rebelling against low expectations

We Are Writing A Book


Alex and Brett Harris are writing a book.Every journey has a first step. For us this journey begins with a four-day writing retreat into the beautiful solitude of the Columbia River Gorge. It’s called a “writing” retreat, but it’s really a spiritual retreat as well. We hope to emerge from hiding Thursday evening having heard from the Lord.

The book, tentatively titled, Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations, will embody the principles of The Rebelution in a way that the website and conferences cannot. Our prayer is that it will serve as a wake-up call to our entire generation—that God would use it to change lives.

We Need Your Prayers, Questions, and Stories

First, please pray for us, our family, and our counselors as we make this journey. Especially remember to pray for Alex and me these next four days as we hammer out the core message and outline of the book. We need much more discernment and wisdom than we possess.

Second, ask your questions. What questions do have about the message of The Rebelution? What problems do you think need to be addressed? This book is intended to meet young people where they are and help lead them to where they should be. We need your input to make that happen, so don’t hesitate to contact us.

Third, share your stories. This won’t be a book of theory. We want it to be practical, honest, and crammed full of real-life examples. If you know someone who is living “Do Hard Things” send us their contact information. If you come across any story, article, or resource that you think might be helpful, or if you would like to share how the Rebelution has impacted your life, drop us a note.

P.S. Check Out The Updated Conference Page

If you haven’t seen it yet, the Conference Section has been updated with final dates and locations for our Sacramento, Denver, and Dallas/Fort Worth conferences. You can also download early brochures to share with your friends.

Because we feel so strongly led to write this book now as opposed to next year, we have decided that it should take precedent over the conference tour. For this reason we may be cutting back the number of conferences held this year. We really believe that this is the best way we can serve you and the rest of our generation.

Soli Deo Gloria!

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About the author

Alex and Brett Harris

are the co-founders of and co-authors of Do Hard Things and Start Here. They have a passion for God and for their generation. Their personal interests include politics, filmmaking, music, and basketball. They are both graduates of Patrick Henry College in Purcellville, Virginia.


  • Wow, this sounds amazing! i can’t wait to read it. i know you guys will do amazing, and i’m sure God will use you greatly by this!

  • That is wonderful! I’m so excited to see where the Lord will lead y’all. 😀 You both will definitely be in my prayers, and I’ll be on the lookout for anything that might be helpful to y’all. Many blessings on this new venture!

  • Oh my gosh, guys this is so awesome! I am so excited for you! Wow! You will most definitely be up in my prayers for the next four days, and in the weeks after as well. And I will be on the look out for any resources that look good or might be of use. This is so exciting! Be sure to keep us all updated. 😀

  • I will be praying daily for you both as God uses you to make a difference in our generation. I also will pray that you have a lot of success with your project and I pray you guys have a lot of fun writing the book. I will be looking forward to my autographed copy 🙂

  • I’ll be praying for you! Writing is what I love to do, and to me taking a four-day writing vacation would be the highlight of my life : ). Have fun, grow in the Lord, and finish that book (take it from me, finishing a book is a very “Hard Thing.”)

  • Wow, how exciting! I will be praying for you, that you would understand God’s will for your project and for how He wants to use you. Blessings!

  • I think that good books are worth more than gold…and I have a feeling that this will be a good book. (Especially since you are going to need to lean on God to make this happen.)
    I will be praying for you as this exciting chapter of your lives (hmmm…pun intended I suppose…) is written.

    I love books!

    ~Lady Tai

  • I’m so excited to hear this! I look forward to reading it and I will be praying that the Lord’s Voice and blessings will be with you as you go on this journey :c)

  • God bless you as you continue to be a blessing to you/our generation. The Lord obviously has great things in store for you so just lean on Him and follow His Spirit wherever He leads you.


  • Okay, first off, you guys are amazing. It is so apparent that you live out exactly what you believe! First a blog, then a book, what next??!

    I’ll be praying for you both, and I’m also really excited about your book. I was actually just bemoaning the lack of really, really, good books on topics such as this! I guess the Lord heard my..complaints. 🙂

    God Bless,


  • I have loved your brother’s books and I know that I will enjoy yours just as much! Through prayer and counsel I am sure that GOD will use you greatly through your obvious desire to serve HIM. I’m praying for you!!!

  • I can’t wait to see how the LORD speaks through you with this project. May God pour out upon you wisdom and inspiration!

    ~Bess B.

  • Wow, that sounds wonderful! I will definitely be praying for you guys…I know God will give you the right words to say! 🙂

  • Hope you have a productive “hideaway”! These next few days while you two are seeking solitude, I’ll be at a crowded debate tournament…. Writing a book is a wonderful idea – what a way to spread your faith, and the mission of the Rebelution.

  • this is awesome you guys! i am so excited for you! when are you estimating the books release??

  • Wow, that’s so exciting! I’ll definitely be keeping both of you in my prayers.

  • Wow! Wonderful! I will be praying for you. This book will be a blessing to all who read it.

  • Alex and Brett,

    I am pleased to hear that you are writing a book, as I think it will reach a broader and different audience than your blog and conferences. Ever since I emailed you suggesting that you write a book, I have been wondering if you were going to….now I wonder no more. May God bless you with wisdom.


  • Wonderful! So glad that you are blessed with this opportunity, Alex and Brett! Don’t give up – I know how discouraging it can get to write a book. You guys will do great, and I’ll be praying for you!

  • How truly wonderful. I am praying for both of you this week.

    Books change minds…form characters…spur action.


  • Wow! Writing a book can be a very daunting task. I pray that the Lord will reveal things to you guys, and that you will use your talents and message to serve and minister to many. Blessings!

  • Both of you are in my prayers!
    May God bless you as you strive to glorify Him in this.

  • You guys are amazing! God really can use people who are willing to be used.
    By the way, please don’t abandon this website. Websites are much more far-reaching than books nowadays, in my opinion.

  • How exciting! I will be praying hard for you guys! God Bless You!

    In Christ Alone,

  • I will definitely keep you two in my prayers. May God bless your effort. Rely on HIM and he will guide you.
    I can’t wait to read it.
    God Bless
    A sister in Christ

  • Hey, Alex C., don’t rush them!
    That’s great news, guys. God be with you as you write!

  • What a wonderful, ambitious undertaking, Alex and Brett! I know God will communicate what our society needs to hear through your writing. My prayers are with you!

  • I am looking forward to this, and I will be praying for you!

    God bless you both while you write!

  • I’ll be praying for you as you embark on this exciting adventure. May God bless you with many scriptures, clear heads, and inky fingers! 🙂

  • Excellent idea guys-

    I will be praying for you guys!

    Crossway Community Church

  • *shakes head*

    Y’all make the rest of us who *feel* busy look like we’re twiddling our fingers! =D

    Praying for wisdom.. hope the writing conference was a great time of rejuvenation!

  • Alex and Brett:
    I spent a few moments in prayer yesterday for you, and I look forward to keep praying even more today. I would most certainly read any book you decide to write 🙂 I believe the theme “Do Hard Things” is exactly what Christian youth in America need to face up to. God be with you!
    Isaiah 40:31,” They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint.”

  • I wait with anticipation to see how God uses your writing endeavor for His glory! I am so thankful for the inspiration you are giving to so many young people already. May the Lord bless your efforts. Looking forward to having a copy in my hands!

  • One idea for you: Brief biographical sketches at the beginning of each chapter, illustrating a principle to be discussed in that chapter.

    sorry to rush you with that release date question…. -:)

  • I’ll be praying for you both!
    This is is a message that needs to be told.
    God bless you.

  • Take your time to give your best. We will all be constantly praying for this worthwhile project.

    May the message of this book and the challenge it carries extend beyond borders to reach all the young people of the world.

    Keep shining 🙂

  • Wow! You both will be in my prayers. I have never written a book, but I know it is a big task. I know at times it will be hard to persevere, but I know God will give you the strength to finish. 🙂

  • My prayers are with you! Thank you for doing this, as it is a book that has needed to be written for a long time. It is such an important message! Keep at it, do hard things, press towards our precious ‘goal’. I’ll let you know if I think of someone or someone’s story which really needs to be in such a book!
    God bless,

  • May the Lord bless and keep y’all as you work on your book. [.txt]And[.txt] keep the faith! I’ll be praying for you.

    Daniel F.

    P.S. “Now to him who is able to keep you from and present you faultless before the throne, be all wisdom and honor and power and glory forever, amen.”
    -The apostle Paul.

  • well, i was hoping to join on the forums, but aparrently they’re closed =/
    sucks, but oh well, i suppose a few weeks waiting for the supposed re-opening of them won’t hurt 😀

  • How exciting!! I can’t wait for it to come out! My prayers are with you. God Bless.

  • As a freelance writer for the past few years, I commend you on the courageous steps you are taking with your generation.

    In my younger days I treaded the dangerous waters of rock & roll with my band & even though I was able to produce some good music, the evil side of things dominated that part of my life. I am interested how young men are addressing the hazards of popular music to young men.

    God bless you & I welcome you to visit my website at You can link on my blog from there.

    Rey Flores

  • Thankyou for writing such a book! Ever since I started reading you blog I’ve wondered about what hard things I should do. Especially because (And I don’t know if this is right or wrong) I want to do hard things that I know something will come out of it. So, instead of just doing something hard and trying to do it as good as I can, I’ve just been waisting my time thinking about it INSTEAD of doing! I’m sure this book will be such a blessing! I’ll be praying for you!

    God bless,

  • that’s awesome you guys! i’ll be praying for you guys.
    thanks for all you’re doing.
    God bless you!

  • That will be awesome book… !
    I hope and pray the book will be translated in my language (Indonesia)…

    Many of Josh’s book been translated in Indonesia language, such as I Kissed Dating Goodbye and Sex Is Not The Problem… But I don’t get yet Boys & Girls-Meet The Courtship… Why oh why any Indonesian print publishers not publish it yet… Hikss…

    And now I pray that your next book will be translated too…
    It’s a must 🙂 No need long time…
    It will be a Must Read for Indonesian Christian youth… I think not only American youth have problem with media, mediocrity, etc… We are here have sum problems… Even Christian young people ! Hikzzz…
    I believe you guyz’s book will be a blessing for young people, I’ll share it with every Christian teenage that I know. But that if will be translated in my language, though 😀

    Last, just wanna say… You guyz definetly very mature young person that I ever know…
    You guyz really blessing person… !

    In Christ !

  • So glad to hear it! This will be good. Actually I am using the idea of ‘Do Hard Things’ for a six week mentoring program for girls. The one thing I have to say is to make sure that it’s rooted in the gospel. There has to be a motivation for doing things, number one, and a power to do them, number two. Both are found in the gospel alone. Many blessings!

  • I wondered when this announcement would come. I figured you were both going to be writing at least one book in the near future when I first stumbled across your blog. I’m glad to hear I was right. 🙂


rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →