rebelling against low expectations

Alex and Brett on Focus on the Family


Dear Rebelutionaries,

At the end of June we were invited to Colorado to be interviewed on the Daily Focus on the Family Broadcast radio program—guest hosted that week by one of our good friends and mentors, Frank Pastore of KKLA.

The interview covered the story of the Rebelution’s founding, ways our parents helped us do hard things growing up, recent Rebelution success stories, next steps for the movement, and much more. The three-day series will be broadcast next week, August 17th-19th— or Monday through Wednesday.

The daily broadcast is aired in more than a dozen languages on over 9,000 stations worldwide, heard by more than 220 million people a day in 164 countries. We are excited to see how God will use it to introduce teens and families to the message of the Rebelution—and inspire them to do hard things.

You can tune in next week on your local station (find it here, just plug in the nearest big city). But more importantly, we encourage you to use this unique opportunity to introduce family (whether parents, siblings, or relatives) and friends around the world to the “do hard things” message.

Invite them to listen in and talk to you about it later. It’s a great way to share what the Rebelution is all about, and hopefully get them excited!

Finally, join us in praying that God would cause the right individuals to hear the interview, and that His will would be done as this movement spreads.

Soli Deo Gloria!

Alex and Brett

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About the author

Alex and Brett Harris

are the co-founders of and co-authors of Do Hard Things and Start Here. They have a passion for God and for their generation. Their personal interests include politics, filmmaking, music, and basketball. They are both graduates of Patrick Henry College in Purcellville, Virginia.


  • We don’t get Focus on the Family very clear over here, due to another station that interferes with it.
    Will the interview be available for download so I could add it to my ipod?


  • Hey, that’s great guys! I will be listening and praying! Don’t know who I could get to listen to it though. Most of the people I know already know everything about the Rebelution and how it got started because that’s all I talk about! 😉

    God bless you guys and continue to stand strong in the Lord!

    Sarah 🙂

    P.S. I know this is off topic, but when will the pictures be posted of the CA conference? I really want to see them! Well okay… I just really want to see the picture of you both with me and the other helpers. 😉

  • Alex:

    Thank you so much! I really didn’t want to miss it, and I’ll add it to my ipod with the interview Albert Mohler did with you guys.

    God Bless

  • That’s so exciting! I will definitely be praying for God to open the eyes and ears of new listeners. Thanks for all you guys do! God be will you.

  • Cool! The whole Rebelution movement is cool and it’s great that more ppl will be able to hear about it.

  • That’s really cool!!! 🙂 I will try to tune in, though I might have to use the internet to do so. Can’t wait to hear it!!! 😀

  • That’s so awesome guys!!!!! I’ll send some of my friends the link to this post and pray that they choose to listen in. I’ll tune in and listen to it if I can! And if I can’t, then I’ll download it my iPod from iTunes. Well, even if I can listen I’ll still download it.

    I can’t thank you guys enough for all that you’re doing! Do Hard Things changed my life. In April of this year, I got on and saw the conference info. I live in the Central area of Illinois and was so excited when I found out that you guys were gonna be in Chicago! I talked to my mom and dad and they said that if things worked out, I could go. I sent out an email to all of my friends about it to try to get a group together. 4 of my friends and their mom’s came w/ me and my mom to the Chicago conference and it changed their lives!
    Thank you guys for everything. I pray every day that God will bless you in your ministry.

    Be Blessed and Be a Blessing!

  • Good luck guys!! will Be praying and hope that God uses it to planted millions of seeds 😀
    God Bless!!!

  • My whole family listens to Focus every morning!!!!!!! We’ll definitely be listening!!!!!

  • I’ll be out of town on a retreat, but I’ll definitely get the podcast of it. Thanks for the info!

  • I will be praying that the Lord will strengthen you as you prepare for this next week. I will be listening in too. Um… I didn’t see a time. What time are you guys going to be on the air?

    Love MacKenzie

  • This is great. another oppurtunity to work in young people’s heart to hear this message

    -God Bless

  • That’s AWESOME!!!!!
    I have one copy of the book, I read it aloud to my sisters and my friend is borrowing it now. (I need to get more to give to my friends!!!) I don’t know that I have ever read a better book! It has been one of the key things that caused me to pursue action in my walk with Christ, and “live” what I’ve always said I believe.
    I will post the link on my facebook, I can’t wait to hear it and as many have said, If I can’t listen on the radio (I’m leaving for NM on a missions trip on the 19th) I will download the podcast!!!
    I also will be praying that God will bless the broadcast and bring people to listen and open their hearts to what

  • Awesome guys, the Lord is opening a lot of great doors.
    Hey Camille, I’d like to talk more could i send you an email, or a personal message, I’m not sure what your profile is, if this is uncomfortable or intruding let me know thanks
    In Christ

  • Excuse me if I flip. *promptly goes ballistic*

    We listen to Focus on the Family every night as…well…a family! I love all the incredible programs they feature (not to mention Adventures in Odyssey)…and now you’ll join them! I’ll be listening!

  • Anyone know what time Focus on the Family comes on or does it vary from station to station? I don’t listen to it very often, so I wouldn’t know.

  • Cool! I can’t wait to get the podcasts!

    By the way, I just listened to the Boundless Show you guys were on in July and I really enjoyed it.

  • Jenna and Anna: It depends on your station. If you click on the link at the bottom of the post to find your local station, select the “Daily Focus on the Family Broadcast” show, enter the nearest city, and press submit, it should show you the stations and times that the show will air where you are. 🙂

  • Guys,
    I went to find what station it will come on in my area. It asks for the exact name of the program. Can you tell me what the name of that particular broadcast is? Thank you so much.

    A sister in Christ,

  • The great thing about Focus on the Family Radio programs is that you can go into their archives on the Focus web page and listen to any radio show that has been broadcast. They are available a day or so after the broadcast which means no one need miss it. You can listen to the 3 broadcasts at any time once they are posted. I teach high school. I wish that everyone of my students would read “Do Hard Things.” I loaned it to another teacher last spring. I will be on my bookshelf in my classroom for students to read this year. God bless the Rebelution ministry!

    a sister in Christ and math teacher :-), Karen

  • Nathan: First off, thank you for asking for my e-mail so politely, but I must say no. I don’t give my e-mail address to people over the Internet. Thanks for understanding.

  • Hey Alex/Bret,
    I just listened to the first podcast online, and I must say you guys did great!!!
    I knew a good bit about the background of you guys starting the rebelution from reading your book, but the interesting thing to me was your parents history. It just goes to show you how the way you live your life now as a young person can and will dramatically affect many generations after you.
    I want to personally thank you for making a difference in MY life, and the lives of so many people around the world.
    I was going through one of those “dry” times you were talking about in an earlier post, and The Rebelution has been one of the things that has encouraged me to grow and move in my walk with Christ.
    Now I’m wondering how I can make a difference in society, and also spread the news of The Rebelution and tell my friends and family about it. (-:
    Since I’ve changed and become on fire for God, My eyes have been opened and now I am seeing more and more just how much teens, and really all ages, aren’t serious about christianity and living their lives for Christ. So many need to hear this message!!!
    Thank-you for setting an example for people around the world, and for playing a part in getting me active and on fire for God!!!

    A fellow Rebelutionary, Victoria B.

  • @Alex and Brett – there is a way to get CDs out of broken CD drives. If the drive will not open electronically, you can open it manually. Just get a paper clip and shove it in the tiny hole just below the disk drive until the drive opens. You will need to open it all the way by pulling it out.

  • Hello, I listened to your interviewon satellite radio today. I am the single parent of a 12-year old son and I was so excited to hear about the Rebelution because I have been looking for ways to inspire my son to always question shortcuts and not to take them because there’s always more work than necessary required when taking them. I’m purchasing a copy of this book for both of us. Thank the Lord for you both and keep up God’s good works!

  • Hey guys, I just listened to the first episode on Focus on the Family on my local radio station! It was wonderful! I’m praying for the eternal impact it’s gonna have in my community and throughout the world. While you’re not blogging as frequently as the blogspot days, the Rebelution continues to challenge me daily as in my walk with God seeking justice, and loving mercy. I praise God for how you guys helped change my life, and in turn change the world in which I live. I love you guys! God bless!

  • hey camille, it makes sense, don’t worry about it, I’ve enjoyed talking. won’t be back for a while, but it was good talking to you. God Bless

  • Hey guys!
    Just listened to the first installment, it was awesome! I am a bit freaked out right now though. I could predict almost everything you said. Is it possible to know the message of the Rebelution too well? I mean, I have ‘Do Hard Things’ practically memorized!

  • Can’t wait to check it out! will load it on my iPod, and listen to it from there! 🙂

    BTW- Just thought this was interesting….since Reader’s Digest WAS the first source that used phrase “teenager” which got us into this mess that Alex and Brett are trying to change with the Rebelution Now they’re going under.

    Here’s the article –

  • I caught the backend of the broadcast on my way home from swim team practice.

    I thought I’d let you know that I gave you guys some free publicity today (at the cost of my own dignity) 😛

    My mother and I were at a gas station, filling up, when I thought I heard Alex’s voice on our radio. I immediately turned up the volume, and sure enough the Harris twins were on air with Focus on The Family. I, without thinking, rolled down my window, and yelled at the top of my lungs in the direction of my mom “ALEX AND BRETT HARRIS ARE ON FOCUS ON THE FAMILY RIGHT NOW!!” My mom and every one in the vicinity stopped to stare at me. There was a rather awkward moment of silence, in which time I hastily rolled up my window, and turned our radio on full blast to listen to the rest of your broadcast.

    What I heard, sounded excellent, and took me back to when I had first heard the “Do Hard Things” message. Hopefully I’ll be able to catch a full broadcast tomorrow!

    Thanks again for your wonderful message!

  • Hey guys! Heard you last night on FotF! I love what you’re doing! It’s so awesome to see kids under 25 doing these great things and challenging their potential!

  • To retrieve a cd from a broken cd drive, you can use a MacGyver MultiTool (paperclip). Using a large paperclip straighten half of the wire so it forms an ‘L’ shape. Then find the eject hole in the face of the cd drive and insert the long portion of the ‘L’ shaped paperclip into the eject hole. Here is a youtube video that demonstrates this technique:

  • Hi. I’m one of those know-it-all 40-somethings, and I just heard the Focus interview yesterday and today. I’m so excited about all this! I hope we can get the young people of our church excited about this, and I’m also excited for myself–just because I’m a stay-at-home mom, it doesn’t mean the Lord is through with me!

  • Hy i heard the broadcast and just loved it.I had looked up on the website and just found i had missed one day but i heard the rest.Keep up the good work guys=].

  • You guys did great! Thanks so much! Especially for the advice on speech and debate. I will be taking that this year and am really nervous. 🙁 But it’s a “hard thing” I really think I need to do so… Anyway, thanks again and awesome job!

  • Alex, Make sure you and Brett read Job’s comment on how to get a CD out of the drive. I really want to see those pics! 😀 😉

  • Great Job Guys! I enjoyed your Focus interview very much! 105.3 FM Seattle
    I am a fan, and a 21 year veteran homeschooling mom who has followed and been blessed by the Harris family’s ministries since the early 90’s. I am currently involved in our local church’s youth ministry and love sharing Rebelution’s ministry efforts with the students I am blessed to serve.
    God’s blessings to you and through you,
    Because of Him,
    Mrs. Quayle

  • I am listening right now on the computer, great broadcast. I can’t wait to read the book during youth group this year.

  • Alex and Brett,

    I listened to all three of the broadcasts and was monumentally encouraged. I loved all the encouraging stories you two shared — although I have to say my favorite was the third broadcast when you answered questions. It really hit home when you talked about NCFCA competition — THANK YOU for telling us to do Apologetics! I’ve been nervously debating that within myself because I wasn’t sure it was the right thing, but apparently God wants me to do it. Also my Dad and I had a big laugh at the story about the SAT Subject Test in World History, since I’ll be taking SAT Subject tests this fall.

    God bless you two! I’m praying for this effort and hope I can contribute to it sometime.


  • Hey!

    You guys did great.Thanks for doing that!

    I loved hearing your dad’s story. That was amazing to hear.

    God bless you both!

  • Ah the Christian Taliban has a youthful face, how wonderful.

    Those who battle superstition and theocracy worldwide are not backing down. The light of truth eventually drives out your backwards and primitive message.

    We will continue to “Do Hard Things” also. Those things include battling the ignorance that you spread.

    Pray for wisdom, it will help open your eyes.


  • his is so impressive that I had to comment. I’m usually just a lurker, taking in know-how and nodding my head in quiet approval in the fine stuff…..this required written props. Theory rocks…thanks.

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →