rebelling against low expectations

How do you beat procrastination and get stuff done?


KAIRA WRITES: Procrastination and lack of focus has always been a huge battle for me, and now that I’m in high school, it’s starting to become a huge problem.

I have the type of personality that doesn’t do well flitting from one thing to another, but lately I can’t seem to focus. I’ll crack down on what I’m currently procrastinating with, but find something else with which to waste my time. I’d love practical tips or encouragement.

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are submitted by real rebelutionaries who are looking for godly answers to tough questions and lively conversation with other young adults. You can join the conversation by commenting below. If you'd like to submit your own discussion question, email us at [email protected].


  • I struggle with the same thing. In fact, to the point where it sometimes causes depression.

    I find that just like any other temptation, we need God’s help to fight it. Just like the temptation to lust or to covet, it is not an easy thing to fight. I believe for some, it’s harder then others, but everyone is faced with it.
    So, my best answer would be prayer and memorizing scripture on laziness and such.

    But, I do have the same question, so what do the rest of y’all think?

  • Something that I know helps is to have a friend that doesn’t procrastinate.

    P.S. Does anyone think that I comment too much? I have always tried not to just speak my mind on everything, but lately it seems like I have been doing it more. Anyways, if anyone ever thinks I do comment too much just let me know, because I might not notice it.

  • Unfortunately most of my school work is on the computer, so that won’t work. Although for non school related tasks it might.

  • Hi Grant. I’ve wondered the same thing about myself sometimes. I kind of hinted at it and Rachel here told me I was wrong. 🙂
    I guess it’s mostly a matter of opinion, but tend to agree with what Rachel just told you. I also think the Rebelution is the perfect place to share one’s thoughts.

  • Grant, it is perfectly fine if you post here all you want! We love to hear what you have to say. 🙂

    God Bless,


  • I often ask myself, “What am I doing?” and “Why am I doing it?” Some things are worth my time and others are just being used to avoid that which I do not want to do. When I find I’m wasting time on something like Facebook, I pray through, why am I doing this? It’s usually to clear my mind from the stress I put on myself as a wife and mother. What’s happened is I’ve created a to do list that is impossible and does not include the Lord as my helper. His yoke is easy and His burden is light. The yoke that is too much for me to handle is of my own, or the enemy’s, creation. I find that sometimes when I’m procrastinating, the thing that I think I must do is actually not that important. (see Busywork from Pilgrim’s Progress)

    On the other hand, there are things God has asked me to do that I avoid, but I am learning to repeat: “There’s nothing to it but to do it!” Whatever I’m afraid of in regards to that task (making a personal phone call or cleaning a back closet) is smaller than the monkey that resides on my back while I’m not answering His call.

    It is also very helpful to use daily checklists. My oldest daughter is in her 4th semester of online classes through a local University. Staying motivated in online classes is extremely difficult! Her solution is a Google Calendar for each class. She creates ‘To Do’ items for each day. A lot of times some items get moved to the next day, but she does always turn assignments in on time. When she creates the calendars she builds it to finish things early, so she has wiggle room if the reading takes longer than she anticipated or something.

    One last thought, allow room for small rewards throughout the day or week. At our house, this might mean 15 minutes on Minecraft after a successful math assignment is completed. And I always look forward to “Date Night” on Thursdays, but only if all the laundry is folded and put away first. (It’s just a movie in our room while the kids clean up from supper and put the little’s to bed, but it’s a great break for me!)

    I hope this helps. Keep up the good work!!

  • Same here, but I meant like, FB and email and other social media stuff. It’ so easy for me to get distracted by all that and so much harder to buckle down and get it done.

  • For me, it helps getting it done and over with. It also does good if you have someone to keep you accountable for your work. Last week for example, I had to write an essay on Jane Eyre. I started late on the week it was due (It was assigned the week before and it was due Thursday). I finished writing it on paper and I told my mom I would type it up on Wednesday and turn it in the next day. She didn’t like me doing that, so I typed it on the same day I finished and printed at school and turned it in on Wednesday (my printer was low on ink). The point is, I thought I could get it done at the last minute, but thanks to my mom, I put in the extra effort and turned it in early. Friends and family can help keep us accountable for our commitments.

  • Guys, I’ve actually been procrastinating my French project for 20 mins AGAIN, and actually came here for advice….

  • That’s cool, so it was like, message from God at the right timing? Sorry, I’ll let you get to your French stuff… 😉 Good luck!

  • Grant, if anyrhing, I comment to much (and I don’t believe I do) because, after Brett, I comment the most on this site. Don’t worry, you’re totally fine. 🙂

  • Same here, was thinking/wondering the same thing–do I comment too much? My dad refers to my comments as “novels” which isn’t entirely inaccurate, either. 😉

  • Ah, this is one of my worst vices. I am a huge procrastinator.
    I think that part of the problem for teenagers (and pretty much everyone) in this day and age is that there are so many distractions. Facebook, Twitter, email, Google, and so many other sources on the internet call out, “See this, do that.” And most often, a person finds him/herself wasting time doing nothing useful or enriching. I’m still struggling with the solution to this problem. For me, it helps to do the subject I dislike the most. I will also sometimes reward myself, but that is a somewhat dangerous thing to do if you’re not completely done with everything you need to do. For example, if you reward yourself for finishing a tough assignment by doing something you enjoy, that enjoyable activity can distract you from what you need to do next. Otherwise, I think that you could achieve a lot with the right mindset. Think to yourself, “I have this much time and I will get these things done today.” Normally, I have to be pretty tough with myself and lecture myself to keep at it. (yes, I argue with my good self and bad self. Does anyone else do this?)
    As with all other areas of life, procrastination cannot be overcome without God’s help.

  • This probably isn’t that helpful but I find there’s no easy way. I mean, I put the pro in procrastination but most the time the only way to beat it is just do it. It takes a lot of disciplinebut it can be done. Slowly. Over time.
    It also helps to remember that we’re doing all for the glory of God and putting off what we’re supposed to be doing in favour of something else… well, is that really glorifying God?

  • Thank you! ;P
    Actually, I’m almost finished! I turned off all of the notifications from my tablet and my phone, and it was easier to focus than I thought, especially with French pop music playing! Thank you, though!!

  • 😀 Great! What was the project about, anyway? when you have time to talk–Didn’t know there was such a thing as French pop music.
    And you’re welcome!

  • One thing that has helped me is recognizing that self-control is a limited commodity. Research shows that resisting temptation actually drains our self-control, indicating that we should use self-control to flee temptation, rather than stand there and fight it (which is what the Bible tells us to do anyway).

    How does this apply to procrastination? Well, you can only resist the temptation to check Facebook, read your new emails, and respond to text messages for so long. Even someone with a lot of self-control will eventually drain themselves.

    Not only that, but research also shows that simply resisting temptation drains the brain of mental energy. Even if you don’t give in to the temptation to procrastinate, simply fighting the urge will hinder your productivity.

    So what can we do? My solution is to use my self-control to remove temptations. I turn off my phone (or leave it in the other room), block the Internet and email with an app called (whaddya know?) Self-Control, and make other adjustments that greatly reduce my opportunities to get distracted.

    I find when I do this that I feel more peaceful as I work — which is probably because my brain can focus exclusively on the task at hand, rather than having to expend energy resisting the beckoning call of easily accessible distractions.

  • I have to type up two brochures (completely in French, by the way) about two different jobs for the lower level French class (that is combined with mine) to read at the “Job Fair” our classes are going to have tomorrow. It’s a pain, but it’s actually slightly intriguing. (I picked Singer and Private Detective, anyways hahaha).
    YES! There IS French pop music, same as in the US! Just not as popular because it is, in fact, almost always in French. (However, there’s a group called Arcade Fire from Canada who does sing parts of their songs in French, but don’t get me STARTED on them, since I’m just a bit of a fanatic.)
    Some songs on my French playlist include:
    Derniere Danse by Indila
    Sur Ma Route by Black M
    Elle Me Ditby MIKA
    Fierte by Team BS (my personal favorite)
    Place de la Republique by Coeur De Pirate
    Comme Des Enfants by Coeur De Pirate
    Papaoutai by Stromae (but Pentatonix has also done a fantastic cover of this)
    I highly recommend all of these song, even though some are too fast or too complicated for me to comprehend. But it’s American music pretty much the same some of the time??
    Happy listening!
    I need to run to my SECOND rehearsal of the night.

  • I think the three things that help me most are:
    1) Like alana said, accountability. Being homeschooled, I love it when I have a friend to do school alongside me, because it’s a lot harder to go browsing G+ when you have a friend who can see what you’re doing! I probably don’t utilise the accountability of family enough, but I think that’s probably something that would help.
    2) Set goals. I know it helps me when I say to myself, “Right, I’m going to get my psychology done by this time {twenty minutes/forty-five minutes/whatever hence}” and then just knuckle down and do it. Race the clock, set a timer, whatever you have to do to put a goal in place and make it measurable.
    3) As a few other people have said, just switching off everything you don’t need! If I really need to get something done, I close down my emails, make sure I don’t have G+ (for many of you it would be FB or something else) up, put my iPod on the other side of the desk and get to it.

  • I struggle a lot with this. As a home schooled student, I have to be disciplined, otherwise I’ll never get anything done. I’ve always been really good with that, but this year, my senior year, it feels like I’ve forgotten how to focus. I end up working from morning to night (or early morning, in some cases) because I just can’t focus on my work.
    I haven’t totally figured it out yet, but there is something that helps. I want to live my life for God, and every day, I pray that I will be able to. Sometimes, the thought of living for God seems like this grand, all-important thing; which, of course, it is, but I often forget that living for God doesn’t just apply to the big and seemingly important things. It applies to the things we do everyday, whether these things be exciting or mundane. I remind myself of this every day, because it helps me realize that something as simple as focusing on my schoolwork is an act of worship. It’s an act of giving that part of my life to Him and living it as He wants me to.
    God bless!

  • Yes, I’ve read about running out of self-control due to extended exposure. Actually it was in that book you recently reccomended, Switch: how to change when change is hard. Btw its very good. I’m assuming that’s where you got this?

  • That’s sounds really interesting. What do you mean by lower level French class? Like, the cast system in Hindu India is what that reminds me of. I like the jobs you picked, both are intriguing. Do the people in France listen to the French pop music? Is it popular there?
    I will look up Arcade Fire sometime in the next couple days, the band name is intriguing. I kind of skipped through the song titles, them being in a different language. Would I find them on Youtube, you think?
    Pentatonix is extremely talented, I think.
    American music is too fast sometime, yes. What do you mean by complicated?
    P.S. What are you rehearsing?

  • That is fascinating, Brett. The Bible also says to resist temptation, and the devil will flee from you, but it says to flee temptation, as well. Self-control as a limited commodity is something I hadn’t been aware of. Resisting temptation draining the brain of mental energy makes total sense, I’ve been through that myself.

  • Question: I hadn’t been following the conversations about reading/books. Which book are you referring to that he suggested?

  • Cool, I’ll need to find some of those songs. I’ve listened to Derniere Danse, but haven’t heard of the others. I’m taking French as well.

  • Switch: how to change when change is hard, by Chip and Dan Heath. He reccomended it in a thread off of, How do we change the world when the world doesn’t want to change?

  • I have found that little rewards help me. I’ll finish an assignment then give myself a set amount of time to check Facebook, Instagram, etc. or get up and leave the room to get a snack. Sometimes I’ll actually set a timer and force myself to get back to work when my time is up. Like Brett said, self-control can only last so long, so I “reward” my work with Facebook or just some non-schoolwork related activity.

  • I have never worried about any of you commenting too much. The more people who comment all the time the better. It makes the website healthier and more inviting for others. =)

  • Muwaha…. You can try… but you will find that my very annoying, yet highly addictive comments have already worked their way into your minds. It is only a matter of time (Muwhaha) before you surcome to my commenting! Nothing will be able to stop me! Muwhahahaha! Except maybe French Toast. That stuff is gooood!

  • 😀 LOL. Ik, right? I was surprised I was so high up, compared to Brett who’s been on here since the beginning. But I was really surprised at where the Rejected was. He had a ton of comments, and was, like, 82 comments. He was higher before this conversation got started, and only comments on one blog post.

  • Ik, shouldn’t have been possible. I have a friend who can’t stand bacon. She has to have turkey bacon. 😛 *yuck face

  • Hadn’t realized that, but yeah, debates really take a lot of comments. I could not believe how long that debate with TR went on, it was incredible.

  • Couple years, I think. I’m not positive, but I’ve been on here since before Chris Witmer’s articles started being posted, so, it’s been a while.

  • Well, I like it from an encouragement standpoint, but if you haven’t noticed, I hold to some very strong views and don’t move an inch on them. So that kinda drains some popularity, I don’t think I’ve ever chatted with someone who held my specific views. But that’s ok, it’s not that important, I’m not mad about it or anything.

  • It can be extremely encouraging, I agree. And actually I haven’t noticed. But that’s good, having convictions and not swaying in them. It’s also important that you don’t get put out when others don’t agree. And I highly doubt your popularity–at least on this website–goes down because of that.
    What kind of strong views?

  • That’s why we post, right? 😛 More posts, more the interesting the website and the discussion.

  • Add cake to the end of that coffee and…:D :D! But nevermind, this conversation is…I don’t know. 😛

  • I hope that’s the case for all. When I first started I wanted to get higher up, now, not so much…WAIT. Who said these were ranks in the first place??? 😛 😛

  • I haven’t seen the whole thing of that movie. It wasn’t that appealing. But anyway, Trent is stuck here. FOREVER. 😛

  • Yeah, they’re not that good. I feel bad for Trent–he’ll be, like, 90, and still commenting. 😛

  • Lol, yeah. At Least none of us are under the threat of being banned. 😛 So we can leave, I guess without punishment. 😛 he he.

  • Firstly, I’m didn’t mean I was like totally worried or even concerned about my popularity. As for my “strong views”, I don’t personally think they are strong, but I’m sure that some if not most people think they are strong. The best example I can think of is the recent talk of wether or not it’s ok to lie. I cannot believe the opposition on this, I always took it as a given, lying is wrong no matter what. Apparently Some don’t believe that, I was shocked. My actual denomination is Pentecostal. If you want more examples just ask.

  • Hey Sam.

    Are you thinking of still making that Christian social networking thing? Or did I miss read? 😛

  • I honestly don’t know how to code. But if you made it I would definitely be on to talk with you guys. I think it would be better than talking here, since our discussion (mostly all) is off-topic. 😛

  • I didn’t get that from your last comment at all, don’t worry. I haven’t checked out the comment section about whether it’s ok to lie or not. In modern times holding convictions is practically looked down on by both Christians and non-Christians, ours being a ‘tolerant’ culture and all. Personally I am encouraged when I see others holding to convictions. I know people who were Pentecostal and then became almost Mennonite, a family with, like 13 kids, I think it is now. I haven’t come in contact with any others, though. I do know the Cross and the Switchblade was about an inner city mission that was Pentecostal in denomination. I don’t know much about them, though. What’s their theology?

  • Nah. Just kidding. It’s fine, although I don’t think we should look at the commenting system on a Christian site as something to compete over.

  • I think I did too, I just glanced over it. So I don’t know the exact details. I just don’t want anyone to think that Sam is going to be making a site when he really isn’t. 😛

  • I’d totally be interested in helping with that, but I don’t know much about computers. You have my support, whole heartedly! 😀

  • I was learning it last year, my senior year of high school, but never finished the course.

  • Hmm. I just started it this year, and will be doing it until 12th grade. It’s a tough thing to learn, but doing hard things is what the rebelution is all about, right? 😛 Since I am homeschooled, I basically have to learn most of it on my own, thankfully I have a class I go to once a week that reviews it. *relieved*

  • My sister and I were doing it with my old pastor’s two kids. We got together once a week to watch a video, and the lady in the videos was so annoying and unintelligent sounding, I could hardly stand it. Are you at all enjoying it?

  • Sounds good, I will pray for God’s guidance for you, then. It’s always best to bring our ideas before God first, rather than going ahead and trying to do it on your own.
    And no, I am not a millionaire, and I don’t know any millionaires. 😉 What kind of cost, though? Probably something you could fundraise for, right?

  • My favorite out of the list I typed up is actually Fierté, but Dernière Danse is a close second!

  • Oh, my French 4 class wasn’t big enough to be it’s own class, so we’re combined with the French 3 class, but Madame SOMEHOW seems to manage it!
    Hahaha yessss people in France listen to French pop music. And any other music, too! They listen to a lot of American music, too, and sometimes prefer that.
    Arcade Fire is fantastic. I can’t even recommend just ONE song to you! My friend and I think that they’re secretly Christian in their lyrics, just like Twenty-One Pilots (a band from Ohio, where my friend goes to college now).
    I loveeeee Pentatonix! I follow just about everything they do!!
    And complicated just by the meanings, and sometimes how it’s just difficult to hear, understand, and comprehend.
    And about my rehearsal, my first one was for my school’s musical Legally Blonde, and the second was for my choir. We’re doing a ton of Latin, Italian, and Spanish this year. And we ALWAYS perform the Messiah

  • (Sorry, wouldn’t let me type more!!)
    We ALWAYS perform Handle’s Messiah choruses, which means that since I learned Soprano the last two years, I’m “lucky” enough to learn Alto. Hmmmmm.
    At least I’ll have that under my belt when I go to college 😝

  • This conversation is the most fun I’ve had on a non”social networking” cite in the history of ever. Do you see that we had 150 Comments??? In ONE DAY???

  • I’m from Washington. (Land of the Starbucks…) Coffee is kind of like Ice cream stands in the rest of the world. We have a coffee stand on every corner. (and sometimes more then one.) It’s amazing!!

  • Oh. my. word. Funniest/oddest “argument” I’ve ever read on this blog (and I’ve been reading for quite some time!). Somehow we went from Trent wondering if he should stop commenting to favorite breakfast foods!
    Trent, I hope you now know that you must keep commenting or reap the consequences. ; )

  • Yeah, I know, but commenting more isn’t taking the spotlight from him. I mean, he has written two books after all. Besides, this blog and discussion isn’t about spotlight and fame. It’s about young adults talking about common issues (or breakfast).
    Plus, I think that you add a sense of expectation. Whenever there is a question posted or an article, I can always count on you, Grant Bingham, Sam the programguy, and Rachel S. to comment! : )

  • Hey, we may have taken the same Latin class! I didn’t like it either. Did the annoying lady have brown hair and talk about “dippy dipthongs”?

  • That’s funny. Yeah, I guess this was pretty fun. Although I think we should find somewhere else to do this instead of spamming up the comments. 😛

  • Yes! That would be so funny–what I found so annoying was she did this really awkward impression of a body builder when we were doing the masculine endings. :/

  • Oh, ok. 😀
    I remember Selena Gomez did a Girl Meets World and talked about going to France once.
    Never heard of Twenty-One Pilots, will have to look them up.
    Yeah, Pentatonix, actually their arrangements are incredible. They remind me of Straight No Chaser.
    Ok. I guess music hasn’t seemed complicated to me, but, yeah, I can get where you’re coming from.
    That’s actually really fun sounding! My family watched Legally Blonde–once. It was pretty funny, but with a few fast-forward parts. It’s so cool you’ll be in the musical! Hope you have fun!
    One year I did a Latin song for our Christmas contada–dona nobis pacem, I think it was called. Beautiful song, as there were three of us singing melody, harmony, etc. It was really cool.

  • Oh, that’s cool! Even though I wouldn’t have a clue what to do there. Here(in NY) it’s all ice cream. And I don’t even like coffee, but still, that’s an interesting little fact about Washington state. 😀

  • 😀 Good, stop procrastinating, Sam! Show us how it’s done! 😀
    So it’s not terrible. I’ll betcha we could raise that money just on this website. And no, not too geeky. I could follow.
    Absolutely. It’s an absolutely phenomenal experience when God speaks through a person, both for the person speaking and for the listeners. I am so excited for you! I will be praying.

  • I’m not sure. Lets not think he is so he doesn’t feel compelled to do it against his own will. “Oh Sam will do it!” “I will?” 😛 😛
    I’m pretty sure we’ve all been in that place before. 😀

  • I don’t know if I would call myself a Pentecostal, but my family pretty much agrees with everything you just said.

  • I think I should slow down my posting…I’ve almost past Brett…and that is, I don’t know, a little weird. He’s been here for 6 or so years…and I have been here 9 months. 😛

  • It was a really good book! So many of the stories stuck with me even these years after I’ve read it.
    My family’s reformed theology, and we believe everything you just specified, including the part about Pentecost.
    What is it you believe about the Holy Spirit and baptism thereof? Unless you didn’t want to get into that, which if it’s controversial, I understand. Promise I won’t get into an argument or debate over it. 😀
    And actually I knew Pentecostals and charismatics weren’t the same thing. Don’t know how I knew that.

  • I agree that removing temptation is a great way to avoid procrastination. I also think that staying organized is a good way to avoid it. I do school online, so I don’t have a teacher reminding me to get my work done 24/7. I keep an agenda and write down about two classes to do schoolwork for everyday, and I’m usually done by Thursday. I try to remind myself of the rewards of getting my work done (such as getting to relax on Fridays or getting to hang out with my friends,) which motivates me.

  • Oh no, I am not taking a video course. It is from a book called First Year Latin written by Robert J. Henle, S.J.

  • Sorry, just thought of something else to say to that. Is your youth group comprised of kids who think they’re saved, or nominal Christians, or more serious Christians, or a mix of each? Just curious.

  • Did that sound like a psycho villain got distracted by the thought of breakfast food to anyone else? ;P

  • Oh, ok. I got a little confused by the order of comments and wasn’t following the conversation correctly. But I’m glad you enjoy it. 😀

  • This is funny! I just learned about ad hominem in my logic book so I feel smart to know what you’re talking about! ; )

  • I just learned about it as well. In a book called “The Fallacy Detective”
    If anyone wants to know, an ad hominem is when the person attacks someone’s beliefs or that person instead of engaging the real argument.

  • I’ve actually just read that, “Most [Pentecostal] church bodies practice a form of church government similar to baptists.” That’s interesting. “Pentecostals in the strict sense view speaking in tounges as the initial evidence of baptism in the Holy Spirit, Charismatics accept tounges but don’t view it as the only initial evidence of baptism in the Holy Spirit.”

    That defines Pentecostals in general, but then there is my church. We sing hymns (and I love them), and southern gospel, like The Blood Of Jesus, and At Calvary. We do not sing “Christian” contemporary, or “Christian” rock, our musicians consist of a piano, organ, keyboard, two trumpets, a saxaphone, and a clarinet. We are not associated with Assemblies Of God. The Pastor, Pastor Jerry preaches from the Bible (KJV), and you are encouraged to bring a Bible. Ohh yeah, almost forgot, we lift our hands in worship and praise to God.
    If you are interested in what Pastor Jerry’s preaching is like I would really encourage you to visit the website on my profile, it’s, in fact, our churches website. Pastor does a 1 minute daily devotion, a 5 minute daily devotion, and a 15 minute radio show. We also have Pastor Mark, who does a 5 minute devotion. Our services are all available to watch (check out our recent baptism service), and on Sunday morning or evening you can watch it live. Are you sold yet?

    P.S. Let me know if you check it out.

  • Hey, I hadn’t read down this far last night, but I just thought.

    I think it’s a great idea, I get confused with these long lines of discus, and………..I’m in the process of learning to code! AND…….. I have one free year of unlimited web hosting (a 200$ value), let’s make this work!

  • You guys should do mine, although it’s Catholic, it’s still very good. You don’t have to look at an annoying person to learn it. 😛

  • *gasp* That’s my logic book!!! It’s so great when you find people using the same school books as you!

  • Brett that’s a great way no to get distracted.

    yeah i find that i get distracted a lot while working on the computer. since i do a lot of my work on my laptop (school work that is) and while i’m working on a paper or listening to a lecture i can get distracted by researching something or checking Rebelution website. it’s hard not to get distracted. but yeah my trail of thoughts just dropped off.

  • wow that’s a great idea. and it is true in everday life satan can distract you from what’s important. and yeah i find that i do that to i get distracted just because i’m stressed out and don’t want to do whatever i have to do.

  • Hey Brett i have a question why doesn’t Alex ever comment on any articles?

    i know so off topic!

  • That’s funny because I recently started using the NKJV instead of the KJV. Just curious, are you a southern baptist? And what views do you hold to that are different than mine, cause I thought Pentecostal and Baptist were basically the same?

  • No, not here. Just in the discussion in general. Like the whole coffee, bacon, breakfast part. I’m pretty sure that that doesn’t really have to do with procrastination. I know that I don’t procrastinate about breakfast!

  • I help design, like, posters at my church. (I do more visual stuff.) I can’t code to save my life, but give me Microsoft power point, rap and unlimited time and I can come up with some cool stuff.

  • Check out “Holding Onto You” by Twenty-One Pilots, especially. My friend and I think it’s secretly a Christian song! I also love “Forest” and “Trees” by them, as well.
    I really like Straight No Chaser! Such a great group (:
    The musical Legally Blonde is actually kinda different from the movie, from what I’ve heard. I’m not gonna see the movie til after I’m done with the show, though!
    About Dona Nobis Pacem: I did that song, too! I think it was about 4-7 concerts ago (I do two a year….yikes!), so it’s been a long time, but I remember the piece! It’s gorgeous!

  • Will do, thanks, Kathleen! They are good, and I am really impressed by their arrangements.
    😀 Loved the song, even despite it being hard to learn to sing.

  • Ok. ‘Cause you had said that it was important to you they know how important it is to have a personal relationship with Jesus, so I wasn’t sure.

  • These are all great comments! In case this might help some more, here’s
    a link to a free eBook from College Plus on “9 Ways to Kill Procrastination
    Right Now”:
    Some of the eBook’s ideas are already in the comments here, but the
    eBook also has other tips on beating procrastination. Hope it helps!

  • well true, but if you MUST procrastinate (like I am doing now) this is a pretty good way to spend your designated procrastinating time!

  • Hey you think you could help me a little on an essay i’m writing for school? well hear is a question

    why did David cut off Goliath’s head if Goliath was already dead? and if you have anymore thoughts on this topic that would be nice. that’s not the prompt that’s just a question i’m asking 🙂

  • yeah me to. this is the hardest essay i’ve had to wright!

    yeah it is a little rude 🙂 and yes our culture is a little out of wack if you ask me

  • LOL, no, probably not, unless you live in upstate NY and your real name is Magdalena. 😀 But that’s funny, I can’t stand turkey bacon. To each their own. 😀

  • This is something that I struggle with pretty much around the clock. So much so, that I am currently on certain restrictions during the school week so that I will actually accomplish things. I think the thing I find the most helpful to bust procrastination is to tell myself that even small things (e.g., not laying in bed for 2 extra minutes, staying focused until the project is completely done, etc.) can be glorifying to God. That I can glorify God in every single infinitesimal thing that I do. Yeah, I still struggle with it, but this is the best thing that works for me. I hope this is helpful!

  • I need help in remembering in what classes I have homework in and when its due. Please help….

  • Sorry, but just wanted to say this but has anybody noticed that you guys are talking to Trent and he hasn’t even commented yet? I think Trent ditched us. =D

  • No you didn’t! There’s nothing wrong with commenting! Plus, your comments are always really good and on subject, or really funny! Don’t stop!!!!

  • Yeah well sometimes people do need to take a break from the article and read something funny… that’s where you come in! =D

  • I guess it would be fine if you didn’t comment all the time, but DON’T LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

  • I’m new to the Rebelution, and I am also one of the “tech guys” at my church. I would be interested in helping if you can use a hand.

  • I would be willing to help in any way I could I’m not entirely geeky but I would like to help in whatever way I can

  • Muhahaha! I’ve just started reading this conversation… and my head is getting dizzy with coffee and laughter…. XD

  • How do you prevent procrastination when you have online school? Cause I can easily get distracted.

  • A way that I deal with procrastination is I make a list of all my homework, then when I write the due dates next to the assignment, I always put the due date a day earlier than its actually due that way I know I will always have it done on time.

  • Make a calendar. As soon as homework is assigned write it on. I use one big calendar with a different color marker for each class.

  • I’m a BIG procrastinator. I will literally get projects done for school the night before it’s due. I find myself getting involved with other things that I later find completely not necessary. What I do to help me remember is pray. God shows me what needs to be done at the moment, and I feel so productive and happy!

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →