rebelling against low expectations

Jesus Has A Prayer Request. Will You Pray For It?


Jesus wants us to pray for something grand, something spectacular, something that will change the world.

But before I go on to share his prayer request, I’m going to ask you to imagine with me that you’re in a prayer group. Everyone is talking and sharing what God has been doing in their lives and just having good conversations.

Then everything gets quiet.

You look up and realize Jesus has just taken a seat across from you. He raises his hand and says, “I have a prayer request.”

What do you think everyone is going to do? What would you do in this situation?

Would you pull out your phone, type his prayer request down and share it on Facebook? How about taking a video and posting it on YouTube?

Whatever you would choose to do, I’m sure you would all have this in common: you would pray for it everyday.

You would constantly remember it. This is exactly what Jesus wants you to do with his prayer request.

Matthew 9:37-28 reads: Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

Jesus is asking us all to pray for workers. “Workers” is not limited to missionaries, but includes all Christians. The Great Commission shows us that (Matt. 28:19-20).

As Christians, we are to be workers in the world. Jesus wants us to work and to pray that other Christians would actively share their faith. Jesus is asking people to pray for Christians around the world to stand up and tell others the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We should all pray that God would make workers of all Christians.

We should pray for those God wants to go into the mission field; pray that they would be willing to do so.

We should pray for those going into the mission field, that God would give them peace and strength to do the good works that he has called them to do.

We should pray for those in the mission field, that God would help them to boldly proclaim his word, and that God would work in the hearts of those who hear it.

So please, pray with me everyday that the Lord of the harvest would send workers out into his harvest field.

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About the author

Andrew Gwinn

is a thirteen-year-old and loves chess, parkour, photography, and jumping on the trampoline with his two younger brothers. Andrew wants to make a difference in the lives of others and hopes to one day go into tribal missions. Each day he is striving to become more like Christ.


  • Thanks for writing! I started praying for this daily after reading Radical, but I’d forgotten about it. Thanks for reminding me! 🙂

  • All my time spent praying for things and people in my own life, I’d completely forgotten to listen for what God Himself want’s me to pray for. Thank you, Andrew, for this reminder, and never stop listening to the Spirit and writing as He moves you to. God is using your words in the lives of others 🙂

  • Thank you so much for this reminder, Andrew! So often do I get so caught up in praying for my family and friends, that I forget all the missionaries and workers who are in the field. Thanks again! 🙂

  • Is Radical a good read? I’ve heard that name before, but I haven’t ever had the chance to read it.

  • Yes! It is definitely a good book. It’s inspired me and motivated me in many ways 🙂 This is random for me to say, but the worship leader at our church left a couple months ago to be the worship leader at the church that David Platt (author of the book) is pastor of.

  • I liked this a lot. Thank you for the constant reminder to share the gospel continuously!

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →