rebelling against low expectations

TagThe Gospel

4 Reasons Christians Need to Read The Old Testament


How much have you read and explored the Old Testament? I don’t mean just reading the typical stories you see in a children’s Bible storybook, but actually reading through entire books? I personally haven’t read the entire Old Testament, but I’m currently on track to with my Bible reading plan. It’s fair to say most Christians prefer the New Testament – why read about the Israelites...

The Sinner’s Final Breath—A Poem


the romans, they condemned me condemned me to the confines of hell so they nailed me to a cross and speared my tender side and as i laid there hanging naked and alone the messiah, he turned toward me and in his eyes i saw a ocean of forgiveness and a mind that knew no wrong see, the romans had condemned him condemned him to the darkness of death but he will not stay for light can not be slain by...

The Savior – A Christmas Poem


Our precious Savior, asleep in a manger, One day would heal those who suffered great pain. One day, He’d show crowds the way out of danger. One day, they’d see the reason He came. This precious babe that was cradled by Mary Would one day sip from the cup of God’s Will. He’d endure the torture none other would carry For many ages and until this day still. Our precious...

3 Lessons In Joy I Learned From Christmas Music


I used to be one of those people who looked down on people who started listening to Christmas music before December. They seemed crazy to me. But this year, I started listening to Christmas music long, long, before December. Whether it was the sentiment or novelty of Christmas getting to me, or an unspoken and thankless desire to rush through the last months of 2020, I think there’s something to...

A Letter to the Teen Struggling With Self-Harm


To the teen struggling with self-harm… Considering the times we live in, internal doubts, feelings of failure, numbness, and depression are amplified and even the world around us is hurting very deeply. It can feel like too much to cope with and for some, there is a temptation to turn to pain to make your internal numbness feel tangible. Maybe you’re here to find out more about the...

3 Reasons the Gospel Is the Most Offensive (And Beautiful) Message Ever


Have you ever tried to tell someone the gospel . . . and they got offended? The gospel is the greatest love story ever told. It’s the story of how Jesus came down as a human baby, died on the cross, taking the sin of the world upon himself, and rose again three days later, defeating sin and death once and for all. It’s difficult to imagine how anyone could be offended at such wonderful news, but...

Changed From the Inside Out (Summer Book Study Week Two)


What needs to be changed in my life? The other day I scribbled this question in my journal. I was struggling with several areas of my life, knowing I needed to change and desperately wanting to. But I didn’t know how. These struggles felt too deeply rooted, too ingrained into my heart and life to be altered. Besides, they weren’t that bad. Nothing everyone else doesn’t also battle from time to...

4 Things The World Doesn’t Expect From Teenagers


There’s a new generation arising. Some call us the iGen or Generation Z. Others refer to us as postmillennials. We’re the heartbeat of this century. We’re known as coffee shop loving, selfie taking, video game playing, fun-loving individuals. Who are we? We’re teenagers. A lot of people have a lot of opinions about us. But few automatically label us as passionate Jesus followers. I’m out to...

I Am Barabbas—Deserving of Death, Set Free By Christ


Cold stones surround me. Little light drifts in through the window, but the darkness doesn’t stop me from hearing. Nothing can block out the noise. Not even the heavy doors and firmly built walls that hold me captive. The sound increases and I wonder how many people are standing outside. There must be hundreds. My chest tightens. I know the effect a mob can have. Tilting my head, I concentrate. A...

Love Moved First—My Story from Blind Faith to a Transformed Life


Do you ever think you’re too far gone for God to care about you? That you’ve done things too horrible for him to accept you? Do you think you’ve ruined your life forever, and there’s no way home, no way out? This was the story of my life up until a few months ago. When Love Moved First I was raised in a Christian home, and I had prayed for Jesus to come into my heart when I was around five years...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →