rebelling against low expectations

A Letter From the Editor-In-Chief


I still remember submitting my very first article to The Rebelution.

I was 16 and had started writing less than a year before. I sat in front of the computer, obsessively re-reading every word and staring nervously at the “send” button.

I was positive it would be rejected. Absolutely positive.

I nearly started screaming when I received the response: “We’d love to publish this!”

That moment changed my life. After that first article, I decided I wanted to be a writer and since then I’ve never stopped.

I’ve written dozens of articles. I’ve even written two books (Love Riot, which released last year, and Stand Up, Stand Strong which releases in April). I’ve met hundreds of amazing teens on fire for Jesus and worked with an incredible team of rebelutionaries.

And now, nearly 5 years later, I’m stepping into the role of Editor-in-Chief of the website I almost didn’t submit to because I was too scared of being rejected.

I don’t underestimate the weight of this responsibility. I feel like I’m stepping into shoes far too big for me that I can only hope to fill as well as those who’ve managed TheReb in years past. Christopher Witmer has done an amazing job carrying TheReb through the many challenges the world has faced over the past few years and I know we’ll all miss his presence on the site.

Looking back over the past few years, I glimpse the evidence of God’s hand over TheReb. Looking forward, I’m excited to see where God leads next.

The Overarching Purpose of Doing Hard Things

It’s funny, the mantra that launched this movement are also the words that helped me find the courage to take my first steps: do hard things.

We don’t do these hard things for ourselves or our own recognition, but for the glory of the God who enables us to take every breath and pens the story of our lives before our first inhale.

The story of every world changer is marked by hard decisions, fierce determination, and grit to press on through the struggle. But what ignites a fire in my heart and sends excitement surging through my veins is not just the fact that we can do hard things and be world changers and rebelutionaries. That’s exciting enough, for sure. But more than determination and grit, we have a why and a Who to keep us pressing on. We have truth to anchor us. We have security beyond the span of this life. We have an eternal story and a timeless narrative that point to the purpose of our hard things.

We are not just rebelutionaries. We are Jesus-followers.

We are not just rebelutionaries. We are Jesus-followers. Share on X

The purpose of our lives and the purpose of every hard thing we do are all intrinsically wrapped up in a far greater purpose set in motion before the world began spinning. The purpose to glorify, magnify, and exalt the name of our Creator and King—Jesus Christ.

My Vision for What’s Next

It’s this purpose that fuels my love for TheRebelution and my vision for what’s to come.

And friends, I am so excited for what’s ahead.

I have so much vision for TheRebelution. There are new ideas I want to try and new territory I want to venture into. I want to make our content more dynamic and interactive and hear more from you on what you’re struggling with in your day-to-day life and how we can cheer you on. I’m excited to launch several new projects in the upcoming weeks and months and I’m looking forward to making our content better than ever.

I want to see this community of rebelutionaries grow and thrive. I want us to dig deeper and grow stronger. I want to tackle the hard questions and dive into the tough issues. I want us grow in love for God, His Word, and His truth. I want us to know how to navigate the challenges the world throws our way.

God’s not done with the world. And until then or Heaven, we’re not done doing hard things either. Share on X

The world is growing darker and society is drifting further away from God. Everywhere I look, I see brokenness and need. It breaks my heart and leads me to ask the question, “What can we do about it?” My prayer is that this community would answer that question with passion, purpose, and the love of Christ. That we would not back away, crumble under the pressure of a Christ-less society, or compromise our commitment, but stand strong and faithful—equipped with truth, sustained by Christ. That we would grow stronger, brighter, and bolder and shine the light of God’s love and truth into the blackness of a world of hatred and subjectivity.

Because God’s not done with the world. And until then or Heaven, we’re not done doing hard things either.

About the author

By Sara Starkey
rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →