rebelling against low expectations

Video Series: Fabulous Life of a Teenager


This past fall we partnered with to create a four-part series of short videos presenting the Rebelution message for small groups, youth groups, and churches. We are thrilled with the result. did a terrific job.

The series includes videos on topics such as “The Myth of Adolescence,” “Unlikely Heroes,” “The Launching Pad,” and “Do Hard Things.” Each video is about 5-7 minutes long — perfect for introducing people to the ideas of the Rebelution.

The curriculum also features suggested opening and closing remarks for group leaders, along with small group discussion guides for each segment. The best part, though? The series is 100 percent FREE for anyone to download and use.

To download the high-quality video files (MOV or WMV) and PDF documents, visit the Series Page.

To watch them right now, scroll down for the YouTube versions.


About the author

Alex and Brett Harris

are the co-founders of and co-authors of Do Hard Things and Start Here. They have a passion for God and for their generation. Their personal interests include politics, filmmaking, music, and basketball. They are both graduates of Patrick Henry College in Purcellville, Virginia.


  • Wow, thank you! I certainly look forward to using these videos as a tool to spread the message of the Rebelution. God Bless!

    ~Tabitha 🙂

  • REALLY REALLY AWESOME!!! I just watched them and now I am trying to figure out how to use them in my church. 🙂 Great job!

  • Excellent guys!
    I have the same question as Alesia: Can I download them to my iPod?

  • Awesome! My dad will be leading a youth group and I will be serving as an assistant. I’ll definately ask him about including this with the classes! Thanks for making it available to us!

    God bless!

  • I am very excited about this series coming out. I will watch them at first opportunity and share each one over my network. I have already broadcast this post. 🙂

  • Awesome! I taught through your book a couple of years ago with my youth group, and was thinking about doing it again. This will make it so much better! Thanks!

  • This is great for those that haven’t had the opportunity to see a conference or read the book! It’s short enough to keep interest and yet still communicates the message effectively. Good work! 😀

  • I will have to find a way to watch these! The sound on our computer is not working right now so I must be creative.

  • Awesome! I think I will burn these on DVDR and use them in the Do Hard things study at my church!

  • Thanks! These really encompass the message of your book in a simple, compact, yet enjoyable format… can’t wait to share these with others.

  • I can’t wait to watch them later today!

    Sharon: They answer that question in their new book, Start Here. You should see if your library has a copy, or, better yet, buy one!

  • Thanks guys! This will be a great tool to use when talking to my friends about ‘Do Hard Things’ & ‘Start Here.’

  • this is really cool! such a great idea to make these videos. i hope i can get my youth pastor to check this out. =)

  • Wow these are really cool! I especially like the diving board story. I haven’t heard that one before, but it describes the problem perfectly. I graduated from high school last year, but I will see if our youth pastor would like to use these.

  • Thank you so much for making these videos! My favorite quote was the last one Brett made about being a generation of Christian young people that find it (Doing Hard Things) difficult yet still try. This is my prayer! I was brought to tears when you told Zach’s testimony! I also assumed he was a type A personality. My eyes are truly opened. I know God can do great things through me 🙂 Thank you again.

    I am a youth leader now, and I am SO glad you guys have done this…. I know what Liz means, the way you talked about Zac was incredible….. this is an awesome resource! Mum is asking me to settle down a little bit! 😀

  • Wow!! The topics that you guys spoke on were really good!! They are some of my favorite parts to Do Hard Things!! Keep it up guys!!


  • Very nicely done! I enjoyed those.
    And it is amazing how much you two don’t look like each other.

  • those were really good. I’m gonna talk to my youth pastor (who happens to be my dad) about watching them in our youth group. this’ll be a great way to show other people about DHT.

  • i love this series, my mom runs a home school education non-profit and expects a lot from me. my sister dreads turning thirteen because i think she expects to grow horns and start foaming at the mouth.I’m taking game design next year, which is my first year of high school. i want to get good grades, finish with a high GPA, go to a good college and make a difference. and who would listen to me? so im trying to lose weight, get to a good place in my faith, and Grow up. i hate teen nick because of show like Degrassi that treat teenagers like wild animals with no control over themselves. I’m going to make games that people can actually play without overstepping their moral boundaries. the best games, books, and movies are unacceptable for me to enjoy because they are filled with immorality. i want to write books, i have always had a bit of a knack for it and I’m taking a creative writing class in my freshman year. i want to shatter the myth of adolescence you guys talk about, a piece of twine won’t hod me down. i want to rise up for Christ and meet HIS expectations, Christ was teaching spiritual leaders in his teens! Josiah was king at age 8! and most of our generation are sitting on the couch goofing off while babies are expected to leap hurdles that we hardly glance at.

  • Loved the videos, guys! It is always so encouraging and inspiring to hear the message of the Rebelution; I could never get tired of it! Thanks for posting! 🙂

    Sarah 😛

  • Hey guys, I think there might be a bug in your system. Every comment is coming up as written by KaraLynn Thompson. Or is that just on my computer?

    Sarah 😛

  • It’s either a wierd WordPress error, or possibly a bug on your site. All comments after those seem to be alright. Wow, that’s wired.

  • All of the names were correct yesterday, but then today they changed to KaraLynn Thompson. Weird…

    Well I hope it’s not a big problem and you guys don’t have too difficult of a time figuring it out! 🙂

    Sarah 😛

  • What is going on with every one having the same name, KaraLynn Thompson :)? I Haven’t been able to see the videos yet. I have to watch them at the college, you know. ~Katie~
    P. S. (I want to download these onto my iPod when I learn how to do it. Question: When is the Rebelution Podcast coming out?) God Bless!

  • hey this is matthew boyd from indana winchester from driver middel school and i stated to read your book and i noticed that it is a cristion book. and not many books are encoriging. and i agree that teens do not get this kind of support and many adults dont think we are sufisticated.

  • Hey!

    Awesome work, guys! This is a great tool as far as spreading the DHT message! All four are super encouraging 🙂

    It will be great to see how God uses these to spread His truth even more! I can’t say how inspiring it is to see how you two have allowed God to work through you to make a difference for His glory. Thanks for letting His light shine through you like a Bright, Shining (Salty) City on a hill!
    You’re in my prayers 🙂

    In Christ,
    John 13:34-35

  • Hey guys!

    Wow, this looks amazing. I have to say, anybody dedicated to spreading the news of the teenage word is awesome.

    If you get a chance, stop by my site, I’ve been blogging ever since I wrote your book. It’s about teens too…

    God Bless!

  • These videos are amazing! This whole idea of rebelling against low expectations and doing hard things for God has been so inspiring for me. I would even go so far as to say that it has opened up a whole new world of possibilities to me.

    I am definitely going to have my youth pastor check out your site and encourage him to do a sermon series about doing hard things for God. I think it is an idea that every teenager should be exposed to, and I would love for my whole youth group to be able to have the changed mindset that I do!

    Thanks so much for all the time you guys put into things like this! It is greatly appreciated!


  • I will have to watch this when I get on my computer. Right now I’m on my iPod and my dad has YouTube resticted. These look super cool, though!

  • Thank you guys so much for these awesome videos. I hope they can be used in many ways at youth groups, churches, etc… It’s neat to see the message of the Rebelution spread in yet another way.
    Soli Deo Gloria!

  • Mr. Alex and Mr. Brett Harris,
    I asked this question a while back,

    I recently was writing a speech for a Youth Speakers contest at our regional tournament that is associated with our Southern Baptist church. I had always had a ‘weird’ feeling about giving a speech in a church. So finally, I asked my Father, and He said that He had never felt comfortable about me giving a speech. I then asked Him the question that had been on my mind, what is the difference in a speech, and a sermon? I’m aware of, and totally agree with the scriptural doctrine of women not teaching in the church. I would have been giving a speech, on a theological topic, to a mixed audience. I believe that would be wrong. So now, I trying to find an answer to the question, what’s the difference between a sermon and a speech? Women shouldn’t be teaching men, only the older women teaching the younger women. (Titus 2). Another thing my Father and I found wrong, is that they make no distinctions between the boys and girls and their speeches. They’re judged as equals, no matter the topic. So if a girl wins,… are you saying that the girl’s ‘teaching’ abilities are superior to the guy’s?
    I was just wondering what your thoughts were on this.

    I love your ministry, and I pray God may continue to bless!

  • Hey Guys! I am new to the rebelution a friend (now in college) recommended your book and I must say I now view my life completely differently, I’ve been praying for a way to get my youth group into the Rebelution and here it is! God Bless J.K.M.

  • Awesome! They were uplifting videos for sure. They took a little longer to load than most videos, but they were definitely worth the wait.
    I’ll tell my friends about these and send them the link. Some of my pals haven’t yet heard about the Rebelution- and this will be a great opportunity to show them what it’s about. They’ll be sure to become Rebelutionaries!
    Laura H

  • Excellent video series! I have it downloaded and will watch it as soon as possible. Thank you for taking the time to do that. 🙂

  • Wow, These are awesome thanks for the videos i can really use these to help encourage some of my friends.

  • does anyone else on this site understand the massive media control and propaganda ‘REBELution’ is undertaking? It never ceases to amaze me how Christians will repackage their beliefs in order to sell them to a wider audience. But of course, this post will probably be deleted due to its contradictory nature. Most Christians are never willing to discuss outside viewpoints….bummer

  • Awesome guys!

    It’s nice to see young like minded people!! Keep up with your great work and good job GIVING IT FORWARD…

  • Alex and Brett-

    Love your videos!! Insirational!!
    Been reading your book and I think you were given an awesome cause from God!
    Ihave a small church and it doesn’t have a youth service, so this is great.
    I’m trying to get a study started with homeschoolers about your book.
    Keep up the good work and thank you so much for following God’s cause for you!! Emily

  • Reading your book. Awesome cuase! Have a small church and no youth service.
    trying to start a study about book with other homeschoolers. Keep up the good work and thank you for following God’s cause. Emily

  • This is a blessing to the youth leaders who wants to be effective to the younger generations. Thanks a lot. Hope to see more videos! Very interesting. God bless your ministry..(n_n)..

  • This is awsome! I can’t wait to share it with the small group biblestudy we are starting in our youth group this week! Thanks so much!

  • Wow! it’s awesome. you guys make and help more to spread the virus of fighting the low expectation for teen’s. I cant wait to use this stuff. Thank you and God Bless us all. Rebelution!!!

  • I am meeting with a teen led bible study tonight- i think i am going to use these videos as an aid… thanks!

  • That is so inspiring. I can’t wait to tell my friends tomorrow at school!
    I am reading your book right now and it’s like a guide through the years. Which is so much easier than I thought. Thank you

  • Hi, I was considering using this in our small groups, but they aren’t available at Life Church TV anymore, are the downloads still available?

  • Thanks Alex and Brett!!
    I will definitely watch these and look into using them to reach teens!!
    P.S I am having difficulty downloading them. Anyone have any tips??

  • I am sooo inspired by you, Alex and Brent!
    Thanks for standing up, I have been wanting to have something like this.
    I am sooo glad you stood up and did this, I am also glad we as youth can see God’s work and use his name, appropriately, freely.
    Thanks, I am glad to be part of the rebellution.

  • i think you people are so amazing.i am trying to be more responsible.this summer i am getting a job and am inspired to do my best thanks to you.:)

  • I have made the reputation of the being the one that doesnt try, but my gave me your book as a christmas gift and so much motivation already. thankyou!!!!!!! :0

  • Hey Brett. I just wanted to tell you what a blessing you were to Taryan at the ballet last week. There is a story about her I would love to share with you about her. Her parents are in the middle of a divorce and in may her mother left with her and her 2 brothers and moved in with another man and in July he murdered a 16 year old boy in Florida and Taryan has been in foster care since the. We just got them back in November and are very blessed to have them back with us. It is truly a miracle of God himself who brought them back to us. Thank you for your help with her at The Snow Queen because you made her a very happy little girl. You are a wonderful minister for all, young AND old.

    We love and appreciate you so much and wish you the best in your upcoming marriage with a beautiful woman. You are a great match.

    With much love and humbleness, please have a wonderful Christmas and a great New Year.


    Suzanne and Taryan:)

  • I am an 11 year old. My parents made me read the Do Hard things book. And I loved it!!!
    I listened to these videos. And loved every minute, word, and story. I love what you guys are doing. O, and by the way the reson I read the book and listened to these videos
    was because I want to prepare for my future.I really appreciate what you are doing. hope to hear more. See You!!!

  • WOW! I just got introduced to the whole “rebelution” thing like 2 weeks ago and I already say “do hard things” quietly to myself when Im scared or tell it to a friend when tehy aren’t sure what to do. I think this video series is amazing and I plan on telling my youth leader about it! thankyou SO SO SO SO much. You guys are awesome, and God is too.

  • Blessings to you guys!!Praise God..i just want to extend my gratitude to you guys,i was a former Supreme Student Gov President during my high school and i cant remember what great things i’ve done in our school,though i made something different in that campus but i knw something is lacking..i wanted to improve my leadership but i dont know what im going to do..Now, thanks for your book “do hard things”.I knw the ateps,how can i handle hard things wheter big or looking forward that this book of yours will be read by many Filipinos here in the Philippines.God Bless and nore powers!!

  • Whats up very cool blog!! Man .. Excellent .. Wonderful .. I’ll bookmark your blog and take the feeds additionally?I’m glad to find so many helpful info here within the post, we need develop extra techniques on this regard, thank you for sharing. . . . . .

  • Wow you guys are amazing my aunt just gave me the book DO HARD THINGS and now im watching the first part of the wseries. . . . and so far i like it very much it has changed my life thinking that you can do more in life than just do low expectations because that what family and other people think about teenagers than just drinking and partying, i know i am not that type of girl, but the book has made me think about alot of things i can do and i am 19 and in college. . . i wish i knew about you guys earlier it would have helped me so much and especially with my relationship with GOD!

  • Just stumbled across this website. My husband and I are (clumsily) trying to figure out how to best support our 13 year old son. A blessing that I found this site & ideas on how as parents we have been deceived and confused about the teens years. Thank you both for eloquenlty describing in 4 short videos the way our perspective on the teen years has been hijacked. You are most certainly doing the work of the Lord!Praise God!

  • I enjoyed those videos very much. Thank you Alex and Brett for your ministry. For a long time I have had this desire to do something more. To go beyond the nothingness of this life. To use my life to change other people’s lifes. But, I held back. Why? Because I thought that my age was a problem. I would think “when I graduate I will…..” But then I heard the message of Alex and Brett. Do hard things. Rebel against the low expectations of youth and go beyond your comfort zone. It doesn’t matter how old you are, how shy you are, or how untalented you are. If God calls you to do something, you will do it because it is not your strength you are relying upon, it is God’s. Let me say that again; GOD’S!!!!!!!!!!! The all powerful, all knowing God who created the universe is the one who gives us, Christains, the strength to do his will.

    So thank you Alex and Brett, thank you for the giant leap of faith you took 5 years ago to sread your message, which is really God’s message.

    Love in Christ,

  • Wow, GOD WORKS IN MYSTERIOUS WAYS! I lay in bed one night, just thinking about my generation, and how society EXPECTS us to fit this mold, causing us to lower our standards…a week later my school friend gives me this DO HARD THINGS book, out of the blue.
    Every single word written by you guys parallels to the thoughts that have run through my mind recently. I’ve only just started reading it and I can’t put it down.
    Alex, Bret, you inspire me so much.
    No longer will I complain about those small things I have to deal with. I’m gonna make big changes in my life. Thanks for igniting that spark in me. God is SO good.
    Your blog is now my internet homepage 🙂
    Safiya, 15

  • I have just finished do hard things and am really starting to notice the things you guys are talking about. I have struggled because I have wanted to do something in this life that will help my generation not be looked down on but to have a good purpose in life. I am finding I can do that, and that I’m not alone in the process. I’m only 13 but already I don’t like the low expectations.

  • God is good: today i was talking with my almost 15 years old grand son about just that: his expectations for himself and what he is making of his free summer: hanging out. I shared with Pat about the importance of pushing his limits to build his life, telling him that his gran’pa and I won’t be giving him the free new scooter he “wants for his birthday”, but instead we will give him opportunities to “earn it”, and a used bicycle to have the freedom to go around doing that: earning, and preparing for adult life. I know we hit a sensible chord. I picked up “Do Hard Things” at a Christian book store just a few minutes later: God’s eyes were on us. I am reading it now and then I plan on giving it to Pat for his 15th birthday in a few days. I have two main questions for you teens: how do I do not to sound “boring”, and how do I guide Pat in his search for himself?

  • This are very good tips for success in life.
    I read your book do hard things and i was really inspired
    and i said to my self if they can make the change and can also do it

    thanks Alex & Brett

  • That is awesome! i will use these in my bible study off your book “Do Hard Things” if you have any other videos series please tell me!

  • These are great and I have sent the link to many of my friends. I am continually blessed by your ministry. Keep it up!! You have motivated me to step out of what the normal is and also to read my Bible even though I seem to be able to pick up a book and read whenever. What nightly bible studies do you recommend and what is your favorite book of the Bible?
    In Christ
    Madison Urban

  • We will not forget. They tried to take our? peace of mind but we held on. No one can ever take someones sanity. Thoe who died will be remembered and those who helped but didn’t come out will be praised for their heroism. We will not forget. Never.

  • I really thank God that people like you really exist.The books(Do hard Things and Start Here) you have written really inspired me to pursue and improve my leadership in evangelism and discipleship in my campus.Though i’ve got myself engaged with Campus Crusade for Christ and knew a lot of things about evangelism and discipleship but the problen was i was not able to put the things i’ve learned into action.

    Arter I’ve read your books.I was really encouraged to move and work for God’s Glory!

    May God Bless Us All!!

  • Hello,
    My name is Di and I am from Romania.I red ollll your books and I feel that my life has been change!God bless you,Alex and Brett! I pray for you every day! I AM SOO THANCKFULL!

  • hey guys i just finished watching the video’s i loved the message it each one keep up the good work God bless you!

  • Don’t think NEGETIVE, Think POSITIVE. and no one was created a loser.
    can u guys help me on my bully problem. its seriously getting on my nerves. THANKS

  • Hey
    I feel called to break the twine holding me down, I want to grow in faith, and in my abilities to lead. I want to be prepared for a war, because I want to bring God’s war to Hell’s gates. I was surprised to see the verse 1 Timothy 4:12 on the website because its one of the few I know by heart. Then I was overwhelmed to discover that my best friend Joshua K McLaughlin had written something as well, we’ve been best friends since kids, and I know we share a calling to serve the Lord. I want to start a Bible study directed towards teens at my highschool, please pray for God’s strength and guidance. Furthermore, if there is ANYTHING, that I can do for the Rebelution, PLEASE, let me know. Contact me and give me a way to help. Thanks for everything, Connor. Psalm 31:24 “Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord.” God Bless!

  • Hi, My name is Joshua Elardo from the Philippines!
    Your book really helped me, it improved the way i think about many things. And now i am really determined to Do Hard Things! Thank you very much for writing that particular book “Do Hard Things” that book has been used by God to help me conquer my habit of Procrastination! A lot of things had been changed in my life. Thank you and Keep doing Hard things for the Glory of God

  • Oi, meu nome é Matheus!!
    Sou brasileiro, de uma cidade que garanto que vocês nunca ouviram falar Porto Velho Rondonia 😛
    Li o livro de vocês, me inspirou muito.
    Queria poder conversar com vocês se possivél

  • Amazing! This is just what I need in my life RIGHT NOW! Thank you to the Alex and Brett Harris. I am excited to take the challenge. I want to do something great while I am young- I just don’t know what yet. But I WILL find it!! Till then, this sounds like a wonderful life plan which I am excited to follow.

  • Connor you can help the rebolution by doing the taxing and difficult. You can impact the world by telling others about god and about the rebolution encourage them to move past what is expected of them

  • Amazing videos with an amazing message. I am so glad and thankful that I read yall’s book. It has changed my perspective about myself ,other teens, and how we can impact the world for Christ. Ever since I became a teenager and before I noticed that teens do not have a very good reputation; we are looked down apon as silly immature kids that don’t care about anything except ourselves and having a good time. We can so change that. We can be the generation that is a city on a hill who does great things for God! I am very excited to be apart of the Rebelution and knowing that God has great plans for us and every generation.
    God bless, Allison

  • Thank you! Your book ( Gods book or his work through you) has impacted me so much. May God bless you. Keep up the great work.

  • My little sister just recommended this book to me, and I have started reading it every day when I read my Bible in the mornings. I have only read through the second chapter, and I already love it. After going to a Teenpact camp last month that promotes these same ideas, I am completely convicted and ready to take on my part as a believer and stand up in faith as a young person. Thank you for your wise words!

  • Hello
    My name is Malin I live in Iowa with my grandfather and grandmother .
    In part 3(Fabulous life of a teenager) the first thing they say is about how most parents think of us. I am sick of it are you ?

  • Hey Alex and Brett,

    (BTW, Brett, I just noticed how buff you looked in part 4. Did you do do that on purpose?)

    After watching this video series for the second time, I sincerely believe this will help my youth group, the Remedy Student Ministry. We have a a Core team of highschoolers who’s job description is going above and beyond. If the Core team went through this series (which is what I’m trying to arrange ASAP) then I believe it would take us to the next level of Doing Hard Things. Thank you for the awesome videos and never delete them EVER.

    God bless,
    – Trent

  • I’m pretty late on here, but I just watched these for the first time. They’re great! I think seeing you talk about your ideas is possibly even more effective than reading the book, since it really shows how enthusiastic and genuine you are in your aim to change young people’s lives (not that that didn’t come across in the book of course). God has really used you to bring glory to Him.

  • Those are really inspiring videos! You guys should have a weekly podcast or something!

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →