rebelling against low expectations

Fundraising Tools for Rebelutionaries


Kickstarter: A New Way to Fund and Follow Creativity

We stumbled across Kickstarter today after hearing from a mom and daughter team who are raising money for a book project about Donaldina Cameron, a Presbyterian missionary and abolitionist. We were impressed not only with their project, but also the service they were using to solicit pledges — and we figured you would be too.

We receive many questions about how to raise money for projects (which is why we devoted a section of Start Here to fundraising) and Kickstarter seems like another excellent tool to add to your rebelutionary toolkit. They are currently limited to “creative” projects (e.g. books, music, film, design, photography, technology, community, etc.) — but for many of you, that is no limitation at all.

So, check out Kickstarter and file it away for use on future projects. Our links take you to the project that introduced us to Kickstarter. Take the time to learn about Donaldina Cameron and consider pledging your support to Kristin and Kathryn.

Share your thoughts and tips on fundraising

About the author

Alex and Brett Harris

are the co-founders of and co-authors of Do Hard Things and Start Here. They have a passion for God and for their generation. Their personal interests include politics, filmmaking, music, and basketball. They are both graduates of Patrick Henry College in Purcellville, Virginia.


  • For those looking for a more general fundraising platform (i.e. for use on charity or social justice projects) you could check out GoFundMe.

    If anyone else has other recommendations of great fundraising resources, go ahead and share them. =)

  • Thanks so much! I’m doing a project right now that I can for sure use some extra funds…thanks Alex and Brett!

  • This has absolutely nothing to do with fundraising although the above article is helpful. There is now a huge controversy about Abby Sunderland’s parents letting her sail around the world unprepared and at 16 and how they’re being hugely irresponsible, etc. What are your thoughts on this?

  • Personally, if I were her parent, I wouldn’t let her sail around the world by herself.

  • Hi Mallory!

    Just as a gentle reminder– This comment section is available to our use that that we can respond to articles and other info posted on The Rebelution. It is probably best that we stick to the topic at hand.

    If you would like to discuss other topics with people who are a part of The Rebelution, I would recommend signing up to join the Rebelution Forum; there you are free to both post discussions of your own and reply to other Rebelutionaries’ ideas (within reason!).

    Thank you so much for being involved and interested in the occurrences in the world around you–

    In Christ,

  • Hello Alex & Brett,

    I sent an email to feedback [at] on May 27 with some suggestions for updating links on your blog. I found some pages that have been moved and some that no longer exist. I don’t think you got the email, which is why I am posting about it here.

    Thank you for your work, and I pray your mother is getting better.


  • The site KickStarter is awesome, but you can only start a project if you’re in the USA! 🙁

    “Please note: A US bank account and address are currently required to start a project and receive funds – although anyone, anywhere can pledge money.”

    So for all the people in Canada, see my Refresh Everything comment above.

  • Next time I do a prodject that needs money i will look into this. Right now I am am cross roads and I have no idea what I am doing with my life. I feel so confused.

  • @Kate – I think that’s normal for anyone in the “teen” years. Just keep delighting in God and you can serve Him however you like or whatever He clearly calls you to.

  • Thank you Alex and Brett! I am going to go take a look right now. I was just contemplating how I could raise money to send hats to orphans 😉 It’s one thing to make them, but another thing to get them out there. This is absolutely perfect timing!

    My family is praying for your family and especially your mom. I know you must all feel very blessed to be able to spend this time together.

  • Thank you for your encouragement. Would it be at all possible if you could pray for me?

  • I’ll be praying for you Kate. are you part of the forums? I would definately suggest it! ! !


  • awesome! I have a sister that works for a crisis pregnacy center…and I want to do a fund raiser for them to get a new u/s machine…I’m totally going to check this out!
    Thanks for all you do!

  • I checked out the website… looks cool! but does anyone know if you can use Kickstarter to raise funds for an adoption? It doesn’t look like it, but I thought maybe someone else who’s had experience would know. Thanks!

  • There is nothing like direct mail to raise funds for a cause. Write a letter explaining what you’re doing and why you need help, and sent it to people; friends, family, business connections, whatever. People are especially receptive to the appeals of young people whom they perceive to be reliable and have initiative.

  • I think you should try to have an “auction”. At school, to raise money for an orphange, we had an auction for “personal servants. Basically, some people agree to be some
    one’s servant fo a week. You bring money and try to auction for a servant. I think it was a realy cool idea.

    P.S. Brett, Alex, the book is great.

  • Hey. My friend told me about this song that totally goes with what you guys stand for.
    it’s called Lecrae-Rebel. If you haven’t seen it you should totally look it up. ITS AWSOM!!!

  • I want to thank you both for the great tribute for your mother. She was obviously a jewel and now is in the Master’s presence. My mother Frances and my wife’s mother Louise are also with Christ. The poem so well written on your website made this wonderful saint come alive to us, We know you miss her greatly for she was the glue and motivation for the family. Please receive our deepest and warmest sympathy knowing that she is with the Savior. There is a comfort in that promise that will endure until we see her again. Our prayers and her inspiration are with you always in both the good times and the bad.

    Dr. and Mrs. Alan Phillips, Sr.
    Bloomington, IL

  • First of all i loved both of your books and they really helped me to look to God for my strength to overcome hard things. These ideas are amazing and really helped out my youth group!

    But im starting a teen safety program with one other friend, and its all about helping teens to be safe. and my inspiration was that this is a way to meet to new people to share my faith. but i dont really know where to start making this project known. I made a blog and i was hoping that would spread the word but i dont know how to get people to even read the blog!! Please help! Going out of my comfort zone is not my forte but God is helping me work through it and for some reason i felt like i should write it out on it here. well… God Bless and ill be praying that this book can touch many more lives like how it affected me!

  • Cool fundraising site, thanks a lot. I am reading your book, and I agree with your views on expectations of teenagers. I hope you will continue to lead teens to shine, even after you have become the good, christian men you are shaping to be.


  • wonderful issues altogether, you simply gained a new reader. What would you recommend in regards to your submit that you made some days ago? Any certain?

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →