Alyssa Chua, a 17-year-old rebelutionary from the Philippines, co-authors the blog Godly Ladies in Training with her good friend Christin Alvarez. She has given us permission to post the following essay she wrote entitled ‘Finding the Rebelution’.
“Changes ain’t totally pleasant but they’re excellent things,” says Mr. James Harrison in the book Anne of Avonlea by L.M. Montgomery.
Less than a year ago, I would have disagreed with Mr. Harrison. I didn’t like change. In fact, I didn’t like anything that would make my life – or even me – different. I wanted things to remain just the way they were. But God had other plans. This past February, I came across something that changed my life.
A Turning Point
I was browsing through one of the forums where I am a member, when I came across a strange name in a topic title that immediately caught my attention. I opened the topic thread and read its contents. There was a link to another webpage. Out of curiosity, I decided to click on it and found myself at The Rebelution.
Simply clicking on that link changed my life. I learned to look within myself, and I saw the person I really was. I had never done that before. I had never looked at my life and my actions or ever wondered about myself before.
I saw the things that needed to change. I saw the selfish desires that had kept me from serving God fully. I saw the faults that had hindered me from serving others. I saw the pride that had kept me from admitting that I was wrong and the impatience that had kept me from trusting God about my future. Within myself, I saw the “weight” that was keeping me from running my race freely. I saw that I had to change.
The change was not immediate. It took long hours – days of thinking, and meditating on God’s word. I had to go through the fire of purging and refining where my past thoughts, actions, and judgments were rebuked. There, I confessed to God of my wrong ways and asked Him to change my heart and my life. Like Mr. Harrison said, the change wasn’t totally pleasant, but it was an excellent thing.
A Personal Challenge
Until I came across The Rebelution, I had never ventured out of my “comfort zone” where I had grown used to serving God. I had never accepted the challenges that looked too difficult. I enjoyed things just the way they were. Until then, I had never fully surrendered my life to God.
My comfort zone was a place where everything was just the way I wanted it to be; a condition where I never had to make extra effort or do something difficult; a state where I would sit back, relax, and enjoy myself.
Before, I did not want to step out because I was afraid of failing the challenge and failing in my service to God. It was some time before I realized that no matter how many times I fail the people around me, God will never consider me a failure, and I can always trust Him to give me the strength and courage to get up and go on.
Coming across The Rebelution brought about a challenge to look deep within myself and see the person I really am in Christ. It also brought about the challenge of stepping outside of my comfort zone. It wasn’t easy, but looking to God for help, I stepped forward, away from the easy, relaxed life that I was used to living.
Outside my comfort zone, I found that I could serve God more fully and use all my talents unreservedly for Him. Outside my comfort zone, I learned to lean on God for strength, instead of leaning on the small pleasures of this world for comfort. Outside of my comfort zone, I learned to “do hard things.”
“Why bother to do hard things?” people always ask. “Why can’t you just do the things that you enjoy the most?”
For me, doing hard things meant doing the things I had never done before, the things I considered too difficult, such as serving with a glad heart, looking for a way to learn from my mistakes, obeying whole-heartedly the voice of God. For me, it meant taking action and living more like Jesus.
Without doing hard things, there would be nothing to challenge us to become better people. Without doing hard things, there would be nothing on which to exert ourselves and to mold our character for the better.
A Life-Changing Call
After visiting The Rebelution, I thought, “Now what?” I felt that I couldn’t just sit still after that. I felt as if God was calling me to do something.
My friend, Christin, and I created the blog Godly Ladies in Training as an answer to that call. Ablaze with the fire of the Rebelution, we decided to create a joint blog where we could write all about our spiritual journey and the lessons God taught us as we went through life, such as modesty concerning dress.
Why do I want to be a rebelutionary? It is because I want to take a stand in what I believe is right in the sight of God.
A Defining Purpose
I had wandered unintentionally into The Rebelution, and the next thing I knew it had changed my life. It was an experience that I never regretted because it made me a better person. It was a stepping stone that helped me see the things I never saw before. It was a journey that taught me an important lesson that I shall never forget.
I’ve learned a lot, and I’m still learning, through God’s grace.
I don’t believe that it was “by chance” that I came upon the thread and decided to click on the link out of boredom. No, I believe that God led me there for a purpose.
I’ve made a commitment to spread the Rebelution in the East, starting with my country, the Philippines. It’s not that easy – teenagers these days would rather “go with the flow” than go against it. That way, they would blend with the crowd and not be labeled as “odd” or “weird.” Teenagers aren’t that open to changes that would make them different.
Progress is slow. Culture is demanding. Many teenagers don’t seem to care. But I won’t give up. I’ll stand firm. With God’s help, we’ll start a Rebelution.
Be sure to visit Alyssa and Christin’s blog and thank Alyssa for this guest post. Girls, we greatly appreciate your share committment to spread the Rebelution among our generation around the world. May God bless you and your efforts.
Huzzah for Alyssa and Christin! I’m so proud of you girls. Your blog is excellent, might I add, and I look forward to reading more.
Keep up the great work.
~ ‘Sydney’ (from the forum side of things)
DItto to everything already said!
I had actually read this essay before and thought that it rocked!! That`s the only term I know that can describe my feelings about it.
The Rebelution has definatly touched a lot of people.It`s amazing what God can do..eh? Never understimate our Jesus!!! 😉
Thank you, Alyssa! What a privilege to hear God�s dealings in your life told in such heartfelt terms. I have visited your blog several times and find it very encouraging. I thank God for laying it on your heart to reach young people in your own country, and on the other side of the world, with the message of truth which He has so blessedly entrusted to us. Please continue the good work!
Alex and Brett, my thanks are overdue. I�ve been reading regularly since November and never fail to be amazed at what the Lord is doing through your dedication. I am always challenged, always given something to seriously ponder, and always encouraged to follow Christ more completely and earnestly throughout my teenage years (a trend I hope will grow stronger through adulthood as well =D). God bless your humble leadership.
Great guest post!!! Keep up the good work, girl!
Wow, that’s just great! This blog/ministry has been invaluable to me as well, so thanks for everything you guys! 🙂
[…] Just in case you were wondering, “The official definition of the ‘rebelution’ is ‘a teenage rebellion against the low expectations of an ungodly culture’ (from this explanation)”. I encourage you to check out this site, and send any teenagers you know there. Also, you may be encouraged (as I was) from reading this testimony of the impact of this blog, from a teenage girl in the Phillippines. Let us encourage what God is doing through a redeemed use of the web and blogosophere. […]
Great article. Being a Filipino myself, I understand exactly what is meant when you say that we are so fond of just going with the flow. Sounds like a poor use of our own intellect. If there is something that Philippine society can do away with, it is that tendency for us to just do what every one is doing just to fit in or because it’s the easier way out. Yep, we definitely need rebelutionaries out there who will just speak out the real truth out there about being true workers and servants of God. God bless you!
Hi! I’m new here. Just discovered the site! Great! I’m also a Filipino.
You’re right. It is time to make a stand. I believe our generation is the most attacked generation. But we have hope. There is hope for this generation. I believe God is raising up a generation that will seek his face…that will stand for him…that will obey and honor Him…
God bless you!
hello =), I’m new here too.. hehe. great write up! I would like to encourage everybody with this Word > No eye has seen, no ear has heard and no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love HIm..” Truly God has greater plans for this generation, we just have to abide in Him, remain in HIm so that we can bear much fruit, for apart from Him, we can do nothing.. We may be seeing just the tip of the iceberg, but God has bigger, better, greater plans in stored for us.. =)
c’mon world changers!
Me too i’m half flipina-amercian yet i live in the phillpines!
Unfortunately what Alyssa said is true , So many filpino teens don’t like standing out they would rather blend in then live out what they believe. But united in christ (Alyssa, many other and I) we can start to fight aganist the tide and challenge other chirstian(in the P.I) to come and join us and live out what we believe!
http://allweb.webng.com/ged ged
This is an awesome site. How do we find out about the Rebelution Tour in Maryland on July 26th? My daughter is going through so many of these wonderful experiences and it is exciting to know of others growing in the Lord as well!!!! So cool!!!!!!!
Sally Patton
Excellent Alyssa.
In order to be ‘fishers of men’ for Him, you have to first cast your net into the waters … and you have.
Good for you.
good tips. such a fascinating article. but I dont liked your blog’s color. Because it is tiring my eyes red and dark grey doesnt match
Alyssa! I completely agree with everything you said in your article! I was given the book to read and found it awesome so came on here to find out more. I really need to move out of my comfort zone and get on fire for God. Please pray for me.
God bless!
Hey!! This is probably the wrong part of the blog to put my comment on, but i just found this website and i thought it was really cool. I’m 13 and love God with all my heart. I saw the Modesty Survey first, and i wanted to say thankyou! I have been struggling with modesty for a while and how to look modest and still get guys to like you, and i came across that article while looking for flirting tips (im bein honest here!!). Seeing the petition, all of the signatures of TEENAGE guys on the petition really hit home for me!! You guys, everyone that signed the petition, suggestions and voted on the Modesty Survey, i owe you guys a BIG thank you. You guys stood up for God, purity, Christianity, girls and you changed my life!! God bless, Kimi:)
God Bless The Rebelution it is so cool what you two are doing in the world today.It has impacted my life already by looking at your web pag. My MOM was buying your book today and I can’t wait to read your book when I get it. I hope it will make me to stand up for what is right even more.
serving others…
The Rebelution: The Rebelution in the Philippines is an excellent post. But I feel it is missing on a few points….
[…] of counter-cultural youth movement among Christian young people from around the country, and even around the world, who are not only rejecting the lies and the corruption of media-saturated youth culture, but […]
wow.. to God be the glory girls.. im from Phil too.. would you mind if i ask what church are you from?
i’m glad there’s a site like this. i pastor a church in dagupan city and we work with the high risk students of our high school. we’re still finding our way on how to do it. i read do hard things several months back. we just need to connect with the rebelutionaries to keep our group aflame. God bless
i’m glad there’s a site like this. i pastor a church in dagupan city and we work with the high risk students of our high school. we’re still finding our way on how to do it. i read do hard things several months back. we just need to connect with the rebelutionaries to keep our group aflame. God bless!
How do we join this group by the way?
i would like to ask alex and brett to come to australia to speak to teens
they will be sponsored and everything else…
….Wow!amazing! ..
…I’m so blessed to read an essay from a fellow filipina…I feel relieved and it’s really a great blessing!
Keep up Alyssa !may the good Lord be in you continually..
and to Alex and Brett, I thank the Lord for you ,for this blog and for everything you are doind for Him..May you continue to be an encouragement and a blessing to other brethren even to other countries..
Thanks Alyssa! you are truly encouraging. You basically word out all my thoughts! May God bless you and keep using you greatly in the Philippines!
God bless 🙂
good job. Just remember, the hardthings to do are usually around yourself. Ain’t suprising how we can afford to be ‘honest’ with others and not with ourselves? Manytimes our reservations about healthy relationships with others are reflections of unresolved weakness/failures in our lives!
As you continue to push back the ‘envelope’ with yourself, your experience(s) will inspire others as well as testify of the Lord’s goodness and faithfulness.
This post really encouraged me. My heart bleeds for the country and also i always feel the burden of reaching out to other people through God’s love. After reading this, i felt refreshed of striving to join and push through with this movement. I say “Let’s go for Jesus!”
Yes, change is needed in the Philippines, especially in the rural areas. You think the Rebelution could come to our town?
business intelligence…
[…]The Rebelution: The Rebelution in the Philippines[…]…
Your data in reality made it simpler for me,we are sharing with some peers…
I really enjoyed your article. That is nice when you read something that is not only informative but entertaining. Outstanding.
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I wonder how this is currently doing in the Philippines. i would love to connect with you guys, and Alyssa and Christin, too. Like them, I too, just stumbled upon the Rebelution, and I think it’s movements like this that could really spark a change for the better.