rebelling against low expectations

How can a Christian scientist glorify God?


AUDREY WRITES: I think God is calling me to become a marine biologist, but I’m worried that I won’t be taken seriously because I’m a Christian and a girl. What can I do to glorify God in this “unbiased” environment?

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  • When you are doing marine biology, you are glorifying God by observing his creation. God speaks about himself through his creation, including through underwater organisms. If you just go into it knowing you want to glorify God, your presence in the field will make him happy.

  • Good witness is the best way to glorify God in any work. In the science, you can maintain your faith, ’cause it is so hard in this area. I believe that everything you do goes against the standards of this world and beyond expectations and that somehow impacts on people’s lives, is for the glory of God.

  • The same way we glorify God anywhere else: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself. Glorifying God is no different for a marine biologist, a theologian, a dentist, or a sewage worker. Glorifying God in how we live and work is done through loving Him first and our neighbors second in everything we do.

  • First let me say that marine biology sounds fantastic! I would love that!
    My science curriculum (it’s called Apologia and it’s fantastic) is written by a Christian. He says that people don’t know how well science proves creation because the scientific community is so competitive that people have to specialize, so they miss evidence from other fields. I would say expand your horizons; yes, you might be studying marine biology or something more specific, but keep your eyes open for broader resources that will inform you in other areas of science.
    People might initially judge you because you’re a Christian and a girl, but if you know what you’re talking about and understand it really well, anyone who gives you a chance will soon see that being a Christian and a girl doesn’t negatively impact your knowledge.
    To convince a scientist of creation, you have to use scientific arguments. If you study marine biology, you can use your knowledge to convince people that Christians who aren’t scientists couldn’t.

    • Marine Biology definitely sounds really interesting! Up until a few years ago I wanted to be a marine biologist but now I’m leaning a little bit more toward Architectural Engineering. I still love the ocean though! 2 years ago I got to go on a trip to Aruba(everyone has to go there at least once in their life!!!). Just getting in the water with all of the fish and coral makes you want to spend the the rest of your life underwater there. How do you even decide what to do for your career( or your first job for that matter)? I mean there are so many to choose from and even though you could do quite a few of them, how do you choose?

      • Coral reefs are great! I’m from Australia, so I’ve been snorkelling both on the west coast and at the Great Barrier Reef on the east coast. I could spend days watching the colourful fish, coral, clams, starfish, sea cucumbers etc.!

        That’s a big question! Honestly, I’m thinking about it for myself. I would love to do heaps of things, but to start with we all have to choose one. (I have known people who began studying things like arts management and switched to medicine! It’s never too late to change and lots of people do it!) I think it’s a good idea to evaluate your skills and passions, because God might use them to guide you. On the other hand, He might challenge you to do something way out of your comfort zone. I think prayer is important to make a decision like this, and God will give us peace and assurance. Maybe you’ll just commit it to Him, then try something! If the decision has been put in His capable hands, let Him open and close the doors.

        This would make a great discussion question, because I haven’t experienced it, so I’m sure there are lots of people out there with better answers!

        • Snokeling is great! I just don’t feel that I get enough air when I breath through the snorkel. I much prefer an unlimited stock of air that I can breath in freely than have to breath through a tube!

  • Good on you taking up this challenge, Audrey. We need Christians in many different fields, and (as far as I know) marine biology is no exception…

    I think your perspective on science is really important. By “perspective” I don’t mean just a creationist viewpoint or anything like that, but rather the way you see science – as a gift from God. In the way they talk, a lot of scientists subtly imply that science is something of a religion for them, a way in which they think they can understand everything – including things, like meaning of human life, which can’t be explained in physical terms. A different attitude – coming from a real, professional scientist – could say a lot. People may treat you with disrespect, but in your Christian worldview they’ll still get a small glimpse of the truth.

  • One of man’s biggest deterrents to living is our concern over what others may think. The Bible tells us that our main purpose on this earth is to glorify God. We need not look to others for approval or acceptance. We need to look to God. Assurance that we are where we are to be can only be found in His Word. He will direct your paths.
    Submit all your ways to Him. I am sure you will do well. Blessings.

    Micah 6:8 He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.And what does the Lord require of you?To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

    In Him Always,

  • Just do it!! Do what God leads you to do no mater what the outcome. If a marine biologist (which is awesome by the way!!!) is what God is calling you to become, then it’s what is best! It may not be easy, and you may be faced with resentment, but God is bigger! You can trust Him! =)

  • Dear Audrey, if you’re in God’s will for your life then His purpose for you will be fulfilled and your life will be a success, no matter what the secularites and vile immoralites say. =v)

  • So I’m a student at one of the top 15 schools in the US. I say that not to brag, but because I believe it’s salient. One of my best friends here is a PhD candidate in Physics. I would argue and he’d agree that it is much easier to be a believer in academia than is usually assumed, provided a couple things.

    1) Give people the benefit of the doubt. Every person you interact with was created Imago Dei, in the image of God. They deserve to be loved fully just for that. As Marielynne Robinson has written, we love others not to satisfy any rules, but because our Father loves them.
    2) Listen to everyone not simply waiting for your turn to talk. This will gain you respect among your peers and display the love of our father. If you truly believe God loves you and will hold onto you, enter every conversation open to your mind being changed. Your father cares more for you than many sparrows.
    3) God gave you talents for a reason! If you’ve found something you enjoy, then forget what everyone says and follow hard after the road put before you!

    Love in Christ, Godspeed!

  • In many ways, you should have a great set of cards for our modern world — being a woman in science and a person of faith, two things that are perhaps less prevalent than diversity should foster. And I would have to say that I’m not sure academia is always as intolerant as may be feared.

    So perhaps you can just do hard things in this environment, and so glorify God! Work hard, live in the Word, love your fellow scientists, and walk closely with the Lord…

    And that’s just my two cents from a background that is rather unlike yours, seeing as I have neither had a great taste for biology nor shall I ever be a woman…

  • Science Isn’t an unbiased environment, there is no such thing. Every field has it’s own set of presupposed ideas, so why shouldn’t you bring your own ideas to the table? Science is a great way to learn about the creator, and I think it’s a god given way of obeying the creation mandate (go and subdue the earth, and have dominion over it.) I encourage you to read Total Truth by Nancy Pearcey before you get too evolved though, as a sort of preparation for dealing with the secularised views youll run into. I really this helps!

  • I think as a scientist the best way to glorify God is not to be scared to share what you find. Hugh Ross, a christian astrophysicist, uses things he finds from his experiments and research as proof that God is there. It takes courage, but the evidence that God exists is overwhelming. All takes for others to see it is someone brave enough to help them see the truth for what it is. Good luck! And I would seriously encourage you to check out Hugh Ross’s website, and read some of his books. They have great information that is useful in arguing the case for Christ.

  • Pray,
    That is the first thing you should do if you haven’t already. After praying, explore all of your options with your friends and family. Write down a list of other careers that interest you; also write down the pros and cons of your decisions. Then continue to pray and wait on God.

  • Excellent question. Try to learn more about God through all the things you wish to observe. Use science as evidence for creation. And keep in mind all the famous scientists such as Sir Isaac Newton, who were Christian. In reality, science is a very God-glorifying profession, so go for it!

  • I agree with what mostly everyone else is saying. When you get into the field of science, I think it is heavily important to know why you believe in God and why scientifically the evidence supports His intelligent creation. People will most likely object to you since you’re a Christian with their atheistic beliefs (evolution), so you must give a reason why their arguments are invalid, and a defense for your view. The only way to do this is to invest some time into general sciences. (Apologetics)

    I recommend these three sites, ranked from my opinion.
    1. (Creation Ministries International)
    2. (Institute for Creation Research)
    3. (Ken Ham’s site)

    I recommend you do not douse yourself with the resources from ReasonsToBelieve. Hugh Ross basically believes the evolutionary history of life, and implements this into Genesis. His views I believe are contradictory to scripture, and try to serve to be culturally relevant to modern atheistic belief. (because that is why evolution is there, to explain life without God) If you would like to read a rebuttal to his beliefs (Theistic Evolution), I would highly recommend “Refuting Compromise” by Jonathan Sarfati PhD.

    If you would like to talk more about this I would be glad too. 🙂

  • Also just live in a godly way. If you don’t, no matter what you say you faith will not be taken seriously, and you will do more damage then good.

  • I’m a senior female biology student at a public university, so I kind of understand where you are coming from. However, glorifying God has turned out to be not quite as hard as I thought, even in the scientific community.

    First of all, each interaction you have with your classmates, grad students, and professors are opportunities to live out your faith. I’ve had multiple conversations about my faith in four hour chemistry labs, as well as discussions about creation/evolution after different biology lectures. I think the most important thing is to emulate Christ in all that you do. I work in a biochemistry research lab alongside some great people – who are Hindu and Muslim. Every day I show up to research is an opportunity to love them and treat them like the children of God that they are. It’s awesome!

    Secondly, I think one way I have been “taken seriously,” as you put it, is by my work ethic. I am consistent, hardworking, and seek to be the best biology student I can be. In a world of people trying to skirt the line, the fact that I am willing to do it the hard way, to strive to learn and understand, says so much. People look at that and ask, “why?” My answer is, I am seeking to glorify God in my studies and by my work!

    I’ve never had anyone challenge me on my ability to be a science major due to my faith, or a female. However, I think it’s still important to know that you may come up against people who don’t agree with you based on your faith, but know that God is greater and will give you the words to speak when you need them.

    Wishing you all the best on your studies, Audrey!

  • I don’t know much about the subject, but I have listened to Jonathan Park by Focus on the Family, if that makes any difference.

    I would simply say don’t compromise Christ, give the Creator credit, and enjoy God’s creation.

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