rebelling against low expectations

TagTrusting God

What Does It Mean That God Is Our Father?


“You Christians always talk about God being like a father, but what does that mean?” her eyes searched mine, but they weren’t accusing. Just questioning. “What does it mean if someone is like a father?” My heart broke. While my earthly father is far from perfect, I never had the struggle of not knowing what a father is supposed to be like – the very struggle the girl sitting in front of me...

When God Doesn’t Fulfill Your Heart’s Desire


Just today, I got a message from a girl on social media who shared this: I am still not married and it’s what I’ve desired and dreamed of since I was twelve years old. If it’s not God’s will, I have been diligently praying that He would take away this desire, but He hasn’t. What unfulfilled longings are weighing on your heart right now? Getting married? Having one real and true friend? Having...

What Does It Mean to Have Childlike Faith?


“It’s so hard to pray because I always forget or don’t make the time.” “I just don’t know how to grow closer to God. He feels far away.” “I feel like I’m totally failing in following Jesus. Am I even a real Christian?” Have you ever said or felt any of these things? We tend to make following Jesus a sort of production. We have to say the right things, read the Bible at a specific time, pray a...

How Can I Have Peace When the World is So Overwhelming?


In our overly-digitized age, we are constantly bombarded with information. It’s overwhelming, anxiety-inducing. It often feels as if we have to have an opinion and be fighting for or against nearly 840 things at once. Are you feeling me? Truly, I don’t believe humanity was meant to carry a burden like this; the burden of being aware of every bad thing happening in the world. Nevertheless, this is...

Eliya Samson and the Free Burma Rangers: Trusting God No Matter What


What would you expect from a man who had just lost his wife and child in the middle of a jungle? And not only that, but was stuck in the middle of a raging civil war? Would you expect panic? Fear? Desperation and despair? The last thing you’d expect is for him to still be able to smile, laugh, and extend his help to others, right? Meet Eliya Samson This is the exact kind of man that missionary...

How to Walk in Boldness in a World That Rejects Us


In our world today, it can be easy for us to become discouraged as we focus on the circumstances around us and on what we can control and see. Sometimes even more for us as Christians. As society and culture gets further and further away from the Lord, it’s tempting to lose heart—but imperative that we don’t. Walking boldly in an anti-Christian culture isn’t easy. It requires that we put our...

Dear Grad, Leverage Your Life for God’s Glory


When I graduated five years ago, I didn’t have a life plan. I remember wrestling with uncertainty, trying to figure out what was next as I attempted to answer the bombardment of What’s next? questions. I felt the suffocating pressure to have my life plan mapped out by graduation day. I’m sure many 2021 graduates can relate. In the five years since I received my diploma, I’ve experienced numerous...

When Your World Crumbles: Who Is Your Rock?


Recently, one of my uncles died. While I wasn’t super close with him, he had always been a part of my family. He was a constant. Although I didn’t talk with him a lot, I knew he was always there. But those are things you don’t think about when that person is still in your life. Those are things you think about after they have passed. And it was only when my family prepared a song to record for...

Are You Afraid to Give God Everything?


Editors Note: Today we’re celebrating the one-year anniversary of The Rebelution’s latest book Love Riot: A Teenage Call to Live With Relentless Abandon for Christ! Below is one of our favorite excerpts from Love Riot taken from Chapter 6: Everything Means Everything. Jim Elliot could have done anything he wanted. Well-liked and respected among his fellow college students, he was...

Disability Isn’t Glamorous–But It Still Glorifies God


Let’s be frank. Disability isn’t usually something glamorous. If it was, you’d see way more girls with hot pink wheelchairs. But disability isn’t glamorous or a fad according to worldly standards. Instead, it’s often looked down upon. An annoyance. A disadvantage. A dis-ability. It’s easy to see why. I can tell you about the number of times things have gone south for me. I’ve lost my grip in...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →