C.J. WRITES: If you had to describe your walk with God in one word, what would it be and why? A friend asked me this not too long ago, and it made me think. I’m interested to know what y’all will say.
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Grace, because Jesus does everything.
Unfathomable ๐
Adventurous. Seriously, I’ve always thought of it as an adventure. An adventure is not always exciting and exhilarating. There are ups and downs, happy times and sad times, but at the end of the day, you find that you’d still call it an adventure. I don’t know, maybe that’s just me.
Can i upvote this twice? ๐
What a great discription! I hadn’t thought about it that way. Thanks.
(More than one word;) but, a firefight with demons who like to place a target on your back.
The first word that came to mind the moment I read the question was “Learning”. Constantly growing, and being reminded that I am growing and have a long way to go. The second word I think of is actually 3 but “Child of God”. I definitely look at God as a Father and it the best way I can describe His love and how I respond to His unfailing love.
Beyond amazing
Amazing. ๐
Jehovah-Jirah (that’s Hebrew for the LORD Will Provide)
Ooopps…I read that wrong ๐ a marathon ๐
Journey. God is showing me many different things that I need His help for, and it’s been a journey for me. I know that God is shaping me into who He wants me to be, even when it’s hard and it hurts. But it’s a journey where I will be able to look back and say, “wow, it’s so cool how God works.”
Amen to that! That’s awesome!!!
Sufficient. Especially with my Grandmother who passed away. I’ve learned how to depend on Him and not myself.
Exciting! My walk with God is never boring and it will never be. It cant be. You overcome one thing and there comes another. One challenge ends, another starts. Its always that way and thats what makes it interesting and worth taking.
A feast… that sounds weird, but the Bible often compares itself to “milk” or “solid food.” It’s a feast I always want more of… continually learning about God!
Satisfying, God satisfies every desire I have for a friend, a Father, a counselor and comforter, my needs for love and joy and so much more. He is the true fulfiller of my soul!
Still totally valid. Love that
Grace. And not because that’s an easy fallback answer, but because of its meaning: “unmerited favor” or “something given that is not deserved.” I’m reluctant to explain why this perfectly sums up my walk with Chris, because it’s often mistaken for bragging. But suffice it to say, I’ve seen the Lord show me incredible favor over and over and over again in virtually every area of my life. Yet it is completely undeserved. In fact, I’ve deserved (and still deserve) quite the opposite. It’s incredible. Just thinking about it leaves me in awe.
Impossible….both for me to describe in one word, and because I’m incapable of serving God without His help! =)
Continuous. Which sounds weird, but it’s true. ๐
-because it’s all about Him not me ๐
But all the others below are also great ways to describe my walk with God in one word ๐
Thrilling. So, so, thrilling. I’m so mindblown every day by what God does that I couldn’t ever imagine, and it is such a satisfying journey. It is absolutely thrilling to see God’s amazing hand in every aspect of my life, and something I could never dream up on my own.
How would I describe my walk with God in one word? Undeserved.
Jesus is so utterly amazing and every day with Him is truly an adventure I wouldn’t miss for the world!
It’s definitely is rough sometimes, actually a lot of times, but Jesus is enough. Hang in there, He’s worth it. I’ll be praying for you. ๐
(As a side note, I am really liking this DQ!)
Same. This is a really neat DQ!
I know I already answered, but I know some body who said “Needy, because I’m just so dependant on God.” I thought that was awesome so I thought I’d share.
Maybe l will use “bittersweet”? Because when l am close to God, l am filled with joy and peace, but l always fall down, l drift away from God, and at this time, l would feel so bitter. At this time, God will find me back, cure my wounded heart, and l can find sweetness again. ls it a correct feel? l always behaved badly…
I do the same thing. But even all my sin isn’t strong enough to stop God. So if He’s determined to keep us, nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus. Just trust him. He’s so good.
Thank you !!! Yes, nothing can seperate us from Him, from His love and grace! Praise the Lord! He is so good!!!^_^
Thanks so much. He sure is ๐
I have been thinking about this a LOT…..SO many words have come to mind…. Maybe “Extravagant”. Because God’s love for me IS extravagant..!
Grace abundant. amen ๐
Hear hear!
Life-changing. Mind-blowing. Powerful. New every morning. A daily decision. ETERNAL. Always something new to discover. A series of second chances. And way more than can be described in one word (as you can see:)
Enough. ‘Cause He’s enough, and he’s all I really need as I walk through this life!!
Love those!
Definitely agree!!! That’s the word I was looking for!
great question
love that
Undeserved. I don’t deserve life, but Christ has paid the price for me.
I would say “adventurous”
is that skyview in your profile pic!?
OmI gosh yes!
Do you live near there?
Is DQ dairy Queen?
sorta haha… skyview is like my second home.. is that it?
oh haha i see. thats awesome!!!!
What do you like the most there? My favorite thing is the blob!
haha the blob is pretty sweet ๐ I love the horses lol
we probably know so many of the same people lol ๐
Do you know Allisa Fusco? She was with Media but got to be a counselor this year!
The horses are really great. I did the horses and found out that i am allergic to horses and that riding in the rain is not a good idea!!
no… i didn’t go this year ;'( do you know little hannah, andrew nocella, or rachel bowling?
hahahaha :)) lol
I am not remembering them. Did you work there or go to camp?
well… i did camp, family camp, youth retreats…. my parents were the medics one week a few years ago..
That is so cool!
but those were counselors..
do you go to church somewhere around here?
No, We live 1/2 an hour away from Akron but we will be moving soon.
Iv’e never actually been there for a camp. Skyview let pastors stay in one of there guest houses a few years though. I haven’t been there in a while though.
Have you been to Yoders Bargain store? It’s in Fredricksburg my dad said.
oh okay ๐ are u a pastor? lol
okk.. we live more towards elyria.
i thinks so! cool ๐
Nope I’m almost 16 though so I guess I can be hired if someone wants someone who will talk for a few seconds and have a nervous break down.
My dad is a pastor(and his 2 brothers.) Is your Dad a pastor?
That’s up toward lake Erie right? I’m not good with geography so I hope I didn’t just make a fool of my self ๐
aw hahaha lol. im gonna be 17 soon. take a look at the article, We are too comfortable!
about 30 min from there ๐
did you write that?
Have you been to the Ashery?
We are moving to Norwalk if you have any idea where that is
haha yess!!!! we love it there!!!! we go as often as we can!!! lol ๐
my parents used to live there! ๐
are you homeschooled?
That’s great!!! I like the samples a lot. The article you wrote was really great! I have to go now but thanks for talking. It’s cool that someone else knows the same areas my family really enjoys being!
Really! What church did they used to attend?
Camden Baptist
haha yes. the samples are good ๐ thanks for talking. have a great day ๐
Now we go to Abbe Road Baptist ๐
Haha, actually it’s something Trent came up with, it means “Discussion Question”. You’re not the first to ask!
Adjective: real
Definition: daughtership
Yes! Definitely a daily decision and all of the above ๐
Thanks for this!
Wait. Trent Blake came up with it? Wow! I need a Reb history lesson.
This may be the best one.
I pray that God will let me be satisfied in Him.
HE IS the Best ๐
God is my EVERYTHING ๐
Without Him I have nothing
I did nothing to deserve His GRACE
He rescued me when I was yet a sinner
& He offers me the best – eternity with Him & as a joint-Heir – Wow
Yes HE is the best ๐
I’m pretty sure it was him!
Yes, we usually share the same experience l guess(^_^)
I hope so too, keep chasing after Him with your whole heart and let Him become your all in all!
roller-coaster-ride. I made that all one word… ๐ Because sometimes its better and more thrilling and other times its depressing and low ๐ Like everyone!
My thoughts exactly! Where have i been? ๐
paul. My walk has been a lot like paul’s
For sure.
That’s me right now actually.
Hard… Over the last three months God has opened my eyes to some things that I had previously been unwilling/unwating to see, revealed to me things about my future, sent me to the other side of the world and back, inserted a bunch of new people into my life and house, all sorts totally God things have happened this summer. He is absolutely a great father, but my walk with Him over the last few months has been hard.
I love your picture were you a missionary?
I would say it could not be described in one word. Partnership, friendship, adventure, life -changing,full of life, peace and contentment in him i have been set free! Praise God for what he has done in my life. Over my life i have seen how perfectly God placed me where i needed to be to grow my confidence, creativity and flexibility. good question and i think for me it is impossible to fit into one word.
Hi Faith! =D Thank you! Yes, I am currently a “missionary” in the commonly used sense of the word.. ๐ I personally prefer to use the term “foreign missionary” because tbh, we are ALL missionaries!!! I live in Zambia with my parents and 4 younger bros. We’ve only been here for 6 months so far, but will be here for at least two years! There’s a link to my blog on my DQ profile if you’re interested in reading more about it!
I meant foreign missionary. My dad grew up as a Mk(Missionary Kid or if you prefer FMK foreign missionary kid) in Senegal. Nice reply and i totally agree! Thank you and i will.
A struggle: Whoever said walking with the Lord was easy. It’s an everyday struggle (some more than others). The one thing that keeps me going toward God though is, that his love is everlasting, and a God that loved me that much… Deserves my attention.
Life. That’s the word I choose. Life means a lot of things – life has pain, joy, hardship, laughter, happiness, hope, faith, despair, mistakes, learning, and most importantly, lots of love. Since life encompasses so many things, I chose that word for this post’s question.
Exciting. Sometimes it’s more of a crawl or even God pulling me forward and those times are hard. But then there are those times when you’re running and that makes it all worth it.
Thrilling! As of right now, my walk is on a much better track than it was, so this season of life is really thrilling for me!
One word is tough…and it is what we are looking for to help develop a name for an organization we will soon launch. Any ideas? The closest phrase / verse we have honed in on is: Genesis 32:28 – โYour name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel,[a] because you have struggled with God and with humans and have overcome.โ What one word describes this phrase – or best represents it?