I began to fall. Thankfully, he caught me by my leg. I could have broken my neck and died or been paralyzed but God protected me. I did snap my femur (which is not good for a 2 week old baby!) and spent the next 6 weeks of my life in a full body cast, but thankfully, it healed well, and I have no problem at all with it 16 years later! But you’re right, it’s never too young to die. Nobody would have thought I was in danger of breaking my neck at that age…
I don’t know, maybe I’m weird, but I tend to think about death a lot, at least, recently. I guess ever since my trip to the hospital with appendicitis, I’ve realized how fast things can happen. One minute, everything is fine and the next it isn’t. With my appendicitis, I had played a night of volleyball 24 hours before heading to the emergency room. If someone had told me then that I would be in the emergency room and having an emergency surgery, I wouldn’t have believed it. Since then, I’ve come to realize things DO change. So, in answer to your question, yeah, I do think about death frequently…
Actually, I’m not really afraid of death. I agree with what some people have said in posts above that sometimes I’m afraid of HOW I will die, but as for death itself, I’m not. The more I discover about God and Heaven, the less afraid I am and the more excited I am to get there and see God face to face.
As Christians, I do think it’s important that we think about our deaths and the deaths of those around us. It is a “morbid” subject in our culture today, and in general, people don’t seem to like to think about it, like if they don’t think about it or mention it, it’ll go away. But because death is one motivation for getting right with God (since death and hell are God’s ultimate punishment of sin) it is important that people think about it and Christians talk about it.
Ok, wow, I’ve written a mini essay here. Whoops… thanks for reading it though!
I am not afraid of death or dying, I am afraid of not living.
The thought of death rather intrigues me. I think of death as a door – a door to a place I’ve never been, a door behind which my favorite Person waits to greet me. Put that way, it sounds, frankly, exciting.
But not living? That’s completely different. I have so much I want to do before I die. Recently, this has actually been bothering me more. As I’ve grown, my life becomes more valuable to me because I see what I can do with it. I’m not ready to die – I want to live first. I used to think that if an opportunity to die for Christ presented itself, I wouldn’t hesitate, but now I realize that was because I valued my life so little, not because I valued Christ so much. Now that I do value my life, I understand more fully what that sacrifice means, and I don’t know whether I could give it up willingly for God if the choice came. I have to remember that a life given up for Him is not ‘wasted,’ because of all the lost opportunities. He knows how my life is to be best spent, and I must learn to trust His timing.
I don’t think I’ve ever done anything that could get me killed, and certainly not electrocuted. 🙂
I don’t know that I think about death itself a whole lot, although one certainly gets a slap in the face when high-schoolers crash their cars and die, people get shot, 9-11, and other such tragedies.
No, I’m not scared of death itself. That’s a really cool thing to be able to say! I’m not scared of death because I know what’ll happen to me when I die, and it’s the beginning of a beautiful chapter of God’s story. I’ll get to see my Saviour face to face, and that is absolutely worthy of the word “awesome”!!! Although I can totally see where Hayden’s coming from; I doubt I’d be a super-happy person if I got crucified, hanged, beaten… but for Jesus, it’d be worth it (little words, huge meaning. I don’t think I even have any idea how big a meaning those four little words have.)
Should we think about death? Sure. It’s a fact of life, and it’d be stupid to ignore it. But it shows how finite we are. We’re like chaff, dust, a breath of air. “Here today, and gone tomorrow,” as the saying goes. Death is a huge red arrow, pointing to that fact that we’re *not* God. Death is, in fact, a result of our rebellion against God (Gen. 3). But I don’t think we should be terrified of death. It shouldn’t be a black cloud that sneaks up on us, waiting to strike like a coiled viper. I think death is actually a mercy, as weird as it sounds, for Christians. Death takes us out of this fallen world of sin and “cosmic rebellion,” and into the kingdom of our Father. There, sin and toil and sorrow and anger and pain have no sting.
(sigh). Deep topic… Thanks for the post! Don’t go sticking forks into electrical outlets any time soon, OK? 😀
I was on vacation with my family when I was about 15. I was baby-sitting my little brother in the pool. I had forgotten to put his inflatable ‘wings’ on and when I looked to find him after a couple minutes of not seeing him I saw him floating in the pool.
I ran to grab him and honestly, as I held him I thought he was dead. The only other person in the whole pool area was a lady from England. She took him and laid him upside down and somehow got him breathing again.
He was not too young to die, though by the Lord’s grace he still has life to live.
Never take life for granted! I can’t take it for granted because I see my little brother every day and I know that every single breath he takes is a by the grace of God. I held his lifeless body and God gave him back to me. Please don’t live your life without thanking God for every moment He gives you down here!
Forgive me, I didn’t answer a single one of the discussion questions.
I don’t know whether or not I would have died, but one time a couple years ago I was sick (I don’t know if that had anything to do with it or not) and I took a drink and the water somehow got stuck in my throat. I couldn’t breathe for a full minute or more and my brothers were picking up the phone to call 911 when I was finally able to breathe. Needless to say, I was pretty scared, especially since my parents weren’t home.
The last time I really thought about death… I’m not sure. I’ve recently thought about loved ones I’ve lost, but not really about death. I suppose the last time I really pondered it seriously was when a 23 month old little boy whom I loved very much fell into the pool in his back yard and drowned. I’ve thought about death since then, but I haven’t really pondered it since then.
I’m not really afraid of death because I know I’m going to heaven, but I’m not exactly looking forward to dying. I don’t know if that makes any sense. See, I’m not afraid of what happens after I die, it’s the actual act of dying that’s kind of scary. In the book The Hiding Place by Corrie TenBoom, Corrie’s dad tells her that dying is like going on a train ride. When you’re about to get on the train, your parent hands you the ticket. Similarly, when you’re about to die God gives the strength and peace to bear it.
I don’t see a reason why a Christian shouldn’t think about death, but if you think about death too much you might become depressed thinking about your loved ones who have died. I know that happens to me. If Christians think about death, I think we should spend more time thinking about what’s on the other side of death (for us) rather than death itself.
Well, that’s my two cents. Or perhaps a quarter. 🙂
Thanks for sharing that!! you were funny as a kid, I’ve got to tell you. at least from the stories I’ve heard 😀
As for my nearest death – experience…I haven’t really had one. 🙂 I didn’t breathe when I was born, so I got a spanking 😛 And I sprained my neck when I was three. But that’s the nearest I’ve gotten to a near-death experience.
As most people have said already, I’m not afraid of dying, (mostly) I’m more afraid of how I die. Sadly, I believe that as a child, my picture of heaven was corrupted with animated images of sheep, angles, clouds, harps, and rainbows. I wasn’t that excited for heaven, because, honestly, that picture doesn’t sound all that great, does it? (and not only was it animated, it was really bad animation too! I have no idea where it came from, but nevertheless, it was there) Right now, all I know is that it will be better than anything than my finite-animated mind could think of! 😀
One thing in relation to my own death that I have pondered recently is martyrdom…and if I would really suffer for Christ that way. I recently watched “Joan of Arc” which just made me weep. It was so humbling. also, just yesterday in fact, I read (for the first time) the magazine “The Voice of the Martyrs.” It really inspired me to be like these people in persecuted countries, to make my faith so alive in Christ that I would suffer anything, torture, persecution, even death, for HIM!!!
The death I am more scared of is not my own, nor necessarily of other Christians either. One thing that has haunted me, mostly since reading the “Inferno”, is the fear of people I love who do not know the Lord going to hell. That kind of death. It has scared me enough in that I bug non-Christians about it…which is not good at all. (Thankfully I have realized that) It’s been hard (and still is) to leave their life in God’s hands and just live like Christ would want me to. A friend once shared with me that “I don’t need to protect God’s reputation, He can protect it Himself” I don’t have to be obsessive and worried about how I look to non-Christians in hope that they will turn to Christ – I need to leave that to Jesus and just live the way He wants me to.
There is a link to video of the message here:
I used to be deathly afraid of dying, but then the realization came to me that no matter how I die, and no matter how painful it is, it won’t be anywhere close to the joy I’m going to have for eternity in heaven.
Ok, which one of you was it?? 🙂
As far as near-death experiences, I haven’t had any. A young boy (2 yr. old) at my church died a couple of years ago by pulling something over onto himself, breaking his neck. I remember being so afraid for my own little brother’s life in the days following. This “freak accident” really made me think of how abruptly human life can be taken away. I was terrified. But it is ETERNAL life that our focus should be on–where there is “no death, no pain, no fear; they count not time by years; and there is no night there.”
Ah, what a great post. I was at the conference when you spoke on this. Praise God for all He’s done in and through you and your ministry. You did a great job, Brett. On the drive home, I’d never heard David speak about someone so excitedly and proud as he did about you.
Three friends and I drove into Mexico to do a follow-up visit to two villages we had spent a week in facilitating teams for a missions trip. We drove into the second village late in the evening, around 9:30p.m in light rain. We were on the wet two lane two-way, 58km road covered in pot holes, made up of curves. As my friend made an unsuccessful attempt to avoid a pothole, the Explorer began to fishtail and before we knew it we spun around and found ourselves in the other lane facing the other direction. The SUV then literally bounced off the edge of the road (it was a at a higher elevation than the ground itself) and rolled 3 times over bushes and trees. We found ourselves in a demolished SUV, right side up between two trees and up against a barbed-wire fence that kept us from rolling into what seemed the dark abyss of desert plains. I’m not exaggerating when I say the car was demolished. 3 of four tires blown out, roof caved in, right side of the car pushed inwards, 4 of 6 windows broken… but not a scratch was found on us despite the 3 rolls we took and the shattered glass found all around us. GAH! I could say so much more regarding the awe-inspiring sovereignty of God that night in everything ELSE that took place after this fateful minute… but without that sovereignty, that could have been our last earthly breath.
I can’t say that I fear death. Actually, when my friend lost control of the car, she let go of the steering wheel and shouted “LORD!”. If I wasn’t aware of my eternal life in Christ and the sovereignty of the Lord, I probably would have lunged forward and taken hold of the steering wheel to try and save us from wrecking. After slapping my friend across the face for letting go of the wheel thus leading to our dismay, of course 😛 But again, to answer the question, death is not a fear of mine. I know where I’ll be soon after my God-ordained ending. In the words of apostle Paul, “To live is Christ, to die is gain.” I just hope to live up to the entire context of that Scripture. OH! And in the words of David Sitton, “Dead is better!”
As Christians, we shouldn’t AVOID the topic of death. It’s happened, it happens, it’s going to happen. We should simply rejoice. What Jesus experienced before and during the Cross may be considered dreadful and morbid but the eternal life found through it is everything short of that. But we should aim to make that eternity own to those who may die before knowing it. Christians should also know and acknowledge that we will be freed and found at Home in endless bliss to dwell, standing before our Judge, judged by our deeds.
Wow. Great post! I think that sometimes even Christians get sucked into thinking that they will never die, or that it is a long ways away. I think about death fairly often and am not afraid of it. I don’t think it’s morbid to think about death unless it’s from the wrong perspective. The right perspective, I believe, is to think about it from Jesus’ perspective; that it is already conquered, that it is inevitable to die a physical death (unless the rapture comes first), that the Lord will be there for you every step of the way (if you are a Christain), and that we need to spend our time here however short to bring glory to Him. I’m very excited about going to heaven and being with Jesus forever. It’s hard to get over the fear of dying (I know from personal experience), but it is such a joy when you learn to trust Jesus enough to not be afraid. I hope that every Christian comes to find this peace about death, and that they will let Christ fill their heart. I can’t wait to read the rest of this series. Thanks so much Alex and Brett!
I have several that I can think of, but among the most interesting are:
1) As a kid I was almost drowned by a chubby bully neighbor kid sitting on top of me and holding me under water in a lake until I began to inhale water. I somehow managed to wriggle free and screamed “you fat bitch” to him (didn’t know my swear words very well). I ran inside to tell my parents and actually confessed to swearing at the kid and apologized to my parents. Obviously they didn’t care and were more relieved that I was OK.
2) In my early 20s, I got into a spectacular car accident which totalled my car but I walked away from it unhurt. I was driving down I-5, the 4-lane highway through Seattle, on the first day of rain after a long stretch of no rain. The oil drips from cars over those dry days had coalesced into slippery goo, unbeknownst to me. When I saw the traffic up ahead of me slowing in a bottleneck, I stepped on the brakes, but I was apparently driving too fast for the road conditions (an officer at the scene later wrote me a ticket for that offense), so I skidded out of control, spun around 180 degrees, crossed over two lanes of traffic (somehow missing all of it) and ended up hitting a car in the farthest lane over head on. My car was creamed. It was a miracle that I walked away.
In spite of all these experiences, I learned the most about death and completely lost my fear of it this summer when I journeyed with my dog through the last few weeks of her life until she passed away naturally at home. What a gift from God that was, even though it was extremely difficult and sad to lose her. But being that close to the boundary between life and death is a profoundly spiritual experience. God was more present to me during those last few days than I’ve felt him in a long time, and I was drawn repeatedly into prayer.
This is a wonderful topic! Well, wonderful in that it’s thought provoking.
Have I had any near death experiences? Well, once, some members of our friends’ family our some members of our family were riding in our friends’ bus (they have 11 kids) at 10pm, and the bus started dying. The headlights went out and we were barrelling down the highway in the dark. We live at the bottom of a steep hill, and if the bus had given out on the hill, I don’t know what would have happened to us, but by God’s providence, the bus died up on the curb in front of our house!
I’m not afraid of dying, it’s how I’ll die. I don’t want to suffer…..but I’m looking forward to heaven.
The last time I though seriously about death was when our dear friend Jude was drowned in his grandparents swimming pool last July at age 2. (www.inhonorofjude.wordpress.com) It was really hard, and I really thought about how short life is.
I think Christians should think about death, but become obsessed with it and think about it too much.
Just my two cents!
Liza 🙂
Wow, what a thought-provoking post!
1) When I was four, my grandparents had a foot swing tied to a big tree in their backyard. A foot swing is basically a long piece of rope with a loop at the end to put your foot through and swing around, not exactly the easiest thing to do. I was too short at the time to put my foot through the loop like my older cousins, so I had a brilliant idea. Why not stick my head through the loop and swing by my neck? I did and I am pretty sure that I fell out, with a huge rope burn on my neck. Other than the burn, I was just fine.
2) Yesterday I was talking to a friend of mine who lost his mother four years ago.
3) I’ll admit it, I am sometimes afraid of death. I don’t know how or when it’s going to happen and that scares me.
4) Yes, more than we do. For a Christian, death is not going to be a bad experience, so we should, in fact, look forward to it! This is hard for me to do, but I’m working on it. 🙂
Oops, I made a typo 🙂 I meant;
“I think Christians should think about death, but NOT become obsessed with it and think about it too much.”
One of many?! My, my. I certainly hope there aren’t many recent examples. =P
This really strikes a chord of ineterest in me guys. I have a friend whose cousin has Lukemia and they’ve stopped the treatment, he’s eighteen. I always wondered what I would do if I were him. My neighbor’s father recently died of cancer, he was forty-five. Death always brings painful reminders of what the future, whether near or far off, has in store for us. I have thought about death from time to time and yes, sometimes I worry about my own. When I’m watching a movie or reading a book and someone dies it makes me wonder what kind of death I will die. I think I don’t worry so much about the fact that I will die it’s more a fear of how I will die. I always pictured a noble and poetic death, saving the life of another or protecting those I loved, something with a deep meaning. However, I never considered the glory that awaits when we die. We as christians, no matter how glorious our death, will enter heaven and all the praises of the earth will not compare to the glory there. There we will find our king who died the ultimate death to provide for us ultimate life in him. A death that has no regrets is one of the best we could wish for. That when we die, we will look back and see our lives and have no regrets. When we reflect upon our lives we will not think: “I could have shared the gospel with that person” or “I should have resolved that argument”. It doesn’t matter if our death brings us glory, but what about the glory we’re called to bring Christ?
I’m excited and will be praying for this series.
In Christ Alone,
Rebecca Whitpan
I cant really remember any near death experiences that I have had, I can count numerous ones that my brother, and sisters have had.
I think about death all the time. I think of how I am going to die.
I’m not afraid of death but I am afraid of how I am going to die. Is it wrong to be afraid of how you are going to die? I’m confused about that. I’m not afraid to die because then I get to see my great-grandmother in Heaven and I am really looking forward to that. I am also looking forward to meeting my uncle that I never got a chance to meet.
I had a pastor/father figure who would say this a long time ago, and I heard basically the same thing during the message at our church this weekend.
We, as Christians, need to make it one of our goals in life to die well.
Meaning; we don’t go out in fear or anxiety, uncertainty, crankiness, etc. This weekend the pastor mentioned how he had talked to nurses who mentioned that there are so many Christians in the hospital who are just not handling death very well at all, which seemed odd, as we are the ones with the awaited certainty of a better place.
Reading your article this morning highlighted again to me the importance of casting a vision in my life to die well and die in the peace of seeing my Savior – whenever or HOWEVER that may be!
In our society today people often shy away from the subject of death. Because for those who do not know christ death is a frightening realm of the unknown, but as christains we don\’t need to fear death or avoid the subject. We should let God guide us in his way, giving us life to the fullest. So when God wants to take us from this world we should rejoice.
1. Yes, actually! The day before my third birthday I got hit by a car. The only cuts I got were on the other side of me from the road… I still have a scar by my left eye.
2. Today, actually. I think about it whenever we go on airplanes, even though I fly so much.
3. I think Victor Hugo sums it up well – “It is nothing to die, it is frightful not to live.” Also, I’m not scared of being dead as much as I am dying – in this world, pain is what i fear most.
4. Death has been overcome! I think when we’re Christians we can stare it in the face and not be afraid. But then we should be afraid when we see our nonChristian friends who don’t understand how and why Christ conquered death.
1.When i was a child, I had pnuemonia and asthma. The pnuemonia was antibotic resistant. So having a daily double of that was not good. We were are church when i had an asthma attack, it was so bad my lips were turning blue, and the doctors had already told my parents there was nothing more they could do. God deifently knew there was more he could do, so the pastor put me on one of the alters and they prayed for me, i was completely healed. No more asthma or pnuemonia.
2. Just a few days ago. My cousins husbands brother died in a accident, he got ran ove by a motorcycle he was eighteen.
3. I am not afraid of death, I only fear how others react to death.
4. As christains, we should not be afraid of death, but rather be afraid of death for a nonbeliever. Cause we know where we are going, and they are unsure.
I can recall two times i almost died.
Once i was driving to West Yellowstone for my Christmas vacation. We hit a black ice spot and was a bout to star rolling in our caravan when we hit a Subaru. Our van was a few feet shorter than before. there was a combined speed on 110 mph. Almost every one i tell this to tells me i am luck to be alive.
The other incident was when i went to a shooting range with the son of one of my dads work Buddie. This kid had never held a gun before. He was aiming at a target 20 or so yards down range and I was standing be hind him. His finger still on the trigger, he turned around and asked me if the gun was on safety or not. The muzzle was pointing right at my heart. And it was loaded and ready to fire.
I don’t know if that counts as a near death experience but there it is just in case.
The last time i thought about death was a few days ago and i am afraid of death. Very afraid.
The real meaning of death is separation. We our separated from every one we love for a time and our bodies our separated from our soul. I have not yet decided how to think about death. I suppose that at some point in my life, i will welcome it. Only time will tell.
1. Have you had any near death experiences? Tell us about them.
Well I know that if I wasn’t saved I would probably be dead by now, but that’s too long of a story to tell here.
When I was about twelve I was playing hiding-go-seek at a friend’s house, and as I stepped out of her closet, the iron that was kept on the shelf above fell down. If I had stepped out of that closet half a second later, it would have at least fractured my skull. Instead, it hit the floor about one inch away from my heels, making a huge thump that made my heart skip a beat.
2. When was the last time you really thought about death?
I actually don’t thinkabout death very often… but I think on heaven frequently. That, after all, IS where I want to be most.
3. Would you describe yourself as afraid of death? Be honest.
I don’t know that I’m really scared of dying… it’s just the uncertainty of not knowing what dying is like. Things that I don’t know much about make me a wee bit apprehensive. However, it’s the uncertain things that will build my trust, if I am willing to allow them to.
4. Death is generally considered a morbid subject. As Christians, should we think about
death? If so, how should we think about death? If not, why shouldn’t we think about death?
Yes, we should think about death, because that’s what we’ve been saved from and what we want others to be saved from. Even so, we shouldn’t think about it to the point where we are obsessed with it- while we should be aware of where we’ve been, our sights should be set on where we’re going. It’s like driving. If I looked in the rearview mirror all the time, I’d probably crash- but I shouldn’t not look in it at all. If I only look at where I am on the road, then I’d be weaving around in my lane and the person behind me would probably assume I was a drunk driver. I should be aware of what’s around me though, in case something darts out into the road. If I look at where I’m going, while keeping tabs on where I’ve been and where I am, then it’s called safe driving.
I simply could not believe my eyes when I logged onto your website today! I just finished reading a book called “The Martyr of the Catacombs,” and in it a young boy refuses to deny Christ and ends up being eaten alive by a tiger in the Coliseum. He wasn’t too young to die. So the last time I really thought about death was last night, reading that book. 🙂
The closest I’ve been to death is approximately 3 inches. I was in a bad car accident about six years ago with my family in our big 15-passenger van. A 16-year-old pulled out right in front of us and we collided sort of caddy-corner (his passenger’s side to our driver’s side) and veered onto opposite sides of the road. We missed a telephone pole by 3 inches. Both vehicles were totalled with zero chance of repair. I often ride horses along the side of the road, too, and several times people have gone by way too fast and too close for comfort!
I’m sure there’s many other instances when God has spared us from certain death. We’ll never know.
I would not say I am afraid of death per say, but I am afraid of the process of dying. (Like when you’re not afraid of falling itself, but you are afraid of the sudden stop at the bottom.) I’ve often asked God to please take me quick when it’s time! And I think Christians should think about death. We need to know where we will go after we die, because once you die it’s too late to start thinking. And sometimes, if it’s a sudden death, you have no time to plan.
* Have you had any near death experiences?
I think the closest I came to death was the night God began to draw me to Him. I was considering the best manner of suicide, as I hated God so much that I wanted my life to be useless to Him. I didn’t want God to receive any glory from me. So I was considering the various mean of self destruction I knew of, when God inserted His two cents(so to speak). “Grace, do you really think I’m weak enough that I couldn’t use your death to my glory?” At which thought I, in my rebellion, was infuriated as I realized that there was no way I could deny God His rightful place as ruler and receiver of all glory. Immediately after this thought came the dreadful realization that I couldn’t really face God since He was the King and Judge I was denying and He was truly all mighty. Thus began a two year battle in which God, by His mercy, saved His enemy from herself.
* When was the last time you really thought about death?
About 2 weeks ago. No, I’m not morbid. But death is a reality of this life and the awareness of death is a powerful motivator for the pursuit of the Lord. In my case I think this is especially so, for when I consider my death I’m always reminded of the grace God has shown me to save me from the death I chose and give me a new death that will by His grace be a testimony to His power, mercy, and glory.
* Would you describe yourself as afraid of death?
Not anymore, I know when I pass I will (finally) see my Saviour as my first love. It is a joyful reunion with Christ, He has conquered death, I need not fear death. Death, by the mercy of God, is a victory.
* As Christians, should we think about death? If so, how should we think about death? If not, why shouldn’t we think about death?
I think it is good for Christians to consider death. Death, the ultimate punishment for sin, is not however to preoccupy us. Christ has conquered death and it serves well to consider the enemy defeated. In many cases I think Christians do struggle believing that death is truly conquered for we see only this side of eternity sometimes. I think that it is vital to a Christian’s joy in Christ to see the victory of Christ. Christ displayed the finality of His work on the Cross, conquering all our sins, by rising from the dead.
Forgot to say–I totally understand, Brett, on the electrocution thing! I was standing on an iron gate a few years ago when someone told me the electric fence wasn’t on. Just to make sure, I grabbed the fence with my bare hand and the shock was strong enough to throw me backwards off the gate. I stood up and said, “I think it’s on!” (My other arm hurt for a long time, which was rather odd.)
I nearly died, I was on my dad’s bike and didn’t know that the breaks didn’t work and I was going down a big hill. I realized there weren’t any brakes pretty quick; I would have been ok, if it wasn’t for a car that was going right across my path. I thought I would hit it and die. I really don’t know what happened after that. My parents say that I jumped off, but I think that was totally God. I prayed God would save my life, and he did. But that was when I actually realized I was terrified of death. Although that day did strengthen my faith, and I realized how much my family really did love me (my sister totally freaked out, slammed on her brakes, flew over the handle bars and broke her arm, because she thought I was dead). I think that those kinds of experiences are what really strengthen our faith, knowing that God was there that whole time protecting me…that was a wonderful feeling. There isn’t anything in this world that I can take with me, when I die, though, I won’t die alone, and God will be there the whole time. So, I know that I shouldn’t be afraid, but I am, but at least I won’t be alone.
I had a near death expierence when I was 5. I fell into a deep lake and would have drowned if my grandfather had not seen me and rescued me.
I’m glad to say that God has protected me from death, and I’ve never really had a near-death experience. But, a few years ago my aunt had a miscarriage. I was at my Grandmother’s house when we found out, and it was horrible to see her grief. My aunt’s niece (on the other side) who was only 6-ish, told her, “Don’t worry. You’ll get to see the baby in Heaven.” It made me think for the first time seriously about death.
I’ve heard so many people say that death is separation, but really, I think it’s getting to meet those you haven’t seen in a while. And that includes Jesus! How can it be called separation when you get to meet your Savior, face to face? I used to hear the word “martyr” and cringe, but now it interests me. What would it be like to die for your faith? And would I be strong enough to stand up for Jesus in that way?
I think I agree with many of you…that I’m not afraid of being dead, but dying.
Just some thoughts.
Have you had any near death experiences? Tell us about them.
I was about six and i trip and banged my head into a brick fire place, and I’ve fallen off a horse many times, thats the only ones i can really think of ;).
When was the last time you really thought about death?
When I heard about my friends Grandmother who has cancer.
Would you describe yourself as afraid of death? Be honest.
It depend, Im usally not afried of diying and dying for Christ for that matter, I always remember that I’ll get to see the One who saved me and people near and dear 2 my heart who have passes away. I can always imagen Christ waiting for me with the people I love and the people I’ve looked up 2 standing with Him when I get to heaven.
I even get more excited when I know I’ll see my friend Jim who was like a big brother to me. He died when I was 7 ( he was 17). But Im just as excited to see my Lord and Savior.
Death is generally considered a morbid subject. As Christians, should we think about death? If so, how should we think about death? If not, why shouldn’t we think about death?
I think we should, It a subject that a lot of non-christians and christians have qeaustions about dying. I think we should be open to talking about it . If your afried of dying , you might want to pray about it because, you should be stong about your faith and knowing weather or how you die that your going to go to heaven…. and that dying shouldn’t be that scary.
Awesome post! I love how Christain all over the world can post there opions on here! Thanks so much !
Your Sister In Christ
Samantha 🙂
that sound like something I might have done!
1. um, I don’t think I have had any near death experiences, at least that I can remember.
2. yesterday.
3. sort of, not really , I mean I don’t want to die but I know I will go to heaven if I die.
4. Yes we should think about death, um………. we should not blame God after all we sinned, we should think if we died would God save us, there is a lot more.
in Christ
Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about death. My great uncle has liver cancer and his kidneys are failing. We don’t know how long he has left to live. A few days ago, my dad’s cousin returned home after a road trip and found his wife dead inside the house. So, yes, I’ve been thinking about death. It is sobering how quickly a life can end; how quickly a body can become still and cold. It is especially sobering when you don’t know if they knew Jesus.
Am I afraid of death? With God’s strength, no. Without His strength? Oh gosh, YEAH. I wouldn’t want to be without Him. Lots of times I wonder what He has planned for how I will die. My prayer is that He will give the strength to endure whatever He has planned for me. If He wants me to be tortured and persecuted for my faith in Him, so be it. I only hope and pray that I will be strong enough to pray for my tormentors. I He has a death planned that is at home with family, say, in my sleep, I pray I will be prepared for that as well.
Are we living life prepared for death? Probably not. I know I don’t all of the time. Most of the time, in fact. This brings to mind a song by Steven Curtis Chapmen: Next Five Minutes. Here are some of the lyrics: “I’m living the next five minutes like these are my last five minutes, and after these next five minutes I’m starting all over again.” Perhaps something we should contemplate. Are you living prepared to meet Christ?
Well first off, I was so lucky to get to be at the “Purpose Driven Death” conference… it was as great in real life as it is in post…
It really changed my life and perspective, God used it, as he always does, to inspire and change me….
I was really impacted by the life of Jim Elliot and the Apostle Paul. They are so inspiring and its powerful to realize that the life we are so consumed with is nothing compared to the life to come….
1. I was also born blue like Abigail, but it wasn’t very serious. I was a happy crying baby in no time.
I think that my closest near death experience was at Disney World (Yes, I’m serious). We went to Disney’s shark reef, where we could swim and look at the sharks and tropical fish. The sharks were trained, well fed, and harmless tiger sharks. The instructors told us not to kick our feet, and just to glide at the top of the water swimming with our arms. I was swimming when a younger kid, probably five or six, kicked my mask and I couldnt breathe. I started to panic (bad idea!) and basically started to sink. A lifeguard dived in and saved me :D. It was really scary, and now that I look back on it; it wasn’t as life threatening as it could have been. There was no dangerous current to pull me under, and the sharks were harmless. I thank God that I was really as safe as I was in that situation.
2. Last night.
3. I don’t want to die, but it’s all part of God’s plan. It reminds me of Adam and Eve after the fall. God sent them out of the garden, which was a curse because they would have to labor hard to get their food. But it was a blessing, because if they lived in the garden they would be able to eat of the tree of life that would let them live eternally in their sin. God made it so we don’t have to live in sin forever, and that when we die; we can live with him forever in paradise.
4. I think we should think about death. It brings me back to Adam and Eve. Also it reminds me of a message that Josh (Harris) gave a while back about death, and how it all fits into God’s plan. And that though death may be pain and sorrow to us when a person we know dies, just think that when we die we will leave this sinful world behind; and live eternally with our God and Father in perfection.
Great post! Thanks for sharing it.
No, I’ve never had a near death experience, but that might be because I’ve never had a desire to do things like stick a screw driver into the wall. 🙂
I often think about death. Yesterday or the day before was probably the last time.
No, I don’t fear death, but I do fear pain.
As Christians I do believe we need to think about death and be prepared for it or Christ’s return. We also need to be able to give a solid defense of why we don’t fear death. However, God has given us this life here on earth that we need to appreciate and utilize every moment He gives us. “To live is Christ and to die is gain.”
Oh, and are you guys planning on doing more conferences next year? I live in Colorado and am just about two hours away from Denver, but I didn’t know about the Rebelution when you guys were here. Just wondering if you’re going to do more. ?
1. Driving is, for me, a near death experience, but I do it daily.
2. I think about death a lot, but not in an emo way. I just see it as another stage of life. A better one, even, because it’s only after we die that we can fully experience the grace of God.
3. I’m not afraid of death. In fact, I can’t wait to die – heaven sounds like so much fun! But life here on earth is a beautiful gift in its own right, so I’m not going to waste it by cutting my earthly life short just to get on to the party awaiting all of us (Christians) when we finally kick the bucket.
4. As logical humans, we should think about death, whether we are Christians or not. Writing wills to ensure the safety and protection of our family members is always a good idea. As Christians, though, we need to think about death as a reminder that everything we do in this life, unless it has eternal value, is pointless, because within the next 100 years AT MOST, it won’t matter anymore. Thinking about death helps us to make sure our lives today are really worth the effort.
well, i never had any “near-death” experiences, but my 9 yr old sister did…. i don’t remember what really happened (i was pretty young) but something was wrong with her heart. she spent 5 months in ICU. me and my 2 yr old brother were sent to live with friends. anna (my sister), is alive now only by the grace of G-d.
1. With near death expriences, there’s always the car kind. Many times when I’m out driving with my parents, a car just happens to “sneak” up on us, luckly my parents are calm drivers, and have the abilty to stop the car in time.
I was a cesarian section baby. I was eleven days late with the chord was wrapped around my neck three times. I wasn’t aware of death, only the blinding light & the cold room that I was given birth into. I can’t say that I was afraid, only because I don’t remember; I know that God wanted me to live, and I thank Him for it.
2. All the time … not in the creapy “I want to die kind of way”, but the wary kind. Death is around us. It’s everywhere, and it can’t be avoided.
3. I’m actually not afraid of death. Since I know where I’m going, why would I be afraid of leaving my physical body behind? My body is worthless where I’m going.
Death really is just something that happens in your life. There’s really nothing to be afraid of. Certian things only happen once in your life. There’s getting your tonsiles out (that’s kind of permanent), getting wisdom teeth removed, going to High School prom, and other significant things. Death is one of them, you can only die once (correction, if you drown, and the paramedics get there in time, you get the privilage of dying twice… congradulation 🙂 ).
4. Death is concidered morbid in the right context. Concidering the context is gruesome and horrific. Like the deaths of many of thousands of Jews in the Holocaust, and other persecutions of other religions, and races.
I think that we (as Christians) can look at death; but not constantly, because it can be quite depressing. As Christians, it’s my opinion that we should look at death as a homecoming. And for those that we know that don’t know Christ, we should concider it a welcoming fact that we have the “tool(s)” (Biblically) we need to bring other nonbelievers to Christ, so they can come to heaven with us when their time ends on earth.
ohmygoodness!. ” And Talitha, I believe my sister knows you, does Mary Brennan sound familiar? Just curious…”~quoting Grace. Yes! We were in choir way back 3 or 4 years ago! so where do you come in the line in the family? Are you in the forum? if so we can pm.
Hey Talitha! That’s great that you remember! Mary’s really happy about that and says hi. I’m the oldest, and no I’m not on the forum but I’m planning on joining as soon as I get around to asking my parents’ permission.
Thank you for the post! I think that those are great questions for us, as Christians, to be able to answer. When asked, we should be able to answer straightforward and without a doubt. We as Christians have no need to fear death. As Paul says, “…to live is Christ and to die is gain…” We shouldn’t live our lives afraid of what tomorrow might hold, rather, living each moment to the fullest! What kind of life would we have if we lived fearing? A sad and stunted one at that. God doesn’t want us to live like that, He wants us to grow in trust and love. What a blessed assurance we have in Christ!
To unbelievers, however, death is something that should be feared. Dying without knowing Christ is the end of all hope. That’s why we have been given the great commission, “to go into the world and preach the gospel to all the nations”. Every moment that we stay inside our “little picket fence” and fear the possible, is a moment that some opportunity of sharing the love of Christ is lost… forever. That’s a long time.
Again, thank you!
I actually think about death a lot. Mostly in a good sense.
Actual death doesn’t scare me as such, its more the thought of slowly dying (which we are all doing now) and getting old and weak and incapable. The sorrow that comes with the thought that many people are dying everyday without living their life to the fullest capacity and living it for God and making a difference in this world for God. I so badly don’t want that to be my story.
So I suppose my real fear is getting to the end of my life and looking back thinking “What a waste. Look what I could have acheived, look at what I could have got done”.
The thought of dying young dosen’t frighten me as such, it’s more the fear of a wasted life.
But then there is God’s promise concerning getting old and weak and just life in general: Psalm 103:5 Psalm 92:12-14 Isaiah 40:30-31
And I just have to hold on to these promise, live my life in Him and for Him, and get on with it.
(In Him I will have NO regrets).
Good Blog.
I’ve been close to near death experiences on missions trips – riding in a taxi in a third world country, watching a huge truck race towards us as the driver swerves around traffic on the two lane “road” and being just blocks away from a car bomb in Israel.
I’m not scared of dying or how I’ll die – but I guess I’m scared of dying a “normal’ American death. I would much rather die furthering the gospel than of old age.
I think Christians have to think about death – it’s one of the paradoxes of Christianity. We die to live – spiritually and physically. Death should not be morbid for Christians: it has already been defeated and we are not meant to live in the present state of this world.
It’s amazing to be with Christians who are prepared to die as martyrs everyday. The most powerful worship service I have ever experienced was in India with pastors and Bible translators, grieving the loss of a martyred co-worker, yet worshipping God with more joy and faith than most Americans could ever comprehend. They have such freedom and joy, knowing they have surrendered all right to their lives and they are not their own.
I have never had any near death experiances to my knowledge.
The last time I thought about death was actually this morning. I was asking my dad if I could walk home from my night class which would probaly take about 45 min. and he was worried about my safty. I ended up not walking.
I am not afraid of death, infact I can’t wait for it. It means that I have finished (with a lot of help) what God what he put my here to do. I hope that when I do die people will remember what I have done and not who I am.
I do think that the church needs to talk sbout death. We have less time then we think and the sooner we hand over the riegns to God, and stop trying to streer with our own blind eyes, the better.
One quick comment on the percentage of dying. We have to remember that God gave exeption of that to two people. (Try to find them, hint, they are in the Bible.)
I can’t think of any near-death experiences that I have had, but I did think a lot about death when I was in the hospital with a collapsed lung. The hole in my lung just sort of appeared without any warning, and if another hole had formed in my other lung at the same time, then I probably would be dead. So that got me thinking about how fragile life is and all the ways I could die: by a fluke health problem, a household accident, etc. And that got me saying to myself, “I don’t want to live a mediocre life and then die by accident! I want to go down fighting for something I believe in!” But that doesn’t mean that I’m not afraid of dying. I think of all the people in history who were told, “Renounce your God, or die!” I look at them with great admiration while I shift uncomfortably because I know that I do not always show as much devotion as they do when giving up far less valuable things than life. I guess two fears hang in the balance for me: I’m afraid of how I will die, and I’m afraid of not being obedient to the point of death when the time comes. I want to be–I want to turn my life completely over to Christ and say “do as you please, Lord.” But, honestly, I feel my lack of faith, and I hunger for more.
On average, though, I don’t think a whole lot about death. I think more about living because, up until a year and half ago, I felt like I was already dead. That’s a long story, but the gist of it is that I wasn’t living in the freedom of Christ. I knew that Jesus had given me life after death, but I didn’t realize that He had given me abundant life before death as well–not to mention, the power to resist Satan and walk in the light. So, really, I’ve just lately discovered how wonderful it is to have life in Christ and to live for Christ. I’m just figuring out how much more Jesus can do in my life and how much He empowers me to do for others. I’m still learning, but I envision an incredible journey ahead before I say goodbye to this world. I’ve got things to accomplish for my Savior.
So, should Christians think about death? I think so. We might as well come to the terms with the fact that we will die, and to be counted worthy for dying for the name of Jesus is a tremendous blessing. Besides, the abundant life that God has given us now doesn’t end in physical death. It just keeps flowing into eternity! So, living for Christ, dying for Christ…it’s really all the same thing…the same glorious beginning to LIFE that never ends. I just pray for greater faith, so that my life truly will be a sacrificial offering to the Lord.
I’m writing an (NCFCA) speech right now on- True Courage. So this post gave me lots of ideas.
Death? I’m scared. Torture freaks me out- prolonged pain. And I look forward to the places I’ll go in life!
But here is my new motto- “If I perish, I perish” (spoken by Queen Esther). What happens, happens! It’s up to God.
The last lines of a wonderful poem by HT Watterson:
“You never can begin to live
Until you dare to die”
Well, I’ve had a lot of near death experiences.. drowning, car crashes, rock climbing etc. But the closest and the one that reflects God’s goodness the most happened on August 5 2002. My parents are missionaries in Pakistan and I go to a small Christian boarding school (Murree Christian school) in Pakistan. In 2002 (when I was in 5th grade) our school was attacked by terrorists.
6 men armed with AKs, grenades and suicide belts fought their way onto the compound (we had some guards, but they never expected an attack and weren’t prepared to put up a fight). They planned to kill as many of the kids at school as possible, blowing themselves up amongst us during our break time. However, God had other plans. It rained hard that morning and the terrorists were late getting to the school, we were no longer playing outside at break – where we would have been easy targets. All the classes except mine were inside the school buildings, we were near the gate where the terrorists focused their attack. Thankfully our teacher had been a missionary in Afghanistan and knew the sound of AK fire as soon as the attackers opened fire on our guards. We ran inside and got to a classroom just moments before the terrorists entered the compound. Our teacher locked the door, we all hid under desks and kept away from the windows. So many people were terrified, we were all 11 or 12. There were people crying, others shaking uncontrollably, many were comforting their friends, most were praying. Somehow God gave us a level of relative peace; now that I look back it is incredible that a group of 11-13 year olds were so calm in the situation, I guess maybe we didn’t understand what was going on, but I know that the relative calm was only by the grace of God. I spent the time, which felt like forever, in panicked prayer. I was worried about my two younger brothers who were in other classrooms in the school – I had no idea what was happening to them as we listened to the bursts of gunfire and the occasional scream. God was awesome that day. This is getting long, so I won’t go into details. But there was a missionary woman who was shot at from less than 15 feet away and every bullet missed her except for one which ricocheted and hit her wrist. Another staff member ran from the terrorists into a tiny bathroom with a weak door, the gunmen just left him there. The terrorists were in the room next door to where my younger brother’s class hid. A side door that led into the classroom full of hiding elementary students was accidentally left unlocked – the terrorists didn’t even try it! The attackers tried to kick down the doors that led into the hostel building – they were unlocked and would have opened if pulled. There are tons of other instances of God’s grace and power on that day. 5 national staff members were killed, but no students or missionaries were killed. The terrorists panicked and were chased away by one policeman that fired at them with his pistol. They never used the grenades they carried to blow down locked doors. Later, when they were cornered by villagers while running away they blew themselves up, one got captured by police.
God protected us with His mighty right hand! The school closed down for two years and the prospect of missions in Pakistan looked bad. But now it is open again and struggling on. God willing I’ll graduate from here this year!
“A Christian is immortal until his work is done!”
God is great.
To die is gain.
Nice, Alex (or Brett, whoever wrote this). I almost got hit by a car a couple weeks ago. I was running across a parking lot in the dark with my friend. A car was coming, and other (parked) cars were blocking its light. I ran right in front of the car, and was about three inches from getting hit. It wouldn’t have been very pretty if the driver hadn’t been smarter than I was and slammed on the brakes. I am thankful to be, um, not squashed.
Nice post, guys.
P.S. Was the probability of dying by weedwacker anywhere on the chart? Just curious.
Wow, what an amazing testament to Gods amazing protection and grace! One thing that came to mind, though, was the fact that all through history, the men and women that God intended to do great things they all nearly came to a premature end.
In response to your question “Are you afraid of death?” I can say with out hesitation, No, I am not afraid of dying, because, as Daniel Lannon so succinctly put it “To die is to gain.”
My near death experience would have been when I was about 7 or 8. I was walking home from a friends house. It was really windy, and the path I was walking on had lots of trees by it. About a minute after I walked by a tree fell. It broke the sidewalk and knocked down part of our neighbor’s wall.
I read this post yesterday, and today I got a letter from an old friend’s mom. My mom babysat this girl almost every day when we were three and four, and I have kept in contact with her ever since. We had grown apart in our teen years and we hadn’t written for several years. The letter said that my friend died very unexpectedly last month. I’m sure God lead me to this post at just the time I was going to need it. Isn’t He gracious? Thanks for your post.
My near death experience was when I attempted my own suicide. I had been strugging with the reality of God for a really long time. I thought about whether or not God was real many times every day for several months. I had read all the books that were ever written about the reality of God. I had all the anwers but I couldn’t make sense of them. Satan kept seeping into my soul every day and telling me that God wasn’t there. The thought that God didn’t exist was terrifying to me beucase when you think about it, if God didn’t exist and Jesus didn’t die for our sins, we have no reason for living. The thought agonized me and I thought to myself, “I have no reason for living, why not just die now?” I was so tired and weary over thinking daily about God’s existince that I decided that I would end my life. So at 7 pm one night, I got a bottle of my perscription drugs, took 10 of the pills and went to bed fully expecting never to wake up. But I woke up. I woke up at 2 in the morning and threw up half of the pills. I went to the emergency room and the doctors told me that it was a miracle that I was alive. They said that I should have died because the kind of drugs that I took should have absorbed into my system within 2 hours and should have killed me. But it didn’t.
Nothing earthly could have saved me from death. It took a miracle, a miracle from God. God used that near death experience to show me his power and his existence.
It also helped me realize that God is totally in control. So when I think about death, I realize that my death and the death of others is in God’s hands. I guess I’m kind of afraid of the process of dying (I think someone mentioned torture), But as far as death, I am not afraid. When I die, I get to live with God forever into eternity. That thought is the most wonderful thought that has ever crossed my mind. 🙂
“Have you had any near death experiences? Tell us about them.”
“When was the last time you really thought about death?”
This whole week actually, I am busy reading a book titled “When Heaven Weeps” The main theme of the book is death and how it relates to life (You can’t live without first dying) also in Church History I am currently studying Martyrs, so death has been on my mind all week.
“Would you describe yourself as afraid of death? Be honest.”
Yes. But most definitely not for myself. I am scared at the prospect of losing someone close to me. I am actually more scared at what my reaction might be.
“Death is generally considered a morbid subject. As Christians, should we think about death? If so, how should we think about death? If not, why shouldn’t we think about death?”
Yes we should absolutely think about death. Death is not a bad thing; it is actually a wonderful thing. The death of Christ means life for us. Death for us means eternal life with our Lord. I don’t mean to say that we should imagine gruesome images of death, but thinking about something that is a natural part of life it not morbid (in my opinion)
This is a quote from the book “When Heaven Weeps” (by Ted Dekker)
“It is as though you have searched endlessly for your purpose in life, and now found it in the most unexpected place: in the death of your flesh. It is certainly a moment worthy of laughter and dance. And in the end it is not suffering at all. The apostle Paul recommended we find joy in it. Was he mad?”
I would have to say that the last time i honstely sat down and thought about death was this past summer when i was at a camp that i go to every summer. The camp i was at was Cathloic Heart Work Camp (CHWC) and my grandpa had just been admitted to the hospital because he had gotten pneumonia the day i left for camp. I didnt find out about him going to the hospital because they didnt want me to stay home from camp. But since my grandpa has had lung cancer there a good possibility that he could die form pneumonia. and the 3rd night of camp were had time to pray alone or with some one who worked at the camp.
I chose to pray alone for a little while then i went to the bathroom and just cried for like hours. Because i came to the rilization that every one is going to die some day and it doesnt matter what they did wether they were a good or bad person it wont prolong your life. And i also thought about how if my grandpa dies before i would get to say good bye to him i would be so crushed.
Needless to say i missed crefew that night because of my time in the bathroom.
I don’t think I’ve had any actual near-death experiences, but I do plenty of things that are potential near-death experiences (everyone does), like driving tractors, ice-skating when suddenly the ice starts to crack, and handling potentially dangerous animals (steers, goats with big horns, killer chickens, etc.).
I don’t think that I’m really afraid of my own death, but I’m more afraid of the people around me, like family, dying, and then me having to live without them.
I think about death pretty often, but usually it takes the from of praising God that I and my family haven’t been very close to death. I’m pretty confident that when I die I will be in Heaven, so that keeps me from being afraid of death.
OMG! I honestly never thought of myself being afraid to die because I’ve always prayed to God to keep my soul alive even though my body might be dead. I’ve always wondered what it would be like to go to heaven, but I realize that even if there weren’t such a thing as heaven or the Devil caught my soul to leave it in constant crossfire, my soul will always be a part of my friends’ and family’s lives. That is what keeps me alive. 🙂
Wow. That’s amazing how God keeps us safe like that. AND I am really happy that he kept you safe.
Have you had any near death experiences? Tell us about them.
Two summers ago I was stranded on a beach in Northern Canada with several of my friends. We were working at a kid’s camp and made a wrong turn going home from a canoe trip. It was late at night and a thunderstorm came up, so we ended up huddling under our canoes while the camp director and staff were frantically searching the lake for any sign of us or our boats. Although most of us didn’t realize our true danger at the time, by the time we made it back to camp, the search parties were basically looking for our dead bodies.
When was the last time you really thought about death?
This fall, several people that I know were in a serious car accident. Two young people and a baby were killed. The whole incident caused me to seriously consider the reality of death.
Would you describe yourself as afraid of death? Be honest.
I read a quote once which pretty much describes my view on this subject: “I fear the pain of death, but not death itself” I’m terrified of the process of dieing, but increadibly excited for what waits beyond.
Death is generally considered a morbid subject. As Christians, should we think about death? If so, how should we think about death? If not, why shouldn’t we think about death?
Yes, Christians should definately think about death. We should consider it (for us) the beginning of a perfect eternity with God. There isn’t anything more exciting than that!
* Have you had any near death experiences? Tell us about them.
Too many to list…car accidents, charged by cattle, a near attempt at suicide, and the list goes on and on….
* When was the last time you really thought about death?
Seriously, ummmm last night. The time before that was like 6 mo ago when we were holding our fingers in a candle to see if we could handle being burned at the stake.
* Would you describe yourself as afraid of death? Be honest.
In some ways yes, just because of “how” I might die…but death in and of its self…no.
* Death is generally considered a morbid subject. As Christians, should we think about death? If so, how should we think about death? If not, why shouldn’t we think about death?
Not sure I will think on that one
Have you had any near death experiences? Tell us about them.
I was almost drowned a few times by my cousin, and i was ulmost chopped up by a boat i was tubing behind… and im sure there was more…
When was the last time you really thought about death?
I have no idea. sometime this summer prob.
Would you describe yourself as afraid of death? Be honest.
No, im more afriad of the pain that will prob occur before i visit my God.
Death is generally considered a morbid subject. As Christians, should we think about death? If so, how should we think about death? If not, why shouldn’t we think about death?
We should think of the examples we set to the world and how we can affect people for the Glory of God.
1) No offense to the driver, But I have felt as if on the edge of death while driving on the edge of a cliff. I have a problem with heights and (to my knowledge, which isn’t much) not so good drivers.
2) My sister was hospitalized 4-5 years ago after having a bust appendix go un-checked for 12 days. I was only ten/eleven years old at the time. Every night I prayed that God wouldn’t let her die. She almost did, but God was only testing my baby-faith. (I had become a Christian only a few months previous.) I was constantly afraid of death, for her, not myself; what I would do without her. I was full of questions. My mom told me, one night, When my sister seemed to be losing the battle, that if it was God’s will, I had to let her go. Only when I did let her go did the turning point in her recovery happen.
In those weeks of torture, however, when i would go to bed, I constantly thought about death, and my sister dying.
3) Once my faith began to grow, I never thought much about death, my death. I’m am not afraid of death(I know were I’m going :), only for the ones i leave behind.
4) I believe we should not be fixated on death and destruction. God doesn’t want us to live a depressed life. We should, however, be constantly aware of where we are going to spend eternity. And live every day as out last. Live in the way we want to be remembered. We should rejoice because we’re going to Heaven!!! 🙂
-Have you had any near death experiences? Tell us about them.-
When I was about four or five I was given the task of learning how to swim. I did not want to go in the water and especially not alone. At first it started out just fine. Then my mom tought me how to float. We finished our lesson and got out of the water. Something happened so that I was by myself.
I looked at the pool. Then the deep end. I found my curiosity reaching its climax. I wanted to look at the deep end. I was told earlier to stay there, but those words were drowned(no pun intended) out by the curriosity that loomed in my mind. I approached the deep end. Nothing wrong yet, I thought. I stopped at the 8 foot marker. Still fine, what could go wrong? A person jumped into the pool I stooped down to look at him under water. I couldnt see good, so I bent over.
Then as I looked at the person under the water I found my body falling in the water. down and down I fell until I reached the floor. I tried to jump up but I only got 1/8 of the way up there. My breath was starting to fade. I started to walk toward the shallow end. It felt like hours went past as I walked as fast as I could toward the other end. The water was slowing my steps to a slow movement.
I finaly got to the shallow end and stuck my head in the water. After that everything went blank. I awoke with the lifeguard standing over me.
– When was the last time you really thought about death?
About a month ago when I was reading my daily devotions. It was about Stephen from Acts.
– Would you describe yourself as afraid of death? Be honest.
Sometimes. I dont get afraid of death itself, just the way I would die. But then think of me going to heaven right afterwards.
-Death is generally considered a morbid subject. As Christians, should we think about death? If so, how should we think about death? If not, why shouldn’t we think about death?
It really depends on how you are “really” asking it. We should not because we shouldn’t dwell on pain and suffering. That hinders us from our true purpouse; Glorifying God. Fear doesnt come from God so we should not dwell on it. We should because it shows us toward our future in heaven. The quote that answers it all; “For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain”.
We should look forward to being united with him. Yet, at the same time must live a life for Christ.
Once, during a riding lesson, I was bucked off and landed right under the horse, who was very close to slamming her front hooves down on me. By His mercy, she turned before her feet landed.
I used to think about death a lot…and be terrified of it. I’m not so scared anymore, though. It doesn’t seem like something pleasant, and I’m not going to seek it, but I look forward to going finally home.
Alex and Brett,
that post really spoke to me. I was afraid to die. After reading that post I couldn’t sleep. God was relentless! He spoke to me in amazing ways. That night I prayed that Jesus would come back soon. And maybe for the first time in my life, I meant it. God knocked down the barriers of fear that I had set up, and I feel free! I am ready to devote my life FULLY to Him. I’m glad God is patient, because He has been waiting on me to deote myself to Him for a LONG time, and it took way longer than it sgould have! Are we stupid or what? I can’t believe I was oblivious to this sin in my life for so long! Thanks, guys! God bless you.
Honestly…I dont think bout death like i should. I know the Bible says to live your life for Christ like it is your last day. But i dont; i should do that. Honestly as Christians we should not fear death because’ absence from the body is to be present with the Lord.” We shouldnt worry about it but keep it in our minds; that this might be our last breathe we take an what are going to do with it? I dont think we should fear it; why should we? If youre saved by the blood of Christ, death is only the beginning really. Im not scared of death, when its my time its my time no matter what there is nothing you can do to change it. SO WHY SHOULD WE FEAR DEATH???
Quite honestly, I’d be happy to die. Not in a morbid way, because by the grace of God He has given me joy, but for the purpose of being with my Lord and Savior sooner! Death is the doorway to Heaven, to an eternal state of glorifying the Lord! And while I don’t understand God’s timing of deaths in my life, I am comforted in the sound knowledge that the time for anyone to die has been planned since before the world began and orchestrated for my Lord’s glory! I’m so ready for the Lord to return! In the light of that, the things that would hold me to this world and make it sad to leave, things I want to accomplish for Him, seem selfish and petty. Death was the means used to save me, such a wretched sinner! We look upon that death with reverence and gratitude. We should look upon all death with a readiness to be with our Lord God Almighty!
Have you had any near death experiences?
two that I can think of (if the second one counts)
1. When I was like 7-8 I went to my friend’s cousins house to swim and my friend, who I really don’t know wether I should really be calling him [a friend] kept dunking me and pushing my head down in the deep end of the pool where my feet didn’t touch. I literraly had to be pulled out by his older cousin because i could’t breathe or move , nor did I have any energy whatsoever. Since then, I have made it clear to people not to dunk me when we are swimming.
2. I have been in 4 “almost” car accidents.
When was the last time you really thought about death?
Probably a few months ago when my mom’s cousin tragically died (without knowing Christ). Although, thankfully because of that tragedy my grandma thought about where she stood in where she would go if she died and she accepted Christ as her Saviour HALLELUJAH. Hence the meaning of Romans 3:23 which i continually keep seing proven in my life.
Are you afraid of death?
Well every time I think of it i get a sick feeling in my stomach, so yes i would say I somewh am.
Would you describe yourself as afraid of death? Be honest.
Death is generally considered a morbid subject. As Christians, should we think about death? If so, how should we think about death? If not, why shouldn’t we think about death?
I am not afriad of death in the sense that I am afraid of whether or not I will go to Heaven. I am ready to die, as a Christian should be. My conscience is clear. However, how I die, well… Yes, that is a scary thought.
Death. To many a fearsome thought. To me; I’d love to die for someone I really love (she’s not a christian), or even for the fact of seeing Jesus.The chalenge to me is to make sure I am ready and willing. thanx!
Wow, and to think that that is one of your near death experiences! And no I can’t think of a time that I almost died but my worst injury was a mild concussion.
Man! It makes me think God’s telling me something. I’ve been thinking about the Armed Forces and wondered that maybe I should join after I finish school. Nothing’s stopping me and I don’t have anything to lose except my life which I give gladly. Sooner to see my Savior in heaven! Can’t wait to see the rest of the posts.
When i was born, i was two months premature. The first month i was home… my heart stopped beating 134 times. When i was five months i was on too high of a dose of theofolin and my parents had to call 911. I almost died. The doctors told my parents i would be stunted and retarded. Little did they know that God had a different plan for my life. Today, I am neither stunted or retarded, and God has put a call on my life for full time ministry. He is already using me at my young age. The last time i thought about death was today. I was observing two boys at my christian school and i thought… when they die i don’t know where they’re gonna go. I used to be afraid of death, until i found the verse in the Bible where Paul says… “For me to live is christ and to die is gain.” i used to freak out when i thought about eternity. lol. i would get dizzy and really nauseated. Now it’s so exciting for me to think about the most awesome worship service ever lasting all day! 🙂 As christians we should think about death in two ways.
1. Our reward.
2. when the people i know die, where are they going?
It’s nice to hear this story again Brett. =) It’s a kind of scene that one would see in a movie but this one is real and kinda dangerous. Moving on…
* Have you had any near death experiences? Tell us about them.
I only had one though I never really considered it as something near-death though it could have killed me. It was 3 weeks before my graduation in high school. I was waiting for the traffic light to become red (for the vehicles)in one of the major highways in the metro so I could cross on to school. It was already getting late due to the heavy rain that fell but of course I didn’t want to be late. So the instant the traffic light turned red, I crossed the highway without looking sideways if all cars have stopped. Apparently not all did. The next thing I remembered, I was in the E.R. of a hospital and piecing all what the nurses told me, I was hit by a car–which I could barely remember. I never considered it near death–though others have–because I did not feel afraid or anything. I don’t know why I felt the opposite of what everybody felt. I can only think that it must be God’s doing to have saved me from the accident and saving me from the fear everybody else felt around me.
* When was the last time you really thought about death?
I can’t remember but I frequently think about it.
* Would you describe yourself as afraid of death? Be honest.
Before, yes. Now, no. Though I know where I’d be going when I die, I was still afraid to die then because I said, “There’s no way I could die yet. I’m too young.” But after the mission trip I had in a far-off island, I was able to grasp what it really meant not to be afraid of death and trusting Him wholly about it. Phil. 1:21, was more meaningful than it was. And sometime later, I found my life-verse: Acts 20:24. “However, I consider my life worth nothing to me. If only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me–the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.” Death doesn’t scare me now, after all, whether I will live a good old age or not, it’s still Him in the end. To die is gain.
* Death is generally considered a morbid subject. As Christians, should we think about death? If so, how should we think about death? If not, why shouldn’t we think about death?
Yes, as Christians we should think of death. More often actually. We should not see it a something morbid. It should be something to look forward to because we’ll finally meet our Creator and Savior. Now, if we already have that thought of looking forward to death, being a gift and a gain, while we live here on earth, it should not remain that. While we anticipate the meeting with our Creator, we should think (and do) of sharing the hope we have to those who do not have hope in death. It would be an understatement on our faith if we enjoy ourselves so much with the hope we have and not share it.
I wish I could think of death more like the Apostle Paul did: “To live is Christ and to die is gain.” As many others have said, I am not afraid of what will happen after I die as much as before. Suffering, pain, trials… they frighten me. I think about death quite frequently, but most of the time it is when I am looking forward to something or get very excited about what God might have for my future (writing, traveling to Europe, playing the violin, translating the Bible). I think, “I never know what could happen to me before I have a chance to do any of those. I could be killed. I could be harmed by criminals. America could be overthrown by anarchists or terrorists…” and on and on. But now as I am typing this, I realize that this is not how I should think. A great peace is flowing into my soul. Oh I think of the wonderful words of Jesus about worrying. God will watch over me and care for me! HE determines my future, not I, and He is good, and I must trust Him. “‘Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take Him at His word…” GOD will fulfill HIS gracious plan for me. And they are plans to prosper me, and not to harm me.
On another note, when I think about death, I sometimes worry that I really haven’t “accepted Christ ‘enough'”. I know that I know that I know that I am saved; I can see small but genuine fruit of it in my life, and yet sometimes I still worry. That is the devil and I must resist him. Oh help me, Savior, to trust You and not to worry! And help me to fully and joyfully submit to Your plan!
Thinking and feeling through all this has been immensely encouraging to me. I realize it’s long, but I’m keeping it all in in hope that it may encourage someone else on their journey. 🙂
Oh what a wonderful Father we have!
I was reading back through some of the comments of others, and the theme of fear of regret that we may not have surrendered all we have or obeyed God at every opportunity. It reminds me of two things:
1. 1 John 2:28 “And now, little children, abide in Him, so that when He appears we may have confidence and not shrink back from Him in shame at His coming.” When I read that verse it really struck me. I had/have been feeling that– feeling how much I don’t want to shrink from Him. “Abide in Him…” I don’t want Jesus to be a stranger to me when we meet face to face. I want to know Him now. I want to abide in Him.
2. A very Rebelutionary CD by Delirious? called “Kingdom of Comfort.” It is a challenge to first-world Christians not to insulate themselves from the suffering of the world. Oh how that resonated with me. I live in the innner-city, so I see poverty, but I don’t touch it. I’m less insulated than some, but I want to help. I really, really don’t want to insulate myself. I want to get my hands dirty. Anyway, one of the songs on the CD is called, “Give it what you’ve got,” and some of the lyrics are something like, “You’ve got to give it all you’ve got… this is time we have to give…” I want to die with no regrets.
I want to die with no regrets. Help me God.
I think that’s kind another one-sentence summary of the Rebelution. Do every hard thing God gives you. Die with no regrets.
Daniel Lannon, Thank-You so much for sharing that amazing testimony!
My grandparents were missionaries in Pakistan my mother went to Murray Christian School and they try to keep in touch. I heard about the attack and the way God spared the students, but never anything beyond “Terrorists broke into Murray Christian School, five guards were killed, but the students and missionaries were protected.” I didn’t even know whether the terrorists had escaped or not.
Out of curiosity, is your family on furlough or are you deployed at the moment? Pardon me if I seem like I’m prying, but I love hearing how God is working in Pakistan. Especially the places like Murray Christian School that I’ve heard about all my life.
Living in South Africa, death is, unfortunately, part of our everyday lives. If you have been lucky enough to miss out on the HIV/AIDS infected injection needles and blood, the chances of being brutally murdered any time of the day and night is quite high.
I used to think about death the whole time, till I was almost out of my mind with fear, but mercifully the Lord has led me to fully trust in him. Many people give up hope and leave the country or become fatalistic but God has taught me to just depend on him, everywhere I go, all times of the day and night. No watch dogs, policemen, electric fences or armed reaction forces can protect you like our loving Father in heaven can.
I am now not afraid of death anymore, eventhough I do sometimes get a knot on my stomach when the gruesome details of another hate-murder is published. The Lord is slowly but surely leading me to not fear torture or other indignities that I might have to face before I die.
My comment wont be as lon as the rest, but I just wanted to say that this teaching has really changed my way of thinking. I have always been scared of dying and not accomplishing my dreams, but honestly, there is nothing more satifying knowing that if we die when God tells us its time to go, we will go to a peaceful place. I do not need to fear, because my sould will not parish but live!!
Thanks : )
Um, never really had any near death experiences, unless you count passing out in a doctor’s office or getting stuck in a hydraulic while tubing and going under water twice. Last time I thought about death was probably a few days ago. I’m not scared of death really, curious about how it would feel yes and when I was little it terrified me but not anymore.
When I was pretty little, I had bad asthma, but nobody knew. When I got really sick, my mom would sleep on the floor at night to make sure I didn’t stop breathing. Years later, we found out I had had pneumonia (sp?) and bronchitis (sp?) twice. I could’ve died in my sleep. When I was about six, I was jumping backwards into my grandparents’ hot tub, and my bottom got stuck in the filter in the floor that was sucking water in. My mom was sitting right there, so I probably wouldn’t have drowned, but it was scary. This year, we went to Zion National Park in Utah, and climbed this HUGE cliff, with sheer 1000 foot dropoffs on either side, with only 3 feet between them on one place. Obviously I didn’t fall, but it was scary.
I think about dying a lot. I mean, a lot. I thought about just yesterday, and in fact faked my own death (not in front of anybody, don’t worry). But I’m not scared of it. I’m not at all scared of just going in my sleep or anything, and I’m not even really scared of dying painfully, but of course I’d rather not. But death sounds like it’s going to be a glorious experience.
I don’t think Christians should dwell on death or anything, but whenever we do think of it, I think it should be with rejoicing. Why wouldn’t we rejoice when we thought about meeting Christ face to face?
I have never had a near death experience that I can recall. I don’t like the idea of pain, and sometimes I think how much I’d miss if I died in the next minute. But, of course, I wouldn’t miss it if I were in heaven, which is where I plan to go.
And I agree that no one is too young to die. There are unborn babies dying every day.
Death. I have had more than one near death experiance. (I was just that kind of kid.) But the one that stands out above all others is when I almost killed myself. On purpose. Death is something I look forward to. Don’t worry it is no longer something I desire above all else. When I die I will be in heaven face to face with my creater. There is nothing on this earth I wouldn’t mind missing for that. Pain will be over. Finally. I can’t wait. I think about it daily.
That is so great Grace. Let me know on the forum when you are officially on!
Death is a thing that is all around us, something we eventually can’t avoid. Before we know Jesus as our Savior we are frightened by death. We try to do everything in our power to avoid it. Part of this is because we are scared of what we don’t know.
Most of my extended family doesn’t know the Lord and doesn’t care to know the Lord. My Great Grandma is 92 and all of my family knows that soon she is going to have to face death like all mortals must do. Because she is a Christian, we know that she will be up in heaven when she dies and that we will see her again someday. Last Christmas my mom was talking to my aunt and cousin who are not Christains. My mom brought up the subject of Grandma and how she will die before my 1 year old cousin is old enough to really get to know her like us kids have gotten to know her. My aunt said that she shouldn’t talk about Grandma possibly dieing in front of my cousin because it might make her sad and depressed.
My aunt was afraid to mention death in front of my 16 year old cousin because they don’t know what is going to happen to them. What if we just dissapear and all our work in this life was for nothing? My family is not fearful of Grandma dieing because we know that we will see her again in heaven so we can freely talk about it without being very sad. Of course we will miss her, but just the thought of her with god brings joy to my heart!
The moral of my story: Instead of being fearfull of death, we as Christians should be happily looking forward to the day we die. But of course there is no need to hurry toward that day! Besides, with all the filth on this earth, why would you want to stay here longer than the Lord puts you here?! I personally feel like there is so much I am supposed to do on this earth before I can go be with my Lord. Maybe that is why I am drawn to the Rebelution so much!
It is better to go to a house of mourning. Than to go to a house of feasting, because that is the end of every man, and the living takes it to heart. ECC7:2
The very thing that creates the most amount of fear in the human heart, death, is the very instrument Christ used to destroy death, and sin, and satan. Which shows God to be so glorious. In Christ’s weakest moment he used satan’s own weapon to destroy him with it, and give us an everlasting risen hope!
I think that you guys could use that experience as anaology of what Jesus did for us by dying on the cross. the screwdriver “died” to save you the same way Jesus did.
Americans are obviously afraid of dying. Almost every week there is a new pill or medication to slow the process of diseases that will most likely lead to death. On TV there are also many ads about “women staying young” when they are 50, or practicing certain diets, rituals and exercises to supposedly slow the process of aging. No, I’m not afraid to die, because I know where I will go and Whom I will meet and praise! But I’m sure many people wouldn’t want to die because of a tragic event like 9/11 or the slayings at Virginia Tech….
these is gonna be a really great series!! Well I dont really remember any near death experiences but my mom has told me that when I was a baby I drank from the fluid of her stomach and they didnt knew if I was going to live or not, in that time my mom became a christian and Im here today praising His name so it was for His glory… And apart from that I had a few accidents were I got stitches but nothing more….
Well actually Im kid of afraid of death but I shall not be because God is my father and were my Dad is that shall be my place like Pablo said in Philippians 4:21 ¨For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain¨ that should be the Christians point of view in death we should live for Him and through Him….
There’ve been a couple of near-misses involving cars and a few other incidents I remember being highly dangerous but don’t remember the specific details. I have had been to a fair number of funerals, including those involving teenage friends killed by cancer, so I at least have a little bit more experience than some who’ve never or only once been to funerals.
Our modern, pagan term “passing away” really grates poorly on me, because it’s an utter lie to say that we “pass away”. Ditto “celebrations” instead of “funerals”. The sting of death is no more for a Christian but that does not negate just how awful a thing it is. Death is a violently unnatural thing and we need to recognize it as such, even while we recognize Christ’s victory over death.
In one sense, I fear death in the shallowest of ways, but in another, I too easily don’t live as though this day or this hour could be my last on earth.
I’m looking forward to this series.
Near death experiences? I’ve scared my family quite a few times (I attract danger) – falling from a moving care at age four, having an appendicitis for over a week because doctors would not believe my parents, rupturing my spleen and finding out almost twelve hours later that I was bleeding internally, falling five feet and hitting my head on cement then not telling anyone for a few hours (and then having problems from this like trouble breathing, temporary paralysis, and seizures)… all of these could have been death if one more factor had been put into the equation.
I’ve thought about death a lot recently, since I have had to live with daily pain for about eight months now. I am not afraid of death, but sometimes I think of death as if it will never happen. When I think about it, I see all things I should be doing. I do long for it to come, though, when it seems as if my live is enveloped by pain. I want to be in a place where it won’t hurt to live, and I can be more alive than anyone can imagine. It is funny how so many emotions can be brought up by the word “death.”
I think it is great that people are so afraid of death (when they are not Christians). A lot of times that drives a person toward Christ.
Wow. I agree with the peter pan quote about death being a grand adventure.
Ok. So, we CAN”T die until our time. And we CAN”T NOT die when our time comes.
So why not live life loud. I have a lot of preppy girl friends. My life started out a
little- ok, a lot- bumpy. I was homeless with my mom and brother. My mom was a bunch of uncool things that I’m too tired to type. My dad stunk at life and one of my brothers had died. I hated cops and kids disliked me. A lot of people get all baby-faced and say, “oh, i’m sorry for you…” when I say that now, because you’d never tell knowing my family now. But if I learned one thing in all that, it’s that THERE’S NOTHING TO BE AFRAID OF. I’ve been in COUNtLeSS situations that should’ve killed me or at least ruined my life, but GOD IS IN CONTROL. Back to the preppy friends thing. They get all freaked out over having to walk across the street or going in their own yard at night. I’m not saying that being cautious is wrong. People sin. That is that. But living every moment in fear is imprisoning. The joy of the Lord is our strength. There’s no room for joy and freedom in your life if you’re stuck in a cell with no bathroom.
Live free. Have fun. Yea, do hard things. But do, random, crazy, stupidly death-defying things too.
Skip through the mall.
jump off roofs into pools.
tell your neighbor about jesus. (ooohh…daring.)
write a song and don’t hide it from the world.
invent something.
exceed expectation.
protest boredom on the side of the road.
be the christian you act like online.
Living Christ Loud,
Jade 🙂
In response to Jade,
I completely agree that we should live strong and unimprisoned.
However, I do not think that you should test the Lord.
As in, random, crazy, stupidly death-defying things…
Of course Christ is in control and he can save you from yourself time and time again, but haven’t you ever heard that old adage? Don’t tempt fate.
Just because Christ is in control does not make us invincible.
Now I’m not saying to be boring and fearful, just reminding you that impetuousness doesn’t have to be foolish.
Hope you are an exciting warrior for Christ.
Till death do us meet.
1. My near-death experience was Spring 2007. I had a blood clot that ran from my groin to my ankle. Two pieces broke off and went into my lungs. The “clot-buster” the doctors were using was so strong that it could of caused a bleed in a major organ (like my brain) and would of caused me to die. As my doctor put it “If we do this, you may die. If you don’t do anything you WILL die.” (Not something a 14 year-old can quite handle).
2. I think about death almost every day. There are times that I wonder what would of happened if I had died of that blood clot. At the time it happened, I was not walking with the Lord. Every time I think about how He saved me physically, I start praising Him for my spiritual salvation as well.
3. I am not afarid of death itself as it just means that I am with the Lord. I am, however, terrified of how I may die.
4. I think Christians should think about death for many reasons. 1) Our Lord and Savior conquered it! 2) Death may come to a person before we can give them the Gospel. 3) Death is not the end. It means that we get to leave our “vacation” home (Earth) and go home (Heaven).
I think that Christians should definitly think about death. We need to remember that anything can happen to us or our unsaved friends, and if people die without being saved there will be nothing anyone can do for them. We can’t put off witnessing! We should pray for the salvation of everyone within our sphere of influence and that when we do die our deaths will bring someone else to the Lord.
Thanks, this was real wake-up call for me. I don’t fear death, but I should fear that my friends will die without me trying to show them God’s love.
1. Have you had any near death experiences? Tell us about them.
If I’ve ever had any near-death-experiences, I think it’s more likely they’ve come from nearly having a heart attack over my brothers’ antics than anything I’ve done.. (yet. I’m terribly accident prone. ;))
2. When was the last time you really thought about death?
Last time.. I guess I subconsciously think of death everyday because I work for a Mortuary Transport Company, and at a Mortuary (both family owned), but if you’re meaning more about my personal death, I’m not really sure. Physical death doesn’t hold a fear for me.
3. Would you describe yourself as afraid of death? Be honest.
Like I said above, it doesn’t really hold a fear for me- for the most part.
I don’t fear death because I KNOW what’s waiting for me on the other side– the love of my life: my savior, my God.
On the flip side of the coin, I do fear death in a way; not the dying process, but the leaving people behind. I’m one of those people who tries to take care of everyone, and goes around making sure everyone is doing all right, and filling whatever role is needed. Often, I’m a shoulder for people who need a good crying, and I think that maybe I worry who will take my place, or who will comfort the “unstable” people that I know.
4. Death is generally considered a morbid subject. As Christians, should we think about death? If so, how should we think about death? If not, why shouldn’t we think about death?
I think, DEFINITELY we should think about death. But I also have an argument for why we shouldn’t.
First off, I know that sounds completely whacky, but I’ll explain myself– I think it’s a personal thing.
I think we should think about it because, regardless, it’s GOING TO HAPPEN TO EVERYONE. Why deny the fact? Why not prepare ourselves for the death of others, and for our own?
Personally, I don’t mind thinking about it. See, I was born into the “Funeral Industry” so it doesn’t bother me at all. (Growing up, I listened to my dad talk about his day, or listened in on his conversations with his colleagues. This was just dinner talk!)
As for the other side, I’ll repeat myself in saying it’s a personal thing. If it bothers you to think about it, then maybe it’s better you don’t think about it any more than you need to.
An example I can give you is a woman I used to go to church with would become physically sick when death was even slightly mentioned.
I look forward to reading the rest of your series! (Oh, and thanks for letting me know not to use a screwdriver with a plastic handle. ;))
A Christian has got a special privilege from God which is apart from others that we have a life-purpose, We know where we are from and where we are going to after this life. We know we come from God. God has selected each human with purpose as well as to get Him known. After life, we also know that we are going to live with the Almighty God, the living one and the creator of all things in which is unnumerably better than where we are living in now, on this world. When we have such better life ahead of us, why we have to fear about the death. Death is just the passing way to go through the wonderful place. In Christ, He has taken our sin upon His graceful cross. He redempt and purified us so that we can live with Him. What a wonderful savior! What a wonderful love it is! Let’s worship. Accompany Him with grateful hearts. Do what He ordered Him that is to preach the gospel to glory Him. Praise the Lord forever till we die. Amen
Great post Young or Old we must all determine what are the most important things in life.
And be ready to die for them! The Kingdom is the greatest cause!!
Ya. Last summer while sleeping in a tent, a 2,000 LB tree fell on my head. Not the greatest thing that can happen. Instead of getting crushed to death, I came out with only a few blue spots on the side of face. I never really understood God’s love for me until that day. I know for sure now that He has a purpose for my life. I can honestly say I’m not afraid of death as much anymore. Thank God!!!
Your kidding! How many near-death experiences have you had? Anyway, this is about my sister, Karissa’s near-death experience. My dad was not home so it was just my mom, my sister, me and all our pets. My mom was sitting on the couch, and I was searching the internet when a HUGE light lit up the room. Looking around, I see my sister standing near an outlet plug, rigid as a stone. I looked around and saw two metalic keys stuck in the plug. We lost our electricity, but my sister left the accident with only black hands and a look of amusement on her face!
great post! I love the idea for the series. sounds real good! keep it up
hmm…the closest to death that i’ve come to, was probably riding in a car on a curvy hill with and 18 year old boy who was not afraid to die, and whose goal was to scare the crap out of my friend and me. yeah…good times.
i actually think about death often. last time? oh wow, just today. i fear for a lot of my atheistic friends. what happens when final judgment comes? it’d be hard being without them.
honesty, i like to say i’m not afraid to die. i don’t think i am. it’s a little…intimidating and it would kind of be like starting a new school or meeting a new person.
of course we need to think about death. not morbidly though, more or less like new life. since Christians truly will not DIE in the completely mortal sense, we shouldn’t fear death. death is change.
To be honest, death scares me. I am not a Christian. Though I don’t believe in God, I worry that if He exists (which I think He might) and I don’t give my life to him and I die, I’ll go to Hell. And, frankly, I don’t want to go there.
God truly does exist, and it’s good that you are scared of Hell. You should be! But you need to come to Christ because you love and want to serve him as well, not just because you don’t want to go to Hell. I’ll be praying for you, that The Holy Spirit puts that love in your heart, and I hope that you’ll pray to and ask him to be your Savior.
~ Mindy
As Christ-followers, we should think of death. However, in Phil 1:21 it says, “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” That should give us a Hope to be confident of the lives that we live on earth. It should give us hope to see God’s glory and love for us by the gift of Life. It should give us hope in the waltz through eternity in which we will spend with our Maker.
That really sounds like something 1 of my brothers would do, & i have 4 of them.=]
Um… the anly near death exprerience i can remember is when i fell into a pond that had a net over it. i could’ve gotten caught in the net and drowned but i guess God wanted me 2 stay here.
I know exactly what you are feeling! Before I was a Christian I was just like you. I was terrified that I would die and go to hell. But when I was twelve I accepted Christ as my savior and a was given such a wonderful peace! I no longer am fearful of death. Would you like to know how to get that peace? If you do, just let me know. I would love to show you how. You will never regret it, believe me!
Keeping you always in my prayers,
P.S. And yes, God does exist! All of creation points to a creator!
I am a Christian, though I am still afraid of death. I scared as to how it will come. If it comes quietly in my old age (LONG LONG way off), that won’t be so bad, but if I am run over, or if I drown… It just is a scary concept for me.
You said you don’t believe that there is a God. Does that mean you believe in the theory of evolution?
When I was seven, I was on a mule wagon and fell out almost getting run over.
I think about death at least once a week. Partly I think about things that lead to someone I have lost to death.
I honestly would not describe myself as afraid of death. I had a dream about it and God was telling me HE needed and wanted me then and no matter how I tried to not die, I would still die that night.
I believe we should think about death but we should not obsess over it. We should not be so consumed with fear because I feel that gives the devil a foothold. We should look forward to our death date not causing it when we feel it is nessescary but when God wants us to be with HIM.
The closest near-death experience, for me, was when my blood sugar dropped to below ten during a test for my growth-hormone deficiency. I was awake at this time, sweating profusely, exhausted, weak, and ravenous. I did not realize how close to death I was until the nurse told me…after I had recovered, thankfully.
As for thinking about death, I don’t, really. I am always thinking about how short life is and how I need to take advantage of it, and use every moment wisely and for God’s glory. In some ways, it’s a pet peeve, but in other ways it helps me to stay focused and use my time wisely.
As for being afraid of death, I’m not afraid of my future. I am in the middle of an apologetics course, so I am very sure of myself concerning heaven. But I am a little afraid of the pain that comes with death, sadly. Some times I almost want to die for God to show my passion for Him, but many times I just get scared at the thought.
I think that Christians should consider this life as our time to prove our loyalty and love for God. Paul often talks about how he is yearning for heaven, and in a lot of ways, I feel like him. Death can be scary, but I always feel a little happiness when a Christian dies, along with the great multitude of pain. So, I guess what I’m saying is that we need to use every moment valuably and for God’s glory…and not be afraid about what other’s say about us. I know, a lot easier said than done, but I’m learning.
Well, my nearest death experience was when I was eight. I was sleep and I started coughing, and I lost my breath in my sleep, but they rushed me to the hospital just in time. I remember saying, “Jesus, please fill my lungs,” and I knew at that moment that he answered my prayer.
P.S. I am a friend on Facebook!
Let’s see. My near death experience was once there was an ice storm where I lived. Well, after the ice storm there was lots of ice everywhere (Obviously). My brother and I liked to play under these bushes in front of our house. Our mom called us in for school and not five minutes later huge chunks of ice fell off the roof and onto where we were playing. The bushes were flattened. The metal railings by our door were bent and some of the bricks were chipped.
We for sure would have been killed then and there. I’m so glad we hadn’t complained, “Just 5 more minutes?”
My sister almost died in a sled axcident. We didnt know until 3 days after.
Some parents think their kids are angels, but they’ll find that as their legs grow longer, their wings grow shorter!- Adrian Rogers
So true!
Very interesting topic, I admit I have always thought of death quite a bit. I actually had a near-death experiene this past summer that I love to share with people due to the Lord’s faithfulness! I was a sophmore in high school and it was to be my first-ever summer camp with my church. It was on a mountain in Georgia and was beautiful. I looked at it as a great break and a good chance to be with my friends. But the Lord had special plans for me, he was molding me throughout this entire experience. On the third night there, me and the 5 other girls from my cabin were laying in bed and for some reason, none of us could sleep. There was a mild storm going on at the time, when all of a sudden, I heard the loudest sound ever in my life. It seemed like it lasted a least a full minute (prob. only a few seconds). A very large tree had fallen on our cabin. The next day as we looked it over, I realized that I was in a direct line of the tree! The Lord was truly in control that night. Up to that point I didn’t think I was scared of death, but that night I shook and cried with my friends (all from the cabin) for a full hour.
Chelsey Vawter
The best story of near-death experience I’ve had in my life happened this summer (2008). I was staying by myself with a missionary family in Accra, Ghana, West Africa. Accra is a big city and a lot of bad stuff goes on there. The night before I came home, three houses down from where I was staying, there was an armed robbery. (the houses that were broken into did not have protective walls around them, as the house that I was staying in did) No one was shot, but the gunmen beat the occupants of the houses with their guns, and demanded their cash, passports, wedding rings, and anything else that was valuable. The full realization of what happened didn’t hit me until about a week after I came home…I just started crying my eyes out..I was so thankful for God’s protection, because had the gunmen broken into the house where I was, I might have been killed, hurt, or had my passport taken so I wouldn’t have been able to go home for a long time. I learned more about God’s protection on that trip than I had the first 18 years of my life!
Haha sounds totally like a guy thing. Sorry ladies but its true. Man I could go over how many manly things I wanted to do when we were building are house. The sad thing is, is that I did them and never really got hurt that I can remember of. Except the one time I thought I was so cool walking over this really big stack of wood. I ended up stepping on a Nail. Oh how that hurt. Anyways I agree that we don’t think about death in the way we should. there are to many people out in the world who don’t know where there going when the die. So therefore they don’t think about it. Like Athieast, I believe I have spelled that wrong but you get what I’m saying.
Oh my gosh. I’ve done some things like that before. One time (this was one of my earlier experiences with soldering) I dropped the soldering iron right on my lap and it bunt a hole in my pants–and in my leg as well.
The moral of that story was: Don’t use a soldering iron if your hands are slippery from newly applied lotion–which was applied to help soothe a burn from accidentally resting my hand on what appeared to be a cool burner on the stove.
Yeah, we have all experienced some pretty painful stuff.
Like the time I fell off the roof of a three-story house onto a trampoline and was launched about (my friend who was still on the roof estimated) twelve feet or so into the air (vertically) only to do a complete belly flop onto his driveway–which was gravel.
Fun memories.
It is great that we don’t have to fear death. I have faced death and beat it many times, as my life and work have led me to some totally unsavory characters. Sometimes we need to realize that death is a reality, but don’t spend too much time dwelling on it.
Even greater, is the fact that we can focus on LIFE, and the opportunities it gives us to live for Jesus! This is why I love Isaiah 38:18-19A “For the Grave cannot praise thee, death can not celebrate thee: they that go down into the pit cannot hope for thy truth. The living, the living he shall praise thee as I do this day:” (KJV)
As long as the Lord has more plans for my life, I plan to live, and DO IT, regardless of any danger!
* Have you had any near death experiences? Tell us about them.
– My whole life has been a near death experience. It always seems like everywhere I turn I’m either getting this close to sickness, or this close to falling out of my chair and breaking my head open I never got why God would make someone so prone to accidents but I guess I shall wait and see.
* When was the last time you really thought about death?
– A few days ago. I was thinking about why everyone I knew considered suicide so much and it really bothered me to put some of my close friends in that catagory.
* Would you describe yourself as afraid of death? Be honest
-Yes, I mean i know where were supposed to go but how do you ever know.
Wow. Oh my gosh that has to be scary to think back on. I’ve never done anything like that. Crazy, I know. The last time I thought about death, besides right now, was this morning. I was thinking about a girl I went to camp with and when she told us about attempting to kill herself. It was sad, but God turned her life around and that was sooo awesome to hear about.
I think I’m afraid of death, but not for myself. I’m afraid about not waking up tomorrow and having to watch my parents suffer through it, and all my friends cry over my death, when I’m in a way better place. I don’t think it’s wrong to think about death as Christians, and I think that we should think of death as new life. Cuz our eternal life will be sooo amazing!
Near death experiences? Well I was born a month early and with a terminal kidney disease. I distinctly remember where I was the day my parents told me my disease was terminal, and what that word meant. I was 7 years old. I was given 6 months to live without dialysis or a kidney transplant in April 2001 when I was 11. However, thanks to the mercy and grace of our Almighty God, I received a kidney transplant 4 months later on August 30, 2001.
Things were good for a while, but I was again forced to dwell on the subject when I was diagnosed with an immune system defect in November 2006. My doctor told my mom and I that if I caught pneumonia or any other illness I could die because my immune system was just not strong enough to fight it off. My immune system is almost back to normal now due to weekly infusions I receive. In January 2008 my doctor told me that my disease (the immune system defect) is incurable and I will remain in treatment (weekly infusions) for the rest of my life. Since then I have thought quite a bit about death and long for the day when I am made whole and complete in the presence of my Savior.
That January God taught me a lot about death. He taught me that I will never learn how to embrace and live my remaining days to the praise and glory of Christ until I can learn to let go. I must learn that this world has nothing for me. Its treasures are empty and vain. I must learn to cherish Christ and be satisfied in Him alone. I must learn to fill my days with passion and purpose. I must learn to let go…of my pride and embrace humility…of my plans and embrace my cross…of my fear and embrace childlike trust. I must learn to let go of this world and pursue Christ and His glory only. And that is the bravest and most courageous thing one could ever do. And it scares me. Maybe it’s because we are so engrained in this world that we cannot imagine anything better. We’ve become in and of this world rather than in but not of it. Maybe it’s so hard to let go because everything and everyone around us is telling us to hold on…but maybe…just maybe…the road I’ve been called to travel is holy. It is sacred. The way is obscured by sweat and blood and tears; its soundtrack screams of pain and cries of joy. Because I have been called to “fill up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions (Col. 1:24).” We accomplish this by using our sufferings to spread the Gospel; our sufferings are the vehicle by which Christ’s Gospel and His sufferings arrive to the unreached people groups of the world. This is why our sufferings are not strange (c.f. 1 Peter 4:12); this is how we show the world that Christ is truly satisfying. Erwin McManus says, “God created you so your life would count; not so you could count the days in your life.” No matter how many more days my life holds, my goal is that of 2 Corinthians 3:18: “And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” My hope and prayer is that when I reach the end of my race I can honestly proclaim the words of Paul in 2 Timothy 4:7-8: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the Righteous Judge, will award to me on that day – and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.” May I not waste my immunodeficiency by constantly making my prayer that of the psalmist in Psalm 90:12: “Teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.” As is quoted in the book Tuck Everlasting, “Do not fear death, but rather the unlived life. You don’t have to live forever; you just have to live.”
Being completely honest, I’m not afraid of death, because when I die I’ll be with my Savior and Creator forever. Though I do have a horribly low pain threshold so I am a little afraid of the pain of dying, but not death itself. Death for me is the start of new life. Life in heaven.
Wow. Great post.
1.The closest near-death experience I had was when I was in first grade at school in France. During recess, I fell hard on my head, hitting it against the pavement. I finished the afternoon of school crying, and by the time I got home was in bad shape. My mom and some friends prayed over me while they waited for my dad to get home with the car… I remember all I wanted to do was go to sleep. By the time we got to the hospital though, I was sitting up and asking my parents if I could eat. The doctors looked me over, did some tests, and sent us home, saying I had had a concussion but was now perfectly fine.
2. Just this morning. I was thinking about my grandma who passed away last spring.
3. No, I’m not afraid of death, though there was a time when I was. It’s more the how that scares me now–I’m scared that it might be painful.
4. Yes, I do think Christians should think about death. If Christians avoid the subject of death altogether, something isn’t quite right. A person who completely avoids thinking about death is most likely scared of it, which shows that they’re probably uncertain as to what will happen to them (or, more specifically where they will go) after they die. How should we think about death? I don’t think we should linger on how, or in what way we will die, but rather, ask ourselves, if we were to die today, we would be satisfied with how we lead our lives as Christians? Or, more importantly would God be pleased with how we lead our lives? Did we seek to glorify Him in everything, did we let Him lead? Or did we let ourselves be blinded by the world, and by worldly things?
The closest time I’ve come ot death was when I was eleven. I was diagnosed with type one diabetes, and my blood-sugar was over 550. You can pass out if you get over 800, and the tests that tell what you’ve been recantly showed that I had been 750 at one piont. If you don’t get treated for it, you can pass out and die within minuets. I know a guy my age who didn’t know he had it, and passed out while they were out of town. They didn’t know what to do, and he died and was dead for 13 minuets before they revived him. He recovered, but not after months in the hospital fighting for his life. He suffer so much trama that he went blind and lost much of his high funchtions. He still is blind, but other then having diabetes he’s fine and happy. He’s Catholic, but I’m a Christian. I thank God everyday that we caught it when we did, and I have made it through.
By the way, I am a big fan of the Rebelution and have read do hard things. I was really inspired by it and will have to post some other time about what it had done in my life. Also, this summer I went to Patrick Henry College for one of the summer teen camps. I really loved it and had a blast. I love PHC too but I’m a freshman and can’t go there to college quite yet. I think it’s really cool that you guys are going there, and hope that you are having fun.
Thanks so much for doing this.
A Fellow Warrior for the King of Kings
Wow, this is a great topic! I’m excited to discuss and read the rest of the series.
1. when i was in 6h grade i went several days being extremely thirsty. my parents thought nothing of it. come to find out i had type 1 diabetes. but no one in my family had any idea.
one day i came home from school throwing up. and stayed home from school by myself the next day because my parents had to work. and being sick i was eating chicken noodle soup, popsicles, and drinking things like sprite. lots of sugar in all of the above. causing my already high blood sugar to go even higher. the next day i was still throwing up at least every 30 minutes. so my mom took me to the doctor. the doctors had no idea what was wrong with me except that i needed to go to the hospital asap. on the 20 minute drive to the hospital i slipped into a diabetic coma in the car. when they were done running tests and such my blood sugar was 957 (normal is anywhere between 90-120) my endocrinologist said hes seen one kid who had a higher blood sugar than me but he didnt make it. God is good.
2. last time i thought about death? about 2 hours ago. my best friend has a brain tumor.
im scared to death he will die soon.
3. imnot scared of my death necessarily but i am scared of losing loved ones.
4. i think we should talk about death. personally i can not wait until i die. im not sucidal in any way. but i just simply can not wait to be at the feet of my father with no tubing (i have an insulin pump to control my diabetes. its sort of like an IV) praising Him. i cant wait to be in heaven. i think we should give others that hope. to the ones who have no idea what happens when they die. we should tell them they dont have to be scared. for when we die is when our life really begins.
I’ve never really had a huge close to death experience, but I do know that I have come to close to it before. I think that young people have a false confidence of being immortal. Nothing can kill us, we’re too young to die, right? Nope. I’m kind of a dare devil and sometimes do stupid things and just shrug it off. I step out of the car 6 inches from traffic. My mom says that I could have been hit and killed. But I wasn’t, I was quick to point out.
Or once I was sledding in Bend, Oregon, when I nearly hit a tree. I brushed it. I could have had a head-on collision with it and died, which reminds me of Sonny’s skiing accident.
Yes, death does scare me if I really think about it. I admit I have thought, “I’m too young to die.” I feel like I haven’t done anything with my life. I’m just getting started! But then I realized that you are never too young to die. Obviously if you die at a young age, you have already fufilled your purpose here.
This past summer, a sixteen year old guy who lives near us was driving a hay baler on the road when a log truck struck him. He died within a few minutes. He was a strong Christian and you could feel yourself starting to question God, “Why did you let such a great guy die so young?” But now I believe he fufilled his purpose after dying, rather than during his life. He death seemed to point a lot of people in the direction of God. But here’s what really proves it:
His grandpa couldn’t sleep one night after the accident so he got up and decided to built him a memorial. He took some boards from a random scrap pile and fashioned a cross. He then turned it over to paint it, when something caught his eye. Right where the boards intersected was a cross drawn with a Sharpie. The boy had drawn it. (His family had always been scolding him for doodling all over everything.) That was most definitely a message from God. Against all odds, it ended up on the back of his memorial, perfectly centered.
I guess it goes to show that we just have to trust that God knows when is the right time to take us. It’s easy for us to forget that life on earth isn’t exactly the real deal, it just temporary and another wonderful gift from God no matter how long the stay.
My near death experience was in third grade. I was at my friends birthday party which happened to be a pool party, and at the edge of the shallow end of the pool one of the girls was pratically drowning. Apparently she didn’t know how to swim and was gurgling water and bobbing up and down. In my child’s mind, I didn’t even think to yell for help (because apparently no one saw her except for me); instead I looked for the nearest boogie board or any floating object — there was none. So I crept my way over to her reaching my arm out while keeping myself in the shallow end so that I could pull her in. To my great surprise, she pulled me in! She frantically jumped on top of my shoulders, causing me to sink. We bobbled up and down and I could tell that she wasn’t screaming for help. Each time my head surfaced for those mere seconds I either took a breath or screamed as loud as I could, hoping to be heard. After what seemed like quite a while I saw one of the moms jump in and she pulled us out and dried our little bodies off. So I almost drowned that day, but the Lord had other plans for me!
I used to be terrified of death. I would cry at night when I imagined my mom dying. Yes death can be sad when someone you love has to leave you, but God is so gracious as to give us hope because death is not the end! I fear other people’s death more than my own, probably because I’m being selfish and not wanting them to leave me. God, hoever, has given us perfect reason [i]not to fear[i/], for Heaven awaits us! And Heaven is far better than this world, so why fear when only what is even better than this life can come from it?
“One in every one dies.”- Mark Lowry
On a serious note, I am not afraid of death. I know that when I die, I’ll be better off than I am here in this rat race. I will forever be with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Why would I be afraid of that?
Hi! I recently read your book Do Hard Things. You get so many comments, that I don’t know if mine will even be paid attention to or not, but that’s okay. 🙂 I just wanted to tell you that your book has been one of the best books, besides my Bible, that I’ve ever read! You won’t believe (well, maybe you will) what an impact it’s had on me! There was a reason God wanted me to read that book, and it was to for my good, totally! The Lord is using you guys and your book to make a big difference in this world. He’s enabling you to help others, like myself, figure out how to do hard things, and get real w/ our life, and have a purpose. It’s amazing what the Lord has been doing in my life. Something’s are too personal to share, but since reading your book, it’s helped me put a new perspective on my life, in many ways. Through reading God’s word, praying and reading your book, God has placed a new desire in my heart—well, put more of a passion in me for HIM. I want my life to count–I want to prepare myself to be able to share Christ w/ others, and hopefully after I graduate from high school, maybe go on small missions trips–it’s something I’m praying about though. I want to be open to be used wherever the Lord deems best. I help out w/ a Good News Club once a week, and believe it or not, something like that has pushed me way out of my comfort zone! Yeah, who’d think that working w/ little kids would do that?! lol There are things I’ve had to do/will have to do in Good News Club, that are going to be very hard for me. But, I’ve come to realize that I’ll only be faithful in much, if I’m faithful in little. If I want God to use me in some way that will impact others for Him, I need to be faithful and strong in what He places in my life now, and today! So, I just wanted to thank you guys for your book, and to be one of thousands to encourage you in your work! God bless!
This sounds a lot like me, except people don’t expect that from a little girl wearing too many large bead neckaces.Yet, the hunger for adventure and near death experiences was till there. Now after the years I’m still a risk taker, and still with a hunger for adventure. But now i’ve graduated from that kind of hunger, now it’s a hunger for something more powerful. The hunger to step out for Christ innear death ways. Is that wrong?
This wasn’t exactly a near-death experience, but I sure thought I was going to die. My mom and I were flying over the country to visit LA, and of course it had to be the week that a whole mess of tornadoes were going on in the center of the country. The turbulance was HORRIBLE. We were bumping all around and swerving up and down and jerking this way and that. I was definitely preparing myself to die. Just the thought of the only thing between myself and the earth was 16,000 feet of air–but of course God’s protective hand was carrying the plane all the way. So mom and I started praying, and we must have prayed for 45 minutes straight. The man sitting next to us, who I do not think was exactly a Christian, was so scared that he joined us. I always wonder how he is doing now and if God used us to influence him. Finally, an agonizing hour later, we landed and I almost fell on my knees in front of the whole airport in praise. We asked the flight attendant afterwards how bad the thought the ride was and from a 1 to a 10, he claimed it to be a 7.
Near-death experiences, huh? I’ve had a few of those. The earliest I remember is when I was 5 and was swimming in my friend’s pond. Their goose attacked me and I panicked and almost drowned. Thankfully, her big sister jumped in and pulled me out. Then when I was 9 I was cleaning out the van with my 7-year-old sister, who decided to start the van and pull down the gear shift. We rolled across the yard, almost hitting my other little sister and her friend. Thankfully we drove over some nails and our tire went so flat we just stopped in the middle of the yard. When I was 12 a number of things happened in my life, most significantly, my baby sister Lydia was stillborn. I was angry and depressed and thought almost daily for the next few years of suicide. My fear of pain and not knowing if I’d go to heaven are the only things that kept me from killing myself. When I was 13 I was bucked off my horse and landed sitting up. She was still bucking and her foot came to about an inch away from my face! When I was 17 I was driving home with my sister and we stopped at a red light. A semi made a turn too close and too fast and I have no idea how it missed us! I didn’t have time to reach for the gear shift. I just screamed, “God, help!” and thought, “well, here I come Lord.” I could see my hood under the semi and its back wheels pointed right at me. The only explanation I have for not being crushed is that God worked a miracle! When the semi passed us I started to laugh and scream “we’re alive!” Then I burst into tears. About two months ago I went four-wheeling with some friends. My friend was driving and I saw the tree before she did. I yelled, she tried to swerve, but neither of us saw the gigantic pothole right beside the tree. The combination of our left wheel dropping into the hole, our right wheel driving up a tree, and going downhill when it happened, threw me clear of the vehicle as it tipped. I got up from the accident without a scratch or bruise. My friend got a sprained wrist and a couple nasty bruises, but nothing serious. My goodness! God sure has had His hand of protection on my life! I guess I hadn’t realized how much until now. I have done so many things as a kid, and I’m so accident prone, but God is so good and so powerful!
As far as being afraid of death, no, I’m not. I know whom I have believed and He has already delivered me from true death, so I’m not afraid of physical death. I’m much more afraid of losing another family member. I’ve been through it before, been faced with the possibility of it happening again, and I don’t want to go through that pain again. But I know my pain will be mixed with rejoicing, for my family and I have a Living Hope.
I used to say I didn’t want to die in my sleep of old age because there’s nothing about that that can particularly glorify God. I wanted to die for Jesus like the martyrs in my books. But then some men in my community died, one from a severe car wreck, one from a heart attack, and one in his sleep from old age. The first two left young families behind. But all three of their deaths brought glory to God in ways I never imagined and I realized that it doesn’t matter how I die, it only matters how I live. If I live my life with my sole purpose being to glorify God in all things, than my death will glorify God no matter how I die.
Truthfully, my last near death experience was two days ago. I was at the barn getting one of the horses ready. We had ran him around in the arena with another horse to get some of the pent up energy out. Well, my horse was done, so I went in the arena to put the halter on him. The other hose came over and must have bit mine. The horse I was riding started coming over toward me. If I had been any slower it is very possible I would have either been badly injured or worse. So yeah, I have had a few of those experiences.
When is the last time I seriously thought about death? It hasn’t been long. I have several family members that might not be with us much longer.
I just pray that God will be pleased with the way I live. I have learned through experience that dying young is not nessicerily bad. Sad, yes. Bad, no. I try to think about it like this. If God took them He needed them more than us.
WOW!! 🙁
Well when I was little I almost drowned but my big brother Fred saved my life…he’s been my hero ever since;)
umm today…one of my friends is an orphan her mom died from cancer a few years ago and her dad got paralized from the waist down in a car accident and then he was in the hospital and a nurse gave him a drug overdose…if ya’ll could pray for her…her boyfriend won’t let her come to youth group..and yeah for that situation too…I’m just praying that she’ll run into Jesus’s open arms…the one place where nothing changes and love is given with out hesitation…thanks!
No…Honest. I think dying to myself everyday and living life through heavenly eyes is harder…(not that i have experiance though…)
I don’t think it’s wrong to think about death-because it’s reality…but dwelling on it is an entirely difrent matter!! Phil 4:8 (I just memorized it today) Therefore,Bretheren whatever is true, whatever is honerable, whatever is right,whatever is pure,whatever is lovely, if there is any excellance if there is anything worthy of praise THINK UPON THESE THINGS 🙂 And for Christians death will be where we find our freedom…Heaven…worshipping Jesus 24/7!! I can’t Wait…
It’s been a long time sins I though about death But I’m not really afraid because I now that I will go to heaven and God will call me when the time comes.
I had never really thought much about death, until my mom died. It was only a year ago and I was 14. So as you can imagine I went through tons of different ideas of death. I absolutely believed in Heaven and in Hell. But had never given it a second thought as to what either of those place meant. At first it really scared me, but I talked to God a lot about it and started to feel much better about it. I know my mom went to Heaven. And I’m pretty sure that whenever its my time, I’ll get to go there too.
I think its only really scary at all because we don’t know exactly what it will be like. Any kind of unknown is scary, but when you’ve got God, you’ve really just got to trust in Him. I think death will bring a relief from all the weight of sin and darkness in this world.
I can’t really say that i’ve had a near death exporince, and i dont really think about dying, but it is really scary to think about especially because i seem to think that since i’m young i wont die, but i also know where i’ll be going when it does happen.
1) I’ve had a few near death experiences in my life (Experiences I know of that is. I wonder how many times a day God saves us from death, and we don’t even know it?) When I was two, my parents and I were driving in Canada. I was crying and screaming in my carseat, and my mom did something she never did. She pulled me out of my carseat in the back and into the “less-safe” position between the front passenger seat and the driver, and strapped me in. Less than 10 minutes later, our car was flying off the highway that ran up a steep hill, and flew spinning through the air. We landed upside down, the back of the car completely crushed, and my carseat demolished. When the ambulences came, they came prepared to find dead people. Instead they found us all alive and well, there were no cuts no blood, and I was not even bruised.
I’ve come a within a hair’s breadth of drowning, and even last week I had a close call (which I’m not authorized to reveal any details of.)
2) Something brings the issue of death to my attention at least once a day.
3) I’ve had fear of death at certain periods in my life, but mainly when my relationship with the Lord was not right. I have no fear now of being dead, but every now and again I do have a few qualms about dying. I have the thoughts, “I could bear to die this way, but not that way.” Then I think, “My Jesus, suffered the most horrible death the human mind has ever conceived. What could possibly happen to me, that my Lord will have suffered less than I? Nothing.” He knows all about death, and He is the one who gives us strength and peace.
4) As Christians, we ought to think about death. If we don’t, then we won’t think about Jesus and His work. Jesus died to free us from everlasting death. Not to think about it is to live in a kind of denial. A denial of the reality of the human condition, or a denial of the price Jesus had to pay to save us.
You could say I had a near-death experience before I was even born. See, I know God wants me here on earth for a little while longer, because I believe he chose my parents especially for me. My parents are pro-life, and because of that fact I am alive. Waaaay back when, in the time when I was only a paisley-shaped blob on an ultrasound, a doctor told my parents there was something wrong with me and the best thing for them was to abort me. This model’s broken, so why not return it and get a better one? But my parents loved me even before I was born, just as God loved me, and they said no, absolutely not. And then I showed that doctor up. See, I’m not only alive–I’m as healthy as any 16-year-old can be. Okay, so I could be doing a little more for my physical fitness, but couldn’t we all… I digress. The point is that I have already faced death once, and a couple times again during my surgeries, and I’m okay with that. I know God has a plan for me. I know that I WILL die. And I know that when I do, I’ll be ready. I’m not afraid to die. Honestly, I’m not. I’m, of course, like any rational person, afraid of a painful death. But I’m not afraid of death itself, because death has no power over me. There’s a Bible verse I really love. I think it’s from Corinthians (wow–what a great book). “Death, where is thy sting? Grave, where is thy victory?”
I haven´t had near death experiences, but I´m pretty sure I could have any day at any time. In the city I live in you have to be really blind not to know the daily deaths that happen.I live in Mexico and you may say that´s why, but I don´t know, there´s death and chaos everywhere, so no matter who you are, where you are, what you do or what you don´t, you are not too young too die. Each day I wake up and I know it may be my last day, but I trust that God has a plan for my life and if He says this is my last day, well… I don´t have any problem. I´m not afraid, I know what God I´m trusting, as a Christian I have no reason to fear death. Philippians 1:21 ¨For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.¨
In regards to the question of whether or not Christians talk or think about death, I believe that we should.
1) Everyone should value their home in heaven more than their home on earth? yes. as Christians we are to look forward to when we are going to be united with Christ in the heavenly realms and (unless the rapture occurs) the only way that is going to be accomplished is if we die. Therefore fear of death should not be dwelt on by the Christian but we should look forward with great excitement to the coming day when we are going to see Christ face to face.
2) Show me your faith. The story of when Jesus was walking on the water in the middle of the storm and told Peter to get out of the boat. Peter was able to walk on the water until he took his eyes off of Jesus. Once he did that began to sink into the water. Likewise in our lives we could attribute the Kingdom of God to Jesus and say that as long as we keep our eyes fixed on His kingdom and don’t get caught up with the fears of death and such we will be fine.
3)If we shouw our faith others will see. If non-believers see that we as Christian are not afraid of death our faith will stand as a strong witness for Christ.
I think the main point is that Christ defeated death already and ‘if our God if for us who can be against us?’
I personally can’t wait to see my Savior but for the time being i know that when I enter the Kingdom I want to take as many people with me as possible. alll the more reason to reach souls for Christ=)
All glory be to God the Father
Amazing. I think of Death often honestly it frightens me not the dying part I worry a little about the people I could have reached for God and how my family would be without me.
Well, to start this off, i could have died many times through out my life so far. Being the dangerous daddys girl who likes to go a little more than out of control on any 4wheeler, dirt bike, rock crawler, etc; I find myself in these predicaments quite often. And i think the reason to this is that im not scared of death. A lot of people say this and dont mean it deep down inside but now that i think about it, i can truly say that i am not.
Ive been around death my whole life, not only playing with it, but having loved ones die, as many others im sure have experienced
When i say playing with death i dont just mean dangerous driving skills here; but take that and add drugs on top of it and these things became much more than just play toys. This was real hardcore death i was playing with…But now ive come out of that with the help of one: Dr. Jesus
when i look back and see where i had been in that part of my life, i really see His commitment to us and how he wants to help us. But we have to reach to Him, that i noticed is a big part in it.
Death for some can be a daily devotion for most people who confession daily, “Man, this is killin’ me.” or “i feel like im in Hell.”
But ive been concentrating on a specific scripture, John 17:16
if you believe this scripture, why worry about death? yes be aware but i dont dwell on such a depressing factor of life; I embrace it. i want people to see that with God on their side you can see so many battles against the evil and and God has always and will always be the conquering!!!
Another scripture:
Matthew 10:22
Dont give in to the world system! enudure with the mighty hand of God on your side! We got this!! 🙂
I never want to think about how i die but i hope i will go to heaven.
[…] Reading this was very eye opening for me. My life perfectly matches the marks of a wasted life. You can see one evidence of this right now. As I am on the internet instead of memorizing my Persuasive speech for the tournament that starts in two days. Anyways, I urge you to go to The Rebelution blog and read the series. Here’s the link for part 1. http://therebelution.com/blog/2008/11/not-too-young-to-die/ […]
I came close to do death when snorkelling in a water tunnel where I was required to hold my breath and duck down underneath a rock jutting down into the water I did but then my snorkel got caught on the rock, I ducked down further but forgot that my snorkel was submerged, I sucked in water and then started to panic as I was closed in on every side by rock and I had water all around me, I was banging my head against the rock as I tried to get out, after pushing myself thru the remainder of the tunnel all scratched up I managed to get out ok… But those few moments were scary, and they still trip me out when I think back to that..
I think about death occasionally, but I try to avoid it as I do not feel I am ready for when Christ returns, as I have wasted so much time, so in a way I am afraid of death because I do not feel as though I have multiplied my talents enough…
I think we should think about death as it motivates us to use every moment of our life in a beneficial and useful way
I have had two near-death expeirences. The first was when I was around five. We were at a swimming party, I had a floaty on and drifted to the deep end, I forgot to mention… there were no other people in the pool. I decided I wanted to get out, so I slipped out of the floaty, and started to go to the side, I grabbed the side, and my hands slipped. I kept going under, coming back up and screaming for help, after what seemed like fifty times of doing this my mom noticed I was missing, and came and rescued me. The second was when I was about eight. I was in a pool (again, this time it was different.) On a rubber raft with about twenty other kids around my age. A boy near me decided to push me off, which would have been fine except the lifegaurds were moving the boat slowly but surely. I gut caught under the boat, almost in the exact middle. I was under that boat for what seemed to me like an hour. I thought I was going to die then and there. But God had other plans for me than to die then. I escaped to the side of the pool. A little bit blue in the face but otherwise un-harmed. I was actually under that boat for close to five minutes (I had a watch on.) God by his grace saved his child. I don’t know how else I survived under that boat, but I was not panicked. God gave me peace under there, and kept me calm. So God saved his child for the third time in less than four years. That’s my story. God is always with me! Especially in the water. 🙂
I’m a missionary. I actually spend most of my time in front of a computer, writing software for Bible translators. But my near-death story took place on a mission trip in Honduras (which I don’t generally regard as a dangerous country, by the way). I was the team leader, despite being about half the age of the other members.
It was approximately 5:00 pm on Wed. Jan 23, 2002. I was driving a 15 passenger van returning from having been at the project site in Santa Rosa de Aguán. The three other team members, including my mom, were with me.
We’d been driving on a very bumpy dirt road for a half an hour and were rounding the final curve within sight of the main paved road. As we went around that sharp turn in the road, we had to slow down. Just then, I saw a man with a machete working about 30-50 feet from the road in a coconut grove. The man called out and signaled for me to stop. As I slowed down further, wondering what he could possibly want, I glanced back up to see another man approaching our vehicle from the left-hand side of the road. He was carrying a single-shot shotgun, and I was thinking he was maybe a hunter who had killed some game in the road. I was also thinking he was very careless, because he was pointing the gun directly at my head. I stopped the van and the man walked up to the window and said (in Spanish) “money quickly!” The gun was only a couple feet from my face. I slowly started to bring my right hand off the steering wheel, not totally sure what I was going to do. I had my money in a hip pack around my waist, but since I was carrying a few thousand dollars, I wasn’t really very excited about giving it to him. Just then, the man lowered the shotgun (I suspect God just grabbed onto it and pushed it down).
Seeing my opportunity to escape, I lowered my head, floored the van and took off. One of the other team members watched to see what the man would do. He saw him drop to his knee and raise the gun, so he yelled for everyone to duck. We were maybe 25 yards away when the man got his shot off. No pellets hit the van so the man either was firing at the tires or missed completely. Thankfully, no one was injured.
Then the accelerator on the van stuck. So now I’m thinking: “We got away from the crooks, only to plow onto the main road and die in an accident.” But God hadn’t forgotten us: after a few scary moments I was able to get it unstuck.
The neat part of it was that God used this to give me a platform for sharing the gospel. When we went back to that village for the final time, I called all the people together and told them about our close call, and then I read from Philippians 1 where Paul says: “To me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” I was able to explain that while we have no security in this life, we have eternal security if our hope is in God. I don’t think I’d have ever had such a good opportunity to present the gospel if it hadn’t been for this “unfortunate” event.
[…] was skimming the website yesterday and came across a series of blog posts about young people risking their lives for the sake of the gospel. They are simple yet […]
Yes. I agree. Death can take anyone at any time. I’ve done youtube videos on the very subject. There was a story out of New Zealand a month ago about a 13 year old who was killed in a freak car accident. It made news all across the world. The 13 year old was a devout Chrisian who adored the Lord Jesus Christ. He was ready. Yet I work as a manager in a burger joint where I have employees not much older who never give a thought to God at all. It shudders me to think that everyone you meet, whether they be young or old, may be gone by this time tomorrow. I have a few Christian friends, but apart from that, virtually everyone I know is NOT saved.
When I was younger (I’m 30 now) I always hated it when someone told me “you’ve got your whole life ahead of you.” And exactly how long is that??? That has got to be one of the most stupid things anyone can say. They are making a declaration that only God can make.
I am glad I found this website. God bless you both.
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* Have you had any near death experiences? Tell us about them.
I have a rather secure life and I don’t like it, knowing that it can shatter at any moment (and my relationship with God is stale right now; I don’t feel compelled to depend on him for everything at the moment)…
Hmmmm… I almost got hit by a car once a year ago, and I have gotten sick for an extended period of time when I was younger. I haven’t been that exposed to death, though. No one close to me in my life has died (yet), although I’m thinking more and more about it because so many of the people in my life that I care about are not Christians…
* When was the last time you really thought about death?
I’m not sure the last time I REALLY thought about death… I thought about death today, upon hearing that an elderly man that my mom is serving almost died… he is not a Christian… I’m becoming more aware that death is all around me (God’s teaching me)…
* Would you describe yourself as afraid of death? Be honest.
I think I’m more scared of not living. I’m scared of dying and finding out that I wasted my time, my relationships, my resources. And I’m scared for other people, who do not know God and do not live in the time they have here. I try to avoid considering it, even though I know there is nothing more important for them.
Actually, there was a time when I was young, maybe 7 or 8 and I had these frightening dreams, where I’d imagine I died and was buried but still sort of conscious and trapped under the earth to suffocate forever. It was kind of like a taste of hell. (This was before I even knew of God.) I was so scared of dying.
* Death is generally considered a morbid subject. As Christians, should we think about death? If so, how should we think about death? If not, why shouldn’t we think about death?
We should think about death. We should think about how this life is passing away; we should think about what really matters when we’re still here, so that we aren’t unprepared for it when it comes.
Father, I don’t understand all the stuff that goes on in my life. My faith is weak, Lord, and I’m only reminded that you are greater than my heart. Keep me going, Lord. Help me see how limited my life is, how limited any life is. Help me, and those around me with me, embrace death as the reality awaiting them, to take seriously. Do not let me die, Lord, withholding anything of myself from you. Restore me to your joy. In Jesus’s name, Amen.
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That’s an incredible story of God’s faithfulness. Thanks very much for sharing. 🙂
Hi Anonymosity,
I know it was seven years ago that you commented, but I just thought I’d let you know that I’m a Christian and I’d be more than happy to talk about this if you’d like to.
A guy I knew died from cancer when he was 14 so since then I’ve always thought about how death was unfair and he deserved to live a great life but recently I realized it’s selfish because he is way more happy in heaven and he has been released from all his pain and suffering and battling on earth.