JAQUELLE WRITES: I love non-fiction books a lot. But I believe fiction also has a deep power to teach us and change our lives in real ways – and I’m not just talking about “Christian” fiction. I want to know, what are some of your favorite stories? Why do you love them? And what do they teach us about embracing life in a God-focused way?
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I enjoyed Traiven’s pass by Jessica Marinos. She is a brand new writer, I met her at a curriculum fair for homeschoolers. Sadly, I don’t think you would be able to find it online yet.
I also LOVE the “Ascendance Trilogy” (The False Prince is the first and best) by Jennifer Nielson. The main protagonist is the poster boy for doing hard things, especially ones he REALLY doesn’t want to do. You can get those books at the library.
And of course there is always the Lord of the Rings books, The Hobbit, and all the Chronicles of Narnia.
Thanks for starting this conversation!
All of chuck blacks books.
This is such a great conversation! I love fiction too, and like you said, I think it does have a huge power.
Other than the obvious (Narnia, LOtR), I love C.S. Lewis’ Space Trilogy (possibly some light thematic content as it’s meant for adults, but not inappropriate), the Wingfeather Saga by Andrew Peterson, and Pendragon’s Heir by Suzannah Rowntree. Wingfeather Saga is an incredible series – it’s about kids, like Narnia, but very engaging for adults as well; and Pendragon’s Heir is absolutely beautiful – it’s a retelling of the story of Arthur, Lancelot, and Guinevere, from the point of view of Guinevere’s daughter.
Left Behind | The Kids by LaHaye and Jenkins. I read these books in record time when I was like, 13 I think.
Merlin’s Spiral trilogy by Robert Treskillard for all you Arthurian legend nerds ;p I really enjoyed this series.
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. Not a complete list without it.
Save me a spot! I’ll prolly be thinking of things throughout the day lol
I wanna read that book! (Pendragon’s Heir) I just posted about Arthurian legend in my comment XD
You should! The writing quality is fantastic. I *think* it’s about four dollars on Kindle 😀 (I got my mom to buy it for me if I promised to read another classic book, ha ha!)
lol that’s so fantastic that you got her to buy it. XD
My favorite fictions are the Lord of the Rings series, Peter Pan, the Narnia chronicles, Sword of the Dragon, and my absolute favorite book it the Hobbit.
I’ll have to check out Merlin’s Spiral.
I love John Flannagan as an author (Ranger’s Apprentice and Brotherband Chronicles series), mostly because he’s funny, the stories have happy endings, and it’s a nice break from everyday life.
I also like Dee Henderson. She writes, well, technically it’s Christian romance, but there’s always a mystery, crime-fighting or something else involved, so it doesn’t feel like romance. In her O’Malley series, each book deals with a tough spiritual question. (I believe the first one was ‘how can God be just if he is also merciful?’)
I’ve grown up reading:
Tom Swift: an older series about an eighteen year old who’s an inventor.
The Three Investigators: Some of my favorite books ever, surrounding three friends, Jupiter (Jupe), Pete, and Bob, who get these very intriguing (and most often, weird) cases.
Redwall: The best series and writer here. I believe there’s 22 books in all. It’s based on a warrior mouse named Martin and a huge fortified Abbey. The writer, Brian Jacques, was a master story teller, creating stories of badgers, hares (not rabbits wot wot!) otters, moles, and a whole number of other creatures. If you’re homeschooled and you haven’t heard of these….😒
But my number one favorite book is “A Tale of Two Cities” by Charles Dickens. It’s not completely fiction, but historical fiction. My favorite. Based in the time of the French Civil War, it follows the stories of five characters: Alexandre Manette (a doctor), his daughter Lucie, Charles Darney (a Frenchman from an aristocratic family), Sydney Carton (a lawyer), and Jarvis Lorry (a banker). It’s an amazing book with a sad, but courageous ending.
You should! They aren’t actually the best written books I’ve ever read, but the story line and characters had me hooked! I’m waiting on the edge of my seat for the next trilogy, The Pendragon Spiral.
A Tale of Two Cities is amazing.
I have always loved the Anne of Green Gables books, Lord of the Rings, Narnia, and the Left Behind Series. Some of my very favorite books would be To Kill A Mockingbird, Ishmael, The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Great Gatsby, and Kidnapped.
Have you ever read The Young Indiana Jones series? It had a book called The Ghostly Riders. A spinoff of Morgan le Fay. You could almost read the books in one setting.
My older brother, me, and my little sister all loved Redwall. We own almost all the books except the last four. The hares are my favorite! Wot wot (: Whenever Jaques wrote about food I got hungry. He is an awesome storyteller! I love how heroic his stories are (:
Yes! The candied chestnuts! And (gasp) October ale which made me want to get Apple cider. 😂
It’s such a well told story!
I loved Frank E. Peretti’s ‘Piercing the Darkness’ and ‘This Present Darkness’. It was very interesting to read about a Biblical view of spiritual warfare and they also helped my prayer life against Satan’s army. I also loved Randy Alcorn’s ‘Deception’ and ‘Deadline’. They were amazingly well told stories and I loved how they addressed issues from our present day.
Hmm, I don’t think I have… Sounds interesting though! I like short books that still manage to have a great story line. I lose interest in long books really quickly, which is why reading the Merlin Series (which had around 1200 pages total) was a huge accomplishment for me lol.
What are some of your favorites, @jaquellecrowe:disqus?
Anything by Randy Alcorn is excellent, especially Safely Home. 🙂 I really liked The Scarlet Letter and A Tale of Two Cities and Pride and Prejudice–some of the classics are really good stuff. Little Women too. My sister loves The Wingfeather Saga by Andrew Peterson.
I love Pride and Prejudice! It is so good!
I haven’t read anything else by Alcorn besides the ones I mentioned. What is Safely Home about?
I love To Kill a Mocking Bird (: That is a very good one.
I read A Tale of Two Cities this summer. I didn’t care for it very much. I think I’ll try it again though. Since ya’ll give it such good recommendations (:
I need to read that!
I watched the movie… does that count? 😉
The movie is good, but the book is almost always better (; Thats why I need to read it.
lol true true 😉
It’s about an American and a Chinese Christian who are friends, and we see the great faith of the Chinese man who has to go to a secret church because Christianity is illegal. The American learns a lot about what it means to follow Christ, and the Chinese guy is very inspiring with his perseverance amid persecution. That’s a SHORT summary…I highly recommend it. One of my favorite books I’ve ever read!
That sounds really good! I”ll have to read it soon.
I think if I had to choose I’d say Upon Wings as Eagles. A historical fiction novel about the Vietnam war.
After that I don’t really have a favorite. Pretty much, historical fiction of any kind.
I love anything by Lois Walfrid Johnson. Some of my other favorites would be: Narnia, LOTR, Anne of Green Gables, and The Hobbit…I’m sure I have more, but I can’t think of them right now. 🙂
You and I have similar book tastes! I’ve heard of the Left Behind Series, but I haven’t read them yet.
A Tale of Two Cities is amazing!
I want to read C.S. Lewis’ Space Trilogy! I’ve heard about it, but haven’t read it yet.
The Silmarillion. Can’t beat it.
They’re pretty good. It’s just looooong.
I have always wanted to read that book.
Which movie did you watch?
They are very good!
The first time I read it, it confused me. I didn’t really enjoy it until the second time.
Thanks for the advice. That has happened to me a few times. Usually I understand a book better the second time around. 🙂
Do you mean Out of the Silent Planet and those books?
I love the Brother Band Chronicles! Didn’t finish the last book, though. You know, the whole thing reminded me of How to Train Your Dragon…The physically weak leader, dumb twins, warrior girl, even the older guy with missing limbs that they all look up to. Don’t you agree?
Oh I was just thinking of reading that book. Now I’ll have to… Isn’t it a history of middle earth?
Yeah. It’s sick. In a good way.
I’m in the middle of the Fellowship of the Ring right now. They just made it to Lothlorien… have you read the actual books?
aside from the Silmarillion, of course.
Of course. One does not simply read “Silmarillion” without having read LotR. ;P
Ha ha ha but of course. just making sure, some people just don’t know how to do LotR. They think watching the movie is the same thing!!!
Yeah. They miss Tom the Bomb. Poor souls.
YES!!! The only guy who the ring had no effect on!
He’s such a deep character! He just makes no sense. At first it kinda bothered me, but now, he’s just awesome!
I’m not a nerd. *pushes glasses up on face* =D
The 2005 one with Kiera Knightly.
Still gotta read that 😉
Yes, you are. *goes and up-votes entire conversation and grins*
Wouldn’t miss it!
Yup. I knew it.
Haha! I love that!
Right? That was one of the best parts!
Agreed 🙂
Oh, that one is really good. I also highly recommend the BBC Pride and Prejudice (1995) series. It is six hour long episodes and it is by far the best Pride and Prejudice film I have ever seen. 🙂
Don’t shoot me, lol, but I tried to watch it once and got bored. XD
Haha! I won’t shoot you. Everyone has their own tastes. 🙂 At least you gave it a try. 🙂
Haha well, thank you for thoughtfulness ;p
Cooper kids. It’s a logical sequence. Left behind kids, air quest, coopers. =D
Oddly enough, it was the first part I read in the book. I had seen all the films, but I wanted to see why my cousin and my sister, who had read the books, were always fussing about Tom Bombadil. So, I read his section of the book and then went back to the beginning and read the whole thing. 🙂
I almost said that! lol we think way too much alike 😉
They’re so good.
lol that’s so great XD
Messing around with photo editor ;P
lol are you really that bored?
No, just passionate. ;p
Bahaha yes, I concur.
But being a nerd is the best! (Just like Tom!) (Because the entire quest would fail without him, since he helps them in the barrow downs…) 😀
Yes! Being a nerd is great!
You’ve read the Space Trilogy! Which one is your favorite? While I appreciate That Hideous Strength for it’s meaning and parallelism to Abolition of Man, honestly I like Silent Planet best simply for pure enjoyment. (And seeing Ransom geek out of words and languages is amusing, because you know that was Lewis completely letting the word-nerd of himself out 😀 )
Thanks, Mal.
The Book Thief, and Markus Zusack’s lesser known work, I Am the Messenger have been favorites of mine.
You’re welcome, dude. XD
Janette Oke’s Love Comes Softly series is excellent. She gives a Christian perspective on romance through intriguing stories and relatable characters. In general, I love almost anything in the historical fiction genre. My mom used to read out loud American historical fiction books as a part of our history curriculum and I loved it. The Journeyman by Elizabeth Yates was one of my favorite stories.
I loved Janette Oke’s series (: I read them all a couple years ago. A friend of mine gave me the whole series. I loved them so much I read them all in a month’s time. I just couldn’t put them down!
oooh this sounds like something me, my sister, and my Mom would love! Yay!
I like to read Sherlock Holmes.
This is like being told to pick a favorite child! But I have to admit one of my favorite fiction books of all time is Wonder by R.J. Palacio. It is about a boy who starts the fifth grade and going to school for the first time. On the outside he has a craniofacial disorder, and its eye opening to see how people treat him because of that.
Also Narnia, anything by Melanie Dickerson, The Homelanders series, and the Anne of Green Gable’s series are consistently some of my favorites
Oh! How did I forget about good ol’ Sherlock! Which one’s your favorite?
Okay somebody seriously needs to go make that a meme.
This is true.
The Book Thief is SO good, and I’ll have to look for that other one!
I agree with Hannah that it’s like being told to pick a favorite child. 🙂 Some books I have always loved are Narnia, Swiss Family Robinson, Little House on the Prairie, the Anne of Green Gables series, A Wrinkle in Time and the ones that follow it, Elsie Dinsmore, those Christian historical fiction series by Nancy Rue that I can’t remember what they’re called haha, Ann Rinaldi’s historical fiction, etc. etc.
I just remembered, I did a blog post recently that was a book tag: https://haileyhudson.wordpress.com/2016/07/31/the-bookish-book-lovers-tag/ It’s not entirely Christian fiction, and actually not entirely fiction, but there are probably some books on that that I forgot on here.
I loved reading Elsie Dinsmore!
I totally forgot about him and he’s one of my favorite literary characters!
The Hidden Hand by A.L.O.E., I have to say it is my favorite book (other than the Bible); it is about how God’s hand is always guiding us.
The House of Love by Emma Leslie (I think) is really a good one, which really impacted and convicted me about how we should love everybody, because we are in God’s house of love.
The Lonely Island by R. M. Ballantine (I finished reading this last night) was great! This book was the amazing fictional story of some mutineers that landed on an island in the Pacific. It is probably my new second favorite book (next to the Hidden Hand). The book has several funny parts, suspenseful parts, and overall is a fantastic story of faith, love, and… awesomeness..
Other favorites of mine:
The White Gypsy, Amy and Her Brothers, The Cat of Bubastes, and several others that I can’t remember at the moment. I’ll edit when I remember them!
You can tell I am a big reader!
I love the Hidden Hand? Have you read any other Lampighter Books?
The White Gypsy and the House of Love are Lamplighter books! My family has about 40!!! Lamplighter is awesome!
Me too, love that series!!
I still don’t really care for his character. I don’t miss him at all in the movies.
I’m reading Piercing the Darkness right now.
I was homeschooled and I have never heard of those Redwall books…😐 I’ve seen the three investigators movies, but never read the books. I’ll be looking up the Time thriller series though.
I never knew there were movies. You gotta check out Redwall.
There’s several lamplighter books I’ve wanted to read or get for my brother, but I can’t find them anywhere except to order them online
Do you like it so far?
We ordered online, and get 4 books and/or CD’s month!! I think I have seen some at our bookstore, and because they are older, you can download them onto kindles, phones, etc. for next to nothing.
The White Gypsy is my very favorite after Ishmael! I love that one!
I usually get them at Homeschool Conventions, but they are expensive.
Thank you for that. 🙂
I couldn’t help it lol
It is prime on Amazon, if you happen to have Amazon Prime. 🙂
Awesome, thanks so much!
I love The Book Thief!!
Pride and Prejudice is one of my all-time favorite books!!!
Oh My Word! I finally found Elsie Dinsmore fans! I read every single book, I have every devotional book based on the books… Yeah, I love this series! What’s your favorite book in the series?
“Gone With a The Wind” although its not a Christian book it was very eye opening to what southern life was like during and after the Civil War. “My Heart Lies South” which teaches a lot about the Mexican culture, customs and lifestyle. I am enjoying this book very much ( I just started it a few days ago☺️) The Christy and Tood series I highly recommend it! They are so good and just overall a wonderful series! There are many more but these are the ones off the top of my head!
I love to read (actually I am more addicted! 😁) and trying to pick my favorite books is like trying to choose a favorite sibling or child! 🙂 Its so fun to commune with fellow bookworms!
I like North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell, while the story is somewhat sad at parts its truly powerful and doesn’t follow the whole fall in love in one day romance thing. I also really enjoy the At Home In Mitford series, they are sweet slice of life stories that are perfect for comfort.
I read them all too! I also had the devotional and diary. 🙂
I liked the third book the best. What about you?
How could I have forgotten one of my favorite stories! I adore Gone with the Wind! I am almost finished with it, but I loved it the minute I began reading it. 🙂
My Heart Lies in the South sounds very good. 🙂
My favorite fiction is totally lord of the rings, and pretty much any thing by Tolkien!
I really liked the second book the best, so fun to find fellow Elsie Dinsmore fans!
I watched the movie for The Book Thief and really liked it.
The barrow downs gave me the creeps. How did they leave that out in the movie?
I love Melanie Dickerson books😊 I just ordered The Silent Songbird from the library!
Parts of it are interesting, but then It gets kinda boring to me and I try to read it really fast to get back to the good stuff.
Yeah, and I hate to order them in case I don’t end up liking it. ):
Ohh, maybe I should try downloading them then. I just don’t really like reading books on a screen, but I might download a couple I really wanted to read.
The book is a masterpiece, though. I highly recommend reading it too!
It is really good! Riveting storyline, and real struggles are depicted so well!
I love The Hunger Games trilogy. I have not yet read any of The Lord of the Rings books. But I’m looking foward to it, because I am a huge fan of the movies.
I totally agree, but when there is no other way to get the book, I download it! 😉
Have you read Self-Raised, the sequel to Ishmael? Ishmael depressed me, so I never read Self Raised, but my sister said it was pretty good!
If you’ve read The Cat of Bubastes…have you read By Right of Conquest? Same author (G.A. Henty), great story.
Riverboat Adventures? 🙂
A Tale of Two Cities is one of my favorite classic books! 🙂
From a writing perspective, Failstate by John W. Otte is one of my favorite fictional books. The author did a great job with the details–every little thing mattered later in the story. Fascinating. If you have an Amazon account, look it up. It’s free for Kindle.
From a reader’s perspective…oh dear, there are too many to choose. A lot of my favorites have already been mentioned on this thread. Here’s a few more: What Katy Did by Susan Coolidge, The Circle series by Ted Dekker, A Star Curiously Singing by Kerry Nietz, A Cast of Stones by Patrick W. Carr, and The Giver by Lois Lowry. (Note: This is NOT a recommendation of everything these authors have written).
Haven’t but I will check it out when I can!
There are other Elsie Dinsmore fans on here??!!!!! That was my favorite series growing up. Well, actually Millie was my favorite because hers (in my opinion) were better written than Elsie’s. Millie was more interesting because she actually made mistakes and sinned once in a while. Not saying that’s good, but Elsie was annoying to me because she was perfect ;D
I haven’t read that one or the Beautiful Pretender yet, but I really want to!
Yes, it is really good. Ishmael gets married in that one and has a happy ending. Although, it mostly featured Claudia. 🙂 She annoyed me.
Yeah, me too. I like to look through them first.
Oh! The Mitford Series is the best! I am only on book two, but I love it so far. I want to live in Mitford. 🙂
I totally get you Hannah! Millie was a little more let us say, believable? But all in all those books paid a huge part in my spiritual growth so I love them both! 😉
I love the Giver! It was so good!
I loved Millie as well! I love Elsie, but Millie was definitely my favorite. I love book number three when she goes down south and her story overlaps with Laylie’s.
I can’t help but reply to this question, even though you are asking Jesse. I loved the Dying Detective and the Scandal in Bohemia. It’s hard to pick a favorite one because I love all of them. 🙂 Which one is your favorite, Haylie?
Yes! It sounds like the perfect place to live. Who’s your favorite character?
I have a huge book of all the stories, and the episodes with Basil Rathbone are just like the book.
No, I’m glad you answered lol! My favorite is The Speckled Band. I don’t remember which volume of short stories it’s in, however.
That one is a good one. 🙂
I really love father Tim and Cynthia, but Dooley is my very favorite. Though, I love all the characters. 🙂 What about you?
Jessie, you should totally read lord of the rings! It is really good! I still haven’t read hunger games but am going to soon.
Olivia R. I love the Giver too!
There are so many amazing fiction books out there, but at the top of my list would be pretty much anything by Jerry B. Jenkins, especially the Left Behind series and Red Rock Mysteries series, Narnia, The Seven Sleepers series by Gilbert Morris, The Swiss Family Robinson, and The Circle series by Ted Dekker. I also really enjoyed the Dear Canada historical fiction series, and The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare.
Father Tim is my favorite. I also like Cynthia, Miss Sadie and, Hoppy Harper, but I can’t forget Barnabas. lol
Yes! 🙂
I don’t know. All I know is that C.S. Lewis wrote some Space Trilogy books and I’d like to read them. 🙂
Same! 🙂 I love Elsie Dinsmore!
I agree! But, like @Bekah14:disqus said, I love them both!
Ah yes, Barnabas is a must love. 🙂 I love Miss Sadie as well.
I love North and South too!! Margaret Hale is one of my favorite fictional characters of all time…with Jane Eyre of course 🙂
I love Elsie Dinsmore, too! My favorite book is Elsie’s Kith and Kin, the twelfth book in the original series! I like it because I can relate to Lulu in some ways. Like others have mentioned, though, Elsie can be annoying because she’s so perfect, like her worst sin is accidentally disobeying or offending her dad.
I did not like the second book very much… it’s too sad!
I also LOVE To Kill a Mockingbird!!!
That is one of my very favorites!
Of course, Jane Eyre is the best. 🙂
I love the episodes with Basil Rathbone and I have never met anyone else who has seen them! 🙂
I loved the Beautiful Pretender…but I love them all, I can’t decide which one my favorite is. I want to read them all again. Did you read A Spy’s Devotion?
Wow, I could write a giant book, recommending giant books! Here goes:
A Lost Clue- Lamplighter Books
Jane Eyre – Charlotte Bronte
Lord of The Rings – Tolkien
Any books by Elizabeth Camden, they’re amazing!
Any books by Linda Byler, she is the only Amish fiction writer that I like AND she’s Amish herself!
The Witch of Blackbird Pond – Elizabeth George Speare
The Wilderking Trilogy (they’re kid’s books, but I LOVE them!)
Sixty Acres and a Bride -Regina Jennings (a novel loosely based on the story of Ruth)
Treasures of the Snow – another Children’s book, but its SO good!
A lost Pearle – Lamplighter books
Any of the Agatha Christie novels
Short stories by O. Henry
Scarlet Pimpernel – Baroness Orczy (a MUST read)
ok, that’s the first half of the introduction in my novel long book of novel suggestions!
Hope it’s helpful!
No:( I’ve only read the ones my library has and the ones I have: The Golden Braid, The Huntress of ThornBeck Forest, and 1,3,4,and 5 of her young adult series(I can’t remember what it’s called. I really want to read all her other ones too though!
Have you read the sequel? Go Set a Watchman?
I have not. I ha e heard mixed reviews about it. Did you read it? If so, how did you like it?
A Lost Pearle was amazing! I am happy to have met another person who has read it!
It’s one of my favorite! wow, i thought I was the only person in the world who read that one!!
I have read it. I liked it, not more than TKAM. There are some bad words 🙁 but the story is good
The Witch of Blackbird Pond and Treasures of the Snow are longtime favorites of mine!!
We LOVE the Bronze Bow at my house. 🙂
I agree. I just reread it recently. 🙁
There was some language in the first one as well, though. Most people said that the character of Atticus had completely changed in TSAW for the worse, what did you think?
It defiantly wasn’t like in the first. I was a little disappointed bc Atticus was my favorite character in TKAM
Aww man )’: are you talking about the Hagenheim series? The Golden braid is part of that series. Have you tried submitting suggestions for the missing books at your library? I discovered I could do that a couple days ago.
Have you read Star of Light? It’s by the same author as Treasures of the Snow, and I personally thought it was like, ten times better!
But, other than that, we the other characters the same in personality? Like Scout, was she the same?
I have wanted to read it for so long!! But I haven’t found it yet. 🙁
I had to read it for school, and it was so good!
Wait… There’s a new one?
I’m like jumping into your conversation, so sorry.
I’ve read A Spy’s Devotion! It wasn’t exactly amazing or my favorite.
And I think my favorite Melanie Dickerson book might be The Fairest Beauty, or The Healer’s Apprentice, or the Captive Maiden, or the Princess Spy… Never mind, I don’t have a favorite lol
But yeah, I really like most of her books.
I’m reading The Book Thief rn!!!!! Well, sorda rn, cuz I have so many books to read, so I keep switching between books…
She was called Jean Louise and no, she had changed in my opinion. She had kinda lost her little girl personality 🙁 which I guess makes sense since she’s an adult but still…
And there is barely any mention of Jem or Dill
Okay… Kinda a hard question since I’m a bit of book addict. Forget it, a LOT of a book addict.
I just finished Priceless by Joel and Luke Smallbone of FOR KING AND COUNTRY (w/ Nancy Rue).. I got it for my bday, and it was awesome! It’s the book adaption of the movie Priceless coming out on the 14. I totally recommend it. LOOK IT UP!! I’m serious…
The Maze Runner series is amazing! (It has a tiny bit of language. That’s all I remember that might be bad in it…)
The Mortal Series by Ted Dekker. I’ve been reading Mortal (the second book in the trilogy) and it’s awesome!!!
Pretty much any Melanie Dickerson books… I loved The Fairest Beauty, A Princess Spy, The Captive Maiden, and The Healer’s Apprentice the most probably.
Secret Letters by Leah Scheier (It’s a story about Sherlock’s daughter, doesn’t mess with the Sherlock timeline, and was pretty amazing!)
Black Widow: Forever Red (for any Marvel fans out there!!) It’s an awesome book (I own it) though it has some language in it…
And I’m trying to get time to read The Hunger Games trilogy and LoTR…
Okay… There are some of my favorite fiction books…
I guess she wouldn’t be called Scout anymore. We’re a lot of the old characters in it? What about Jem, was he in it? Sorry for all the questions, I’m just a big fan of TKAM and I’m curious.
The LOTR is really good. Priceless sounds really good! Thanks for bringing it up. I honestly didn’t know it was a book. By the way, I love your avatar. 🙂
That is really sad because they were two of my favorites. Ignore the last part of my first reply. I had replied before I saw that you mentioned Jem already. 🙂
Ha ha! I actually haven’t read Silent Planet in a long time; I think my favorite is That Hideous Strength (maybe because when I originally read them I was 11 and that was the most interesting to me!).
Don’t apologize, I’m a big fan too. 🙂 No, there were mostly new characters.
Claudia… no comment. 🙂
Okay. Thank you for telling me. 🙂
Haha! I feel the same way. 🙂
Yeeesss, it just came out recently. And there’s another one scheduled to come out in like March, I think, called a Noble Servant or something like that.
I can’t wait to see Priceless!!! I hope it lives up to my expectations…cause I’m expecting it to be amazing. I want to read the book, but I’ll probably wait till I see the movie first.
That’s okay, I don’t mind(:
Yeah it wasn’t my favorite either. Like, I liked it, but not as much as the others.
Yes! I am so excited!
Secret Letters? I have never heard of it, but it sounds so good! I am a huge Sherlock Holmes fan, but never envisioned him getting married. Who did he marry? What’s his daughter’s name?
I can’t wait either!! I really hope I get to go see it. The book was AWESOME!! You should really read it.
lol Thanks.. May or may not be a huge Marvel/Avengers fan… hehe
And I started The Hobbit a while back, but haven’t gotten around to reading it more…
I don’t think it’s a very well known book. The only reason I found out about it is because my friend read it. Idk how she found it…
I don’t remember exactly, but I think the marriage was broken off or something because the girl’s parents were against them getting married because of different social classes or something.. And the girl’s name is Dora Joyce.
Here’s a link so you can read what it’s about if you want.
Thank you so much!
I still have to read the Hobbit, but I never seem to want to read it. Also, I am with you there, I am also a huge fan. 🙂
So… Is it that the Hobbit isn’t as fun, or what? Maybe I should just start with the Fellowship of the Ring…
Yay!! I found another Marvel fan. Love it when that happens.. Do you have a favorite movie?
Yeah, I feel like it dragged a little. Idk
It’s not that is isn’t fun (my sister has read it more than five time) I just can’t get motivated to read it. I don’t know why. I think I might listen to the audio book because I really want to finish out the series. 🙂
I love finding Marvel Fans! I really enjoyed the Age of Ultron because they were an official team at that point, but I disliked the end when Bruce left. That was sad. But I also the first Avengers film. I am a new fan so I have yet to watch all the films, but I really, really want to see the Captain America films because he is my favorite Avenger. 🙂 Though, I love all of the Avengers on the team. Which one is your favorite film?
Really? Cool! I looked both of them up and they sound really interesting!!
Well, I guess I can take a go at the Hobbit again…
And I’m a fairly new fan too. I’ve watched all three Captain America movies and the Avengers (both of them.) I first watched the Winter Soldier (which was my first Marvel movie) like last year in May or something. And after that, I was totally hooked.
You really need to watch the Captain America movies!! They. Are. AWESOME!! And same, I think he’s my favorite too. But I’m not sure because there are so many awesome Avengers.. I really loved Civil War and The Winter Soldier. (I’ve literally watched the Winter Soldier like three or four times. And the first time I watched it, I watched it again less than a week later.. haha) I just recently watched Civil War. But it makes me sad that the team broke apart. The end made me happy enough though, so…
I wanna watch the Ironman movies and all the Thor movies too though. And Antman. Antman was really cool in Civil War. And then there’s all these new Marvel movies coming out sO I’M CRAZY EXCITED!!!!!
Okay, sorry. I just totally went on a rant about Marvel. I could probably talk for hours about it, lol. Sorry… hehe
I can’t wait to watch the Captain America films! Also, I really want to see the Civil War, though i m not looking forward to the ‘civil war’s part of it.
Don’t worry about the rant, I completely understand! I would’ve done the same thing if I had seen more of the movies.
Yes! I’d love to see the Iron Man (Tony Stark is hilarious with his sarcasm) and the Thor films, but Captain America will be the ones I watch first. 🙂
That’s probably when I was introduced to those books, too. It seems like I never realize how much time has flown and then I’m shocked at how ‘old’ I am!
ik! I was remembering something that happened when I was younger, and I was like, “oh that wasn’t that long ago!” and then I counted, and realized it had happened half my life ago *gulp*. Crazy. Do you mind me asking how old you are?
You’re welcome! 🙂
Yes! It’s been especially weird since my little sister is going through all my old clothes and I think, “Oh, I remember that shirt! it was my favorite when I was twelve, not that long ago!” then I remember that I haven’t been twelve for quite some time.
Haha, I’m 16. I’m a Thanksgiving baby, so I have another birthday coming up! then I officially have one more year before I have to start acting like an adult!
Haha i know that feeling 😉 And yeah that’s how old I thought you were, I just couldn’t remember. My apologies. 🙂
lol, no worries! I think we’re about the same age. It’s weird how long I’ve known a lot of people from here and on revive. They’re all pretty much ‘friends’ although we’ve never met each other in person. 🙂
YES! Watch Captain America!!!! But watch them in order. From The First Avenger to The Winter Soldier and then Civil War. Makes it less confusing and more touching, if that makes any sense.
And yeah, the fact that the team was broken makes me really sad. But in the end, well, watch the movie. It gave me a sorta bitter/sweet happy feeling…
But the Black Panther and Ant-man and Spider-Man are all really awesome!
lol, We should keep getting back to each other on this thread whenever we watch a new Marvel movie…
Yeah I’m 16 as well. and ikr? I feel like I “know” so many of you! I really wish we could have some sort of Rebelutionary meet-up. It would be so cool to actually “meet” all you people!
I KNOW!! it’s crazy especially since there are several people who I know live within a couple hours of me. In fact, one girl and I have a lot of mutual friends and I used to live so close to her and she’s seen me once. It would be so cool if we could all meet or at least have regional meet ups!
Yes, I will definitely watch them in order. I suppose by ‘touching’ you mean Bucky? I don’t think I would have the same feelings if I watched them out of order.
Yes! We should totally keep coming back to this thread every time we watch a new Marvel film so we can tell each other about it. 🙂
You know, I was just thinking: too bad that there aren’t any Marvel novels that were like the movies, or connected to the movies. That would be great. 🙂
ik! Except there’s literally no one within a couple hours of me lol. Maybe within a couple states haha 😉
Okay, I did not see that you put Forever Red on there, I have always wanted to read that one!
lol so for your Black Widow comment above. Ugh! I really wish I could let you borrow my copy!! It was awesome.. and sad. You should really read it. You might get your mind blown, oh and your heart ripped out, though. Jk, but it is really sad and crazy. And awesome. Did I already say that? lol (Does your library not have it?)
And Black Widow: Red Vengeance is coming out on the eleventh of this month so I’m really excited and I hope I can get it… There’s something about actually owning the book.
And I think a Captain Marvel novel is coming out next year..
Anyways, yes. Exactly. By “touching” I mean Bucky… and Peggy… Just thinking of her makes me kinda sad.
Oh my gosh! Elsie Dinsmore fans! I love that series and I felt like I was the only one.
I cried so hard reading that book.
Ikr? Like I would kill to be as perfect as her. (That came out sounding kind of strange. Whatever. ; ))
The whole Narnia series
That’s my favorite too, mostly because it’s the first I ever read. 🙂
haha. there’s probably someone somewhere! I feel like I’ve seen almost every state and UK and Australia. you should be covered :p
lol one would think 😉 There was one other guy who commented like, once who lived an hour from me… but that was it XD
Do you mind me asking which state you’re in? I’m in Ohio, so I’m in between everyone from Michigan, illinois, and indiana. There are quite a few of us from Ohio though. 🙂
There do seem to be lots of you guys! And no I don’t mind. I’m from Nebraska… a.k.a. Nowheresville.
oh man! that is a toughy. Just so you know, I’ve always wanted to live there, so I will remember that and keep my eyes open for any other ‘nebraskaens.’
Haha yes! You even called us by the right term! I’m proud of you 😉 But really, I truly love it here. And I firmly believe that the sunsets can’t be beat.
lol, I kind of thought it sounded right, so.. anyways, you have officially made me want to come visit!! Ohio is cool, but the weather is unpredictable and I don’t think we have as much of the rugged beauty that y’all have out west.
I like how you tucked that y’all in there XD And yes! You should come visit! But pack a sweatshirt, raincoat, snowpants… and maybe some sunscreen… you never know what the weather will be like. Except, you can count on it always being a bit blustery 😉
yass! my kind of place! I am seriously on my way!
*waits patiently for Liana to get to Nebraska… so I can show her all my state has to offer… cornfields*
haha, we got those too. like our town is surrounded by cornfields. 🙂
My town is a cornfield XD
wait, no people? even better! #introvertheaven
Basically lol.
well, as long as I get my own corn row, I’ll be good! 😉
I’ll reserve a nice one for you 😉
haha, sounds great!!
I know what you mean. I feel the same way.
The Wingfeather Saga by Andrew Peterson without question and Gatty’s Tale by Kevin Crossley-Holland.
lol so for your Black Widow comment above. Ugh! I really wish I could let you borrow my copy!! It was awesome.. and sad. You should really read it. You might get your mind blown, oh and your heart ripped out, though. Jk, but it is really sad and crazy. And awesome. Did I already say that? lol (Does your library not have it?)
And Black Widow: Red Vengeance came out today (the eleventh) so I’m really excited and I hope I can get it… There’s something about actually owning the book.
And I think a Captain Marvel novel is coming out next year..
Anyways, yes. Exactly. By “touching” I mean Bucky… and Peggy… Just thinking of her makes me kinda sad.
I am a book addict so here’s a short list
1. The Ranger’s Apprentice. There is like 12 of these books and they are so well written and filled with twists and turns and they are amazing.
2. The Brotherband Chronicles. Written by the same author as the Ranger Apprentice (John Flanagan) they are an amazing series that follows the lives of a group of friends, or a “brotherband.” This series is a must must must must must read.
3. Percy Jackson. I know this is a very popular series and it really is amazing. Yes it does talk about greek gods and the like, but it is not to be taken seriously.
5. the Inkheart trilogy. These books are not very popular and have mild language, but they are amazing. The story follows a girl and her father, who both have the ability to read things in and out of stories. That is a terrrible description, so you should read the books to tell me how bad that description was. XD
6. The Sisters in time. This is more for younger girls, around ages 8-12, but they are still life-long favorites of mine.
7. The Knights or Arrathrae. This is a christian series and it is amazing. Tales of knights and brave warriors along with frightening villains, these books are packed with thrills.
8. The Kingdom series. Written by Chuck Black (author of #7) it is the back story to the Knights of Arrathrae. Simply amazing books.
Soooo thats most of my favorites. Yall should realllllly check them out!
They probably do, but I haven’t gotten around to that. I know exactly what you mean about owning a book. It’s not the same when it’s a library book.
Oh yes, I forgot about Peggy. Thinking of her makes me sad as well. 🙂 🙁
The Ishbane Conspiracy by Randy Alcorn
This Present Darkness by Frank Peretti
Piercing The Darkness by Frank Peretti
How could I forget the Cooper Kids!? Those are great!
I just totally freaked out when I saw that you mentioned Percy Jackson!! I’ve gotten to the Mark of Athena in Heroes of Olympus. I’m like in the middle. But yeah, it’s not like I believe in Greek gods or anything because of them. They’re just really interesting and awesome adventure books!!
YES! I can’t wait!! I really hope I get to watch it this weekend!!!!
Sorry for taking so long to get back to you. I haven’t been on the Reb since Tuesday, I guess.
I love owning the books. Whenever i read a book I loved, I really wanna buy the book, but then i don’t… 🙁 (I don’t exactly have money flying around lol)
Exactly!! They are amazing books! My friends and I still argue about which side is better, greek or roman…. greek all the way for me 🙂
Yay! Finally someone mentions Redwall! That is like my all-time favorite series.
I love the series. Brian Jacques was a master storyteller.
Yes I love the Greek side. I mean sure, Camp Jupiter is awesome, but Camp Half-Blood is AWESOMEEEE.
lol Have you read all of them? And who’s your favorite character?
YESS! yeah i have. Leo Valdez all the way. #TeamLeo
SAME!! Leo is amazing!!!!!! Also I love Percy… Kinda got attached to him after the entire PJO series. I’m reading The Mark of Athena right now. I think I said that already. But yeah, I love Percy and Leo, and Percabeth is just so… adorable!
Yeah same. Yessssssssssss
Have u read Magnus Chase or the Kane Chronicles or the Trials of Apollo?
yes, i have read both. i loved magnus chase, but i didnt really care for the trials of apollo
Yeah, i haven’t read either of them yet… i seriously have so many books to read rn tho, so. what about the kane Chronicles?
Oh yeah, i loooove those. i reallly do not recommend the trials of apollo, it was kinda inappropriate and im not gonna finish the series. the kane chronicles are the way to go
It seems repetitive to say LotR/The Hobbit/The Silmarillion/The Unfinished Tales/etc. by Tolkien, although I do love all of those.
But my favorite fiction book would be The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood by Howard Pyle.
I also really like the Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini.
Did you see it?!
YES YES YES!! Did you? I went and watched it with two of my sisters and my friend last night!! It was so AWESOMEEEEE!
For any of those who haven’t watched Priceless… I really recommend watching it if you can!
I really liked the “Dragons in our Midst” series by Bryan Davis. Also the sequel series “Oracles of Fire”. Haven’t gotten to read the third series yet though. Anyone else out there who likes these books? I highly recommend them. 🙂
I have a few especial favourites. The Ilyon Chronicles by Jaye L. Knight are fantasy, tales of faith under persecution. They’re not for super squeamish people, but are super encouraging. A similar series is The Blades of Aktar my Tricia Mingerink. They’re about an assassin who is supposed to be hunting down Christians and the last heirs of the murdered king, but is touched by their stories and joins them.
Also A Time to Die, etc. by Nadine Brandes. Dystopian with hope.
And The Rizkaland Legends by Kendra E Ardnek. Portal fantasy with a bit of romance, a lot of adventure and a story of trusting that God is in control of everything even when you can’t see how. Also the world is wonderful and quirky.
I love the Dragons in our Midst series! They are such good books. I read part of the first book of the Oracles of Fire series, but I had to return it to the library, so I didn’t get to finish it. It seemed like a really good book though, so I’ll probably finish reading it after I’m done my other stack of half-finished books. 🙂
The Sword of the Dragon series by Scott Appleton is AMAZING!!!!! Other favorites…..
Quest for Truth series-Brock Eastman
All of the Melanie Dickerson books I have read so far. (fairy-tales with a Christian twist)
Acts of Faith series-Janette Oke and Davis Bunn. (Takes place right after the resurrection, GREAT series)
A.D. Chronicles series-Bodie & Brock Thoene. (Another Biblical fiction, great perspective from the Jews. I love how they use the actual Hebrew names for places and people. Disclaimer-I have only read the first one)
That’s just off the top of my head……I have so many more that I love!!
My bad. Just saw this. I’m a terrible person, Haylie. Sorry.
Anyway … I have so many favorites. A few are To Kill a Mockingbird, the Anne of Green Gables series, Safely Home (by Randy Alcorn), Pride and Prejudice, The Hobbit, Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy, The Wednesday Wars, and Faerie Gold, to name a few. 🙂
Oh good gracious no, don’t apologize, m’dear. But it is neat to know some of your favorites! Thanks 🙂
LOVE LOVE LOVE Chuck Black’s books — he has 3 series: The Knights of Arrethtrae, the Kingdoms Series, and the Wars of the Realm Trilogy (my personal FAVORITE OF ALL TIME!!)!
Chuck Black is so amazing!!! Love his stuff! I’m 17, and I know those two series are geared towards younger readers but LOVE THEM! And his series the Wars of the Realm is incredible as well 🙂
Lamplighters are incredible! All of them, though A Lost Clue is a favorite of mine 🙂 (lamplighter.net) and I also adore books by Patricia St. John — Treasures in the Snow, Star of Light, Tanglewoods Secret, Rainbow Garden, & Twice Freed. All of Ms St John’s books EXCEPT Twice Freed are geared towards elementary, but I’m 17 and still love them!!
Love Jerry B Jenkins!!!!!!!! Left Behind: The Kids was incredible!!
Yes!!! I love that series sooooo much! It is definitely one of my favorite series of all time😊
haha, me too!!
That is like having 12,000 kids and being told to pick your favorite lol.
Umm… Well…
Do Hard Things is my all time fave but it isn’t fiction so….
Anne of Green Gables series
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Lord of the Rings
The Hobbit
A Girl of the Limberlost
Little Women
Sherlock Holmes stories
Almost anything by Mark Twain
Benedict Society Series
Narnia Series
Jane Eyre
Pride and Prejudice
Sense and Sensibility
The Hatchet series
Wrinkle in Time series
Old Yeller
Rifles for Watie
The Hiding Place (autobiography tho; not fiction :P)
Little Britches series
Animal Farm
Count of Monte Cristo
Oliver Twist
Glass Menagerie
Anything by Joseph A Altsheler
Where the Red Fern Grows
The Bronze Bow
A Little Princess
Secret Garden
And I didn’t even put them all down…. But I think I made my point xD
It is impossible to have a favorite book! Any book worth the time to read that has depth and meaning is almost automatically on my favorites list :))
I have enjoyed most all of all the ones listed below. However our homeschool curriculum has some great books. It is the Bob Jones University, and they have some great books. One of my favorite authors of theirs is Catherine Farnes, and her Rivers of Judah series. I am reading them, AGAIN. For the I-don’t-know-how-many-times-before I have read them. She is Christian Fiction, and just a great author.
I agree I can’t decide either!
I kind of like the “Imagination Station” series, they are okay but not my favorite.
I really like “The Silmarillion” by J. R. R. Tolkien, it is awesome(To me)!
I use to like the “Magic Tree House” series but not anymore.
The Ranger’s Apprentice series!!!!!!!!
Just about to comment this, but I will anyways.
Concurring with the statement below, the Ranger’s Apprentice series.
The Chronicles of Narnia and Ranger’s Apprentice (except book #12.)
I don’t like book 12 either.