rebelling against low expectations

How I Got Published as a Teen (Lesson #2)


I’ve dreamed of writing a book for as long as I can remember, but I never thought it was actually possible.

Teens like me don’t get published.

Until they do. Because I did.

And not because I’m special (seriously, not at all!). It’s because, after writing for several years, I became aware of the strategy for success. I found a community and a mentor, worked as hard as I could, and it eventually paid off.

This is my story.


Young Writers Like You and Me Can Get Published

In lesson #1 of this series (Young Writers, Young Authors) Brett convinced us that young writers actually can get published. The problem is that most are uneducated about the process, or they don’t believe it’s possible. A few years ago, that was me. But if then he explained that if they worked hard and created a concrete strategy, they’d have a real shot at success. [If you missed it, click here to watch video #1.]

And in lesson #2, I share how that happened to me.

I went from being a 13-year-old writer clueless about the publishing process to an 18-year-old landing a book contract from her dream publisher.

And I most sincerely believe this can happen to other young writers.

My story is not a fairytale; it’s a template. It’s an example that other young writers can follow to achieve success in their own writing goals.

In this video Brett and I walk through my whole writing journey – its humble beginnings, my parents’ support, my own insecurity, facing rejection, the part The Rebelution and Do Hard Things University played, what happened the day I got the book contract, and what it feels like to be a young author.

This Video Series is For You If…

You’re a discouraged young writer wondering whether publication is possible.

You’re a hopeful young writer looking for motivation.

You’re passionate about anything (even if it’s not writing) and you’re wondering if it’s realistic for young people to achieve serious success.

But here’s the catch: These video lessons are only free and available to the public until Saturday, July 1. So get watching!

Acccess The Video SeriesClick here to start watching Lesson #2:


Our Hope for This Video

I hope that hearing my story inspires you. I hope it gives you permission to dream again. And I hope it helps you realize that young writers really can become young authors.

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The Young Writers Guidebook is a collection of advice from young authors. If you’ve ever dreamt of publishing a book as a young person, take this opportunity to learn from those who have gone ahead of you. Click here to learn more.


The WriterScore Assessment is a way to measure your growth and development as a writer in ten different categories. Click here to take the assessment. Once you’ve taken it, share your score and join the discussion in our private Facebook group.

About the author

Jaquelle Crowe Ferris

is the former editor-in-chief of The Rebelution and author of This Changes Everything: How the Gospel Transforms the Teen Years (Crossway). She's the co-founder of The Young Writers Workshop and hosts a podcast for youth called Age of Minority. She's married to Joe and lives in Nova Scotia, Canada.


  • Hey Jaquelle, I might go to the Gospel Coalition conference in February. You’re going to be there, right?

    It would be really cool if we could meet in person!

  • Aw, Jason, that would be so cool. But at this point, I’m actually not planning on going to TGC Nat Con this year. It would be way cool if we could meet in person, though. Some day, my friend! It will happen!

  • Hey, once we do the Young Writer’s Workshop we’ll all be famous authors with all the money in the world to go to Australia!

  • Yeah, that’s the one! I’m not sure if I’m going, but if you go that might change my mind. Are you for sure going to be there?

  • Jason, I don’t know absolutely that I am going, but I am pretty sure I will be. I just signed up to Volunteer and I have volunteered several times at this conference, so I am considered a core volunteer. So unless for some reason they don’t accept me as a volunteer or something happens to prevent me from going, than I should be there. You should come! It would be awesome to meet you! I met Jaquelle at the last conference. 🙂

  • @thetrentblake:disqus have you seen these posts?? Thought they all might interest you if you hadn’t seem them already. =)

  • Thanks Megan! Actually I have seen them – I’ve just been commenting under the video, rather then under the post.

    Are you interested in pursuing writing as well?

  • haha! Yeah, I figured you had seem them or would soon. 😉

    Yes, I’m very interested! It’s not something I’m at a place to pursue more deeply right now; but when I finish school in a couple months I’d love to pursue it more in depth.

    Currently it’s just my blog (which has been pretty inconsistent lately), a monthly newspaper article, school work, and free-writing. I’d definitely love to expand that horizon at some point.

    You’re far more advanced in the writing process and world than I am though. ;D lol

  • Then in that case, I would highly recommend you join the FB group and watch the videos while you can. It doesn’t require a huge time commitment and is a great resource! I think you would fit right in!

    Either way! =)

  • @Jaquelle Crowe, thanks so much! I was really inspired by this video. I’m a 15 year old and I have been published in a small homeschooling magazine. I was encouraged that you got published on Therebelution when you were sixteen. I want to be published on Therebelution sometime.
    PS: I completely know what you mean by freaking out. I have done it too! 🙂

  • Thanks! I have a few ideas for submissions, but first I need to write them and ask my parents!

  • This is amazing…I have been writing seriously for nearly 4 years now, but I have always thought my Idea of publishing my book set was a joke. I mean say “how many people would want to read a teenagers book?” Then after I’ve watched this I thought a second… Do hard things is one of my favorite books(a teen book) This changes everything is amazing! And the most clear one I should have realized before was that family member of mine published a book two years ago when she was 17… Writing is an art that should be done not just dreamed about. If I am a writer I should stop mopping a saying it isn’t possible and start acting like one.

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →