Three years ago, we blogged the story of Jaime Colman—a 16-year-old girl from Pennsylvania who collected thousands of pairs of shoes for the village of Karogoto in Kenya. Since then we’ve shared her story dozens of times at conferences and in Start Here. It’s a beautiful example of how God can take our small steps of faith and turn them into something bigger—something that can inspire others.
Well, one of the people who Jaime inspired is 15-year-old Hannah Vaccaro from Merrimack, New Hampshire. This Saturday (June 2) she is hosting Race2Lace, a 5K run/walk race and shoe drive to benefit a new orphanage in La Gonave, Haiti. With four days to go, Hannah has already collected over 1,000 pairs of shoes.
Hannah’s project has rallied her entire community, from her public high school to local churches, businesses, and the press. Today she was the subject of a great feature in the Merrimack Patch—a must-read for all rebelutionaries:
- A Lesson in Community Kindness
by Carolyn Dube
There are book titles that make us appreciate the fact that we aren’t meant to take them literally. Who really wants to know “How to Eat Fried Worms?” And it seems dangerous to surrender to “A Dance With Dragons.” But when Merrimack teen Hannah Vaccaro read the book “Do Hard Things,” by Alex and Brett Harris last year, she took it to heart.
Vaccaro, 15, is brushing up against the finish line in a months-long project she decided to emulate after reading the book by the Harrises.
This Saturday, when runners take off from the starting line at the Race2Lace 5k, she won’t be running with them, she’ll be running the show.
Praise the Lord for Jaime and Hannah! Now, who will they inspire next? If you live anywhere near Merrimack, NH, we hope you’ll show up at Merrimack High School this Saturday morning—whether to walk/run or just to donate your gently-worn shoes, listen to live music, and partake in a raffle for great, local prizes.
If you don’t live anywhere near Merrimack, NH, we hope you’ll pray for Hannah and Race2Lace and share her story with others. More than that, we hope that you will copy Hannah like she copied Jaime! In fact, we’re pretty sure that Hannah would love to help! Email alex [at] therebelution [dot] com and we’ll pass it on.
Way to go, Hannah! Rebelutionaries are rooting for you!
I went to school with her older sister! Small world.
WOW congrats!! we will be Praying for Hannah!! 😀
Hannah is such a sweet girl! I know she’s been surprised by how this project took off so quickly. The SAT’s keep me from joining her on Saturday, but I know the race will be terrific. Thanks for honoring her hard work with this article. The whole race has been blessed from the start in a way only the Lord can bless.
What an inspiring story! I will be praying for Hannah.
Good article a girl with a good christian heart. Hey if your on facebook come like Step out to avoid any confusion it has a cartoon guy as a profile picture were working on a logo. Step Out challenges teens to Step Out in school anywhere not just school to admit there christians in my school i realized there were not very many kids who admitted they were christians so my friends and i felt it was time to change that.
Is Step Out on Google+ ?
people on G+ are more active than people on fb.
Way to go Hannah! I will definitely be praying!
Great Job! I’ll be praying for race2lace!
Wow! How inspiring! Will be praying for this effort. So neat that she has been able to visit the recipients personally, and will get to do so again. Is the money going to the Haitians too, or just the shoes? Keep it up!
I will sure be praying! It is so neat to see how many people one person stepping out of their comfort zone can impact.
Love In Christ,
[…] and Inspired by… 15-year-old Hannah Vaccaro was inspired to “Do Hard Things” and her Race2Lace inspires me. @ The Rebelution, a blog […]
That’s so inspiring! I’ll be praying for you, Hannah!
Way to go Hannah! God bless you! I am finishing packing for a missions trip tomorrow. I will be remembering you and praying for you in your own mission. You’re such an inspiration to all of us Hannah!
Solio De Gloria!
That’s so awesome, Hannah! My first ever mission trip was to Haiti, and my heart is longing to go back some day. Those children are precious, and the people are so lost and so grateful for any gifts. This is an amazing project you’ve been able to get you community involved in, and will be an awesome experience when you give the gift of shoes and the name of Jesus to the Haitians in July. I just wish I lived closer and could run on Saturday!!
That’s awesome Hannah! 😀
Cool, I’ll make sure to pray for her! 😀
If you could message me with a few pointers about how you made this blog look this cool, I would appreciate it!
This is really inspiring, love how God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. Jaime and Hanna have accomplished more than many persons will ever accomplish in a lifetime. To God be the glory for that! Continue serving the Lord 🙂
This is really inspiring, love how God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. Jaime and Hanna have accomplished more than many persons will ever accomplish in a lifetime. To God be the glory for that! Continue serving the Lord
Way to go, Hannah!!!!! I will definitely be praying for the mission you are on.
P.S. Congratulations Brett on your wedding!
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What an inspiring story will definitely be praying for Hannah!
Thank you Hannah i will pray for you.
I gave you an up arrow 🙂
That’s really great. I’ll pray for her.