rebelling against low expectations


An Announcement from the Editor-in-Chief: Big Changes for the Reb + An Opportunity


One of the hardest things I’ve done has been to embrace seasons of transition. Honestly, I don’t like transitions. They’re hard, uncomfortable, and filled with unknowns. But for the past few years, my life has felt like one transition after another. From releasing books to getting married, from graduating school to beginning and resigning jobs, life has been full of seasons...

A Letter From the Editor-In-Chief


I still remember submitting my very first article to The Rebelution. I was 16 and had started writing less than a year before. I sat in front of the computer, obsessively re-reading every word and staring nervously at the “send” button. I was positive it would be rejected. Absolutely positive. I nearly started screaming when I received the response: “We’d love to publish this!” That moment...

Moving on from TheRebelution: When Doing Hard Things Means Taking a Step Back


I have wrestled intensely for a few months, wondering how to write this article. I struggled to find the words–and I’m not sure, even now, that I ever did find them. But one commitment I’ve always tried to keep in my writing has been to write honestly and from the heart. No doubt you’ve already picked up on it, but I am resigning from being Editor-in-Chief of TheRebelution. There’s no...

In Desperate Need of Hope–An Introduction to a New Series


Can you believe we are already well into the third month of 2021? It’s been an exhausting year by just about every definition. A lot of things feel like they’ve been turned upside down and shaken up. There are so many different, pressing issues at hand that I find it difficult to know what specific needs are facing young people going into 2021. Nevertheless, regardless of how COVID-19, stay-at...

Check Out TheReb’s New Design! (We’re pretty tickled about it)


It’s hard to believe it was ten years ago when Do Hard Things came out. Some of us can barely remember a time we weren’t familiar with the phrase “do hard things.” For others of us, it’s a revolutionary new concept we’ve only recently discovered and started applying to our lives. (And still others of us are ten-years familiar with it and still learning to apply it to our lives.) In any case, Do...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →