Last Sunday, I was sitting by myself after church and observing the people around me.
I found that I could look at almost each person and find something that I knew about them — the part of themselves that they displayed the most, something that defined them.
Some of my friends stood in a circle and I instantly picked out the popular girl who quickly became everyone’s best friend. I noticed the gentlemanly guy who loved playing football. There was the talkative girl obsessed with music, and the twice-as-talkative kid who made everyone laugh. I saw that one super-spiritual guy who inspired people with every word coming from his mouth, and the nearly-always-silent girl with the rough past.
Then I realized — each of those people had a definition of me, too. Who was I to them?
Was I the encourager of the group? The one who’s always there for you? The prayer warrior? The quiet girl who always sits by herself deep in thought?
I know who I want to be, and to be honest, I don’t really care about what people think of me. Well, not obsessively much, anyway. But does my group of peers’ definition of who I am match up to God’s definition of who I should be?
“Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children” (Ephesians 5:1).
“Be very careful, then, how you live — not as unwise but as wise” (Ephesians 5:15).
“Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is” (Ephesians 5:17).
I don’t want to be seen as the quiet girl who’s too shy to talk to strangers. I don’t want to be defined by my love of Lord of the Rings or Doctor Who. And I don’t want to be the person who listens to the powerful sermons and reads the encouraging blog posts and does nothing but nod enthusiastically.
I want to be the person who stands up. The one who jumps in head first, the girl who isn’t afraid to pray for others in public and share her deep thoughts online.
The kind of Christian who isn’t ashamed to sing loud and dance proud before my King.
“Put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.” — Ephesians 4:22-24
And don’t take me wrong, I am in no way saying that you should change your personality to fit the “perfect Christian” mold.
But which side of you do your friends and family see more often: The youth excited for the Lord, or the kid who loves [insert other things you spend your time on]? Which side do you think the world sees?
Would strangers see you helping serve at the neighborhood picnic? Would they notice you being respectful to your parents and elders, and acting with maturity? Would God see a cheerful heart or a complaining one while you’re doing these things?
Even online, everyone has opinions of each other. I hope this doesn’t sound weird, but I’ve already got perspectives of most of you on this site! (All good things, I promise.)
Don’t hide the thoughts and prayers God puts on your heart. Don’t think, “I want to pray for this person, but how awkward would that be?” Live your life in the open, and be impulsive when God speaks to you.
I’m fine with being known as a bookworm, cat fanatic, and swimmer, as long as those things are only a small part of my self-image. Because I want my identity to be built on and always relate back to Christ.
Are you nodding enthusiastically right now? Don’t just leave an inspiring comment and walk away. Go do something about it and build your definition on God.
Share Your Thoughts in the Comment Section!
There are currently 9 Comment(s)
There are currently 9 Comment(s)
Thanks for the article, Gabrielle; you really brought up
some good reminders. I think it all goes back to our priorities. Is God first
in our lives or is something else? It also reminds me of the verse: “By
this all will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another” John
13:35. However, I think that being a Christian sometimes does mean changing our
personality (not the menial stuff like loving swimming– by the way, I am a
competitive swimmer, too!) But I think that some things which we identify
ourselves by can be sinful (like an anti-social attitude in my case.) I actually wrote a post on my blog about that
called “A New Creation” (Link: https://writefortheking.wordpress.com/2015/05/17/a-new-creation/.)
What do you think?
Thank you for the post, and God bless,
(Another) Gabrielle
Thanks Gabrielle! What an excellent reminder. 🙂
I thought of something I would like to share. What you mention in the article – what others think of when they think of us – reminds me of Jesus’ words, “You are the light of the world” (Matt. 5:14). I think your words, “I want my identity to be built on and always relate back to Christ,” could accurately be rephrased as, “I want to reflect His light.”
I often get discouraged with myself, sometimes feeling like my failures reflect on God. I suspect I may not be alone in this (right, rebelutionaries? right?), and so I wanted to share a verse that fights that:
“For You will light my lamp;
The Lord my God will enlighten my darkness.” (Psalm 18:28)
As long as we’re cooperating, God will light our lamp. My point being that, yes, we should strive to be a light, to project Christ to those around us, but when we get overwhelmed because we are human and we see the darkness inside of us, remember that it’s God lighting our lamp, not us.
I hope that that makes sense, because I struggled in finding the right words 🙂
*writes inspiring comment and walks away* ;-P
JUST KIDDING!!! But seriously, thanks for writing! Great reminder! =)
“I noticed the gentlemanly guy who loved playing football.”
If I didn’t know better, I would have thought you were describing me there. He he
This is amazing! It’s so important for us to reflect Christ so that He is what others see through us. Thank you.
Hey Sam. How do you get the quote effect?
Hey Gabrielle, how do you view Sam and I?
When I try to press his name I get this:
It makes me want to investigate. Haha. I see way too many CSI style shows
Totally agreed!
I see both of you as strong young men of God who love to encourage others, one who’s skilled in technology and the other who loves football and runs his own blog, to sum most of it up! 😛 I know there’s so much more to both of you than what I’ve gathered from being internet friends, but I’m blessed to know you!
OOOOH What about me???!?!?! lol
This is entertaining, watching you guys talk about my username. =P
Hmmmm… now i’m curious what people would say about me! This is a very thought provoking article. Thanks for writing it, Gabrielle! I read a quote the other day that this article kinda reminded me of. It said “If you were arrested on terms of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?”
Thanks again Gabrielle!
Ooh, good verses. Thanks for sharing that awesome insight!
And you’re just the crazy brother in Christ who has too much time on his hands for making everyone around here laugh! XD
I’ve heard that quote before! It’s awesome how powerful it is to think about.
That’s a great way to put it! And I loved your article. I’m an INFJ, so we think almost exactly alike!
Btw, I like your name. 😉
XD thanks! =P
That would be weird…this comment is by By. BYE BYE!!!! XD
(ironic, ’cause I have to go for the night =P)
I agree with Gabrielle! You’re the crazy brother I don’t have 🙂
Really? I thought it was @guitarwitharms:disqus
It’s guitarwitharms
*facepalm* I should have figured that out…
What do people see?
Tomorrow I’m going to church, which is the hardest place for me to be the way I should/want to be. I’ll keep in mind what you said here! Thank you!!
thanks! this is good for me to read…
Hahaha!! Like when you made the poll on Revive about whether or not MFJ should keep or change her name! XD
We all love you, brother Josh!! What would we do without the Awesome Guitar With Arms???
Thank you so much for sharing, @prayerwrrior:disqus! You are such a talented writer, well done. 🙂 I have been thinking so much about this of late, and so this was so good to read. Am I perceived as the talkative music fanatic (you sure that wasn’t me? ;P)? the flighty, jabbering, opinionated analyzer? the giggly teenager? the thoughtful quiet girl with a caring heart? a stuck-up shy person? Asking yourself that question really makes you re-analyze who you are, and test and search your heart to see if you need to head in for a check-up with the Master Auto-Repair Man for a Realignment of Purpose. (Which, of course, we are never Perfectly Aligned…not yet…He is still and always working on that…. That is why your reminder is so important. 🙂 )
Thanks again so much, Gabrielle! Your article, here, and Jacquelle’s from 2 days ago were medicine for moi soul. I needed them so much!! <3
CSI stands for “Crime Scene Investigation” and was a very popular show years ago. Different cops-vs-crime shows all fall into that style.
Thank you for saying that 🙂 Praise God! You have been very encouraging to me and i really appreciate what you have to say, Sam 🙂
That’s a cool, thing to think about, I’m not very good at writing inspiring comments though, haha. But I will say that everyone has a reputation, whether good or bad. And whenever you’re in public people are always watching, especially if they know you’re a christian.
“Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.”
– Proverbs 20:11
But I am wondering now, How would you guys describe me?
Yoda Hmm… Difficult this question is. Meditate on this, I must.
Well this should be good, I’ve finally asked a question @trent_blake:disqus must meditate on!
Awwww….. 😁 thanks! =)
OH YEAH Yoda’s back….
I would love to be identified as Enoch who walked with God.
Okay, so apparently, the “in” thing to do is ask you what you think of us. So, how do you see me? *gulp*
Ditto. I want to be known as the person who had an amazing walk with the Lord, and had a major positive impact on others’ lives. Unfortunately, I fear I am far from that. 🙁
I am far away too. But I keep on striving with the help of God towards winning the prize.
I wonder about this kind of thing all the time. Thanks for the encouraging article! I fall into wanting to be defined by the things that I like and attitudes I have for things often (such as fandoms, opinions, and so on) and it’s nice to hear about someone else struggling with being more Christlike in the midst of all of it.
It’s great to think about Heaven where we’ll all find our personal identities in Christ perfectly and totally outside of the influence of everything else here 🙂
You four are so funny, it does me good to listen to you…
Yes – we shouldn’t be too confident that we know what someone’s really like. That said, I have to join in here: any opinions of me others would like to share? (Or not, since I’ve only been on here a couple of months?)
So after thinking about it, here are my thoughts:
Cece (whom I believe used to have a different screen name) is:
1) Committed.
2) Naturally shy but pushes through it.
3) Practical but can become stressed.
4) Servant’s heart.
Wow this is exactly what I needed even though I didn’t know I needed it. Funny how God works that way. I found it this morning and it really hit me. It doesn’t matter what people think of you. Or atleast it shouldn’t make you change from who you are to please people. Be yourself and who God made you to be and He will shine through you
The same thing happened to me! This is just what I needed!
btw that poll made me laugh soooo hard!
Hmm, if you had to describe me what would you say?
What Sam said. 😛
Hey thanks so much!
I could understand what you said about seeing how others are but the part about how others see me as a child of God.. wow, that was new!
You made me think a lot and I might be nodding enthusiastically right now but I am so not planning on leaving it there.
God bless!
Great question and post!! I too have wondered what others actually see in me or about me. I think everybody in my life know certain things about me, not really everything. Some people see more my love for God and maturity level, while my family see a lot of my faults, struggles, and mistakes, but they see the good too, like my love for people and desire to see God’s Bride, the Church, serving him and growing! 🙂
Thanks for sharing Gabrielle! I really appreciate hearing from other Christian young men and women like me who love God and desire to please Him!! I love your name by the way!!! 😉
I see you as sociable, funny, a strong young man who loves God, and a blogger. That’s just what I’ve picked up from talking to you!
I second that!!
Totally agree!! Plus, Sam is funny and both of ya’ll seem to really desire to please God and honor Him in everything!
Great post. what more can I say lol!
How would you guys describe me? I’m dying to know what you’ve observed!! 😉
Great quote!!
Including me, I think there’s about three people named Gabrielle!! Well hey, it’s an awesome name!!! 😉
A great writer.
WOW!! Thanks Nathan! How did you pick that up? From reading my comments?
Thank you so much. I so enjoy this site and it encourages me to see God’s work in young people who so love Him.
God bless you and yours!
Yes Gabrielle I read one of them, Your Gabrielle sequeia the author right?
Nope! Her Disqus name is Gabrielle S.
=P Hey, like I’ve said, it’s my job as the part-time gooberhead and full-time clown of Revive!!! lol
Sorry for thinking you was the author, I did see your comments. Yea you are a good writer.
This makes me wonder…what is y’all’s impression of me?
The sharp and yet reserved one.
Very talkative and having a large desire to please/help others.
I am shy, It’s usually perceived as snobbery though…..
Haha what does that mean?
You’re very social, and talkative. You sorta remind me of my cousin, she’s very social too. You’re also very caring, and you make anyone feel comfortable in a conversation.
That’s ok. No problem! 😉
YODA’S BACK?!! (Or did I miss another conversation…? lol)
OK, so curiosity killed the cat and Curious George always got into a lot of trouble too, but with it being the “in thing to do”, I am curious, too? 😉
….and someone who likes ( loves) Texas. 😛
Hmm, I’d say that you’ve got a very fun, bubbly personality, and that you’re an expert in soaking up and spreading God’s love!!! But just like your (and my :P) name, which means “God is my strength”, you can be as tough as a rock when you’re called to be.
I said “All good things”, didn’t I? 😛 I definitely think of you as a Texan kid, with all the talk about fishing and whatnot. But I can also tell you’re an earnest Christian who’s eager to inspire those around him wherever he is. Your passion for helping others and determination for following God’s lead is obvious in your words, and you’re a hardcore friend to have!
Ohh, okay 🙂 Thanks!
Well, “sharp and yet reserved” means you’re smart, but you’re not as talkative about it as some of us 🙂
It’s actually how I would describe you, too!
🙂 We try, Samuel, we try! 😀
If only you got paid! Really, this community wouldn’t be the same without you 🙂
Like Sam, I have greatly appreciated your opinion on here! Never leave us!
Hmmm, okay 🙂
Y’know, you’re right!
Haha 🙂 Okay, I’m not sure where you got some of that but thanks!
Aww, that’s hard.
Well, I’m not Gabrielle, but still…
When I think of you, I think of a young man who loves helping others to see God — helping Christians to see more of Him, and bringing non-Christians to Him. You’re also always encouraging — like when I said I need to get back to my 10-page Geography paper the other day, and you said “You got this!”.
Well, Hannah, you’re (obviously) a college student, who has more self-control than me — you stayed offline when you needed the time for studying. You speak more wisely than most college students, and I’d say you’re generally a happy person?
Taylor! *rubs hands in anticipation* You remind me of my older brother — which is a huge compliment — which means you get excited about the details many people gloss over. You love whacking your siblings with a pillow, too! 🙂
Oh yeah, Sam! Well, Sam was the first guy to talk to me, so he seems talkative to me 🙂 Aaaaand I gotta go, I’ll tell you more later 🙂
Well, thanks! But I am afraid you got the self-control part wrong. That is probably my weakest weakness. Ugh! I have literally no self-control whatsoever and it brings me much grief and tribulation in life, so although I may have not gotten on the Rebelution when I needed to study, well, I can assure you I was probably wasting my time in other ways instead. 😉
Since people get pleasant, encouraging, uplifting responses… how would you guys describe me? *Crosses fingers and lifts up prayers toward heaven*
From what I have seen on here and from your blog, I gather that you enjoy writing, but more importantly you want to encourage, bless, and inspire others with your writing. You love your younger brothers, which means that you probably have a good attitude in general. 😉 And you seem to enjoy engaging in discussions on here, which would hint that you enjoy people and see the importance of a godly community. 😉
*Heart races* She viewed my blog… 😉 Thank you for your good report, Hannah! That’s encouraging!
Yes, I liked your blog a lot. 😉 I think you posted a song a while back on your blog (probably around Easter time because that is what it was about ). The song was called “Why”. Anyway, I had never heard that song before and it really blessed me, so thank you for sharing it. 😉
Oh, and there was another post of yours (May 18) in which you mention that you have a tv, but not satellite. Then I knew we had something very in common. 😉 My family doesn’t have satellite either, so it is always great fun to watch peoples astounded faces when we tell them. 😉
Yeah, I am trying to work through it, there was one occasion where I couldn’t go back into McDonalds to get more salt. I was just terrified……
I can’t tell you how appreciative I am for both sam’s and your encouragement. I am going through a difficult time and your words help. Bless you.
To God be the glory!
True! I absolutely get your point. I also can’t help but notice, most especially, young people nowadays being so enthusiastic in casting out their thoughts, opinions and ideas. Like posting on social media, you know what I mean. I’m mean it’s not bad at all! But it would be even better if they actually compliment it with actions of the same kind. However, many fails to do so just that. (I’m also convicted, to be honest.) The thing is “actions speak louder than words.” That’s the catch. On the other hand, if we get to DO what we say (well, more like what the Bible says), then that is a way of being an open Bible to the world we live in. (Of course asides from sharing the Word by mouth.) Surely, God will help us if we pray and ask for His help. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Gabrielle. Appreciated it!
Ha, I’d love to get to know this brother of yours better!
Wait, how’d you know that? 🙂 I thought I kept it such a secret…
I know you better than anyone else on here, and I’d say you’re big on encouragement. You take your faith seriously, not like a footnote, but it truly is the major factor of your life. You love your family, you have a sense of humor, but you also know when to be serious. Overall, you’re a thoughtful (deep) encourager.
Just out of curiosity, I know I’m not on here a ton, but what do I seem like to you all? Sometimes, well, I don’t even know who I am. 😛
Fun, but fairly quiet. You don’t say much, but what you have to say is generally pretty thoughtful. You tend to be to the point. As Sam said, I’m guessing from just one conversation with you and a few other comments I’ve seen from you. Close?
Chatty, in a good way, the way that draws out shy people and puts them at ease, but you know when to be quieter and more thoughtful. You’re very friendly with everyone, enough that makes everyone feel very comfortable talking with you. You seem like you would be a really good peacemaker during an argument.
How does everyone know I’m a Texan? I tried so hard to keep it a secret… 🙂 Seriously though, I appreciate the comment! It’s encouraging to me (I hope to others too as they read similar comments about themselves). Sometimes it’s hard to see through our faults and failures!
You’ve got it!!! Thanks Gabrielle! 🙂
Wow!! That’s totally me Sam!! How did you know? 😉 Have we met before? Just kidding!! LOI – laughing on the inside!!
Well, I talk a lot, but I’m not that active on here as some of you. Other than that though, you did good!! Thanks for sharing Taylor! 😉
Okay, I can see that. It’s cool to meet all you cool people on here!
*really, did I just use “cool” twice in the same sentence? Seriously, Taylor?*
That’s the main thing, isn’t it?
Thanks Sam! You and Josh are great, by the way (not that you’re the same as each other, of course).
You are nice Amanda every time I comment on your blog you always comment back.
Sharp meaning smart and alert.
Yeah, you got docked five points for that. 😉
You keep it a secret as much as I keep it a secret that I love NC. 😉
*tries-to-be-quiet squeal* 😉
Aww, thank you SO much, Hannah! Yeah, I’ve gotten some pretty weird looks and dropped jaws when I say we don’t have satellite. Thank you, I’m very encouraged!
Oh, are the teacher genes kicking in, Hannah?
Ha, yeah we’re real secretive… NOT!
Ok here goes.
What, ummmm, how do you view me?
Take a look at my profile when you can. I’m on several blogs, and don’t exactly have the time to comment everyday.
Yeah, you did great!!
You love God and desire to honor Him; you’re funny, sociable, friendly, thoughtful, encouraging, and you love making others feel welcome.
As a very smart, cool dude who is brilliant, energetic, fun loving, a lego lover, an amazing photographer and who loves living. 🙂
Keep shining Liam, God’s gonna use you to change the world. 🙂
You are smart, funny, super caring, patient, a treasured friend and a redeemed child of the King. 🙂
Either that or too many years of being in school. Lol
Ha, you’re almost done! By the way, what is your major? Naturally curious guy over here…
Yeah, what is a proper hug???
You are the apologist of the Reb; you know what you believe and you can argue your worldview until the sun goes down (in a good way!). You’re one of the “old folks” — you were here when I arrived 😉 You seem much older than you are — until you said otherwise, I thought you were at least 17. You are an amazing brother in Christ, and I’m thankful that I have the opportunity to know you!
My major is called History of Ideas (HOI is what we call it for short). I will be reading and studying a lot of great literary works and philosophers, but from a Christian point of view. The literature part I like, but not the philosophy part. 😉 Don’t ask me what I plan to do with that degree, because I seriously don’t know how God will use it in my life, but I feel certain that he does have a purpose for it some where along the way. 😉
Cool! I’ve never heard of that major, but it sounds interesting. How long do you have left?
Oh, and do you mind telling me where you’re going to college? I’m just getting into that position where I need to begin researching good Christian colleges, so I would like to start asking around on some of these blogs I follow.
Hopefully I will be done after two more year. I go to Bethlehem College and Seminary. To clarify, I go to the college part of the name, but there is also a seminary that is separate (some people think I am going to the seminary to be a pastor or something. That is why I like to clarify. Haha! ). I will warn you, it is located in Minnesota, so kind of far from Texas. Lol. But seriously a great college where you will learn so much educationally, spiritually, and in day to day life.
No, I figured you were going to the college part. Okay, that’s a bit far. We are looking at places out of state though too. Thanks for the info! I will look it up, if only to check it out a little bit!
Probably not going to be easy, but any thoughts on newbs like me? lol
So does anyone have any ways that y’all think I can work on/improve/change?
Yeah, it doesn’t hurt to check it out, but it definitely will be far from home and family. There is at least one young couple there now from Texas, if that brings any comfort. 😉 Are you graduating this year or next?
Aww, Thank you!
Thank you Sam! That’s really nice.
Oh, thank you Rachel. That’s sweet. 🙂
I’ll be graduating next year. I’m just finishing up my junior year of high school.
Cool beans! You still have plenty of time to look into colleges too. There are lots of good Christian schools out there and I am sure you can find several that are a lot closer than MN. I will pray that God would lead you to the right school.
LOI!! That’s funny. I only read two blogs that’s specifically for girls. 😉
Well, a proper hug is simply a hug where you’re not totally against each other. I appreciate it when guys know how to hug girls and it not be a weird hug, but still kinda close, if that makes sense, whether it’s a front or side hug! Some guys are more comfortable hugging from the side instead of the front, but if you don’t know how to without it being awkward or inappropriate they both can be weird. Make sense @programguy:disqus and @mimeforjesus:disqus ?
Ambitious, smart, and kind 🙂
Thoughtful, helpful, and sweet 🙂
Awesome, kinda reserved, and kind 😉 I love reading your input! Keep serving Him, Gabrielle!
Friendly, encouraging, and “welcoming”. Haha 🙂 You are a wonderful mirror of Jesus’ love and kindness towards others! And who wouldn’t love your iconic screen name 😀
Yeah, I won’t be going that far from home! And I appreciate the prayers a lot.
*sighs* alright now, how would y’all describe me? 😛 Any thoughts on things i need to work on, too?
Thanks Haylie!! Why would you say kinda reserved?
Well, i could be wrong, but you seem patient, and careful about what you say in a VERY good way. You seem observant. Maybe that’s the word i was looking for 🙂
Awww, thanks =)
Aww, thank you Haylie! I’m glad I know you too!
I’m not so sure that I’m all that patient, but I generally am careful about what I say, sometimes! I am pretty observant. I’m a deep thinker for sure, and I can over think things at times. I can be quiet, and sometimes I’ll just sit back and observe, but for the most part I’m out going and I absolutely LOVE people. Most of the time I talk A LOT!! I’m getting a little better with not talking so much! 😉
I agree!
I agree with Sam! I’d say you have a sweet spirit about you, a fun personality, and a love for God that’s contagious. You seem to be that person that everyone loves being around. Social, super friendly, encouraging, and an awesome sister in Christ!
My words exactly! 😉
Is there a link to this video? I’m curious now!
From reading your comments, I’d say you love God and your local assembly; you’re friendly, and quite thoughtful, and maybe a thinker?!!
Is it so bad y’all can’t even tell me? *worried look*
Ahh, okay. You seemed too perfect! 😛
You’ve got 13 upvotes just because you mentioned Yoda! I get the feeling he’s popular… 🙂
Alas, I’ve not been around here much to see newbs. 🙁 Give me a few weeks and I can answer this! 🙂
Haha! No! No! I am far from perfect! 😉 A lack of self-control is only the beginning. But I also am daily reminded of God’s amazing grace that is new every morning and his love that never gives up on me. 😉 And people do say that I am a generally cheerful person, but those who have had to live with me know that I also have my down days where I am grumpy, sad, or just unpleasant to be around. 😉
I am probably just another person who reads comments and stay silent most of the time 🙂
Haha, okay! Well, i think you are super sweet and like i said, i really like hearing what you have to say!
Awww <3
Ok so since everyone else is asking I will as well,
How do you view me?
Hi big brother. You are the big brother I have always know so I know you better than any else You are nice sometimes but somethings you are not as good.
I love that your brother was the first to respond. 😉 From skimming through your comments, I gathered that you are one who seems to have a desire to grow in your love and knowledge of God. You are very sensitive about pleasing God and only wanting to do, listen, or read things that would be honoring to God. You seem to value your parents and there teaching (which is really awesome to see because that is not often the case in todays culture). You are one who is not afraid to speak your mind even if everyone else may disagree with you, but you also might speak or write a little bluntly, which can be a good thing, but also could be used in the wrong way too. 😉 Just my thoughts from reading through your comments. 😉
Pretty fun reading comments. I won’t comment unless……some reasons 🙂
Gabrielle thanks for the post! I think people would probably describe me as the kid who loves “insert loads of things.” So this is a really good reminder! What are we showing people that truly matters? I tend to connect with people with the things I like and then don’t go deeper. Like you said it’s not bad that we are known to enjoy/like these things. They are part of our personalities! But I want my WHOLE identity built on Christ!
And since everyone else is doing it…. How do you view me? (And I am sorry I won’t really have input for anyone. I would love to but I haven’t been on here that long/often to get to know people really well!
Welcoming, friendly, tries to include everyone. Funny, a participant in what is going on, doesn’t sit on the sidelines. And yes everyone loves your screen name!
Josh you are a really welcoming guy with a big heart! You were one of the first people to welcome me here! And you are always being funny! I always love coming on here and seeing you have commented on something! (Oh boy I hope that didn’t come off as sounding creepy!)
But from my other conversations with you, I know more 😀 You’re an encourager, and a great listener. If you’re convinced that an idea is from God, you follow through on it and encourage others to do the same 🙂
Thanks so much for posting! I find it so encouraging that you are thinking along the same lines as me, and we are the same age! And you are my sister in Christ! I definitely want to be known as someone who is sold out for God and loves to serve others! Thanks again!
Thanks = D!
Hi Rachel,
First off, I like your name! 🙂 lol
You are an awesome encourager to tell
everyone how awesome they are! Keep it up!
Aww, thanks! You don’t sound creepy at all! Honestly, that’s pretty much what I’m like in real life…at least the “always being funny”. =P
Hmm. 🙂 Well, from the conversations I’ve had with you, I know that you’re an awesome Massachusettsian, friendly, kind, smart and wise (and there’s a difference), a great friend, and are really passionate about your faith! It’s great to know you!
I love this post, and I love your points!
Okay. I have the same question as everyone else. 😀 Go ahead and answer. XD XD
It was a gift to me on my birthday. You have an awesome name as well. 🙂
And thank you 🙂
Sweet! I am usually really horrible at this! 😀
It seems so.
Super crazy in a good way, super fun, very talkative. (sounds like me, RIGHT????? jk)
Darn, I missed a lot on this thread… =P
Thank you, Brooklyn!
(Starting to feel like a fortune cookie here XD) You always seem like you’re up for a daring adventure! You’re always ready for whatever God calls you to do. Most people have everything all figured out and planned for their futures, while you’ve given him your future to write His plans on. You have a gentle spirit, and talking to you or reading your words is always like a breath of fresh air to me. Plus, you make us all smile! :))
You are super fun, outgoing, and encouraging!
Can’t think of anything… 🙂
I second that!!
I agree with @mimeforjesus:disqus
A shout out to all of you all that I’ve at the privilege to talk to at one time or another!
Why are people just trying to be nice?!
First, would you rather we be mean? Second, I’m being honest. You know your own faults better than I do, so I know you don’t need me to point them out to you!
Haha! Please don’t be mean, I just want to know what’s glaringly obvious that I need to fix!
Nothing’s glaring, and that’s the truth!
I concur with what Haylie said
I would probably be classified as the quite kid in the corner, although when with people I feel comfortable with, I’m really loud and outgoing.
Are there any other people who feel like a introvert when in large groups but like an extrovert in smaller groups?
Lol! Now that I wrote a comment, I’m just reading comments right now too, and up-voting random ones I like (as well as breaking into conversations.)
I’ll just say one thing: your profile pic is spot on.
So since everyone is asking, and even though it seems self-centered in a way, I’m just curious. How would you define me, guys?
Sam, just so you know. You’re a super fun and friendly person. You’re one of those people who you’re sure to get to know if you’ve been on theReb for any length of time. Thanks for that!
@mimeforjesus:disqus, why did you change your profile?
Just so you know, all the discussions on this post are super cool…and not exactly what you would expect…but look there are already three comments by me at the top of the comments section, so I guess I should stop.
Wait, his name is still Josh A, isn’t it?
Very true, I have an impression of everyone here too.
Like you being the nerd 😉
So true!
It didn’t
There shouldn’t be an “in” thing on the Rebelution.
But yeah
Hannah kind of spilled the beens a few comments up/down depending on what your settings are.
Wait, MimeforJesus 🙂 and Sam S. are siblings?
You’re fun, funny, and your posts are enjoyable to read…even the long ones. 🙂
You and Josh are controlled to…just humorous 🙂
Wow! Good question.
The second one, though the first one’s good to.
Guys, I love how we’re so accepting of each other. I don’t even know you guys, and yet I feel like I know you better than I know a lot of my “real” friends.
You are very encouraging and loving to everyone on here, especially new people. Thank you, sister.
Lol. You seem wise, but quiet. You like to process things before you jump in with your opinion, and you really think about stuff. But let me scroll down to see what Yodah says.
No one likes talking to strangers (except for when their friends are people they’ve never even met except on theReb.)
No…you’re the one who’s popular, bro.
How old are you, Sam? You have to be at least 16?
Praying for you!
Yes indeed!
Sam, that’s really good. His plan is better than ours!
No, we’re not… I’ve never met Sam, although we are originally from the same place. What made you think we’re siblings?
Let me try to say it in one word: welcoming…but you deserve a lot more than one word.
Well, I always get you mixed up with Nathanael Barker, because you guys have similar profile pictures and I’m more of a visual person. But I’ll try.
You are… welcoming, even though you don’t talk much on here. You’re one of the quieter folks (or do you just have a life, unlike us?), but when you do jump into a conversation, you dive in! 🙂
I’m glad to know you, brother!
As if that were an afterthought.
Especially the part about making others feel comfortable.
But she changed her picture 🙁
He’s 16! 🙂 Or maybe he’s 17 now…
I just looked at your blog — we look very similar! Wow, this is cool. You look like you’re into books, and you’re into writing stories and poems. I’m the same way! 🙂 This is great!
I wish I could comment on your blog, but I can’t use that system :/
I just saw that Ana Harris commented on your blog! Do you know her?
Like how you made rebelutionary an adjective. It is such an adjectivey word 🙂
I’m just going to keep replying here 🙂 Your health-nut poem made me laugh!
Ok, since you are the nerd…is there a way to not get tons of notifications from the people you follow but just some?
Aw, thanks! 🙂 I’ve been named the official welcomer of the internet!
Thank you! 🙂 And you haven’t even been around long to know me…
Yeah I did. That was a while ago… Before April 4, I know.
Yeah, you seem like you would be a pretty talkative person in real life. Just your profile pic gives me that…but you actually have a life, so you’re not posting all the time.
No, I can totally see you being a teacher.
Yes! Yes! Totally me! 😉
Thank you.
You are a great friend! You sincerely want to follow God and accept His plan for your life, whatever that takes. When you notice problems about yourself, you try to fix them (like your attitude about your move).
Love ya sister!
I’ve looked at your blog, too! 🙂
Haha! Well, thanks! Maybe one of these days I will be (even if just to my own children or something). 😉
You’ve encouraged me often, albeit indirectly. I’m happy to return the favor!
I’ll be praying for you; anything specific you want to tell me?
Thank you! And its nice to know that at least one person is enjoying my posts even when I get a little lengthy. Hehe! 😉
You’re funny. Not a bad thing. Just thought I would mention it under a comment where you’re being funny!
Ooh, Brooklyn! You’re wonderful, sweet, kind, outgoing, I can tell you love Jesus, you have a heart for orphans, you are really friendly, and funny. I feel like I know you even though we’ve never met! And I love your blog. 🙂
How did you see that?
I enjoy them!
Wow! This is terrifying/exciting! MimeforJesus read my blog.
I’m too tired to look for it now, but one of the comments said you had a brother named Sam or something. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Thank you, @mimeforjesus:disqus! 🙂
You’re probably not going to believe me, but she’s my sister 🙂
Wow, thanks, Laura!
I can die happy now. I have had the popular people of the Reb view my blog. 😉
Well thank you, I’ll take that as a compliment!
*Eyes widen and jaw drops*
Yep… I exhibit extrovert behavior when I’m with people that I know, but if I’m with strangers or people I don’t know very well, I’m more like an extrovert. Say, are you on Revive?
Would you believe it? That crossed my mind… somewhere I
think I heard about a brother named John. (Or am I totally off?)
Ach, I’m just a normal person! But thank you 🙂
A normal person who happens to be the top commenter and one of the most popular people on the Reb/Revive…
One of the characters in one of my stories had a sibling named John. Maybe that’s what you were thinking of.
Just so you know, Brett is actually a great person: not just online.
Hmm, okay. Maybe that’s where I got it.
Of course to you, you’re just a normal person.
Good to know! My friend met Brett and Alex once, but she didn’t know *who* they were until she got home… then she felt like kicking herself, because she loves Do Hard Things!
But not to everyone else on theReb
Uh-huh… right. That’s a really weird thought!
Yeah, it’s so weird talking to Alex because it feels like I know him a lot better than I do. The twin thing, you know
Weird thought! I’m perfectly normal! I don’t do important things like Trent, Sam, Christopher, Brett, Rachel, Lauren… the list goes on. Why am I special?
haha, yeah I guess so. ttyl!
I met Alex years ago back when they were still doing the conferences. 🙂 He also signed my copy of Do Hard Things. 🙂
So… you don’t know him as well?
Oh, you could tell me! He graduated this year?
okay, now ttyl!
I would totally put you in that group though. What @defyingdepravity:disqus said
ttyl? Brett’s basically my older brother (brother-in-law is about the same thing). He’s one of my closest friends. I know Alex, but I don’t like see him all the time. And yes, he did graduate this year. I went with Brett on a rode trip to his graduation.
Now I am curious about this poem. Where can I read it? It sounds interesting. 😉
Oh, dear! Hannah’s reading my poem too…I better take my blogs link out of my bio.
I am so confused right now.
It means “talk to you later”. Because it’s bedtime over here.
Fine, here’s the link: http://herotails.blogspot.com/2014/02/the-song-of-health-nut.html
Same here kind of.
Well, ttyl then. *rolls eyes* online talk these days.
Haha! No! Don’t do it! I love poetry. I haven’t found your poem yet though, but the search is on. 😉 You are more than welcome to read my blog in exchange for me reading your blog. I have several poems on my own blog that you are welcome to read if you so desire, but can’t say that I am a good poet or anything. 😉
It’s a silly poem though, and btw. I sent you the link somewhere. Here it is again: http://herotails.blogspot.com/…
Thank you Amanda! I hope to meet ya sometime!
Yeah, really!
Thanks! I read it! Its great, seriously! I was just looking over some old poems that I had written a few years ago and your poem is nothing near as silly as I used to write and probably still do. 😉 You’re a great poet! Keep it up!
Since Finney Ongole hasn’t asked what we think of him, I’m just going to say a little something because he deserves it. Hey @finneyongole:disqus, if you happen to read this, I wanted to let you know that even though I haven’t read that much stuff by you, I can tell that your heart is for the Lord and for your brothers and sisters in Christ. You really encouraged me with what you said about prayer on a question I asked, so I want to thank you for that and encourage you to keep going strong. Thanks so much!
Well, thanks! I’ll probably check out your blog sometime when I’m not supposed to be in bed an hour ago.
Haha! I actually need to go to bed too. I am supposed to attempt to get up early enough tomorrow morning to see the sun rise (so like 5am) because I am at the beach and I feel like its a must to see the sun rise at least once while at the beach. 😉
I was kidding. I have been pretty public about my state!
Ah, good catch! The common thing, then! How’s that?
I just have noticed you! Like I said you try to include everyone and it shows! 😀
Yes this is true. 🙁
Thanks! Honestly I haven’t been on here long and I just had a feeling it would be like: Wow you’ve been here for what 2 weeks and you just know everyone! Weirdo. (And I am not even on all that often!)
Yes I agree with @liv737johnoxide:disqus! I love reading your posts! (I personally like long ones because I am a reading nerd…)
That is SO cool!! I just got excited!! 😉
WOW!! I’d love to spend a day with Brett!!
I’m loving this conversation! LOI.
LOL!! You guys are funny!!
Same here!
We sure do a LOT of talking, but it’s great though!!
@programguy:disqus Are u on right now?
Haha! Thanks, Christina! That is really encouraging!
Woah, really?!?!? That’s so cool! =P
That wasn’t me, but I’ll have to check Revive out now. People say good things about it.
So, right now I don’t get any email notifications of things that people I follow write, and maybe there is somewhere where I can see that on the Disqus website, but I hardly ever go there. I guess I was just wondering if there’s a way to get email notifications about the people I follow without getting flooded with emails. Get what I’m trying to say?
*rolls eyes* Trent’s supposed to be the Yodah guy, not you. I’m 14.
It’s in my bio btw.
Because God made you special, and He loves you very much. 😉 *You got that, right??*
Not yet. I’ll have to talk to my parents before I get on there.
Ok, is this profile better. Now you won’t be mixing us up.
Yep!! I went to bed around 2:30 am! Horrible I know!! 😉
K. Thanks!
Well, well, I see you’re following me! Was that an accident?!! 😉
Well, my new profile pic is her.
Like your new pic!
LOI, I’m flattered!
12:30 is not that late, especially for the summer!
Yeah, I’m actually not getting the proper rest, and haven’t been for several months. The week of Christmas I was up late every night. I can be totally alert and awake at 2,3 am sometimes. It’s horrible. Going to bed early doesn’t really help. I’ve tried.
I’d love to talk all day but that’s too much computer time, plus I’m getting ready to leave the house. I really enjoy talking to you Sam! Catch you later. Have a great day!
WHAT?!?! Cool beans!
Nice reference!
Yep, that’s me. So I’m never sure how to describe myself when people ask the introvert/extrovert question. I guess I’m not the only one!
I love talking on theReb!
Same thing here.
Yes! Hehehe…
Haha thanks, I like to be quiet, I don’t really talk unless I have something important to say, but I notice everything. Literally. A few months ago some people in my neighborhood painted their front door a different color, I immediately noticed it and when I pointed it out to my family, no one had noticed it. This is one of my favorite quotes-
“Don’t underestimate me because I’m quiet. I know more than I say, think more than I speak and observe more than you know.” -Michaela Chung
Me too!!
I know what you mean! I’m so grateful for you guys 🙂 And so you know, i really appreciate your considerate input, and your heart for Jesus, liv737johnoxide!
Awww… I think you’re fun to talk to also! 🙂 I’ll try to get some long lasting sleep, but I’ll probably be up late tonight too, although not quite that late! Don’t know. We shall see.
How was your day? Did you do anything productive or exciting? I’m getting ready to go out and practice driving with my Dad in a little while. Do you drive?
I have one friend who’s kind of quiet, yet he’s so friendly and fun to be around. I think sometimes the quiet people are also the wise ones.
Thanks, Haylie. You are an inspiration to a lot of us on theReb.
“Did you hit anybody???” Ha, that’s what I say to one of my friends who’s learning to drive. 🙂
Haha! She always assures me that “Don’t worry, Lauren, I didn’t hit anyone!” But I always have to jab at her a little bit. Just for fun. 🙂
TC always does that to me. I always list off all the things I hit, “Two squirrels, a possum, a puppy, those two pedestrians, and a mailbox. Oh, and a lightpole.”
Uhhh, no… 🙂
Totally, totally off-topic. But…
MimeforJesus Yo GodsThespian, where are ya? Haven’t seen you around.
GodsThespian Huh? *scrambles to shut off computer* I’m here, Mimey.
MimeforJesus What are you doing? I told you to leave my computer alone!
GodsThespian Ummm, well…
MimeforJesus Were you online?! Mom told you to stop impersonating me! You have no idea how hard it was for me to fix it last time you took over my account — one guy took my old name, and then I had to tell him I needed it back, and everyone was confused about who I was, and why I was MFJ, then I wasn’t, then I was MFJ again, and who this other guy was if he wasn’t MFJ… It was a mess. Thesie, please tell me you weren’t using Disqus!
GodsThespian Nope! I wasn’t using Disqus. But Expedia? That’s another matter. Really, Mimey, you should learn not to leave yourself signed in! Well, I think I’ve taught you a lesson… I just bought you a one-way airplane ticket to Michigan!
MimeforJesus WHAT?!?! *clenches fist* If you weren’t three years younger…
GodsThespian I think I hear my Mommy calling!
Well, folks, it seems that I have a ticket for a trip to my sister’s house! I’ll be there for a little over a month, with very limited internet access, so as far as y’all will be able to see, I’m disappearing for a month starting on Tuesday. Have fun, keep encouraging, and stay Rebelutionary! 😀
Haha! Great have fun! 😀
I wasn’t productive on Friday, so I’ll have to do some school today and Monday. Yep, I’m still doing some school – just math, and finishing up my world geography. Almost done with that! I feel like hibernating for a while, and not do anything. I’d love to go somewhere away from everybody and everything and just spend time with Jesus everyday all day!! Just me, Him, some books and journals; do some blogging, work on the book I’m writing with my bestie, ride some horses, and just relax without any responsibilities or deadlines hanging on my shoulders. No technology, chores, etc, but rather long walks and conversations with God in the great outdoors. Being amazed and in awe of His awesome creation! Doesn’t that sound amazing, and refreshing?!!!!! I would miss talking to you though, and everybody else!!
Driving went well. Haha!! No, I didn’t hit anybody! Everybody’s safe and sound!! 😉 I went today too, but this time I was on the streets with more cars. I drove through about 4 or 5 lights, and merged on a highway, but got right off at the exit. Driving is fun! Do you have your permit? How old are you?
I’ll miss you!! Have a good time!
Well here is a going away gift for you and for someone else as well:
Along time ago, in a living room far far away, there was…
The Yoda Dialogs
On a theplanet of uncertainty in a house of weirdness, Yoda, the Jedi of Comedy andTrent, the Reluctant Roommate, talk of the current unfolding events… but not without the looming threat of the Sith constantly searching for their top secret whereabouts……
Trent: Yoda, why must you continue breaking the refrigerator
door? *Hears a soda popping sound from the kitchen*
Yoda: (from kitchen) Because lock the door you do! *Walks in with Mountain Dew in hand*
Trent: You really need to get a life.
Yoda: Hmm…*sits down on large green chair* Have no life, I do?? One who locks the fridge, YOUare.
Trent: I wouldn’t have to lock the fridge if you didn’t keep
stealing the Mountain Dew for the party!
Yoda: *shrugs indifferently* Buy more you can.
Trent: I did. And you still managed to drink ALL of it.
Yoda: Hmm… High metabolism I have. Need caffeine I do.
Trent: What? The most physically exerting thing you do is
walk across the street to the mailbox!
Yoda: Hmm.. In nighty degree weather, very difficult this
task is.
Trent: *decides not to press Yoda further* Are you at least ready for the party tomorrow?
Yoda: *coughs up Mountain Dew* Party? What party?
Trent: The one we were just talking about, two minutes ago.
Yoda: Hmm… Remember, I do not.
Trent: Are you losing it Yoda?
Yoda: When 900 years old YOU be, have this good of memory,
YOU will not.
Trent: Whatever. So the party?
Yoda: *Squirms* For who, did you say this party was?
Trent: It’s for Rachel Joy, you know, cause she’s moving out of state?
Yoda: Hmm… *Looks puzzled*
Trent: The coffee lady.
Yoda: EEEEEKKKK!!!!! *Grabs toe*
Trent: What’s wrong?
Yoda: Stubbed my toe, I have!
Trent: But you’re sitting down.
Yoda: *Lets go oftoe* Oh…
Trent: *rollseyes*
Yoda: Judge not young Padawan!
Trent: Anyway, back to the party we were talking about.
Yoda: Hmm… No! Yes! No!
Trent: What now?
Yoda: Talking about it, YOU were. Drinking Mountain Dew, was.
Trent: *Looks up* Why do I even bother?
Yoda: Because WISE I am.
Trent: Nut job.
Yoda: *Finishes can of Mountain Dew and reaches for another one*
Trent: Give me that! *Grabs and pulls on the can*
Yoda: MINE! *Grabs and pulls back*
Trent: *Lets go, sending Yoda falling backwards*
Yoda: *Slowlystands up and limps back to chair*
Yoda & Trent: *Silence*
Yoda: Going where is she?
Trent: Oklahoma.
Yoda: Hmm… Scared she should be.
Trent: Why, the tornados?
Yoda: *Scoffs* No biggie those windy days are!
Trent: They destroy entire neighborhoods.
Yoda: Exaggerated the reports are…
Trent: *Rolls eyes* Than what?
Yoda: Afraid of The Virus she should be.
Trent: The what?
Yoda: Hmm… No cure is there. Once exposed, changes you it
Trent: We should warn her! Maybe she can avoid it! *stands up*
Yoda: Hmm… Sit down you must. Much more there is to discuss.
Trent: *Sits down*
Yoda: Spread by the locals, it is. Notice it at first you
will. Over time, more invisible to you, it becomes. Changes you it does.
Trent: What do you mean? What are the symptoms?
Yoda: Hmm… Can turn even a northerner it can. Changes your name it does. Hmm… Even changes your dress style it can.
Trent: And-
Yoda: *holds upsmall green hand* Worse than all the final symptom is…
Trent: What?
Yoda: Start to like Country Music, you do.
Trent: Huh?
Yoda: *Nods head* Hmmm… Start to say crazy things she will! Turn into “Y’all”, the word “You” will. Even use “Pardner” she may. Replace sandals, boots and cowboy hats will!
Trent: No… it can’t be… That’s impossible!
Yoda: Hmm… Yes. A country girl, Rachel Joy will become….
Well here is a going away gift for you since you love my little green friend so much. 😀
Since I only asked one person before, I’ll ask anyone who wants to comment,
If you had to describe me, what would you say?
This. Was. Hilarious!!!
Were you hurt? In the -running the mower into trees and stuff.
Well, that’s good!
Okay, I think your funny and smart.
But, I don’t really know you very well. This is just what I observe.
Its ok Yoda! No need to worry about the country virus. It would never happen to me, partner.
*walks away humming “Jesus Take the Wheel” and clanking spurs*
Thanks…. I think! 😉
I LOVE horses, and hope to have a few one day! I blog in a notebook for now when I can. My last ‘post’ was in March. It’s entitled “Courting versus Dating.”
Hey, I’m 16 too, but who’s older? Hmm…. 😉 I’ll be 17 in a couple months. Why is it easier? You’ve hit stuff while driving the lawn mower!! Really!! How? Anyways, driving is easy, for the most part!!
Ha, well since I *DON’T GET NOTIFICATIONS OF GETTING TAGGED* (;)), I only just saw this…
I don’t know you, that’s true, but I think I’ve told you before what I think of you. And there’s nothing glaringly obvious, so I got nuttin. Sorry.
Niiiiiice… I’m pretty sure that’s probably true, though.
Eeeek! YODA!!!!!
Really, thank you so much! That was a great way to start my time at home after a bit of stressful shopping 🙂
XD XD XD oh yeah
So I am watching “One other person is typing”, waiting for an intelligent response begging Rachel not to sing that terribly awful song, and all I see is a “=P”. Really, Josh?!?
Don’t sound so melancholy!
Good. 🙂
Sam? Melancholy? Never! 🙂
I was 15 last year!! 😉 When’s your birthday?
Thank you! I’m about to show this to my sister… who is an avid fan, too 🙂
Oh, ok!! 😉 Well mine is Aug. 3rd.
Haha! What, “Jesus Take the Wheel” is a great song! Better than a lot of other country songs, let me tell you!
The Tim Hawkins version is much better, in my humble opinion. (Is it apparent I’m a big Tim Hawkins fan??)
Really! Interesting!
Signing off for now, but I’ll TTYS. Have a great evening Sam! 🙂
Well, not really. And come to think of it, you’re not always the bouncy Samwich I think of.
Yep it’s apparent! And I agree… it’s funny!
Not going to sleep yet though. By the way I went to sleep around 12:30 this time instead of 2:30. Proud of me? 😉
Signing off for real now!! BYE!!
You totally have to!
Well, I already did…
Thank you! But… confession time — in arguments i tend to exacerbate the problem rather than be the peacemaker. The only reason why I can do it here is, I have to think through my answer *before* I post it. Otherwise it wouldn’t be purty.
Why are you speechless?
Oops, sorry 🙂 So, when are you gonna finish?
I see it!
I too have no “real” TV!
Ah! One thing I’ve noticed… On SOG, when someone is not commenting in a good way, you correct them but you come off so not confrontational. It’s great how you do that 🙂
I’m hurt. You have no confidence in my driving skills! Course neither does my mother…
Well, technically you’ve never been around me… 🙂 But i don’t know, I just think of you as a generally happy person.
Aw, thank you!
And you’re pretty correct…
So sad… I just unsubscribed to this thread so y’all don’t flood my inbox while I”m gone. :`(
Your welcome! 😀
This is always a good country song…..
You remember how I was telling y’all about OnePoint weekend in my story here? 🙂
I have confidence in no one’s driving skills except for my dear mother. Just get used to it kid.
AAAHHHH, why does everyone call me kid? You’re like person number three in two weeks!
@trent_blake:disqus, here is how I would describe you just from reading some of your comments and glancing at your blog a few times. I see you as a young man who is hungry to learn more about God daily and desirous to obey and keep his commandments and live for his glory. Although, I have never met you, I see you as a real gentleman, kind, tenderhearted, soft-spoken but bold, gentle, and far more responsible than most guys your age. You also have a good sense of humor. 😉
well…that’s one interesting way to phrase that…
I think I have you beat! If I am remembering correctly, I’ve hit a cat, a dog, possums, squirrels, a crate, another car, and probably other things as well and I almost broke into a torrent of tears every time. And all of that is the truth. 🙂 That’s not to mention all of the very close calls I have had.
JUST KIDDING!!!!! Sorry, I’ve never even heard the song lol.
Trent, Your passion for Jesus is so contagious! You do seem mature for your age, observant, and thoughtful. Your Yoda conversations are refreshingly hilarious, but more importantly you have a heart for your Savior. Way to go, man!
This confirms that Yoda is awesome… drink Mountain Dew he does 😛
*randomly (rudely) enters conversation* You’re 16? Huh, somewhere i got the idea that you were 18 😛 Haha.
I think this depends. I have people that would describe me very differently. Some positive, some not. I think more than just trying to get a good reputation, its important to focus on God. I often get trapped in the thing of, “Make everyone happy, right now.” That’s who I am, my personality. But I can’t always do that. I just need Jesus, nobody else’s opinion really matters!
Just so ya’ll know, too. Me online is very different from me in real life. Me with adults is very different from me with teens or kids. So really, I just need to focus on God and his thoughts of me, otherwise I get way too consumed trying to make everyone happy and like me at the same time!
Wow, I admit defeat (even if mine were true!). And you seemed like such a good girl… 🙂
You mean you really did hit two people?! That is the only part I couldn’t believe. I think you will need to explain that to me. 🙂
Maybe I am just not a good driver, actually I know I am not. Haha! But in my defense, a lot of those times it was when I was driving back from work during night and driving along a bunch of dark country back roads and wasn’t able to see the creature dart out in front of me in time. 😉
Oh, okay 🙂 Now i get it!
No, even if mine were true, you would still have beaten me!
Aw, thank you!
I just turned off “Watchin’ You” to listen to this…
What is this about???
Not that this wasn’t worth it 🙂
I will!
I’ll miss you too!
Sorry to hear that. I’ll be praying!
Haha! Oh, and I didn’t even mention the rabbit or bunny. 😉
Yeah, don’t learn any driving skills from me. Haha! But seriously I am thankful to be alive today because there are a couple times when things could have been a lot worse than it was. 😉
There’s honesty for ya… 🙂
Hmmm… You’re a quieter type, but when you do speak, words of wisdom flow from your fingertips (cause you’re on a computer ;). From your blog, I’ve seen that you strive to do what God wants you to do, whatever it takes. I don’t know you all that well, unfortunately… Oh, but I do know that you have an awesome UK accent!
That’s what I’m here for, brother!
I’ll take your word for it. *note to self: never drive with Hannah!* 🙂
I’d think you know me in person! This is totally me!
Haha! And maybe never drive near Hannah either. 😉
*note to self: never drive with Hannah!*
*note to self: never drive with, near, or anywhere close to Hannah!*
Just to let y’all know, I’ll be very busy for the next few weeks, so I won’t be on here very often, unfortunately!
Am I “person number three”, or am I LIKE “person number three”??
Lieutenant Laurensky, you are roughly the third person to do that. My taekwondo school guys jokingly called me “kid” while I was prepping for worlds.
That is hilarious! I love that Yoda has a thing for Mountain Dew! How long did it take you to think this up? 🙂
I know that I am brand new to this website, but how would you describe me?
Just curious 🙂
Aww we’ll miss you! Hopefully you can get everything done that you need to 🙂
dude……….. that was great. I’m like never on the Reb anymore, but that was great
@Haylie Yeah, I’m helping with a summer enrichment program at my church. Working with kids from 1st to 8th grade. Today it went well, but I’m exhausted!! We’re there at 7:30 am or so in the morning until about 2pm. Yep! Please pray!
A mature, good-natured guy who loves the Lord and is able to see his own life in the light of God’s word. I don’t know you very well, but you have been a blessing to me.
Ack, I’m afraid I’ve never had a conversation with you, so I don’t know yet! Hopefully we’ll fix that at some point during your time over here though!
Praying for you <3
nice!! Dude how long does it take you to write these?
who in their right mind wouldn’t be??
very nice. we’re all proud of you
Ha ha!! 🙂 You brought a smile to my face!
okay so I’ve hardly ever been on this site before but the community I can see on here is awesome. you are the coolest kid out. you deserve a gold star:)
Ok, thanks anyways! 🙂
Thank you for your thoughts! That is really good to keep in mind!
About an hour plus adding the HTML code (what makes the bold and Italics ). But I need an inspiration first. Lol
Thanks Katie! I appreciate the feedback. All I’m doing is using the gifts God gives me. 🙂
Haha. 🙂 Maybe
well hope you get more inspiration!
Hahaha – do we ramble on that much??!!!
Wow – that is totally right. Trent is a really nice guy.
That is so cool! You should write some more! 🙂
Have you ever used them as presents for friends or family?
On this thread? Yes!
Wow, thank you for putting so much time into these!
HI everyone! I’m actually going to be here some of the time: ) I won’t tell talking as much as normal, but I’m not totally disappearing: D
Only y’all!
Thank you. My thoughts exactly.
no problem…
I second that! 😀
Hey, that rhymed. ;D
Haha! I didn’t even notice that. 😉
Well I gues people would say that I am quite. I am not shy though. I get really talkative when people talk about something that I’m interested in. If that makes sense.
Just to let you know, I won’t be on here after today, I will be back maybe on Friday, or Saturday. My youth group has the privileged of going to Equip Camp in Nevada City. So prayers would be appreciated. Also, is anyone else going? It would be cool to meet one of y’all.
My picture, or my name? I changed my picture because it had been some random image from the Internet; this picture is actually of my mime face.
My name is harder to explain…
Yep. We’re talking about his username (the one you use to tag somebody).
You’re welcome! 🙂 What are sisters for? 🙂
Really? I try… but sometimes I think I fail.
It’s cool! 🙂
I was poking around on there! 🙂 Muahaha, nothing is kept secret from MFJ!
I still maintain my normalness. 😉
I’ll pray for you to!
You guys always find a way to make me laugh! 🙂
I second that to!
Out of curiosity, how would you guys describe me?
We do our best!
Thanks. The last day is this Thursday. Going well, just tired.
Well it works! I can always use a laugh!
Words are so powerful.
Although I’ve only been commenting here since this March, I’ve been avidly reading the posts here for several years, and thus I already had opinions of some of you guys before I joined. It’s amazing how what we say contributes to the reputation we might have even among people whom we don’t know are watching.
I’m a bit like that too.
Sorry, I don’t think I’ve “met” you on here before. So, based on this question, I guess I’d describe you as someone curious. 🙂
Bye guys, see ya on Friday or Saturday!! 🙂
Bye, Emma! 🙂
Emma, i think you are a thoughtful girl with a sweet personality. I think you are representing Jesus well, Emma! Keep it up!
Wow, that’s such a good point, Samuel. I too read articles on here a lot before i started commenting. Haylie the online ghost has actually been around awhile 😉
This might interest you! http://www.wordcloud.me/
ok… now that there is a little more to go on, I’ll reask the question, what about me? 😀
HA! Well said! I say ditto.
It’s true 🙂
I still don’t agree, but I’ll let it slide. Active does not mean popular!
That could be… I don’t remember anymore.
Well, here goes…
When you participate in the discussions, you have great feedback for all of us. You sound a lot like a brother of mine, actually; you pay attention to detail, and you grew up with a lot of sisters. You like getting to know people 🙂
Sorry, I haven’t been around much to see ya, so this was the most I had for you.
But I’d enjoy getting to know you better!
Ha! all true. I’m trying to be more active here than in some of my other places (i.e. the spotify troubleshooting community), so maybe sometime I’ll be as well known as, oh, say, @trent_blake:disqus!
You’re on Spotify? If you’re cool with it, I’d like to follow you… you could give me your name on there, or you could fine me — I’m mimeforJesus on there, too. 🙂
Anyhoo… I hope to see you around, then! I’m pretty well known on here, although *everyone* knows Trent Blake.
my username is dflynam I’m open to people following me! 😀
Cool! 🙂 I found you!
My “July” playlist is still in the works… :^) Feel free to offer suggestions!
Okay! I’m not very up to date on music, I tend to be about three months behind everyone else, but if I have any July favorites I’ll suggest them!
*clears throat* Who is Finney Ongole?
I am one who rebels against low expectations… yep, that sounds cool to me!
You’re dying now, too? What will happen to this generation? Teens are dying right and left from surprise! (You’ve been around @Kittenese:disqus too much, I think.)
haha, yep I know what an achievement that is! (Funny thing, when I first joined up I looked at how many comments you had on here and thought I’d never get that many…)
Let me list… You’ve given advice, encouragement, and a whole host of other good things to us folks on here.
You put together a really, really cool website, which you continue to moderate.
You cut back on your time here a while ago (something I’ve done some, and I know how hard it is!)
Den dere’s other stuff, but it’s from Revive so… yeah.
Not that you don’t do easy stuff sometimes, but you’re not content to stick to the easy things. I’m not trying to say that you’ve arrived and you have now done Hard Things, but… you’ve done a whole lot more than me!
Ehhh, you said it on here somewhere. It was when Ethan and I were talking about how old we were, and I said I was sixteen and you jumped in and said you were sixteen too. Then you said you didn’t want to say what month you were — is this ringing a bell?
But thank you, I didn’t even think about *how* I knew this, I just jumped in with my information. I’ll be more careful.
Yeah, well…
You’re talking about ME?! *dies*
I actually forgot how much I enjoy doing that, thanks for the reminder! XD
You died too?! What is this world coming to?
Well, what else was I supposed to do?? XD
Christy ____, that wasn’t the idea…
That was blunt!
Ahh, okay. You say it, like, in real life? That would be a little odd…
*sighs in relief* I was starting to wonder if I’d dreamed it… because you normally remember everything!
Hmm, good point.
Thanks? 🙂
Oh, now I get it 🙂
I think he is! Good memory! (I’ll have to check later 🙂
Yes, I did get that. I grew up on Veggietales!!!
Best. Quote. Ever.
Yes, that profile is better 🙂 (She’s sooo cute!)
Wow, you would have figured it out because of Ramona?! It would take a lot more than that for me…
Come on, MFJ, we both know that’s exactly what you wanted me to do. 😉 Great minds!
Sam, this is totally off topic but umm Revive seems to be messing up. It says its forbidden and that I can’t access it. Is it down?
It is? Actually I didn’t think you’d come out of hiding to answer!
Hey Aaron! Your account disappeared on Revive… everything okay?
Hey Miss Jean
How are you doing?
Thanks for asking. I lost a sister two months ago and another sister has terminal cancer. Not anything I would wish for, but God has been a lifter of my head. His Word is invaluable in keeping up hope when the road gets long and dark. But I pray always that His will be done and that He is with us always. I am learning another deepening of my faith for His glory.
May God exceedingly bless you and keep you. You are so kind.
Lol 🙂 Well, I’d like to say that I would always respond when tagged, but I don’t get notified. :/ I just had the luck of stumbling across your comment!
It’s not your fault! Was it just me, or were you thankful for that little piece of information? 🙂
You’re welcome, Miss Jean. Praise God for helping you through this! I will be continuing to pray for you. 🙂
yeah, I really with Disqus would notify us for tags…
Hey Aaron 🙂 Wanna chat? I’m on for a while
Has it been down because of you before?
I don’t remember any time like that! 🙂 Thank you for all the time you’ve put into Revive. I doubt we know the half of it!
I’m not even going to ask what people think of me on here. unfortunately, i am slightly obnoxious, overly opinionated, and a little too enthusiastic on here. Oops, I guess I went a little overboard. I would do it differently if I could again. But my parents did do for my sixteenth birthday party, have people write letters to me. It was so sweet and everyone was really nice to me and it was enough praise to boost my ego a bit. Thanks for sharing, Gabrielle!
Hey, I’m here now.
Liana… you don’t come across slightly obnoxious, overly opinionated, and a little too enthusiastic, you have been great! 🙂 I love it when you contribute to the discussions 🙂
thanks, you’re sweet! I guess its just that since I am so quiet in real life, I feel way too outgoing on here. Dangerous ground for me. And I thought of you twice last week. So we went to my grandparents to see friends and family from out of town. We weren’t there two seconds before they started talking about politics. 😛 And then there was a day when it was rainy and humid. I am not kidding or exaggerating one bit, my hair looked like something erupted in it. It was seriously trying to mimic an afro. I almost considered snapping a selfie and sending it to you. My family laughed so hard when I came downstairs. It was hilarious!
🙂 Aww, that’s too bad. Time to zone out! 😛 Ohh no! Hope you didn’t have to go anywhere like that…
hey I am online
Me too. See you over at CIU
im on
Okay 🙂 I’m over on CIU right now.
Hey there 🙂 I’m on for a little while, not sure how long I’ll be here but at least half an hour
Yea we can chat but I am using an iPad so the chat in my blog might not work
I am on now at chat
Ok… well, will you be around in about half an hour? My sister wants me to do something. It would be best if we could chat afterward.
It doesn’t make any sense that they don’t. Ends up that I usually don’t even bother…
wouldn’t ya know, I did. 😛 I got a couple weird stares. But anything for quality time with mom, right! i don’t get that much with three other siblings 🙂
Okay, thank you! How did you know about him?
didn’t see this till now. Talk over on your blog?
Yeah, quality time with your mom is great — even worth going out in public with a halfway afro! 😉
Ahh, okay. 🙂
I feel like a lot of the time, it is easier to be a different person around different friends, anybody else feel like that sometimes? I have been trying to work on it, I have had to let some of my friends go because they were influencing me in bad ways way too much. In the place of those friends, I have found others, who honor God and put him first in their lives. As I travel down this path, and as I dream of becoming a missionary pilot, I ask that you guys would be praying for me, that I would be consistently living Christ’s love no matter who I am around. 🙂 Thanks!
Hi Aaron, I’m going to be online for a while… if you want to chat. 🙂
Hi Dane! Yeah, I feel like that too… I’m very different depending on who I’m with. I’ll pray for you!
Is there an area in which you hope to be a missionary pilot? I want to do missions work myself, which is why I’m asking. I always love to talk to similar people!
Thank you for your prayers! They mean more than many people ever realize. I don’t have a specific area that I am planning on working/living in; I am trying to leave that aspect up to God. As of right now though, I am wrapping up a summer internship with Alas De Socorro (MAF) in Shell, Ecuador. I felt God calling me to come to Shell and intern with them to further my knowledge and experience about how mission aviation and missions in general work. What area(s) of missions are you interested in?
No thank you.
You okay? I mean, if you’re busy I totally get it. But if something’s wrong with my friends, I want to know about it.
I’m fine.
Okay, maybe another time?
Okay, well… it sounds like something’s going on. If you don’t want to tell me, I’ll accept that but I’m a little concerned for you. I know what we can do if you don’t want to share on here… go through chat, I’ll check there every evening or something. Okay? You can delete what you want, over there. I’m praying for whatever is going on.
I don’t want to seem creepy or anything, I’m just concerned.
Hey, I just left you a message over on your blog. I’m really sorry…
You’re welcome! Well, I’m not really sure of anything yet, God planted this idea in my mind about a month ago. But right now I’m thinking of studying nursing, and then going somewhere to open a home for abused girls. I don’t know where, or anything like that, I just know that’s where God wants me. 🙂 So, how old are you? I assumed you’re a high schooler like me, but a summer internship sounds like you’re older? I’m 16.
I am going to be turning 16 this next month. I feel led to become a missionary pilot in the future. I am not sure where, or when, but I am looking forward to the journey that God has planned for me. This internship was part of that journey and I feel that through it God has confirmed that this is something that He wants me to do. Where would you be thinking of studying nursing? Also, what do you prefer to be called?
I totally get where you are coming from. Putting on different faces for different people is something I really struggle with (or don’t struggle with enough). Praying for you! I think it’s so cool that you want to become a missionary!
You are a Biblically sound, strongly opinionated (in the best way possible) dude. You are friendly, but you don’t shy away from conflict. I think you’re pretty awesome!
@trent_blake:disqus, @programguy:disqus, and @mimeforjesus:disqus … the top commenters of all time. (Oh, and did I forget @GuitarwithArms:disqus)
*Everyone* knows you too. You forget how much I freaked when I heard you read my blog.
I don’t listen to popular music period. Weird homeschoolers are we.
And your name isn’t even Haylie!
M4J is #1, Sam is 2, Trent is 3. That leaves me as measly old #4 lol….so you didn’t have to mention me! ;P
Can you actually see who comments the most? @programguy:disqus would know. He knows everything computer related, but hey, @GuitarwithArms:disqus, you count as one of the top commenters. You comment at least once on every single post… I think.
yeah, but I haven’t been on here in, like, forever. I mean, I’ll answer comments, but I haven’t commented regularly since before I went to my sister’s….
I’m #20 @GuitarwithArms:disqus, so you have nothing to cry about! (Evil laugh) :^[
How long have you four been on here anyway?
All right, all right. I give up, (almost) everyone knows me. Happy now? 🙂
Say, can you tell me anything about your plans in restricted countries? I’m looking at missions myself, and it’s always cool to talk to somebody like that! ‘Course, I understand that you can’t talk about it much…
Exactly! I mean, Christian music I know kinda well, within certain genres, but popular stuff? No, thank you!
Cool, I’m 16 too! I’m not sure where I would study nursing, I’m looking around. That part of the missionary idea came to me in the past few days, so I haven’t had long to poke around and see how it would work out. 🙂 Oh, most people make up names… I normally go by MFJ, M4J, Mimey, or (my real first name) Laura. 🙂
Yeah, I prefer not to say very much about what I want to do. You said you want to be a nurse?
Are your parents names Holly and Rick by any chance?
Do you listen to Switchfoot at all?
I’m really interested in writing, so I might do something like be a teacher, but I’m not really interested in teaching English as a second language. I don’t know. Maybe I could tutor or something.
Plus, some people have just been around for longer!
Ummm… How did you know?! (Sorry, but would you mind editing that out?)
I’ve listened to a couple of their songs, but I haven’t looked up the artist ever. Yet. 🙂 But what I heard, I liked.
Well, that part came up in the past few days. But mission work, definitely. Nursing seems like a good skill to have in that line of work, and… yeah, I just think it would be good. Idk, that may not happen.
This whole idea has only solidified in the last month, so I haven’t had long to think about any of this! I’m just thankful that God showed me what He wants me to do. I was beginning to get thoroughly bored, until this came up. 😀
Wow. Thanks, I have actually been thinking about this a lot lately. I am trying to be the bold person in Christ I want to be and I know God wants me to be!
Yes, you go to where it says “the Rebelution” and click on “top commenters”. =)
Yeah, but you still have way more than anyone else! =P
They’re the best. Also, Brooke Fraser is pretty awesome!
I’ll remember that next time (this time) 😉
Does it actually just look at how many comments people make, or does it take into account how many likes they get?
Really? Cause it shows some people that I know have more comments under other people that have less. That’s weird!
It’s just the number of comments on the Reb. It would be cool though, if they took likes and followers into account! =)
I haven’t heard of her! (Him?)
It’s fine! But… how did you know that?!
Yeah… geez Louise, I spent a lot of time on here!
I guessed it since I know your email.
Her. It’s *totally* not strange for a guy listen to female singers, is it?
She’s awesome and very unique!
Oh. Smart! 🙂
No, it’s not weird… I listen to guy singers about half the time myself.
I’ll look her up. 🙂
On a totally random note, do you play any instruments other than guitar?
And have you heard of Animusic?
Hey all, how would you describe me?
I do! I play piano quite a bit more than I play guitar lol. Hbu?
I have not! What is it?
It’s hard to explain, but there are guitars with arms in it, so that’s why I thought of you. You should look it up on youtube! It’s like animations that go with music.
Piano is the best! I play piano, and I like singing. I’m more into classical music and improv, and I want to do jazz. But, I’m not experienced with like contemporary music. Are you? And do you do like techno stuff on the computer?
Lol ok!
Me too, I’m mainly into classical! What pieces do you like?
I’ve never done techno stuff no, but I’ve done a little teeny little bit with garage band. but not much. Hbu?
Hmmmm… I really like sadder, slower pieces, but not pieces that are all boring arpeggiations. Have you heard of the Sick Doll by… *goes and checks* *is too lazy to go and check* *sits on his bumb*… Tchaikovsky (asked my piano major sister)?
I don’t do techno stuff, but my cousin does and he’s pretty good at it. I don’t really like techno stuff though. It doesn’t have the same life behind it that classical and even contemporary music has, and I hate really squeaky noises.
I’ve recorded some really terrible stuff on garageband when I was younger. Now, I’m trying to compose some music though.
Lol, I haven’t actually. Have you ever heard of Chopin’s Heroic Polonaise? It’s definitely not a sad slow piece lol but it’s one of my favorites to play. =)
Yeah, I don’t like it much either.
You know Sam G? He actually wrote a song, and I composed the music for it. So yeah, I’ve been composing some too! ;P
No. But of course, I have heard of Chopin. Have you ever heard of a “Chopin Liszt”?
I am kind of a polar opposite from myself. I love sad, slow pieces and loud, fast pieces, just not boring, boring pieces.
I think slow, rhythmic (as oppose to lyric) pieces can be some of the hardest. Although, long stretchy finger pieces are really hard too or if they are super fast.
Who is Sam G? As I said, I’m not on Revive yet, so… the only Sam’s I know on social media are Sam S. and Sam W. Can you compose to my words sometime? *puppy eyes* If there’s one thing I love more than piano, (well, I guess I probably love more than one thing more than piano) it’s writing poetry. I also like analyzing it too (just not meter please).
This fits very well with I John 3:3, “And everyone who thus hopes in him purifies himself as he [Christ] is pure.”
Lol, yes I’ve heard of a Chopin Liszt, it’s what you use when you go Chopin and will be Bach soon! XD
Lol, I don’t like boring boring pieces either. ;P
Oh, here’s an interesting one if you’d like to look it up: Brahms Hungarian Dance #6 solo piano transcription, it’s so much fun!
Here, let me tag him @Sam G ack, it’s not working. =/
Here I found the link: https://disqus.com/by/samgiddy/
I’d be open to it! Feel free to give it to me somehow! =)
Actually, I have seen @Sam G around, but I don’t know if I officially met him. I have a rebelution email now: [email protected]. So, you could email me, and then I could email you back with some lyrics?
Do you write at all?
If you do, I would be excited, but if you don’t, you can stereotype me as a bookworm/writer type.
How’d you get it to work. You’re just a technical genius, that’s how 😉
*sighs* *claps slowly* show-off. ;P jk
Ah, ok. Ummmm, I’m not actually allowed to email unless you verify you’re a real person, and I read on that one article that you want to keep your identity private. =/ Any ideas?
And listen man, I know you’re a real person, I just am required to verify that bc of parental rules, ya know?
I don’t. If you mean lyrics/poems/articles/etc. Nope, I am totally deprived of talent in regards to writing and art lol.
No. I totally get where you are coming from. So, what exactly do you need for “conformation”. I would also confirm that you were a real person if I was using my none rebelution email. @programguy:disqus do you know who I am? ‘Cause if you can keep a secret, I can tell you, and then Josh A. would have my real name with my real email without anyone else knowing my name. But, the question is can I trust you to like not tell the whole reb?
As if music isn’t art?
Aaaaa! I’ve been memorizing 1st John!
I would say you have a cool picture, and I know absolutely nothing else about you.
Ok. So since anyone on here could be a stalker but you are the most likely to be a professional hacker and you already know my name… what if you emailed @GuitarwithArms:disqus my name, assuming he agrees not to tell the whole Reb, and then maybe that would be enough verification that I am a real person… and maybe you could email me his last name. I would still not feel comfortable with him having my real email, but maybe that would be enough verification.
Also, maybe if Brett vouches for me, @Guitar with Arms doesn’t even have to know my name.
Also, do other people know who I am, or just you? The group I am a part of is a private group, that’s why I used my real name, but if people put this username and my real name together… I don’t know. Is there a way of changing your name on *you know where*?
I like that verse!
You have been super encouraging to me, Nathanael. Thank you for your thoughtful input, bro 🙂
I’m like, #8 or something, which is funny, considering i don’t comment all that much 😉
I didn’t mean for you to vouch for me, but you could email the guitar dude (who’s name I know btw. though not his last name) my name so that he knows I’m a real person, and then he could trust me and use my rebellion email and forget my name by deleting your email.
Understand, Detective S.?
Rebelution… Lol
Interesting! Nice to meet you Mr. Secret!
Don’t worry, no matter what I wouldn’t tell the whole Reb. =)
Well, the best system I’ve heard of to verify someone’s identity is to have them take a picture of a word of your choice, for example, you’d tell me, idk, “Minnesota” or whatever, then I write it down and take a picture of myself holding it. But you can’t post pics, can you? See it’s a lot easier on Revive ‘cuz there’s personal messaging.
I gotta admit, I am truly stumped here. =/
Music is art, lol. I just meant I have no talent in regards to art art, ya know? =P
Oh really? That’s no surprise, you’re pretty active on here. =)
Ok. So, do I have to be in the picture?
Or could I just do a picture of a paper with a word on it or something?
Are you on dhtu connect?
Ok. So I emailed @programguy:disqus a picture of myself he can email you, and I have a sign that says Minnesota. The only thing is I was covering my face so you can just see my eyes. Hopefully that’s enough. Can you do the same?
That should work! That is, if this guitar selfie of mine will work! ;P
Can you see it?
I am not….
No problem. Did @programguy:disqus send you my email?
He has not yet. =/
Don’t worry about it, man! =) I got it! And I know your last name now btw. 😉
Got it! Dude, we have like the exact same glasses lol.
Ok, I’m going to edit this out instantly, I hope you get email notifications: *removed* =)
Cool! I’ve not memorized it, but there are several verses in this vicinity that have really impacted how I think about the process of sanctification. John is very encouraging.
No one on here knows me cause I am new so I don’t know what people would say.
I found it by reading the book Do Hard Things
Haha yea:) a friend of mine lend it and i loved it! And I havent read the other one so i think I have another one in my list!
Haha yea!
Thanx for the upvote btw:)
Haha I appreciate it anyways
Hey Welcome to the Reb! Hope you enjoy it!
no problem, glad to help!
well, that’s ok, I haven’t been on much… 🙁
Thanks Nathaniel!!!
No problem! Have fun!
Hey hey hey welcome to the Reb! =D
Welcome to the Reb!
Thanx Emma!!
Haha Thanx!! I am exciting to be here!!! 🙂
Good for you! Now I know one more thing about you: you have self-control or a life or both (probably both)
Why, hello there! You found our little corner of the world wide web! Welcome!
Ha ha, no life but some self-control!
Thanks! I am excited to be here and meet new christian teenagers! 🙂
Wow! That takes even more self-control (to not participate online if you don’t even have a real life) Double points!
well…I just have other things to do and my computers not usually on very much…
Not even close. You never come across as slightly obnoxious. Everyone is opinionated, so there’s nothing wrong with that. and too enthusiastic on the Reb? There is really no such thing!
So true!
Thankyou!! 😀 i am so glad to be part of the Reb!
so, what do you think of it?
Wow! You even got theReb “lingo”… like even knowing to call it theReb (as appose to theRebelution).
That’s for sure… (It’s ok. I’ve only read Start Here.) You don’t get very many people like that, Start Here’rs as appose to Do Hard Thing’ers
Haha yea 😀 i am like so happy in being the part of it!
O thats why I havent heard much of it
I started reading it once, but I have excuses. For one, I have Mr. Do Hard Things living with me. For the other, I can’t see how anyone would prefer to have a baby elephant rather than a purebred schnauzerdoodle. *rolls eyes*
I’m bad. I probably wouldn’t have read Start Here either if it hadn’t been for my sister being in it. Well, my other sister read some of Do Hard Things to me on the bus when I was like 8, so I’ve heard the first part a million times.
And the beginning is basically the same thing as what they do at their conferences.
Oh, cool!
You know a purebred schanuzerdoodle is either a living contradiction or doesn’t exist yet.
So, you’ve never actually gone to one of the conferences, I take it? Btw. I just answered your smail.
Well, a schnauzerdoodle would be a mix between a Schnauzer a Labrador Retriever and a Poodle. Mixes are not purebred, so in that way I would either have a living contradiction or I would have made the Shnauzerdoodle certified as its own breed.
As for Ramona, she’s a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. They’re the best, but you shouldn’t get one because they have this problem where their head is too small for their brain and it causes a lot of pain. They didn’t know when they got her.
How is this possible? You’re one of the most known people on here, and you’ve only been here since 2013. I could have beat you. 🙁
welcome to the reb bro!
Thanx! Im a girl just in case haha
I haven’t seen you on here. There’s a Legolas fan somewhere around here. You should get connected with them. And by the way, Br!annah is a sis not a bro.
This time, I actually have not met him.
Yea! How long have you been part of the Reb?
The other two are even better! 🙂
I’ve been here since December, so… eight months, almost to the day!
But they’re so prettyyyyyyy……..
You’re awesome 🙂
thats how i found it too 🙂 It has completely changed my life. Welcome to the reb 🙂
It has changed mine too! Thankyou so much!
Well… so… I was ten days off from eight months. And “ma’am”? You’ve been around Taylor, haven’t you?
You mean schnauzerdoodles, right. . . not elephants? ‘Cause I was just explaining how I don’t understand how anyone could prefer to have a pet elephant over a purebred schnauzerdoodle, the two classic Reb pets.
Oh, ok. You mean Cavaliers. Yeah, they’re the best type of dog ever. It’s just kind of mean to get one. We watched a documentary about it. Unless, they can breed ones that don’t have that problem, which their are hardly any, they should just stop breeding them. Hopefully, they can mix them with other kinds of dogs to stop the problem and then certify the mix as a Cavalier.
Sorry! I’m way too doggy.
Lol I actually meant Cavalier King Charles Spaniels.
Haha what were you going for? I wasn’t paying attention.
You were born at a young age?? Me too!!!!!!!
You have a blog?? Can you give me a link? You seem pretty awesome. 🙂
Uh, everybody seems to have time for that.
Did I see you say one time that you’re INFJ?
Lol. Ok. Well…hmmm. I don’t know! I do know you pretty well. I think you need to learn how to let God use you rather than doing things on your own and asking Him for help. I think He’s about to teach me how that works. 😛 I don’t know how at the moment. And I think you need to communicate with Him more, although you do seem to do it a lot…just remember to pray about yourself too. I’m learning to do that. Don’t only pray for others. It feels selfish, but we do need to tell Him what’s going on in our lives and how we need Him to work in us. I’ve recently realized that I really don’t trust that God loves me and wants me and cares way more about me and my future than I do. I usually assume that I’m the initiator and everything’s on me. That is not true!
I am reading an excellent book called Follow Me by David Platt, and I think everybody needs to read it! So yeah you should check it out. 🙂
Sorry, probably wasn’t too helpful, but that’s all I got right now. I feel weird saying stuff to others because I keep finding so many fundamental things wrong with myself. (And beating myself up about it.) I have problems. I am so far from where I want to be.
Actually come to think of it I think my dad has said he was born a young child. Sounds familiar. Lol.
Actually, I am an INTJ, but that is close.
Hi… you mentioned me…
@revelution_ready:disqus meet @DannyLyn:disqus. And btw. Legolas, you’re not the only LOTR fan on here. Meet @disqus_HDtz7lbqFC:disqus and @Me. Wait. You already know me. We’re following each other. Did you change your picture?
Yep… 🙂 I did — and my username.
Well, you already had a Legolas face.
Oh… you’re not a Southerner, though!
Unashamedly off topic. You probably want to know, though… Revive is down. :/
And now Revive is working for me again… weird, but I’ll take it!
Well, thanks anyway!
Oh ok haha 🙂 I’m INFJ, and that’s the rarest type in the world, so I was like “did I find another one??????????” Lol 🙂 guess not. But we are probably pretty similar! What does the T mean?
I wanted to be careful because I knew you would listen. So I ended up saying a bunch of things I know I need a ton of work on. Haha. Yeah I’ll tell you if I get there first. 😛 I like how we can help each other like that!
I know 🙂 if you take any of my suggestions, though, make sure it’s either Follow Me by David Platt or Crazy Love by Francis Chan. Two of the best books I’ve read (along with the Bible and DHT:)). Wow that is taking forever! Lol.
Well you’re welcome. Haha. Yeah maybe I will one of these decades. :/
My goodness gracious. It’s a LOTR reunion! *get’s excited*