rebelling against low expectations

Tired of low expectations? Join The Movement. is a website for teens by teens — helping you rebel against low expectations and do hard things for the glory of God. Learn More →

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God Has No Dark Side: Trusting God After Betrayal


“Run!” my mind screamed as panic sent shock waves up my spine. But I couldn’t run. My heart still couldn’t believe what my eyes were seeing, so I stood still. Paralyzed. My stomach lurched at what I saw just a few yards away. Betrayal. Purposeful deception. “No! Stop! Don’t do it!” I’d known for some time what was going on. Found evidence of it here and there. But this was the first time I’d...

Biblical Stewardship vs. Worldly Sustainability


In the world today, sustainability is preached from the rooftops. There’s an urgency for people to take the earth’s health more seriously, even if that means going to extreme measures—like not having children or going months without washing your hair. However, rather than just accept what the world says, let’s look at what God says about the earth and our role in caring for it in His Word...

He Was Rejected Too


“Rejection hurts,” would be an understatement. Rejection claws at our very soul, sucking out all life. This monster tells lies and does its best to capture our minds. It tells us we’re worthless, ugly, useless, a mistake. I’ve experienced a great deal of rejection in my own life… While the world portrays the Christmas season as one filled with only joy and peace, that’s not always the case...

Living in the Now: Being Content


As I read email updates from the Bible school in England I plan to attend, I find myself wishing I were already there. As I hear about my online friends and the fun things they’re doing with their friends, I find myself wishing for friends that were here with me. As I hear of friends getting jobs, I find myself wishing there were some way I could make money. And I find myself wondering, what’s...

3 Truths for The Teenager Worried About Money


How do I pay for Christmas gifts? How do I pay for gas? How will I support myself when I graduate? What job should I get? Have I saved enough for college? Should I take out student loans? Is my budget realistic? What will happen if I accidentally mess up my taxes? We have endless questions (and fears) about finances. I was terrified as I prepared to move out and support myself for the first time...

Writing With Excellence From a Christian Perspective


I want to explore the concept of writing with excellence through the lens of our Christian faith. As followers of Christ, we are called to live out our faith in every aspect of our lives, including our writing endeavors. While I’m definitely not a professional on the subject (and that’s a huge understatement), it’s important to talk about. Thinking and even theorizing about a topic can often...

Sin’s Effect on Man’s Mind


Completely Good to Radically Corrupted Because man was made in God’s image, man was given a mind. God has a mind, so man has a mind. And in the beginning, man was made completely good. In fact, man was very good. Man’s goodness went beyond the goodness of all other creatures because he alone was made in the image of the Living God. But what is this mind of man, and what was it made to do? Why was...

An Argument for Creationism: Exploring the Case for Intelligent Design


As Christians in today’s world, oftentimes our beliefs will contradict those of the people around us. One of the greatest challenges we face is defending those beliefs to skeptics. To do this effectively, we must know what we believe, and why. One such controversial belief that many Christians’ hold is the idea of creationism, which states that the universe and everything in it is an intentional...

Christian Culture’s Obsession with Identity (and Where We Should Focus Instead)


Almost everywhere we turn, messages like “I am a child of the king,” “I am loved,” “I am chosen,” and “I am worthy” are plastered on t-shirts and water bottles. They are prevalent in many song lyrics, books, talk shows, and everyday conversations. These phrases of identity in Christ and worthiness in God’s eyes are attempts to replace despair, self-doubt, and feelings of inadequacy. Yet despite...

The Self-Centered Nature of Self-Love


Self-love is an ideology that has taken our culture by storm. Messages of “you are enough,” “all you need is yourself,” and “to love others you have to love yourself first,” are plastered all over social media platforms. This idea sounds wonderful on the surface and appeals to the insecurities many of us face. But there are damaging worldview messages packed into these seemingly innocent phrases...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →