Two years ago, my life changed: I started attending a girls’ bible study each week.
Although I was going to church and reading my devotionals almost every day, I wasn’t making time with the Lord a priority. As soon as I started going to this study, however, I was powerfully challenged in my walk with God.
At the end of that year, the leader gave me a book on prayer. As I read it, I started to develop a prayer/bible study time and eventually began my days with Jesus. It was such a beautiful transition in my life, and one that I am so thankful for.
However, since that time, I have noticed how easy it can be to let other things steal my attention away from my time with the Lord. For example, it can be tempting to look at my phone before I read the Word in the morning or check it during my time with Him. There have been mornings where I don’t really feel like spending time with Jesus.
This can easily happen to any of us. If we allow them to, distractions can steal our attention from the One who our soul was designed to love.
So in the midst of a distracting world, how can we build our lives upon Christ? How can we make Him our all-in-all and our solid ground when our lives are full and we don’t always feel like spending time with Him?
In this post I want to share with you 3 practical ways to start building your life around Christ, today. Don’t be overwhelmed, but take them one step at a time and think about what God is saying to you.
Let’s check them out!
1. Spend time with the Lord
It’s vital to intentionally cut out time each day to spend with the Lord, reading his Word and praying. If you’re trying to grow a relationship with someone, how can you do it without spending time with them? It’s the basis of all relationships, including our relationship with God. Matthew 6:33 says, “But seek first God’s Kingdom, and his righteousness; and all these things will be given to you as well.”
If you don’t already, I highly encourage you to make time every day to spend with Jesus. This will look different for all of us, but we all need to do it. Maybe start with meditating on a verse or passage before you get ready for the day, if you’re able, spend 30 minutes to an hour in prayer, worship, and reading God’s Word. Simply make an effort and be intentional. Put aside your phone and any other distractions, get alone and just be with God.
For those of you already spending time with Jesus each day, that’s awesome! I encourage you to constantly strive to go deeper in your time with the Lord. There’s always more to find out about God, his Word, and you can always go deeper into his well of goodness.
Don’t settle for being stagnant.
2. Hide His Word in your heart
It says in Psalm 119:11, “I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” His Word is truth and our help at all times. Be sure you know it and hide it in your heart. When you do this, you can redirect any thoughts that are not of God to his Truth.
Don’t read the Bible like a novel. Slow down, read, and even reread passages. Take notes and pray about what you’re studying.
As you meditate on and memorize his Word, remember that it’s not your speed or skill that matters, but learning to know the heart of our Father.
3. Live Out the Word in Obedience
There are moments that I skim through the Word and don’t slow down to think about it. In order that I live for Jesus, though, I must stop to understand what His Word is saying and what it looks like for me to live it out in everyday life.
Learn from what you’re reading by hearing the truth and then obeying. Let God and His Word be your teacher. His Truth is what helps us keep our lives pure and holy before God, and it brings life.
I love what it says in Psalm 119:9, “How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your Word.” Know what it says (from Genesis to Revelation) and then do it. If there’s something you don’t understand, ask God to help you, and he will.
What are some more practical ways that you can start building your life around Christ today?
Thank you for the practical encouragement, Caitlyn! This is something I’m trying to work on currently and your words are very inspiring!
Great article, Caitlyn! Proud of you, friend! =)
I love you so much Olivia!!!! Thanks again for helping me edit it! 🙂
Hi Kayla! That’s awesome the Lord spoke to you through this, I’m so happy to hear that! We’re all in is together and with God you can get better at it!! ❤☺💕
This is such a good reminder, and I have been realizing how much I have been falling short in this area lately. God deserves our wholehearted attention and devotion. Thank you, Caitlyn!
I like it so much!
Love you so much, too! And of course! 😊❤️
Thank you!:)
Thank you so much Olivia, all glory to the Father! I’m with you on that, I’ve really been challenged in it lately myself. He IS so so worthy!❤
Wonderful article Caitlyn! It’s so easy to get sidetracked from delving deeper into God, but you gave some really helpful tips on how to not do so. Thank you for writing!
Wow, Caitlyn. This article is just what I needed today. Alas, how easy it is to become distracted! Thank you for the reminder to make the time to spend time with Christ and keep focused on His truth.
This is a really great article! I’ve been thinking about how I could come closer to Christ, and this is perfect!
Thank you so so much, I really appreciate it! I definitely still struggle with it myself, and that’s why I wanted to share these tips because I know others struggle with it to! Blessings. 🙂
Aww, Faye, thank you SO MUCH! God is so good!! Of course, I’m so glad it encouraged you. I definitely face that struggle daily as well, and we’re in this together! 🙂 🙂
Thank you so much, all glory to the Father!
Firstly, great article! I must admit that I often read through the Word without taking time to understand truly what it’s saying.
More practical ways that I can think of quickly:
1. Groupbiblestudy. – sharing, searching, and communicating God’s Word with friends through the guidance of the Holy Spirit gives you the support needed to truly open your heart to His will. It opens a whole new world of living with God!
2. Very practical: Ask questions.
I don’t mean be stupid, but I do mean that a conversation frequently starts with a question. I have quite a few close friends and a quite enlarged family, and whenever a question pop up like: What does God mean, when He said He made Eve to be a help for Adam? Did He intend her to be his servant? When these questions come to my mind I make a point of asking a friend what they think about it. Even a simple text message can start a conversation that leads to further research, and wisdom of His Word.
3. Lastly, I am very careful to say this, but you can learn from God’s Word through debate.
It is important though, whenever you debate, to always keep in mind that no matter what, simple matters like whether high-school-dating is really a good idea should never be an object of dividance and difference between friends. We can differ and yet live together.
Debate can however challenge you to study the Word, and support your arguments, though make sure you don’t start with the end in mind. Never turn to God’s Word to prove some statement you made that did not have it’s root in the Word from the start.
That said, I think the most important thing is to remember that we do have brothers and sisters, eager to make time with us to worship our lord. Let us therefore form a communion together, for the praise of the Lord!
Caitlyn! So proud of you, my friend!! This article is wonderful! Thank you for sharing this encouragement that is so needed today. Love you! <3
Thank you so much! I agree, all those things you mentioned are important. Thanks for sharing!
Oh sweet Bella I’m so thankful for you! Thank you sister 🙂
Your welcome.
I think we as Christians often forget the importance of preparation. No battle can be won if we are not properly prepared. Preparation can once again be done in many ways, but you nailed the most important one in this article. God gives us the knowledge to not only fight this battle, but to win it also. Now all we have to do is study it!
Keep writing good articles Caitlyn! We need them…
Yes, amen to that! We must be equipped for life and for the battle that’s happening! Through His Word & power we can be prepared for whatever happens. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
I usually listen to the Bible while I get ready for school, and though I don’t take notes I think on it hard. I’ve been told that it doesn’t mean anything unless you take notes (that wasn’t what you were communicating, if I understand), but I would beg to disagree.
Hey! I think that’s a wonderful idea! To me, if you’re thinking about it and applying it to your life, that’s toyally awesome and ok and you certainly don’t have to take notes. Personally, note taking helps to retain what I’ve learned but it’s not for everyone.