rebelling against low expectations

What do you love about these discussions?


CASSIE WRITES: I don’t know about you, but I have LOVED these new discussion questions! I love how they make me think. I love how Rebelutionaries all over the world can share their opinions on the topics. I love how we can all be courteous, humble, and open. I love how we can disagree politely and defend our views graciously and clarify when misunderstood.

So, I want to hear: What do you guys love about these discussions? What has made you think most? What have you learned?

Share Your Thoughts in the Comment Section!

There are currently 7 Comment(s)

Have something else you’d like to discuss? Just submit your question or topic (and any elaboration you’d like to provide) using our Submit Content Page. We look forward to hearing from you.


About the author

Discussion Questions

are submitted by real rebelutionaries who are looking for godly answers to tough questions and lively conversation with other young adults. You can join the conversation by commenting below. If you'd like to submit your own discussion question, email us at [email protected].


  • I love learning others’ opinions. I love being able to disagree with other people yet still be completely on good terms with them. I love seeing great advice being given that is pertinent to many more than just the person who asked the question. But most of all, I sincerely appreciate the Christian encouragement that’s going on. It’s amazing how different people from different walks of life can build each other up like is happening here!

  • 180 comments, huh? Anyway I love being able to connect and discuss important ideas with other Christian teens. A lot of other “Christian” teens really don’t have a lot of depth or care for important things, but the Rebelution community is, well, different. It is so encouraging to see other Christian teens who are serious abut following Christ. Keep it up, guys!

  • I love everything about the DQ’s! Talking to all you amazing people, thinking about really deep questions, and doing hard things all at the same time?? Yes Please!

  • The DQ’s have been incredible! I think, most of all, I love the community here. Although most of my friends are Christian, most of them aren’t interested in having discussions like these. Here, I’m able to talk with like-minded people who love God and each other.

    As irrational as it may be, there are some days when I feel like I’m the only person in the world who cares about doing hard things anymore. Now I can just come here to be inspired and encouraged. I come and I realize that I’m not the only one who struggles with the things I face in life, and that the people here are also determined to face those things in Christ.

    So, thank you, Brett, for doing this; and thank you, everyone else, for being a part of this amazing community! It’s been an incredible blessing!

    God bless,

  • Love to hear that, Steelers Fan!

    Also, sorry about the “180 Comments” thing. The link was pulling that number from the DQ on overcoming complacency.

  • You are so welcome, Christy! I am just as blessed and grateful for all of you and the community you have helped create as you are for this website — so it’s all even. =)

  • These are great! I think it’s awesome in hearing the opinions of other like-minded teens. These present great opportunities for teens to speak their minds in a safe and appreciative environment. It gives teens the opportunities to talk about the tough and deep questions of Christianity and life in general. It can also be used as a great tool for encouragement and lifting others up. Thanks Brett for all that you and Alex have done with this tool, and for inspiring teens to Do Hard Things.

  • I love being able to get others’ opinions on things (especially from the recent “encouraging members of the opposite gender without going too far” discussion), and being challenged by all the other young people who are living for Christ. 🙂

  • The DQs have been incredibly encouraging to me! I love seeing so many teens get together to discuss serious questions. I crave community like that…and it’s so great to find it on here. I’m so encouraged by these deep thinkers who are serious about their faith and who I can relate to in so many ways. Yes, it’s over the internet and we don’t really “know” each other face to face, but nonetheless its very uplifting to realize these people exist :). It has inspired me to be more outspoken about my faith and to get even more involved in the real life community I’m already a part of. Thanks Brett!

  • I’ve enjoyed seeing other’s points of view and some of these questions I’ve never even thought about or considered before so its been very educational as well as encouraging.
    I also like having a place to put out my opinion and read other’s and (although some disagree) no one is rude or condescending in any way. Its all kindness and respect!
    These are great! Thanks for starting this page up!

  • Hi guys! I really, REALLY like these questions and discussions. They are so awesome because it always make me think a little more “outside the box”. And they also sometimes give me encouragement when I’m going through something difficult. So thanks guys!!

  • I so appreciate the intelligence of this website. It is reassuring that we have not lost all of this younger generation to “dumbing down.” I live in a extremely secularized state where it is hard to find anyone 16 on up that can converse outside of texting.
    The comments always seem to show a respectful use of scripture and a maturity that is refreshing. Thank you for letting an “older” individual that loves your blog to post!

  • I love being able to hear other Christian’s opinions on various topics, as well as making me think about how I would answer each question. It also brings up things I had never thought of before. So thanks for the DQs!

  • I love being able to discuss problems and peoples thoughts! I also love all the help you guys have given me when I Told you my problems/thoughts! :3 we have such a great community!

  • I love seeing that I’m not alone. I was kind of worried at first if this would work because everyone has to be so open. But everyone is so respectful and though I don’t always agree, it is still great to find out what others are thinking. There are so many out there that think like me, which could actually be a little scary haha. But I love the openness and honesty. And the advice. There are some wise people! And the questions are great, sometimes it seems that they come up when I’ve been asking myself them. It is so great!!

  • I love… everything everyone else has said!!! And I love how we can have fun, joke around sometimes. Even though I only know the people on here through what they write, I feel like I know many of them quite well! They’re friends – people I can connect with (even just through these DQs), encourage, be encouraged by, challenge, be challenged by…. This is a community, of real people being very real.

  • Im new to the rebelution forum, but I’ve really enjoyed sharing my thoughts and learning from others. I don’t have a large group of serious Christian friends my age so this is really great for me, Thanks Brett!

  • Welcome to The Rebelution, Clare! Sounds like you’ve already worked out how awesome it is! 🙂

  • I love the DQ! I love being able to speak my mind and heart to people my age who are serious with their relationship with Christ. In reality, I’m constantly surrounded by immature kids and family who I think feel I have nothing to say because of my age and quiet personality. I know God has something greater than this.

  • I love being able to find people who are likeminded and are interested in the same thing. Finding people our age who love Jesus and want to do what He wants them to do is so encouraging…

  • The discussion questions are definitely a fav! Sharing how the Lord is working, getting practical tips, ideas, and encouragement from so many folks, from all over the world, each with individual gifts and talents….it’s awesome! Keep these going- please and thank you!

  • These Discussion Questions are always so helpful. Most of the time I don’t respond because of lack of time, but I still love to read others responses and be encouraged that I am not alone in living for the Lord and wanting to grow closer to Him while making a difference in this world for His glory. Knowing that I have a place to turn to when I have a question or need some Godly advise is very reassuring as well. I love my physical church that I attend, but I feel like the Discussion Questions have allowed The Rebelution to become my second “church”. Maybe others of you know what I mean? I really appreciate The Rebelution and the wonderful community God has formulated through it, I feel very blessed to be a part of it!

  • The weird sense of fellowship is probably what I love the most. The sense of being connected to people all across the world, people I’ve never even seen, people my age even, by a common tie. We (Most of us that is) are sinners saved by Grace. It’s a blessing to discuss these topics with other like minded teens, and adults, and receive intelligent insight. I never realized before how many struggles we have in common, and it feels great not to be alone. I also like how it inspires us to think deeply upon subjects that we either gave little thought to before, or assumed were too over our heads. It’s also humbling, because we have to realize that we don’t always know the answer to everything, and sometimes we’re wrong, and it’s okay. It’s okay to be be wrong, and make mistakes guys. (Just don’t make them on purpose;)

  • What I love about these discussion questions is this: they’re real questions which young people have, and I take the questions as a personal challenge/inquiry directed to me personally, and even though almost all of my answers boil down to “read your Bible and pray about it,” I still enjoy it immensely. Thank you!

  • And I appreciate the honesty, openness and sense of humor of my fellow rebelutionaries =vD

  • Being a Filipino, it is amazing to interact with you guys who are Christians. It connects us, believing on the same Lord, the same outlook on life, the same hope. Even I don’t know all of you but I feel like I belong for we are brothers and sisters in Christ. I believe the Lord guided all of our discussions about significant topics, the Holy Spirit pours on wisdom and knowledge in order to encourage and have wonderful relationship with each other as children of God. Each discussion really shows how the Lord is molding our generation, it directs us in living with wisdom, with some help with friends. I always felt closer and welcome here! 😀 Thank you 🙂

  • They’re…just so awesome!!!! I mean, it’s great being able to connect with other Christian teens and discuss (and sometimes argue 🙂 ) our viewpoints. It’s also great being able to see what other people think about certain things. Keep posting them!

  • And by the way looking at the other comments I was confused by people who kept saying that they liked Dairy Queen….then it hit me that DQ didn’t mean the fast food chain but discussion questions lol.

  • I love being able to talk to other Christian teens. It’s nice to be able to answer other peoples questions, and also have people answer yours. And there are some great discussions that happen in the comments 😀

  • Simply put… I’m too lazy to start a blog on my own, and Facebook is just too shallow for any deep discussions. So this is the next best thing!

    And I totally agree with Christy’s comment. It pretty much describes my feelings exactly!

  • Thanks for putting my thoughts into words! What you shared above perfectly parallels my feelings.

  • Oh, it wasn’t a question, I was agreeing with your statement that ‘God has something greater than this.’ 🙂 Sorry for not being clear enough.

  • I would say welcome too but you actually have more comments than I do so…we can be new together! 😛

  • I love best knowing that I am not alone. I know 4? other people like me. My brother, my best friend, a cousin, and another young woman. That is a very small number. Sometimes at homeschooling conferences I get a glimpse of likeminded people, but here on the Rebelution it is overwhelming! Whether I need encouragement, prayers, food for thought, or just a laugh, I am continually blown away with all my brothers and sisters in Christ who are so like me, and somehow we are all meeting to help each other here, though we would never recognise each other on the street. I think there’s a bible verse about this, but I can’t think of it right now… God is Good!!!

  • So funny… did you know that even on the Rebelution, my spellchecker says that “rebelution” is spelled wrong…

  • it took me a while to figure that out…
    I now also know that putting an action between two ** means that you are doing it…
    Yes, Trent has a way of influencing thinking… I was reading old posts and found his Yoda impersonations… for the rest of the day think like Yoda I did!
    (that’s coming from someone who has NO knowledge of or interest in star wars…)

  • WOW that’s a deep question Brett,
    what i love most about these discussions is that they help me to think outside the box they help me to relate with my peers and handle conflict nicely and humbly. they give me encouragement and hope, and they show me that i’m not alone. i also like the fact that the Rebelution is filled with teens who think like me who want to make a difference who want to be the change who want to be the light and salt of Jesus. and i love being able to communicate with other teens if i have a question i can’t find an answer to i know i can just post it hear and you’ll give me a monotony of answers which are all encouraging. it’s also inspiring for me, when i see other teens my age doing things that are so big i get inspired to pursue my dreams and what i want to accomplish. It’s been a blessing in my life and i can’t imagine a life without it. God has so used this place in my life in some amazing ways. God Bless You All and God Bless Alex and Brett Harris who we all owe a great deal to for starting this website.

    P.S. Yes I’m Back!!!!!!

  • Same here! I was this close to rolling on the floor laughing when I found those Yoda impersonations…and I’ve never watched Star Wars before either.

  • None of you guys have seen Star Wars? Wow we are sheltered, aren’t we! 😛 I’ve only seen 4 and 5 so I’m with you guys.

  • It is such an awesome thing hearing from other rebelutionaries around the world. 😀 I feel so blessed seeing others getting together online and talking about things happening today. God bless!

  • Because my brother LOVED Star Wars when he was younger, I watched all but number 3. But I like LOTR much better 🙂

  • What is LOTR?? Haha, the third one of Star Wars is the most depressing. Don’t watch it ;).

  • Ooohhhhhhhh, thanks :). Lord of the Rings is okay, although I haven’t read any of the books (but the Hobbit, I read that one). Gollum kinda creeps me out :).

  • Gollum is supposed to creep you out 🙂 What’s cool as an actress is how he creeps you out but still makes you feel sorry for him.

  • Haha yeah I know he is :). I guess he does kinda make you feel sorry for him, doesn’t he?

  • He’s creepy! Although, he reminds me of a guy at my church. Probably because this guy is creepy too. Hmmmm…

  • I’ve seen all of them, but that was when I was little and my family still had TVs with tape players. But I’m also sheltered pretty much besides that! 😀

  • Lol!! I wouldn’t say I’m THAT freaked out by Gollum 🙂 But his creepy big eyes and his gross skin…especially in the first Hobbit. Yeah, he’s creepy :). And my brother does a super real impersonation of him that scares me, haha.

  • It wasn’t that my parents wouldn’t have let us watch it, we just never wanted to and we watch movies so infrequently that we ended up picking other ones.

  • I haven’t been on here very long, but I have been so encouraged by you guys through these DQ’s. It’s not very often we get to have good fellowship with other believers, and though this is online, it’s so encouraging to see so many others who are passionate about Christ and just to be reminded that I’m not the only one

  • I can definately relate with the rebelution becoming your second church. 🙂 As much as I love my youth group, we don’t really get to cover the things that get discussed on here. I love hearing what God is doing in other people’s lives and I feel like this makes it easier to be vulnerable and real about our lives (if that makes any sense :))

  • Y’all are all awesome, that y’all could go from talking about why you like the DQs to Gollum… these conversations never fail to make me laugh. (Then having to explain to those who heard me burst out laughing is a different story…)

  • Once I was just hanging out with some friends, when one of the guys started being Gollum… he was too good!

  • That’s the problem with being on here while other people are in the room! I did that myself recently.

  • This is my church so far as teens are concerned. And I really get more real about my life on here than I get with most of my “real” friends…

  • Unless you can call your brother over to look at Trent’s Yoda discussion, like I did recently. 😀

  • Which one? For me it was Trent’s Yoda discussion on the post “Is it okay to be a quiet person?” That was so good!

  • Awesome, I can see that “one other person is typing”… that’s not something you see every day!

  • He needs to come up with a new blog, just have conversations between Trent and Yoda. 🙂

  • That would be the best! @trent_blake:disqus defyingdepravity’s idea is great… could you do a special post on SOG?

  • You don’t want to imagine… Let’s say that’s one of the best times to have a 6’2″ brother!

  • I recently graduated from a small parochial grade school and moved to a very large, very public high school. While I’m adjusting, it definitely took a toll on my friendships. Youth group is now about connecting with kids I used to see every day, and I sometimes feel I don’t have deep, meaningful friendships, and I miss that. Even with my old friends, the lack of communication makes being open much more awkward. The Rebelution has been a Godsend and has definitely given me some of the deep, godly fellowship I’ve been missing 🙂 It’s awesome how God does that and gives us exactly what we need when we need it 🙂

  • In response to the title:

    I like these questions because it makes me think about what I would do/say in different circumstances. They are also a great way to get to know other rebelutionaries, and to know other’s opinions.

  • First comment! *high fives self* I want you guys to know how awesome reading all these DQs has been! God has really been using these in my life to help me A TON! So, thank you to all who have contributed to these conversations. God bless y’all!

  • Not a lot of people I know home school through high school anymore. It’s like some sort of “rite of passage” for people to start going to a public or private school when they start high school. But in a few months I’ll be able to say that I did it all the way!! 🙂

  • My dad isn’t tall – 5’8″ I think. But he can be very imposing when he wants to be – I almost feel sorry for anyone who gives us girls trouble 🙂

  • I never changed schools – homeschooled – but I’ve moved plenty. Until about a year and a half ago, I didn’t really have close meaningful friendships – I had no idea what I was missing!

  • Am I the only one who isn’t viewing the comments right and no longer has an account?!?!?

  • So…if DQ’s = Dairy queens….

    One is something that is similar to kings,
    and the other likes to have The Rings.

    So their not THAT dissimilar lol 😉

  • I absolutely LOVE these discussions, Brett. They are such an awesome addition to this website. It’s cool because we can talk to others who can relate to us or who may have more knowledge or experience than us on certain issues, and we can help each other answer hard questions. It’s really helped me.

    Isn’t it so cool how we can connect with brothers and sisters from so many different places through the Internet? It’s great to have a community of people who are all different yet all serve the same Lord and all want to live for Him to the best of our abilities.

    Reading your books and subscribing to this website were some of the best things I ever did. Thank you so much for what you do.

  • It was definitely a big change. (I went from being in a class of 7, to a class of 350+) The friendships are easily the thing I miss most (besides the food 😀 lol, public school food is horrible) Even among my Christian friends, it’s hard to find people who are really in the Word and that I feel I can open up with. But I wouldn’t give it up for anything. God has shown me that this is where He is using me, and even missing some of that fellowship, He has strengthened my faith in crazy ways! 🙂

  • It’s interesting how you go to a school where you’re surrounded by people and it’s still hard to find meaningful friendships…I say this because, from a homeschooled kid’s standpoint, it seems public school would be the place to make friends. Sometimes working at home can get pretty lonely. Not to say that all homeschoolers are “un-socialized”, it’s just that we have to work harder at making relationships. So it’s interesting to hear from a different viewpoint…

  • It’s interesting, that’s for sure. In a public school, acquaintances are everywhere, but I think because you’re surrounded by so many others, you tend to spend less time developing quality relationships and just go for quantity. At least, that’s what I’m seeing. Also, I’m surrounded by a lot of “christians,” but not many of them really love God, they just go to church on Christmas and Easter. (It’s kinda heartbreaking to see:( ) Spending the last ten years of my life in a Christian school has filled my life with Scripture (even when I wasn’t actively pursuing that knowledge) and I am shocked to find even friends who are at church twice a week, don’t know even basic Bible stories or the books in the Bible until they enter confirmation, and as a result have skewered theology :(. In all, I think it has a lot to do how getting in the Bible has changed my thinking and I see things differently than those around me.

  • Welcome to the family. We have crazy dudes who talk like Yoda and eat French toast (but give really good advice when they’re being serious), DQs (I see you’ve already figured out that doesn’t mean Dairy Queen), awesome articles (some of them are written by people who comment on here!), lots of laughs, encouragement, and great conversations. We are a bunch of imperfect people trying to live this life for Jesus and do hard things. Just jump right in. 🙂

  • I was looking through old comments today and trying not to LOL! I love coming to this website because i know that i will feel challenged to do hard things… and become hungry at the mention of Dairy Queen 😛

  • Haha… I am kind of embarrassed, but I just realized that I forgot to put “CASSIE WRITES:” at the beginning of the post — which probably made all of you think I came up with this question. =P

    It’s an awesome question, don’t get me wrong! But it could definitely be taken as begging for compliments (i.e. “What do you love about my website?”) Oops!

  • It’s kind of contradictory, isn’t it? It’s a little like the social media world, where the quantity of “friends” is what matters, when really there is no depth and that person ends up even more lonely. That’s so great that you had the opportunity to become grounded in your faith before you entered the secular world. I personally feel so blessed to be surrounded by Christians (my family), in an environment where I can soak up so much from the Word. In a way though I guess you have more opportunity to be a light at your school, because you encounter so many non-Christians, or Christians who aren’t serious about their faith. I’m not really familiar with confirmation, though. What is it exactly?

  • Haha, it did kinda come off that way – I mean, that you had posted the question :). No worries though, we do love your website!

  • Confirmation is bascially affirming your faith and giving you as a young adult a chance to really define your relationship with God. You go through 1-4 years (depending on the church) and then publicly promise to “suffer all, even death, rather than fall away” from Him. In my life, it has grown my passion and love for God immensely and has totally changed my life for the better! 🙂

  • Yeah… sometimes, I’ll read comments during spare time in class if the teacher doesn’t mind, and end up trying to control my laughter. You should see some of the interesting looks I get 🙂

  • Hmmm, I need to look more into it, sounds interesting. Is it particularity associated with the Catholic faith?

  • I just thought you were looking to know what we love, so you can put up more of it 🙂
    Awesome question, Cassie!

  • The hardest things are the biggest faith-strengtheners! Exactly what I’ve been learning over the past six months or so.

  • It started out that way, yes. I know Catholics still do it. It’s a big tradition in the Lutheran Church, and I know some Protestant churches practice it as well

  • Whatever church is nearby that we agree with 🙂 I’ve been in a Southern Baptist church, a non-denominational church, and currently we’re in a church that’s officially Mennonite, but really the only way you’d know that it’s Mennonite is that some of the ladies wear the head covering and the church teaches non-resistance. In everything else we agree with the pastor, even if not with the denomination, if you get what I mean.

  • Yeah, that makes sense. I’ve never really moved, so I’ve never had to join a new church, but after going to church (and youth group) with my friends and some extended family members, I can kinda relate. It’s interesting, I’ve also sat in on a friend’s confirmation class, and it’s amazing the differences that you’d never realize, and that don’t really matter because it’s just a matter of tradition and not theology 🙂

  • Of course – mention French toast anywhere in the discussion, and we have Sam S’s attention immediately!
    Welcome, Haylie 🙂

  • You know, I almost said that, but I didn’t know how many people would still get it! That was another thread I enjoyed reading multiple times… and then had a hard time explaining it. 🙂

  • Well, here’s some virtual French toast. *Gives you ten slices of French toast* If you want real French toast, you’ll have to make it yourself.

  • Yeah, I don’t know how many people get it. But Sam S talked about French toast twice today, so I figure it’s still relevant. We were just talking under Trent’s post on “Is it okay to be a quiet person?” – you could join in!

  • Really? It’s not hard – beat a few eggs, dip bread in the eggs, take the bread out, and fry the bread in a pan, like you would fry an egg. Or ask a sister/mother to make it for you 🙂 That’s easier and safer!

  • Ok, have it your way 😛 My dad cooks a lot, but my brother mostly gets good stories to tell when he cooks. There was one time when he was making scrambled eggs, and he put mint in the eggs by accident…

  • The worst thing when I’m going to a new church is where they say, “So, if you’re a visitor today, please stand up.” That’s the WORST!
    Yeah, it’s cool how similar we are if you look at what really matters… then it’s sad when you look at how split apart we are because of the little things.

  • You guys are hilariously off topic… I love coming here and participating in deep conversations… and conversations about french toast and kitchen mishaps… and Yoda :P. thanks for the good laugh!

  • ha ha, yeah, i know, right? I should fit right in then, except i’m a LOTR person, not Star Wars 😛

  • Holy Roller is a description that I haven’t heard applied to me before (although some folks at work would probably call me that). Thank you!

  • What did you do?
    I shouldn’t tell one of my brother’s cooking stories without telling you about one of my mistakes, so here’s one: Once I was making pizza for my family, and I’d put it all in the oven when I realized that I forgot the sauce. So, there’s one of my mishaps: Pizza without sauce.

  • Once, at a church social, i made all the instant tea double strength… yeah that was bad 😛

  • LOTR! So much better than Star Wars! Who’s your favorite character(s)? I think my favorite is Sam, because he’s so loyal to Frodo and he’s stuck on doing what’s right. But Aragorn’s pretty cool too! And Legolas… and Gimli… and Gandalf… and Pip and Merry… and Faramir (in the book).

  • Ooooh. Right now I’m kinda glad I don’t go to your church… I don’t like instant tea to start with; double strength would be really bad!
    Although I think it would be fun if we knew each other in real life too 🙂

  • It’s an awesome idea guys. 🙂

    However since I already post twice weekly, I don’t have the time or the “room” to do it on a regular basis. As much as I love doing it, I love articles written to inspire more, especially when they’re written to inspire people for God. 🙂

  • Ok, I understand. And this is the wrong site, but I really like what you’ve been putting up 🙂

  • Ah, but as much as I would love to, I’ve already spent too much time on the computer. 🙁

  • Lol 🙂 My step-dad used to burn food all the time and we were living in an apartment. The smoke alarm would go off throughout the entire building 🙂 Our neighbors got so used to it, they would knock on our door whenever it happened to see if was really a fire 🙂

  • ha ha! yeah, the funny thing was, i didn’t notice until the day after… everyone was too nice to say anything about it!

  • I haven’t really been on much lately, life got really busy in good and bad ways. But from the discussions I have gotten to be a part of it was great, I feel like part of the family and no ones actually looking down on me or anything which is a relief.

    By the way I was just reading through one of them and saw a long dialogue from Yoda, totally made my day xD

  • oooh, that’s like the hardest question, though i think Sam is my favorite. But there is Legolas, and Pip and…

  • Are you two related? Or do you just know that she has horror stories because she told you?

  • Wow! We had a smoke alarm in our house that would go off almost whenever we were steaming something, the steam would set it off. But for about four years, whenever my mom cooked broccoli it would go dry and burn. This of course set off the smoke alarm!

  • Wow, this looks awesome! I would love to do this, maybe next year… I don’t think it would work this year, though it would be amazing if it did.

  • Trent + Yoda = lots of fun!
    And, I don’t know what’s going on, but I’ll be praying for you 🙂

  • Yes that’s who it was haha Trent if you read this, you remind me so much of my older brother cx that’s a good thing because he’s the nice one! Lol and thank you I’ve been needing some prayer…yeah I think I’ll leave it at that ^~^

  • He reminds me of most of the guys in my family – my dad would totally start talking like Yoda… And he sounds like both my dad and my brother when he’s being serious.

  • Wow there are like 500 comments off of the 1 I made lol…THAT’S what I like about these discussions! 🙂

  • I like Gollum. I think Tolkien had a lot of symbolism in his novel. At least to me, Gollum represents all humans who are sucked up in sin (or the rings power). I was so sad he died, and Riley, don’t watch the Hobbit movies. I haven’t watched them, but from what I’ve heard they’re nothing like the book and I’m a stickler for the books (actually for books in general). The only movies I’ve been really happy about (that are based on books) are The Giver and the first two Left Behind movies. That’s one of my addictions, Left Behind and books in general.

  • Chicken patties AND chicken nuggets in the microwave?? Sounds delicious…lol! What ARE chicken patties anyway? 🙂

  • No… the WORST is… you know those times when you show up at the mall, but none of you’re friends are there yet so you have to wait at the curb for like TEN MINUTES!!!! That is the WORST!!! =D (-Tim Hawkins)

  • Hey! I was so close to going to something super similar this year, a teen leadership conference that sounds so much like that, but I ended up going to a different camp instead. This year or next I really want to go to Summit Ministries. It looks amazing!

  • Hmmmm, yummy….I think :). Quick question: how do you guys do words in italics?? Seems like everyone knows how but me…I’m dying to know :).

  • I’m new to the Rebelution, and I’m loving it so far! The discussions and the comments are really great, because often they raise questions that I’ve had, and then it’s helpful and fun to read all the responses. I love the family-like community that is the Reb, and I’m so glad I found it!

  • Haha yeah – “I hate to break it to you guys, but discovering The Reb was like the worst thing that happened to me today…”. And welcome @JoleneRodriguez:disqus!

  • No. It just said italics so I assumed that italicized stuff. That’s no that unreasonable of an assumption, is it? It shows the text like it’s italicized before you post it but not if you actually post it. The this in this claims to be italicized.

  • Hi Jolene! I’m new to the Reb. too! (well, sorta, i’ve been around a while, but just started commenting.) I love the family-like community too, and i hope that it blesses you as much as it did me 🙂

  • I still haven’t figured the italicize thing out yet, so I have no idea. But I get what you mean about the conversation thing

  • I was just playing off of Sam’s joke that probably no one would comment on the Rebelution saying they weren’t happy to find it :).

  • Hahahaha…I was wondering when someone would ask =D. It’s a water buffalo :). I did it in with an ink pen using tiny dots. Do you see the bird on his cheek??

  • Oh, and one small piece of advice. do not under any circumstances mention (whispers) french toast around @programguy:disqus 🙂

  • Yeah, Sam S goes ballistic when he hears those words… I don’t even know how it got started. @trent_blake:disqus @programguy:disqus Do you know how the whole French toast thing got started on here?

  • Thanks! I hope it’ll work. (whispers)(is it a small piece of advice… like a small piece of toast? 😉 )

  • Hey Brett, all good! 🙂 I did wonder, but I figured you’d have a reason. Well… forgetting is a good enough reason. 😛 Totally fine, don’t worry about it.

    @mimeforjesus:disqus @programguy:disqus Thanks! It’s been so cool seeing people so freely praising this awesome site! I’ve enjoyed every bit. 😀

  • @disqus_LzTgmwudVU:disqus I literally said pretty much the same thing this week! Subscribing to The Rebelution and Disqus and getting ‘mongst these DQ has been some of the best decisions of last year!

  • Really, that’s the best thing you can come up with: tape and silly putty? Btw. if the internet and blogs didn’t exist, we wouldn’t have these DQs. I’m pretty sure they were created since 1928.

  • Just wanted to say Sam is probably my favorite too. And Gandelf. And probably Aragorn,Legolas,and Gimli( they make a hilarious trio). I love how Sam was always there for Frodo.

  • I gotta say that I really do love these discussions; it’s awesome to challenge and encourage one another in Christ. It’s soooo encouraging to be able to talk and connect with teens who have a passion for God and want to be the hands and feet of Jesus. I also love the humor of some comments here ….they always make my day :D.
    Thank you , Brett and Alex.

  • Haha yeah, I love reading too and I barely got through the Hobbit…and that took a LOT of determination on my part =D. Kinda pathetic I know :).

  • “Everybody’s got a water buffalo. Mine is fast, but yours is slow. Where they get ’em, I don’t know, but everybody’s got a water buffalo” For all you VeggieTales fans 🙂

  • Wow, I didn’t realize you literally meant “hundreds”! You guys went nuts over there!
    Is it normal to jump in to conversations like the ones over there months after the fact, or is that not “socially acceptable”?

  • “Oooh!” “Oops, forgot about that one…” The things you don’t catch until you’re in your teens 🙂

  • But the best one ever is the Cheeseburger song…”you are his cheese…bur….geeeeeeeeeer…..”

  • What makes Veggietales so great – it involves the adults too! What are your favorites, Sam and Riley?

  • I LOVED the Larryboy ones when I was little…but they just kept getting better – I can’t choose a favorite! 🙂

  • The hairbrush and the pizza party are some of my favorite parts! The slushies on the veggies’ heads are soooo fun!

  • I want to do multiple likes on that one… if you see multiple guest likes, it was me 🙂

  • Well, that’d be awesome! I’ll let you know if I can go, but it’s not likely this year. Do you think you might be there next year?

  • His symbolism is phenomenal! And yes, the Hobbit is so not right 🙁 I’m glad to meet a fellow purist 🙂 What’s The Giver about?

  • Lol ;). You have to say it in a Chilean accent…I could watch him do that hundreds of times, and still be crying I’m laughing so hard =D

  • Except for some characters they leave out, and one who they change a lot, they follow the books fairly well.

  • I love reading, and I love the story, so… that makes for a lot of motivation. I’ll admit, for someone who’s not into LOTR it would be a lot of reading.

  • Yep, a LOT of reading :). But I need some reading inspiration right now…what other books are you into?

  • well i just got started here but i think this is great! loved the do hard things book to

  • “Where they get them I don’t know but everybody’s got a water buffalo OOOOOOOOOOO…” 😉

  • It’s about a dystopian society: other then that, my lips are sealed. You really aught to read it for yourself, and Btw. the movie is pretty good (that’s from someone who is a stickler for the books). Just don’t watch it before you read it, and oh, there’s a whole series but the rest of the books aren’t as good. They kind of ruin them, so I wouldn’t necessarily suggest reading them.

  • Yep! They’re pretty good. Haven’t actually watched the second one, but… I still think you should read the books first though. Aragorn’s ‘appearance’ is so dramatic!

  • Hey thanks. I thought about reading The Giver, since the movie just came out…I might look into that. But is it kinda depressing?

  • Haha you know what’s nice is having a 5 year old brother that lets you re-live your veggietales days. 🙂

  • hey trent, can you ask Yoda what he thinks of our president?[special kind of stupid must he be]

  • I probably won’t ever read the books, but if I ever watch the movies I will try to read them first….try:)

  • haha, of course you can! I would too if I didn’t have two younger brothers who already do:)

  • I was gonna ask if I was the only one who thought of VeggieTales from Riley’s water buffalo. Obviously I’m not…lol

  • I do 🙂 I have an eight-year -old brother but he doesn’t watch much Veggietales anymore 🙁

  • Well it’s obviously preferred… but you’ll find the occasional pickle fanatic on here, too! I even can’t remember what thread that was in… LOL!

  • #waffelloversunite!

    So we do hard things, and in the meantime we eat waffles. #brilliant!

  • I wouldn’t call myself a pickle fanatic, either… probably closer to french toast. Or cheese. Or chocolate. 😉

  • Waffles. Ah, yes, I am a waffle lover. And – supremely – pecan waffles. #goodnessinabite

  • I used to like them more than I do. Me and my friend used to dip our hands in the juice….but that was a long time ago:)

  • Ok, can I say that I just love food? lol Dill pickles, pancakes, waffles, pecans, cheese, chocolate, loaded nachos, pizza, burgers, asian noodles, macaroni and cheese, pot pie, tacos, steamed veggies, cupcakes, ice cream, pie, whipped cream………..

  • Just got back from a long trip on a late flight with lots of luggage to take care of… dinner wasn’t top priority, if you know what I mean….

  • Haha, yeah I get it–dinner wasn’t top priority, but checking the Reb was….:) Where did you go?

  • I was checking my email while my sister cooks. 🙂 My family went to a big family reunion in California at the beach. Woohoo!
    Dinner’s ready now, time for whatever she could make from the stuff we had left in the pantry!

  • Not so awesome… but it would have been fun 🙂 Do you like sauerkraut? I like basically anything pickled.

  • I don’t think I ever actually tried it. I thought it looked weird…. 🙂 Next time I will! My grandma makes these sweet and sour pickles that I could eat and eat and eat. They are sooo good and now I want really want some

  • Sauerkraut is one of the best pickled foods out there 🙂 Homemade pickles are amazing!

  • Hmm….it’s weird I’ve never tried it. And I never realized that’s how you spelled it either. It took me a second to figure out what it was at first 🙂

  • Yes! Sauerkraut on pizza is the best thing in the world! My family also cans a TON of pickles. (Last year we made around 120quarts!) And a lot of us like to drink the juice 🙂 My extended family actually fights over them 🙂

  • A lot of cousins (20-30 of them), their spouses and children, along with 8 immediate aunts and uncles and their spouses! It’s always interesting when we get the whole family together! 🙂 There’s never a quiet moment

  • Has anyone tried pickled watermelon? My grandma makes it, though few in my family actually eat it.

  • I don’t think so, but some of my family likes it. It tastes like a sweet pickle, but with a slightly softer, but still crunchy, texture.

  • That’s weird….I mean, I didn’t know there were so many pickled stuff–pickled watermelon and venison?? I think we should just stick with pickles:)

  • Pecan waffles are kind of my dad’s invention… They make waffles taste AMAZING! Richer and creamier…
    I guess my least favorite nuts are almonds. Which is odd considering I don’t really have anything specific against them. #nutprejudice

  • Welcome Hayle!!!
    I’ve only been on the Reb for…
    around three months.
    Enjoy and find Peace!!!


  • Does making the Waffles count as a Hard thing? 🙂
    To me it does…
    (burnt them again)


  • Guess what…
    I haven’t been on lately because I just
    got a new job extracting Honey but
    yesterday a Bee stung me on the face
    so now my left eye is completely swollen
    up and I can’t open it. I look ridicules.
    So that’s why I haven’t been on.


  • Hunting in NZ is not that good
    unless you want pickled possum!!!
    (Don’t worry no one ever eats that)


  • I don’t really like nuts in general, but I don’t mind almonds, or peanuts. And you just made pecan waffles sound good, so….

  • Ya, I’m allergic, but I don’t have celiac. I hate how I can’t eat all the great foods I love! Can you relate?

  • I know what you mean. Even now, most of my family enjoys great food, while all I can do is wish I could still eat it.

  • Hey, my sister is allergic too! But I know what you mean by good gluten-free foods. The competition lately in that industry has made it so much easier … but more expensive.

  • Making them.. Most definitely. Don’t even let me loose in the kitchen! #workingonthat 😉

  • I’ve never tried it, but I want to! Godah is my favorite.. Probably followed by Italian mozzarella and sharp cheddar. 🙂 I love cheese!

  • No, just normal waffles with crushed-up pecans mixed into the batter. 🙂 Though I’ve honestly never had a pecan roll before!

  • Most people aren’t fans of Blue Cheese but as my Mum
    used to say…
    If you don’t eat your blue cheese you won’t get your pudding… let’s just say Waffles

  • Sorry, I forgot — *whispers* French toast. Now, to go back and edit what I said earlier so it’s whispered – or is the damage already done?

  • OK so you know if you scroll down all the way there are like suggested comment things – well I saw “What do you like about these discussions” with a comment of “Nooooo!” so I had to come find out what it was. 😉 Aaaand its just more french toast stuff lol.


  • Oh yes, it’s inevitable. Can’t you see the headlines? “French Toast Invades Comment Section” or maybe “French Toast Lovers: How DQs Became Food Topics!” xD

    What can we say? Teens are always hungry, right? At least we can talk about food, if we can’t eat all the time! #itshealthier

  • [To Invisible Audience]: “Golly, I think she’s got it!”

    Bingo! Right on, sister! #eatitorelse #wafflemotivation

  • Lol! I don’t really dislike many foods… in fact, the only thing I really hate is egg whites.

  • Now I have my rationalization for talking about food all the time on here! Thank you, Sarah!

  • Eva, I don’t have any symptoms, but I got the test positive. That’s called ‘silent celiac’. I think it’s still important to go off of gluten though because you can get cancer later on if you continue eating it.

  • Really? I didn’t know that….I never actually took the test, but two of my siblings (the other two are adopted) are allergic to gluten. I could never get myself to go off of it because I didn’t want to give up my favorite foods. I didn’t know it could be that serious. Thanks for telling me.

  • Indubitably! I do laugh a lot… what can I say? It’s supposed to be good for the soul, right? And it just might count as exercise! #onecanhope

  • Wow. Just reading this I’d have to say I love that there’s so many more weird people out there!!! Score! I’m new on this site, I just finished the book a couple of weeks ago and it’s really challenging and changing me. I’m stoked for the future! Oh hey does anybody on here live in Kansas?? Haha

  • Welcome to the Rebelution! Glad to have ya 🙂 My favorite part of this site when I found it was all the people like me! They’re awesome!
    I might move to be near Kansas, but that’s all the connection I have.

  • Welcome, Isaiah! Awesome to have you on the site. And I’m so glad to hear the book has been challenging and changing you. I’d love to hear more about that sometime. God bless!

  • Would it be as bad if I didn’t have celiac though and I still ate gluten? My brother and sister are just allergic, so the only reason I thought I would go off was just so I could feel better. It probably would be better to take the test anyways. Haha….is it weird that we’re having a serious food conversation on here?

  • I actually heard that laughing 100 times a day is the equivalent of spending 15 minutes on an exercise bike!

  • My fave cheese is the extra sharp stuff, and/or the exotic stuff I don’t usually get 😉

  • LOL, my brother and I used to fish in the pickle jar for the garlic that was used for flavor!

  • That is so cool! I thought it was something like that… One of those “I read that somewhere, I think” moments.. 😉

  • I definitely prefer the sharp cheeses! Why waste time on the weak stuff?! Go for the real flavor! *high fives*

  • Pickles on the side?!?! Wow, you get lots of pickled stuff in your house 🙂 I don’t – last time I had pickles was… I can’t think when. Sauerkraut, though, I had within the past week because it was my birthday and I could request sauerkraut as part of a meal 🙂

  • Thanks 🙂
    I still can’t think of you as a girl – dunno why, but you were ingrained in my head as a guy!

  • Haha. Yes it is funny. I’m not an expert on gluten allergy related stuff, but I believe that wheat allergy can be just as (if not more) serious than celiac. I think it depends on the case. Sometimes it’s really serious, and other times it’s not. Just be careful 🙂

  • Haha thanks! Good to hear! Normal is under-rated. And un-biblical too! Well, in some aspects anyway. 🙂 lol

  • Ahhh, well you’re not missing too much, I actually live in PA but am schooling in KS with family. And Thanks!

  • Thanks man, and yeah while reading Do Hard Things, I thought of teens I know that I knew would benefit greatly from it, so I’m lending it to various ones and it’s cool to talk with them about it grow with them spiritually and characteristically. Hope that’s a word! lol

  • Celiac can be very serious. My mom knew a guy who got so ill that he died. They never knew what it was until his daughter found out she had Celiac years later. If he had just stopped eating gluten, he would have been fine!

    That doesn’t mean you need to worry about it though. I do think it would be wise if everyone went like six months without eating gluten, better yet, grains altogether, (try a Paleo diet:) just to see how their body reacted. Sometimes you don’t even know you feel bad, until you feel so much better. I don’t have Celiac, but I had a form of colitis a few years ago which made it necessary to try a complete change in diet, which included cutting out all grains. I’m now feeling better than I ever have, with almost no symptoms whatsoever, and I can eat lots of things I had to give up. (Plus, some grain free recipes are actually delicious;)

  • Thanks, yes, nothin’ like a good ol’ rebolutionary!…Or a thousand for that matter. 🙂

  • Yup, weird sounds about right 🙂 Welcome, and i hope that you can glean some encouragement from within our wierdness 😀 (nope, i don’t live in Kansas). God bless!

  • Because this is the DQ (Discussion Question) that everyone gets off-topic on, I think we can talk about whatever, so – how old are you, and what type of school do you go to?

  • Cool! I just turned 16 recently, and I’m homeschooled. What does A.C.E. mean?
    What do you like to do with your free time?

  • I know what you mean about not knowing your feeling bad until you feel better. I know I’ll probably recognize a difference if I went off, like my brother and sister did. Wow, you guys are really making me consider this. I didn’t think I would before:)

  • Oh cool so you’re in like 10th? I was home schooled too. It means Accelerated Christian Education. And I like to hunt, shoot, play b-ball, tennis and ride with fiends. And hbu?

  • I absolutely love how our generation can come together and discuss things that many adults haven’t figured out yet. Every time I come to this site, I’m relieved that I’m not the only teen out there who actually has deep thoughts and doesn’t want to spend her days shopping, partying, and skipping school like most people think every teen does. I thank God every day for all you guys, and even though I don’t know most of you, I’m glad you’re my brothers and sisters in Christ. <3

  • Sweet! And yeah I go to the Regionals in Springfield and Internationals is in New Mexico this year, as you know. 🙂

  • Yep, I’m in 10th. So you joined a “real” school for high school? I would love to hunt/shoot but I live in a New England state so there’s not much open land around here, so I can’t really – I’ve only gotten to shoot when I go visit my brother, who lives where there’s lots of open land. And I like to write, read, speak Spanish, be a mime, and hang out with my friends/family.
    Do you have any ideas what you want to do in college? (I had no idea when I was your age, I only really figured it out in the last few months).

  • Hunting and shooting are so much fun! I’ve only gone hunting once though; we killed a beaver at night when it was 25 degrees outside. Then I had to gut it and wash it off. That was cold. What do you shoot?

  • Yes, I love doing it. And oh wow, never shot a beaver! lol Taste good? I just shoot like raccoons, squirrel, pheasant, ground-hog and stuff like that. But it’s SO much fun! Haha

  • Ahh, figured. And yep. And oh that stinks. Oh cool, love reading, I AM Spanish, and mimes are cool, family is friends are better, and family is best. 🙂 And well not really, but once I graduate I’m joining the army and training to be an officer,(unless led otherwise.) But I’ve got a bit of time yet. 🙂

  • I’m from Wisconsin, so lots of deer hunting 🙂 also turkey and small game, although my dad is a HUGE hunter so we have all sorts of mounts in our house (bears, moose, caribou, elk, tons of deer, pheasant, ect)

  • Mostly its little things at Christmas, like having St. Nick come on Dec 5, or hiding a pickle ornament in the tree, and doing the polka and chicken dance at weddings 🙂

  • Oh sweet! I enjoy flintlock deer hunting most. Keep it traditional. 🙂 Haven’t been to Wisconsin yet. I’ve only hunted in NY, KS, and PA so far.

  • It’s not hard, you could probably learn in no time 🙂 my sister and i used to take fox trot and waltz lessons and i had to learn the guy’s steps because we had no partners 🙂 #funmemories

  • haha, cool! I think it might be fun to learn Irish dance. My dad always told me I was part Irish

  • I live in Indiana….that’s like one state away :). Do you ever go to the beach on the lake?

  • Haha you sure you know where it is?? For some reason when I hear “Michigan”, I think “Lake”, so I assume everyone who lives in Michigan lives on the lake :).

  • Yeah, and oh that’s too bad. I compete in B-ball, track, art, Speech, ping-pong, wood carving, and writing. Got 6 medals last year but didn’t get to go to Internationals unfortunately.

  • Cool, I have a brother, sister, and their families around there, as well as my grandparents 🙂

  • I’ve heard that if you live in Michigan, it’s impossible to live more than twenty minutes away from a body of water – one of those pieces of cool trivia everyone should know 🙂

  • You ARE Spanish? Do you speak the language, or is it just your ancestry? Army is cool – though my family isn’t military, we have a deep respect for the armed forces; my brother would have joined, if not for allergies that prevented him.

  • Cool! I entered a lot of music events at Regionals and i got 1 medal at internationals (which i didn’t deserve, cuz’ it was for PACE bowl, and the only question i answered i got wrong :P)

  • One of the thngs that I love about these discussions is how encouraged and refreshed I feel when reading through he comments and hearing people just be so friendly and supportive.

  • Oh well that’s okay. Sometimes it’s hard to make time for practice and study and things.

  • I like Bro Andrew’s books, Randy Alcorn’s, used to read a lot of Frank Perreti and Loui L’Amour. But in general just captivating books that you get something out of. 🙂

  • Yeah, my dad is full blood Puerto Rican. And I can speak a little. But not fluent yet.

  • Haha I guess it’s warm enough. It feels a bit chilly to all us Arizonians, though!

  • Wow! It’s in the 60s here, which is still pretty cold to all of us who are used to 90-100 degrees. 😛

  • 60 degrees!!! LUCKY! Typical winter weather in Indiana is like in the teens or lower :(…Although we still haven’t had a big snow which is not normal, but nice.

  • Same here! When it dips into the forties, that’s when I go for a huge jacket, hat, scarf, gloves… And then the people at my church who are from the North will still be wearing short sleeves, lol. 🙂

  • Haha!! 69 is pretty awesome for wrapping up in a warm blanket! Down here, if you can see your breath even the faintest bit in the air, it’s time to pull out the scarves, coats, and boots. I know, we’re wimps when it comes to the cold. XD

  • You’re the lucky one! It doesn’t snow here at all. Although I’m sure after a while, snow isn’t as fun as it used to be, right?

  • CU – Cedarville University? And I don’t follow sports either – it’s more that my family is from Michigan.

  • Did you get any snow when it got so cold last winter? We got a ton of ice/snow (a ton for us, anyway), and I decided that maybe I didn’t want it to snow that badly! 😉 It was pretty, though.

  • My primary for small game is a Savage Arms Mark II 22. lr.- Tasco Varmint Mill-dot reticle scope.

  • Cool! What do you usually hunt and what are your craziest (if you think you’ve had any)?

  • I haven’t read Bro Andrew or Loui L’Amour, but I’ve read one of Randy Alcorn’s and I’ve read a lot of Frank Peretti. I too like captivating books 🙂 I’ve read LOTR many times over, and I used to read nothing but Narnia when I was younger. Since then I’ve branched out more 🙂

  • Coolness! I’ve got a friend whose mom is full Puerto Rican, but I’m almost all German. I’m in my second year learning Spanish, and I can start a conversation with someone in Spanish, but it doesn’t go on very long. I have made a friend who speaks very little English, though. I speak Spanish to him, he speaks English to me. It’s been a learning experience for both of us!

  • My bro is going to Cedarville, so that’s what came to mind when I saw “CU”. However, I don’t really like Heartsong – or maybe I should say, I don’t really like the one CD we have because my mom played it ad nauseum for a looong time! But you can love them, I’ll still be your friend 🙂

  • Cool!! Nope, we don’t any snow at all. Lots of rain, and on special days we get hail. No snow! Well, actually, it snowed for 2 minutes on New Years, and it all melted halfway to the ground. XD

  • yeah I’m not a blue cheese fan either, but up here in Illinios There is lots of cheese here because of Wisconsin

  • Hate to burst your bubble buddy, but I’ve been eating waffles since before you were born! 🙂 haha just kidding. I don’t think I’m old enough to have achieved that. Although, I would eat more waffles if they didn’t disappear out of my house so quickly! Which makes me think, you haven’t been to my house lately have you…?

  • Aw! Yeah, last winter was really weird for us. Other than that, five years ago, we had some beautiful snow–just these big white flakes floating to the ground. It lasted maybe ten minutes, lol. :)I live in Mississippi, by the way, just fifteen minutes from the beach, so snow is definitely not the norm! Sometimes on cold mornings though, there’ll be frost on the grass and houses, and I’ll pretend it’s snow. 😉

  • Haha that’s awesome! So do you go to the beach a lot? I’ve always wanted to live near the ocean.

  • I don’t think we go as much as we should. We used to live within sight of the beach, and could easily walk there in five minutes. Even then, we only went once every few weeks. But it is beautiful. 🙂 The water is pretty shallow for a while, so I like to walk…I don’t know, maybe thirty yards into the water and just enjoy how peaceful it is. 🙂
    What’s it like where you live?

  • Heartsong for the Nations, I think it’s one of their old ones. I just looked up Reign in Us, and I like the lyrics too! I got the whole song because I have Spotify (basically Netflix for music lovers). What’s the first song on 2009 Live? I don’t see that album. What songs are your favorites from Generation? Listening through that one now 🙂
    You might know – is HS a student enterprise, or do they have “pro” singers?

  • My Friend Jason showed me it, I have not had much time to get on with school though 🙁

  • Wow. We haven’t even gotten into the negatives here yet I don’t think lol. Makes me feel better about being in the teens:)

  • Aww, that sounds really relaxing. :)) Where I live is mostly city area, with lots of public pools for when summer comes. 😛

  • Yeah, the fun of snow quickly fades when it sticks around for weeks (especially if you have to get out and drive in it :)). Not to say I don’t love snow every once in a while…I feel like if it’s gonna be super cold, it might as well snow, plus sledding is awesome :).

  • I would say French toast is better, but then I’d be lying. So, you successfully made me unable to respond – congratulations! That doesn’t often happen to me!

  • Yeah, I’m realizing that I do like HeartSong’s new stuff. I shouldn’t have judged them by their old songs!

  • Can’t tell if you mean that in a good way or a bad way. 🙂
    (Sarcasm…strike the cage.)
    (If you know what that’s from, I will be speechless)

  • Ahhh cool, my sister married a German! lol And okay that’s cool, what program are you doing it in? (Like Rosetta, Primlsuer, etc.) And well that’s okay you’ve still got time to learn. And lol nice! I bet! I had a funny experience awhile back at an airport with a Spanish girl. It was SO funny! I was flying alone and we had such troubles communicating that we were like on english-Spanish apps talking to each other for like 15 mins!! Haha

  • Oh gotcha, that’s funny, my sister got married to a German! lol Oh nice, what program are you in? (Like Rosetta, Primsleur, etc.) And well that’s okay, you’ve still got time to learn. 🙂 And haha that’s funny, I had a similar experience at an arirport when flying alone. I tried to keep up a conversation with a Spanish girl for awhile but eventually we resorted to translating apps! Haha it was hilarious. When we landed she introduced me to her family and everything! But yeah good times.

  • Ahhh, I see. That’s awesome, and YES!, my family is full of die-hard LOTR fans! Hence, thoroughly dissapointed with the Hobbit Trilogy that went so far from the book. And yeah, C.S was a great writer. Love The Horse and His Boy. IKR? Once I finished the Narnia series there wasn’t any books in the world to read! 😉 lol

  • I hunt TONS of ground-hog, squirrel, raccoon, opossum, and just usually that kind of stuff. And hbu? Craziest what again?

  • I actually don’t hunt, but I come from a military family so I shoot guns a lot and I’m pretty good at it. Ive been wanting to try it though. Where do you suggest I start if I wanted to get into that sort of thing? I’ve killed a rabbit and a beaver, so it’s not like I’m squeemish or anything. Gutted and skinned them both, but didn’t get to eat either of them for reasons out of my control. I meant craziest hunt if you thought you had one.

  • Yeah, pools are nice but not quite the same. 🙂 But at least you don’t have to worry about getting eaten by something! lol. =D

  • Ahh I see! Same here, dad was a Marine, unlcles were/are in Army and Guards and my bros in Army. Well the very first thing to do is too go through the Hunter’s Education program. Just look up when the next thing is in you area online. Then get a licence after going through that free 2-5 day course. And if you’re 16 or under it will be super cheap for the license but if not than it’s like 15 $ depending what state. And that’s good! can’t be afraid of a lil’ blood. lol And well, did a night hunt in KS with my bear hands once. I chased a full grown opossum about a hundred yds til he was under a trailer, I then picked up a cement block and climbed on top of the trailer. Eventually he was scared out and a dove at him from on top of the trailer. I landed on him, but more importantly, my cement block landed solidly on his skull and he died on contact. He didn’t even get a chance to play dead!! 🙂 lol

  • That is crazy. Some may find that just plain morbid, but that takes some skill it seems. I will definitely need to look into the Hunters Ed program. Thanks for that. What do you wanna do when you graduate?

  • Haha yeah it was pretty fun, but kinda scary cuzz if my block didn’t land I’d have been a sitting duck for those teeth, and possibly rabies. lol Yeah no problem. Well, unless led otherwise, I plan to go to college through the Army and train to be an officer while doing college. But after that I hope to go into full-time ministry somewhere. And hbu?

  • Cool. I hope to become a doctor and start my own practice, or become a chemical engineer. I have an uncle who has made a career out of being a Nightstalker in the Army. And by the way, that’s a pretty sweet avatar pic.

  • You were smarter than me 🙂
    And I don’t know what that’s from, but that’s pretty common. I’m the “sheltered homeschooler” among my homeschooled friends! Okay, maybe it’s not that extreme, but I’m one of the least likely ones to know a random quote… unless it’s from LOTR, Narnia, a few superhero movies, or one of the many books I love.

  • My sister married a half-German, too! And I’m in an Amish community, so I’m surrounded by Germans 🙂
    I’m doing a curriculum called Avancemos, in a co-op with a great teacher. Talking with folks in Spanish is so awesome! I don’t get to use Spanish-english apps though – I don’t have a phone. So I get to try and use the vocabulary I know. Probably better for my education, but harder for my conversations!

  • I didn’t watch the third Hobbit movie, because I didn’t like the first and second ones. Actually, I only watched the second one because my brother wanted to…
    I love CS Lewis’s writings! Now that I can quote Narnia with some prompting, I’ve been reading his grown-up books. Screwtape Letters is one of my favorites ever! Same with Mere Christianity 🙂

  • Is TLC on Youtube? How can I find them?
    Of course, French toast and waffles! And pickles, too 😛

  • Haha same here!!!! I heard that someone dies who’s like alive in the LOTR Trilogy!!! And that was AFTER Hobbit! But only readers know that I guess. Hey yeah, I read Randy Alcorn’s modern version of Srewtape Letters. It’s called Lord Foulgrin’s Letters. It’s amazing. 🙂 And I haven’t read read Mere Christianity yet but I guess I’ve got to if someone as cool as you says it’s good. lol 🙂

  • Most of them are more movie fans but there’s three that are more readers than watchers. Plus, books are always better. Everybody knows that.

  • OH MY GOODNESS! This is crazy! I live in Pennsylvania so there’s Amish and Mennonite communities everywhere! Oh okay cool! Yeah, it’s a far simpler language than English. And well neither do I, but the girl at the airport did. Haha I feel like we’re twins or something…separated at birth maybe? lol JK

  • Oh wow, you must be pretty good at math maybe? And oh cool, they’re like special ops transport helicopter guys right? And thanks man, I’m wearing my bros military issued Afghanistan dust mask. (not quite as cool as it sounds but that’s ok) lol Hey have you got a FaceBook? If so what’s your name?

  • Yeah, ok, I guess the line was a long shot, but it was from Hoodwinked, one of the funniest animated movies ever! And just because I knew that doesn’t mean I’m smarter. I’m sure you are much smarter than me when it comes to Spanish because it is my least favorite subject. 🙂

  • Yes, math and science are my favorite subjects. And yes, they are the guys that fly spec ops guys around. It may not be as cool as it sounds, but for guys like us, anything like that is cool, even if it is just a dust rag! :). No, I don’t have Facebook. This is as social as my social media gets. Sorry.

  • Actually, my uncle (you can call him Lone Wolf) is over seas right now in SWCC. They’re the guys who work with Navy SEALs on their missions. He’s in some pretty dangerous territory, so please keep him in your prayers. Does you brother still go overseas?

  • Oh sweet. Yeah Seals are pretty hardcore. And yes, will do. And no he got back from Aghan about a year ago and has been stationed in Fort Drum, NewYork since.

  • Nope, pools can’t compete with the beach. 😉 Lol, we get eaten up by swarms of mosquitoes at night time in the summer, but they’re not too bad.

  • As much as I have strong opinions on our President and this current administration, it’s not something I particularly enjoy speaking about. 🙂

  • Who will win the Super Bowl? We shall ask Yoda.

    Yoda *walks into room with a bowl espresso beans* Here, again, I am.

    Trent *looks at Yoda and raises an eyebrow* Coffee not strong enough for ya?

    Yoda Judge me you should not! Rachel’s fault this is! *starts munching on espresso beans* Want something did you?

    Trent *shakes head in disbelief* Yes. We wanted to know who was going to win the Super Bowl.

    Yoda Hmm… Clouded the future is… Sense the dark side in this, I do.

    Trent The Dark Side!? Yoda, this is football!

    Yoda Hmm… Correct you are. Into football, Darth Vader is…

    Trent Really?

    Yoda Yes. Hmmm… Yes… Hired him to deflate the footballs last playoff game, the Patriots did! Use the dark side to distract the other team, he has.

    Trent So that’s why they won!

    Yoda *looks at empty bowl* Hmm… More espresso! I have run out!

    Trent What! Is that all you care about? What about the Superbowl!

    Yoda Worry you should not. Crush them anyway, the Pelicans will.

    Trent Seahawks.

    Yoda Picky you are… Espresso!

    Trent But how-

    Yoda BEANS! NOW!

    Trent *sighs and hands over more espresso beans* But how can they face Darth Vader?

    Yoda *crunching on espresso beans Confront him I will. Deflated, my lightsaber is not.

    Trent You’re right. It’s a big green lime-flavored popsicle.

    Yoda Judge me, you should not! Love food too much, YOU do!

    Trent But what about the Super Bowl? Who will win!

    Yoda Depends on outcome of the battle with Vader, it does. Without his power, fail the Patriots will…

    Voice From the Air Finish your acrostic for Trent’s name!

    Trent *Looks at Yoda menacingly*

    Yoda Finish, I would. But afraid I am.

    Trent You should be. I’ll flood the backyard if you do!

    Yoda Hmm… Inside the backyard, my swamp is… Risk it, I will not. *checks bowl and sees it’s empty* MORE BEANS!

    Trent *Hands Yoda Spicy Beans instead.*

    Yoda *walks into Kitchen and starts eating the spicy beans*

    Trent *Waits 10 seconds.*

    Yoda Eeeeeeeeeeeek!!!!!!!!!!! *runs to nearest water fountain*

    Trent *laughs*

    Yoda *walks back into the room with drawn lightsaber* Taste my posicle, YOU will!

    Trent *gets up off the couch and bolts out the front door*

    Yoda *Pursues* Funny that was not! Get you, I will!

    he he. 🙂 God bless guys! And have a fabulous February!
    – Trent

  • Look at the top of the comments section on here. If it’s sorted by newest, you’ll see that Trent just asked Yoda about the Super Bowl.

  • Yes, books rock! So you know the books… that’s rare! How do you like how they changed the story in the movies?

  • Really? Do I want to know who dies?
    I haven’t read Lord Foulgrin’s Letters, but I’ll see if the library has it 🙂
    I think CS Lewis’s logic is amazing! The way he builds his arguments is something that would be fun to know how to do 🙂

  • I sometimes get depressed when I haven’t been active in something ministry related. This week has just been one of those weeks. But going to church helped. Not to mention the Super Bowl in 20 minutes. 🙂

  • Wow, really? I’ve been like that this past week myself, and it’s new for me. What do you do? Like, how do you get into something (new?)? I’ve been with a great team of teens and that is my ministry, but they just took a break for a month and a half because some folks are going on a mission trip. So, you have no idea how great it is to know I’m not alone.
    Any advice for me?

  • I do a few things (but they only work for so long)

    (1) I watch something funny like Blimy Cow, Duck Dynasty, Thou Shalt Laugh, etc for a while.

    (2) I spend time with my family.

    (3) I watch Football. 🙂

    But most importantly, I try to get something ministry related done. (Grr! I just remembered I have to finish writing a message for Wednesday. I’ll probably do that during halftime.). 🙂

  • Thank you. So distractions work both ways, eh? Maybe I should try Football…

    Do you know of any ministry opportunities I could get involved in without leaving my house? I mean, I have lots of free time at home but my parents don’t have the time to drive me places, so that presents a pretty big roadblock. Any advice would be appreciated!

  • Can I jump in? I know what you mean. @trent_blake:disqus and @mimeforjesus:disqus I so get you! I need to do this too…What about dedicating an hour to making Valentine’s cards for the kids in Africa and help Moriah reach her goal? Or, I know this sounds cliche, when I’m feeling dry I try to take my eyes off myself by playing a game with my sibs or sharing a funny YouTube vid with them. 🙂

  • I know what you mean. Blogging is a great way to do that! That’s all that comes to mind right now… 🙂
    And you guys are still talking on this DQ? Not that it’s a bad thing, but… wow!

  • ROFL!!! haha thanks so much @trent_blake:disqus…so awesome!
    I wonder if the StinkHawks will win, or if the “Patriots” have accessed Darth Vader’s dark power. 😉

  • Wow!! This is crazy! I should clarify, there are Amish and Mennonite communities around here, I’m not Amish (obviously — I mean, I’m on an online chat board…)
    Yeah, well, maybe I was adopted… I don’t look like the younger half of my family, they’re all blond and blue-eyed, I’m brown-haired and hazel-eyed. But if you see me with the older half of my family, I fit right in. So, I guess I probably belong with this family.

  • Haha oh my goodness!And yeah kinda fugured that. Haha. Hmmm, well we both have brown hair at least! Sorry but no hazel eyes. My eyes are a very deep dark brown. And okay, well than we’re “almost-twins.” Even though that’s VERY impossible. Haha oh well, gotta use the old imagination for something right?

  • Exactly! And I’m a rare person…think a steak that’s medium rare. 😉 Haha I’m kidding of course. And I said that??? Oops. I don’t, like at all. I say C.S did a perfectly fine job without any edits.

  • Actually, he had gotten kinda unhappy with how the system was working. So he didn’t mind much that my mom wanted to teach us herself. It was still an unknown, though.

  • No, I think Yoda had more going on than he let on about. He was probably busy training Luke, fighting the Emperor, and missed his fight with Darth Vader. You know, the life of Jedi master is rough. But I really wanted the Seahawks to win, so you should have delivered Yoda!

  • Oh Trent, ya so funny! Care not a smidgen about the Super Bowl do I, but laugh at your comment did I still. 😛

  • I asked him and he did confront Vader, but he claims that he had to fight Katy Perry too. Apparently, she’s his new appreciate. But I think he went to get more Espresso.

  • Hmmm not sure. Haha Yeah it’s a great book and gives a great mind-set as your reading it. Yeah it’s pretty cool. I mean I kinda taught him, but he has SOME natural talent. 😉

  • You taught CS Lewis… I hope you’ll forgive me if I have trouble believing you on that one 🙂

  • Katy Perry sang during half-time. Her songs are…well, really awful and anti-Christian, and I gather that just from seeing the titles of a couple of them. 😛

  • Also, please note:

    I try to be funny with Yoda stories. However, I do not personally believe Yoda lives in my house or even exists. I am not mentally handicapped or anything. 🙂 Just wanted to let everyone know so it’s clear. 🙂

  • ohhh, ok. Well, at least he wasn’t mad. The public skools have gotten pretty bad…idk what so many people have against homeschooling?! My mom’s family has been out to get us ever since that happened. My grandma was all, “They need to be with kids their own ages! They need to learn to socialize!”…I don’t really remember, but my mom said that one time we were eating with my grandma when she started putting down homeschooling. My mom said I got so upset I started crying. Then there was the deal with my great-aunt, who tried to embarrass all of us in front of my extended family…

  • I didn’t think there was anything wrong in yur head 😉 and your Yoda stories are very funny :-))

  • Katy Perry…ugh. I heard that she used to be a Christian singer, but then she flipped, and now she claims to not believe in anything. Her songs (what I’ve heard, anyway) reflect that.
    Actually, I think the only song I’ve heard of hers is “Firework”, which was on Madagascar 3 (yes, I still watch cartoons 😉 ), and I did like that one, somewhat. It’s a pretty song…she talks about how everyone has a purpose, but (guess what!) there’s no higher power to give people a purpose, just what we make of ourselves. *ummm…ok?*

  • Yeah, I concurred correctly. 😛 Why?
    I don’t particularly like Star Wars, it is kind of . . . . just that . . . . . . blank spaces and periods to me. I don’t get why people are so crazy about it. No offense. 😉

  • No worries! I like Star Wars because it’s mostly lighthearted and gives me a break from life when I want to relax. And the special effects are neat too. But it’s not like my favorite thing to watch either. 🙂

  • Yeah. She’s not honoring to God with her music… or her clothing.

    It makes me very sad because think about it: she’s somebody’s daughter, who’s really really hurting herself. 🙁

  • Yep, it’s very sad. Makes you wonder what popularity in the music world does to people. Prayin’ that she sees the light.

  • Oh ye of little faith! Haha And I forgive you, others have had trouble understanding how I taught Shakespeare even though I’m like only 15. It takes quite a long explanation and a sprinkling of imagination. 🙂

  • Yeah, I feel the same way. Did you know her parents are pastors? She started out as a gospel singer before switching to secular music.

  • I think that throughout our whole lives, at one point or another we do something we shouldn’t for the sake of popularity. Hers is just an extreme (and sad) case.

  • Yeah, a bunch of bad singers started that way. Don’t ask me how I know this, but Brittney Speares, Miley Cyrus, Carrie Underwood, Mariah Carey, and Whitney Houston all had decent up brings, but we all see where they’ve gone. In all honesty, it is quite sad to see such people go down such terrible paths.

  • Cartoons are lots of fun ; I will forever be watching cartoons ‘ cause they’re awesome( well some anyway).

  • What??? Yoda doesn’t live in your house? Everything I thought I knew is turning out to be made up!

  • Wow, I had no idea! I guess it just cements the point that you can’t just ride along with your parents’ faith; you have to ground yourself in what you believe, otherwise, when it’s time to make a choice, you may find yourself making the wrong one.

  • What’s interesting, though, is that her song “Unconditionally”, which she released not too long ago, has an almost “Christian” message. I heard it on the radio once and I was surprised to learn later that she was the artist. I actually really like that song. It’s kinda confusing for me. And yeah, none of us are immune to the effects of popularity.

  • And she went to the Dark Side before she even started training with Yoda… She’s worse than Anakin!

  • Yeah, my grandpa tends to speak his mind, however rude it might be, so it was pretty scary for my parents to tell him they were not sending us to school. I’m still surprised that he was okay with it! He still asks questions about our whole life, though – I think he’s just curious, because we’re:
    1. A 8-child family, and he’s concerned about overpopulation;
    2. A strong Christian family, and he’s a nominal Methodist Christian.

  • Same here but with LOTR. But that one is my favorite thing to watch…
    What do you think of the Anakin series?

  • Is there any other type of homeschooler?
    That video was my introduction to Blimey Cow, two years ago. Great! I love the “You Might Be a Homeschooler If…” series – so many of them are true!

  • While I haven’t heard that song specifically, I’ve experienced the same thing. I think it’s basically like how, without Jesus, “good people” are still sinners. So she might have had Christian morals in that specific area, but the confusion lies in the contradiction because she’s still in need of God’s grace. Although I’m not saying I would consider her a “good person”. Ahh…Does that sound right? It made more sense in my head. 😉

  • Well, Carrie Underwood is still grounded in her faith. She sings worldly country songs a lot of the time, but she’s refused multiple times to stop writing songs about God, too. But yeah, it’s terrible how good people get drawn into the world of fame and then are smashed by it without God’s protection. 🙁

  • I totally second that!! I saw the movies for the 1st time a year or two ago. LOVE THEM!!!

  • Did you watch the super bowl? Katy perry was the one who did the halftime show. She’s a secular singer. If you’ve heard anyone singing “baby you’re a firework…” Or “I’ve got the eye of the tiger and you’re gonna hear me rooooooaarr…” I think those are both her songs. I don’t listen to her on purpose; that’s just what I’ve picked up from listening to people around me.

  • Long explanation and a sprinkling of imagination – that’s how George Washington got abducted by aliens too! 🙂

  • Ok, well I didn’t watch the Superbowl, but I think I’ve heard one of those songs on the radio at my work. Ugggh!

  • Yeah, makes total sense. 🙂 I guess all I was saying was that I was surprised to hear her sing a song that almost sounded like it could be applied to the unconditional love of God. But you’re right, non-Christians can still sing about “Christian” morals and even Christian ideas without being saved themselves.

  • Haha exactly!!! One of my very few talents is that of persuasion. After all, I’m Spanish, so what can you expect?

  • That. Was. AWESOME!!!! Thank you SO MUCH TRENT!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 Debunks = TRUTH!!!!

    Would have been cool if my grandma could have seen this.

  • Yes I used to but now we have moved and
    there’s not many Homeschoolers here.
    Only two or three family’s..
    One has Eleven Kids!!!!
    we only have six…

  • Yeah, I don’t know a whole lot about Carrie Underwood, but I do know that she does a lot of secular stuff (which doesn’t make her a bad person), but I have also seen her wear some less than kosher dresses. So I’m not making a judgement on her, just saying what I see.

  • I’ve never seen any videos of her live performances, only listened to her music, but I’ll take your word for it. That’s too bad, she’s got an amazing voice!

  • Don’t worry, the same happens to me too. Unfortunately, I could recognize that terrible Maroon 5 song called animals or something. It’s weird how you just pick stuff up without even trying.

  • Whoa you live in New Zealand?! That’s so cool! I’ve always wanted to go there!! It’s absolutely beautiful…

  • Carrie Underwood confuses me more than most secular artists… Growing up, my favorite song ever (i.e., the only song I listened to) was “Jesus, Take the Wheel”. So for a long time I just assumed she was Christian. And now… I have no idea. But some of her songs certainly have a Christian theme.

  • Oh, please don’t get me started on that song! Now to turn on REAL music so I can think about something good…

  • Like you said earlier, maybe Carrie Underwood is a Christian, but she’s just choosing not to walk in it right now. Just because she’s strayed from writing about Christian themes doesn’t mean she is no longer a Christian, you know? And it just goes back to the whole effect of the world and popularity on people, even people who are Christians.

  • Very true. 😉 And I guess it’s really not our place or responsibility to judge whether or not someone is a Christian (but I tend to do it a lot). We can pray for them. And, in her case, if her music is positive, we can listen to it and be encouraged. If not, just don’t. What is it that Blimey Cow says about “Christian” bands?… 😉

  • Yep I’m guilty of that too. And of course never, ever listen to something unless “It’s CHRISTIAAAAAAAN!!!” ;). And btw, I think I’m becoming a believer in SGK ;).

  • 🙂 Ohhh, I dunno, I guess the more I watched, the more I appreciated his quirkiness :). I also really like his Nostalgia Christian podcast.

  • Never thought of that… I watched it when I was like 12, and I didn’t really care what I was watching. I’m not certain what Pantheism is… can you enlighten me please?

  • I know that Branyan does stuff with Tim Hawkjns, but I haven’t seen three little pigs. What made you think of it?

  • Yup… born in NZ and lived there all my life
    except for two years, when I lived in Australia.
    NZ is Beautiful, stunning, Amazing…
    *Showing off* 🙂

  • You must do more little stories!!!!!
    The’re great!!!!
    My little laugh for the day.
    Add me in your next one or i’ll draw my RED Popsicle. *ordering tone*
    Do one with Narnia or The Hobbit or something…
    I’m already planning it…. *lol*


  • Sure! Pantheism is a basic tenant of the New Age religion, which states that everything is God and God is everything. So, you are God, I am God, my tablet that I’m typing this on is God, your sweeper is God, a leaf is God…you get the point. A logical outflow of this belief is that God is an impersonal force that fills us all and that we all create. (Sound familiar? “The Force be with you”.) George Lucas himself admitted that his whole goal in Star Wars was to tell “an old myth in a new way” – the “myth” of the New Age philosophy. While I appreciate the historical and cultural significance of Star Wars, I have a hard time with Christians who endorse the series – now you know why. The whole foundation of it is completely opposed to Christianity.

  • I know a lot of people think that she dresses immodestly, but I think her outfits just look stupid. She also really isn’t talented musically just from the snippets I’ve heard – some of it is a little catchy, but not much depth. Plus, she’s just starting to look outdated. If I were you guys, I would be much more worried about up-and-coming Iggy Azalea…not only can she sing, but she can rap too. She’s also fairly pretty and will let you know about it in one way or another. And you thought Katy Perry’s lyrics were bad…

  • Well, I think it’s entirely possible for an outfit to be immodest and look stupid at the same time. 😉 I’ve heard of Iggy Azalea but I don’t really know anything about her. But just because I think Katy Perry’s lyrics are bad doesn’t mean I don’t think there are worse things out there. I’d just rather not think about that, lol. 😛

  • Yup. But I think things have been going from bad to worse for a long time, unfortunately. Before long we’ll be saying, “You think Iggy Azalea is bad? Wait till you hear about this…” 😮

  • There’s always a way… I always keep revival in my prayers. Maybe God will turn this world around before we have to experience whatever is worse.

  • #dht? What does that mean?
    So you’re generally quiet at home and church? That’s not very easy to imagine…

  • I see… I thought you were talking about animism, which I didn’t really see in the series. My bad!
    I never knew that about George Lucas — I just thought he was trying to write a good story! My brother used to LOVE Star Wars, then he watched LOTR; now he doesn’t like Star Wars at all. Have you watched LOTR? It is sooo much better, and I’ve gained invaluable insights from it!

  • Well, yes, I’d say. Most all of my relatives and people I know that are Hispanic or Latino are very smooth talkers, not to mention some romantics. Haha

  • Yeah…
    It’s much easier posting comments then
    talking in real life face to face with a person.

  • That clip is one of his best! Well, I thought of it because I’m looking for an act my little brother could do for my homeschool group’s talent show, and someone in my family thought that he could do a simplified version of that bit.

  • That’s cool. A couple of my friends sang Whiff of Kansas by Tim Hawkins, and changed some of the lyrics to fit the event. It was pretty funny.

  • Not to sound harsh or anything, but it’s really important to realize that every film director is trying to sell you their ideas. Even if there isn’t an upfront philosophy presented, you can tell a lot from what is or isn’t presented. Like if there is a lot of swearing in a film, that says that the director thinks that it’s OK and more than likely doesn’t care about Christian values. No I haven’t watched LOTR but I watched the first two Hobbit movies and thought they were pretty good.

  • Fun 🙂 I could see my little brother doing that, but I don’t think he’d get through the first verse without cracking up. he’s at the age where anything rude is totally hilarious!

  • You don’t sound harsh – no worries. I understand that, I guess I didn’t realize he was trying to make a point. You know what I’m trying to say?
    If you liked The Hobbit, you should really watch LOTR. It’s awesome!!!!!!!

  • Good summation of pantheism, that’s totally correct. However, one must keep in mind that it is fiction. While it does have some Buddhist tendencies, Lucas also made sure to put in a Christian reference (the part where Ben tells Luke “the Force will be with you always.”) Now, that may seem a little odd, but I believe Lucas was trying to appeal to everyone when he made the movie, so he did his best to be respectful. I think he did. Honestly, the whole idea of the Force does not bother me at all, because I can distance myself from it since I know that it’s fiction. Now, I respect your opinion on Star Wars, I’m not judging you. But please don’t judge those who like Star Wars like me. I may be wrong, and please clarify for me if I am, but that was what it seemed like you were doing.

  • Hey, I need to ask for your and mimeforjesus advice. What advice you could give me that I could pass onto a friend of mine whose friend recently passed? I told him I would pray for both families (my friend’s and family of the deceased), but he didnt know if the deceased was a Christian, so I can’t imagine what he’s feeljng. I want to tell him something but I don’t know what.

  • Really? Well, watch them in order – if you try to jump into a story, it won’t make sense 🙂

  • Yep, you sound like me! I used to be super-quiet, then because I needed to be more energetic and friendly I got to be more outgoing, and now I like being around people I like, but if I’m around “normal” teenagers, it’s reallly draining. So some people think I’m really nice and friendly, etc., etc., but my fellow-teenagers at church probably think I’m quiet. Like, really quiet.

    Way off-topic: This could be a DQ, but I kinda need help before Sunday.
    I have friends at my church who are really dramatic, and they’ve decided that they don’t like this one girl who’s just started going there, and they’ve been snubbing her. She’s got a rough family life, and she’s really easily deflated. These girls are rude to her all the time – they don’t like her for some reason. I think they’re jealous because her boyfriend is a guy who was giving them attention before he got together with her. They’re the only teens I can really stand being around who are at my church, and other than the way they’re rude to this girl they’re pretty nice. Therefore I don’t want to just break off the friendship, but I can’t let this keep going on either. I know that I need to have a plan for what I’ll do, because otherwise I’m going to just explode on them and say a lot that I’m gonna regret. Can you help? Your judgement seems to be pretty sound, and you’ve answered other folks’ questions with wisdom, so I’m asking you. If anyone else wants to answer, I need ideas!

  • I can, unfortunately, completely understand. Last year, two of my friends each lost very close friends of theirs within a month of each other, and neither of the deceased were saved… It’s one of the saddest things there is.
    Like MFJ, I think I’ll sleep on it and pray and get back to you tomorrow. I’ll be praying for both families. And I’ll be praying for you as well. God bless!

  • Hey Martial Artist! First off I want to sincerely apologize if it sounds like I am judging anyone who likes Star Wars. That is so not my intent. However, I still have to respectfully disagree with the ideas that are being presented even though it’s fiction, because they are so diametrically opposed to everything I hold dear. It also concerns me when people watch movies like this and have no idea what they’re being sold. So I’m fine that you like it, but I’m also concerned about the ideas that drive the series. Does that help?

  • Oh my word, Trent, you never fail to make me laugh! Love these “discussions”!!

  • Ok, thank you for being respectful. I didn’t think you were trying to judge, I was just clarifying. Thank you, and yes, that does help. 🙂

  • Hey MimeforJesus,
    My advice to to keep loving them, extending grace to them, praying for them and speaking life.

    I know it’s hard to do! You never know what is going to happen and it could be crazy and people could be mean and… who knows!

    But through all of that craziness, you have to let God use you as in instrument of his awesome peace. Let him use you to be a light in the dark places and to bring unity where there is discord.

    But most of all, keep loving and praying for them.

    Hope this helps and I’ll be praying for you!

  • Love it!
    Homeschooling rocks!
    Sooo funny that one of the myths is that homeschoolers don’t learn anything. One thing I love about homeschooling is that I can learn MORE! no only doing 2/3 of the textbook for me!!!!

  • Thanks, that did help. Now, after I figured out what I was going to do, I got to church and the new girl wasn’t there! Well, next week, I guess.
    Pray for me please, Sam and @thewriterchick:disqus ! I have a hard time standing alone, even if I know I’m right, and I don’t want to chicken out at the last minute.

  • Yes, thank you, Rachel! I just responded to Sam S’s comment, if you want to look at that one.

  • I don’t know what to tell you, I’ve never been in your situation. If I get any flashes of insight, I’ll let you know, but I just have no idea what I’d do in your situation.

  • Sorry I didn’t answer when I said I would, I didn’t have anything for you. Still don’t, in fact. I’ll be praying for you and this friend/his family.

  • Here’s my opinion:
    1.Some people seem to assume spirits are genderless, but nothing in the Bible supports that. For example, people say that Mat. 22:30 says that angels are neither male nor female, but that is not true. The only thing that verse implies about angels is that they don’t get married. Thus, when Jesus/the Bible refers to God as “He”, “Abba”, and “Father”, it is logical to assume it means exactly what it says.
    2: Overpopulation is a lie. God told our ancestors to “be fruitful and multiply”. There is nothing to suggest that He ever reversed that command. Plus, I heard (and assume it’s probably true) that the Russian government is BEGGING its people to have more children, as the numbers say that we will be UNDERPOPULATED by the year 2020.

    As for euthanasia, I haven’t done a lot of research on that, so I do not have a strong opinion as of yet.

    And as for government…yeah. I agree with the Ronald Reagan.

  • My only living grandmother I don’t know; my grandfathers I never knew. My immediate family pretty much agrees on most things, lol. 🙂

  • I guess being harassed gives homeschoolers a kinship. 😉
    And…shows you how *sheltered* I am…I didn’t even know what Blimey Cow was till I watched this vid!

  • I know you weren’t exactly talking to me, but I just looked it up and it’s hilarious!!

  • I didn’t know myself until a year ago. Now I see the light! Their videos are great, especially the ones from a couple of years ago 🙂

  • Haha. I got the jist of what each character was saying (knowing the story line helps too), but quite a few words here and there flew over my head.

  • Same here, except because I read a lot, I missed most of the words because of the way he pronounced them. I mispronounce a lot of words, and hearing them correctly, they fly over my head. If only he pronounced words like a homeschooler!
    If I didn’t know the storyline, I don’t think I would have understood.

  • Oooohhhhh!!! I know what that is!! I saw it live a couple of years ago at a Tim Hawkins concert! =D

  • Hi, I’m sorry it’s taken so long to get back to you. I’ve had…quite a weekend.
    Ultimately, I would suggest not trying to force yourself to say anything. If, while talking with your friend, God leads you to say something, then say it! Otherwise, if I were your friend, I would be grateful to have someone who was simply present, you know? I mean, there are things you could say at a time like this; reasons why something like this might happen. But too be honest, I don’t think any of them are what someone who has just experienced a loss needs or wants to hear.
    So basically, just do what you’ve been doing. Be there for him. Pray for him, pray with him.
    I know this isn’t anything incredibly deep, but it’s what God put on my heart this weekend. Praying for you guys!!

  • Thanks Christy. Yeah, I suppose just being there for him would help him out. But hey, sometimes it’s the simple stuff that matters the most right? 🙂

    Thanks for your thoughts.

  • Absolutely! This is weird (and sad) timing, but I just found out that a friend of a friend was killed last week. Could you be in prayer for them?

  • I wonder if sometimes he just decides that one thread will go on unmonitored… I probably would by now, if I was him.

  • Agree totally. China is now halfway-asking people to have more kids too – they’re relaxing their one-child policy, and I believe that they’ve lowered the fines for if you have more children.
    Anything agreeing with Ronald Reagan is correct, am I right or am I right?

  • that’s great to hear!
    And yes…I think I agree with pretty much everything Mr. Reagan had to say! 😉 Obviously I wasn’t alive during his presidency, but from reading and hearing about him, I’ve come to respect him greatly.

  • I just saw it for the first time a few days ago and it was awesome! That one really makes you think, and I can’t believe how complex the script was! Did you realize that most of the actors in that movie were in the Dark Knight trilogy?

  • Absolutely! Haha, yup; you know that Nolan directed it, right? It’s pretty cool. It’s one of those movies that you can watch over and over again and notice something new every time! The ending kind of bothers me, though; do you know what I mean? It’s a clever ending, for sure, but I’m one of those people who likes everything to be neatly tied up at the end of a movie.

  • Yeah, the ending is pretty ambiguous. But remember Dark Knight Rises? It ended on an ambiguous note as to whether or not Batman lived or not. It could’ve been real, or it might’ve been Alfred’s imagination. I really enjoy those mind-bending movies. The one’s that really make you think. Sometimes it’s nice when they tie it all up, but sometimes, it makes you think more when the ending is kind of left open. Have you seen any other movies like that?

  • That’s true. But I’ve pretty much convinced myself that it was real. I’m a happy-ending type of person, haha. 🙂 Um…not that I can think of right now. There was this one really well done (though somewhat inappropriate, if I remember correctly) movie called The Ghost Writer. But it didn’t have an ambiguous ending (at all) so much as a very, very startling, unexpected unending. Which is cool too. 🙂 What about you? And what do you think the end of Inception meant?

  • I’ve seen a few thrillers that will keep you in suspense until the big reveal at the end. Minority Report, Signs, and The Village are a few that I enjoyed, especially Minority Report. It’s an older movie with Tom Cruise. The ending of Inception, I think, just left the viewer to wonder if then ending was real. Did DiCaprio really see his kids, or were they just figments of his imagination? When he spun the top, it stuttered just a little bit, which it never did in the dream world, plus, his kids were a little bit older than when he saw them in flashbacks. I think that the whole point of the scene was reality doesn’t matter as long as you’re fulfilled. That’s my take.

  • Minority Report is a cool movie! I know my parents have seen The Village but it looked a little too creepy for my taste. 🙂 That makes sense! It’s interesting how much effort they go to to set up that ending. Somewhere in the middle of the movie (it’s been a while since I’ve seen it, so I’m not sure where), DiCaprio comes out of a dream and spins his top, but before he gets to see if it falls or not, someone interrupts him. So from that point on in the movie, we have no idea if anything that happens after that is real or not. Ah… My brain is getting messed up just thinking about it, lol.
    Btw, I finally got to see Guardians of the Galaxy. Funny movie! 🙂

  • Yeah, Guardians is pretty entertaining. 🙂 They’ve got a second one coming out, and did you know that Spider-man will be joining the Avengers in one of the upcoming movies?

  • Whaaaaat?! I heard he might be in Civil War, but I thought it was just a rumor. Is it a sure thing? I wonder how that will work with copyrights and everything. 😮 That would be cool, even though I haven’t been that into his movies.

  • Sorry it took me so long to reply, Disqus seemed to lose your reply in my inbox or something. That’s awesome!!! I have heard that the newer ones are better than the old ones, which I’m not really familiar with so I can’t say. I really enjoyed the first Amazing Spider-Man, but there were a lot of things about the second movie that just weren’t logical. I was able to watch and enjoy it, but my dad couldn’t even stay in the room while we were watching. Movies that are illogical really bother him. 🙂
    Somewhat. I try to stay on top of what’s going on. I briefly saw your conversation on the subject with MFJ, and I was pretty impressed! Is there something you wanted to ask?

  • Not really, I was just wondering if you were up for a political argument. 🙂

    What’s an issue that you’re really passionate about?

  • Your dad sounds like my brother — if it’s not logical/intellectually sound, it’s no good 🙂

  • Recently there has been an explosive tension between Sam, me and four other GREAT people on another site. I was not very stable because of that and I am still not right now. But I don’t know how to rectify it. So all I can do is apologize and leave it to God.

  • Aw, that’s sad. Praying for y’all!
    Do you all know each other in person? If you don’t want to talk about it, that’s okay.

  • Pretty much a teen had cancer and decided toto use his last days well. And a teen girl who also had cancer killed herself. People didn’t like the comparison because they couldn’t stand the truth that suicide is wrong. So a bunch of people invaded the Rebelution on that post with “different” views.

  • Well, it is a very controversial issue… I don’t want to start a debate or anything here, and if I ever get terminal cancer I personally would NOT kill myself. Suicide really is a form of murder. However, I can see the thinking behind both cases.
    Anyway, glad that experience is behind us. 🙂

  • Ok, that’s cool. 🙂 Let me think… I tend to be more passionate with things relating to what I believe, rather than politics. I hate to be predictable, but I’m most passionate about the usual hot-button issues–abortion, homosexuality… I guess it’s because, with those particular issues, it’s where politics and my faith overlap, you know?
    What about you?

  • I gotcha. For me, I hate injustice more than anything, so there are many things that fall under that. I’m ardently opposed to abortion, a faulty justice system, and liberal coercion of free speech and free religion. I’m also opposed to those who believe I should die merely because I don’t believe like them. I know that we’re supposed to love our enemies, but tell me honestly, how easy is it to love abortion doctors ms people like that?

  • This is a very interesting topic. I’ve heard that Lucas was raised in a Christian home, but I don’t know if he ever became a believer. Then he was convinced by some friends to switch to some other religion.
    If you think about it, it’s almost scary if you see what Lucas has done with the series. Note how he incorporates that Anakin’s mom was a virgin and that Anakin is the “chosen one,” and that he later sacrifices his life to save his son and put an end to the ultimate evil (Darth Sidious). Sounds a lot like Jesus’ life, does it not? Of course Anakin is in no way a perfect sacrifice, but, in fact, nothing more than a corrupted, lying, short-tempered guy who becomes an infamous murderer. If I watch too much episodes of Star Wars: the Clone Wars, it give me butterflies at night… 😛

  • I hate how the Patriots cheated! I live near Indianapolis and I am a Colts fan. Dog-gone-it Darth Vader!

  • I’ve only seen the special extended versions. I’ve been told not to watch the normal versions if you’ve seen the extended. They can be a letdown.

  • yeah, I’m not trying to say anything offensive to those who watch the normal version, I’m just saying I like the extended better. (I should probably try watching the normal versions first, though) =)

  • I know this DQ is from over a month ago but I just discovered it today. I love these discussions cause I’m home schooled and my brothers are grown now so their not around any more. It’s nice to be able to discuss with other teens topics like Baptism and what Christians should/should not do. It reminds me of the talks I used to have with my brothers around the dinner table.

  • Yeah, I watched the first two Anakin movies once, and hated how Lucas took all that and twisted it to fit his own movie.

  • Well said, I’m with you on all of that!
    I don’t think it’s ever supposed to be easy. I think the point is that we can’t do it ourselves. We can only do it through Jesus. If it was easy to love our enemies, we couldn’t give God the glory, but because we are too weak to do it on our own (and everyone knows that from their own experiences), all the glory goes to God.
    Sorry for the mini-sermon, haha! But, yeah, it’s tough, and I fail consistently. It’s a learning process!
    I wonder if the majority of abortion doctors are really ok with what they do…or if they know the truth and are just hiding from it?
    Have you ever seen October Baby?

  • So I see you’re from Rivendell. What’s it like there? Are the elves friendly? How’s the weather? 😀

  • Hehehe, I can type though 🙂 In fact, I’m one of the more active folks on here, if you look at how many comments I’ve left.
    Are you related to someone on here already?

  • They come with their ups and downs. Mostly ups though. It’s hard to get used to not having them around all the time.

  • Trust me. I wouldn’t trade my brothers for world. But two of them are prepping to get married and the last is gearing up for collage. It’s kinda lonly being the only girl…and the youngest. That’s kinda why I’ve gotten involved on here.
    By the way. I have a deep respect for older brothers.:-D

  • I think many abortion doctors are cold blooded people. But maybe that’s just because of what I’ve seen of them in the news.

    And hey, I prefer mini-sermons to mega-sermons, so it’s all good! :). I see your point though, if loving others was easy, then we wouldn’t ever need to acknowledge that we need God. Just another way that shows we humans need Him.

    I haven’t seen October Baby, but I know that it’s a prolife movie and deals with abortion and stuff like that. I heard that it was good. Why do you ask?

  • The weather’s perfect, as always!!! XD There’s not many elves left, as they’re all starting to sail to the Grey Havens, but the ones who are still here are friendly enough. I don’t think they appreciate the occasional food fights, though! 😛

  • My best friend is a freshman and he’s the most up right young-gentleman I’ve ever met. Age and grade level doesn’t mean as much to me, probably cause my most friends are either older or younger than me.

  • No,it was intentional, just subtle 🙂 You’re welcome. You sound really cool. It’s been fun to kind ‘a get to know you. 🙂

  • Sorry. I didn’t realize my profile was on private. I kind ‘a new here and still figuring out how to use Disqus. You can fallow me now if you want. Though I don’t know how exciting it’ll be.

  • Wow, I just looked at the very first comment on this DQ. It took forever to get to it, and now my computer is freezing up. I guess it is comment #1 and this is comment #1147. Imagine that! BTW, I just watched the blimey cow video that Trent posted 16 days ago…

  • I wondered for the longest time why you were saying “LOL!” because I only got the email, and I just looked at it on here, where I saw your pic. LOL!

  • Sorry it’s taken so long to get back to you! I’ve been sick for the past week and just haven’t been up to getting on the computer. 🙁
    That makes sense. I guess you can only delude yourself so far. In the end, you know what you’re doing and it was your decision to do it.
    Just curious. 🙂 It is a really good movie. I guess what really struck me was that one of the actresses, who portrayed someone dealing with the effects of having had an abortion, had actually had a very similar experience in real life. It just made it that much more real, you know? Anyway, you should watch it if you get the chance. And excuse me for going off track 😉 there we were talking about serious issues, and I started talking about movies again! Lol 🙂

  • Can you give me a hint to where your link is? If I had more free time I would hunt this down, but my superiors are starting to get kinda unhappy with me because I don’t have more info on you. (Really, I have very little time to keep up on here because of some new things I have going on and while I would love to discover this myself, I don’t have enough time 🙁 )

  • I like historical fiction, too. My favorite type of book to read is suspenseful fiction (always Christian!)

  • I’ve seen this before. This kid definitely isn’t gonna waste his years messing around!

  • Y’all are nuts. 🙂 We’re up to one thousand, one hundred and eighty-six comments now. 😛

  • hey @defyingdepravity:disqus if you ever become a pilot, change your username to ‘defying d gravity’ ok jk lol

  • Jesusfreaknate, we’re not supposed to be rebels on here… unless we’re rebelling against low expectations. 😛

  • If I upvote that will the NSA put me on a watchlist? 😉

    @mimeforjesus:disqus you work for them…what do you think? 😉

  • Well not seriously. But it seems to be headed that way. The head of the CIA is Muslim. Doesn’t that make you feel just great?

  • Hmmm, I’m not sure. Try bribing me with French toast or… best of all… PICKLES!

  • Lol! 🙂 (I actually live and always have up north…I guess maybe I’m Southern at heart though or something 😉 )

  • Did you really say…french toast…? It is dangerous to mention that food item on here…………

  • Yeah…what most leave out of the history books. The emancipation proclamation ONLY freed the slaves in the states in rebellion. Not all of the slaves.

  • Hey guys… This thread is getting so far off topic that my head is spinning. 😉

    I’m thinking of closing this down in a few days, but if you give me a legitimately good reason not to, I will change my mind.

  • Wow. That is sad. The Brits really bested us there – they stopped slavery because it was right to do so and because one man did hard things and fought for abolishment so hard. We abolished slavery primarily as a war tactic. Ouch. 🙁

    Btw, @Ethan__H:disqus, how do you know this? Is it from books you’ve read, or…? Cos I am trying to scrape together a good line of books (or something) to read on the Civil War for my history studies this summer…. If you have a recommendation I would really appreciate it. 🙂

  • I totally understand, Brett, and I agree with @programguy:disqus: your decision sounds wise to me as well. :))) Thank you so. much. for all you do and for all your time! God bless. 🙂

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →