Update: We’re really sorry for giving you all heart attacks (even though it was really fun reading all your comments)! This post was meant as satire — poking fun at the low expectations our culture has for young people. Finally, it’s probably important to note that Alex and I do not eat Reese’s Puffs.
The Rebelution is shutting down. We’ve made some great memories together, but two teenagers with a blog can’t compete against a behemoth corporate empire like Reese’s Puffs. Now that they’ve started challenging teens to do hard things like “meet someone with your own name” and “pull off the perfect practical joke,” there isn’t much reason for The Rebelution to continue. Reese’s Puffs has the resources and the marketing team to call this generation to a better future — we don’t.
So, while The Rebelution is over, The Reese-olution has just begun. Reese’s Puffs has provided tools we never could have — like the handy checklist below. We believe that it is a complete road-map to God-glorifying teen years and a bright future. We’d encourage you to study it and allow it to reese-olutionize your life.
This list might sound intimidating, but just remember that you have eighteen years to complete it! Even if you don’t start until you’re thirteen, you’re only talking about three things each year. That leaves you plenty of time to eat lots of Reese’s Puffs — the perfect combination of chocolate and peanut butter flavor.
Goodbye Rebelutionaries. Hello Reese-olutionaries.
You know, guys. You *almost* freak me out. 😉
I feel inspired. 😉
You had me *really* disgusted for a split-second. But I do have to try those Reeses Puffs now……
I was worried when I saw the title of the post! Well, at least we have Reese’s Puffs to encourage us do hard things.
(This is a joke, right? And, you don’t eat Reese’s Puffs, do you?)
Wow! What a list… who cares about graduating high school anyway?
Please. Do not scare me like that. 🙂
I think my heart stopped for a second… 😛
Time to check off #11 — pull off the perfect practical joke. 😀
Cool! How much are you going to extract out of Reese’s Puffs for excellent advertising?! Funny! Are you all going to post more DHT Pictures? All of them so far have been great!
Brett, Watch out for the retaliation!
Haha!! I was really shocked for a minute. I’m so glad you’re joking…lol. Wow.
Wow that scared me! haha
wow, you scared me for a couple seconds. You’ve concured #11.
*big sigh of relief* 😀 haha…..well, I guess I have a lot to do in the next 7 months before I reach the super old age of 19!
Darn… I think that they missed number 19: Make your bed for at least four days out of the week. That could be hard for some of you! 🙂
Whoa… I think you guys made my eyes do a double take. I was like, “What!?! The Rebelution is over!?!” Then I saw this post, and I felt a little relieved it was a joke. 🙂
I was almost fooled 😉
This is great. 😀
LOL…wait to get almost everybody. 😉
That said, I think we should make Reese’s Puffs the official cereal of the Rebelution….Do Hard Things and exercise them off everyday. 😛
Great idea, David!
Aaaah! For a few moments I thought you were serious! Hmm… time to go dig out my defibrillator… 😉
Joking about “The Rebelution is shutting down” is okay… it would be quiiiite a different story if it was for real! 😀 On a side note, I would much rather be challenged by this website and the book than be challenged by a cardboard cereal box… haha, even if it is good cereal. Great post!
if anyone wants to go bungee jumping, let’s get together and have a blast! …and hopefully not brake our necks. I need to start cracking down on the list.
Thanks guys for the joke! and the inspiration!
Oh my word…I saw Alex’s status on facebook, and my heart almost stopped. I laughed so hard after I saw this post tho. Talk about “high expectations”. yea right, lol
Haha…you guys definitely pulled off #11. For a second I was wondering what was going on. First thought was maybe you were setting the site aside for college or something. Then as I started reading, I thought you guys were getting sued, or were in some legal mess with Reeses. I finally caught on. *rolls eyes* Shame on you for scaring me so bad. 😉 lol
haah wow. I saw Alex’s status and I think my heart skipped a beat. lol. Now I’m laughing though 🙂
I seriously freaked out when I saw Alex’s status on facebook…my heart skipped a beat and I came right over here…haha what a joke!!! Seriously that was funny (and heart stopping :P) I am soooo inspired 🙂 Lets hear it for Cereal Box Expectations!!!! 😀
Scared me for a second there! Way to give everyone a healthy heart attack.
Hmm..instead of going backstage on a gig, why not be ONstage? Little more to brag about – especially if you learned an instrument.
Wow, I’d better get to work. Only two more years to get all that done! Err, wait.
Haha!! Wow, that’s great. As I did my official skim of the article, at first I was like, “The end?! NOOOooo!!” and then, “Whaaa? Reese’s puffs? 0_o What does that have to do with the Rebelution?”
*lol* good joke, guys.
Ha ha ha, very funny.
I almost had a heart attack, even in my young age.
Y’all nailed #11 I was scared for a couple of seconds =D I’m so relieved that y’all were joking.
#11 nothing! You’re 19. You’ve failed – shut it down. 😉
Wow…way to scare me! I got onto the site and saw there was a new blog post…I saw the title and immediately was like “oh no! don’t shut down!!”. Needless to say I was quite relieved when I actually read the post and saw that it was a joke. 🙂 But there was definitely about 30 seconds during which I was seriously concerned you were going to shut it all down just like that!
Haha. Good post though! 🙂
Oh my goodness! I thought ya’ll had gone mad…but I knew ya’ll would never quit the Rebelution now. The title scared me but now I’m laughing. 😀
Wow and I thought we where done with April Fools 😯 .
Okay, that really scared me. What a terrible thing to do–I might not reach #18 now. How funny! 🙂
I agree with David. Let’s make them the official cereal of the Rebelution. We need a jingle to go with it though. Hmmm…..
Owowowow! For a minute there…. I was really scared! 😯
Haha…wow, those are pretty incredible hard things! And I only have a few more months before my 18th year is over! *ahh!* Hmm…I’m sure cleaning the ENTIRE house would let me off the hook! And while I’m at it, win a trophy for the #1 cleanest house??? Oh yeah, Do Hard Things, here I come! 😉
I was about to break out in goodbyes!
Haha scared me too. The funniest thing on that list is that every single thing to do comes with “fine print.” So, not only do we need our expectations laid out for us in a handy list, we also need them further explained! 😀
You guys, it’s not a joke.
eep! that scared me. whew! 😀 But thanks for the laugh!
I almost started crying!
You made me realize how much I would miss your articles and posts if you really did shut down. Thanks for doing all those hard things, guys. You are great examples for us, by God’s grace.
Oh, oh, I just had an idea:I’ll design a bracelet that says WWAABD? (What Would Alex And Brett Do?) I’ll sell them and donate all of the proceeds to the local food pantry.
Check off number 15! 🙂
How much did Reese’s Puffs pay you to do this? : ) hahah… very funny. Good joke.
Megan: Thanks for your kind words — BUT PLEASE NEVER MAKE WWAABD BRACELETS!
Wow! That title sure made me do a double-take. I was almost worried, but I knew there was no way you guys would should down right now if you really believe what you say unless a catastrophe happened. Great joke, that is I didn’t think it was very funny at first but now, that’s pretty good. I agree with Heidi though, you guys already failed it age wise:-) thought THAT joke might make up for it:O) Thanks for everything you guys do. It’s a great example for all of us.
Haha! That was the funniest thing I’ve seen in a while! I had to share it with my family! Very clever guys.
Heart stopped!
Ok, I’m not stupid..I’ve finally calmed down.
Why do guys have to joke like that?
Don’t fake out your personality and online identity like that again. EVER!!!!
Alex and Brett, do ya’ll realize what it would mean to me if there wasn’t anything like the Rebelution?
Don’t scare me like that! It took me a long time to even realize you were kidding! (You ARE kidding, right?)
‘Had me freaked there for a second! =]
Wow, now that was a good one! But something about the line “Now that they’ve started challenging teens to do hard things…” seems a little “anti-Reeses.” I hope they don’t sue anybody for that 🙂
Seize The Day!
Daniel: We are totally, totally kidding. 😀
My heart stopped when I read the title of this blog entry. Yesterday was my 14th birthday, and I received your book as a gift. Let me tell you…I’m only on the 3rd chapter, but I am so inspired from what I have read this far. I thought I’d check out the blogspot only to find that! God is using you guys in wonderful ways to encourage and hopefully make a difference in this culture…Keep up the good work…and don’t pull another of those!
We will miss you Alex and Brett, but at least we will get peanut butter and chocolate 😀
Oh my word, I almost had a heart attack! *Please* don’t do that again! Though I do admit, if I hadn’t been the victim of this joke, I would have found it extremely funny. 😀
Uh, NOT funny! Really scared me for a moment, considering that the two of ya will be heading off to college soon! And, Reese’s challenges seem . . . wimpy compared to some of the accomplishments listed in “Do Hard Things”. Sheesh!
Scared me for a second! That was not very nice. 😉
dude…i’ve aready done like half the check list……what am i gonna do with the rest of my life!?!?!?!?!?!? :S i’ve done half the stuff i’m suppose to do!!!!! sudenly the future doesn’t look so bright, LOL
resse’s puffs rawk the world….but some how i think the Rebelution would make a bigger splash…but oh well you gotta live w/ what you get. i geuss we’ll just have to make the most of it heheheheheh :)lol you guys are stellar
That really scared me!!! I thought that this was real for a while till I read this post. I am REALLY glad that this was a joke! (it was funny though!) 🙂
Haha! nice. scared me too for a second.
I want(ed) to believe that someone hacked into the Rebelution, and that Brett and Alex would never do a trick like this. Haha, guys. :-p
Seriously, I was there thinking… “Who got into the Rebelution Blog?!? Are the twins having an argument or something? Or did Alex King do it for a joke? Or is David Boskovic getting a laugh? Or what if it’s really a hacker!?” Lol.
Just one concern… what about the Rebelutionaries around the world who aren’t used to jokes like this? And you know you’ll never hear the end of this, right?
My heart skipped a beat! I was seriously scared the whole time I was reading. Great joke!!:)
That was HILARIOUS! It took me several re-reads to get it, but I finally got it! You guys are so funny!
But there’s one thing there at the end of the list that’s bugging me. They say these are “18 things to do before you turn 18.” You can’t turn 18 before you turn 18. That’s impossible. Even Rebelutionaries can’t do that one!
Ha ha ha.
You, know, I’ll bet you guys are getting more laughs out of this than all of us combined!! BUT, it’s at our expense, oh well, great joke! *I think* 🙂
Keep up the good work you guys! This stuff just keeps it real… bring me my junk food cereal!!!!
DON’T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, here’s my reactions, in the consecutive order in which they occured:
*sees title* “What??”
*see’s first line* OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*after first shock* “Are the conferences continuing, though??”
*after a minute* “What’s with the Reeses thing?”
*sees first comment* OHHHH! IT’S A JOKE!!!
*gasps in relief*
*posts this comment*
Good joke! See you in Dallas. 🙂
Got a little nervous for a second!! Though I have to agree with the othes, I am sure you all had a nice laugh out of it.
That’s horrible! I almost fainted when I saw the title. Very funny. : )
I hope no one died from shock!
Awesome. Dude. I’m, like, so overwhelmed. Like, you know, really challenged since I am twice 18 years old, and I only have done like, maybe, you know, 5 of these things. I’m gonna have to get on the ball. I wish someone would have like, told me this years ago…what a contribution to society I could have like, you know, made! I am just so glad, that, I can, you know, make sure my kids get a chance to complete this list…right? Anyway, so, you know, like, dude! Thanks man. I’m gonna go rearrange some of my goals, you know, and like, get started LIVING LIFE!!! Peace out—
Nassssssty! You startled me for a few second! I had so many thoughts running around! Good grief!
Wow!!! You scared me there. I got it in an email and had to come here to make sure that it was just a joke…
If only this list had been written sooner! I’m disheartened to have already reached age 18, yet completed only a fraction of the items listed.
hey – have pity on us ‘over the hill’ folks who love the Rebelution and don’t catch on so fast! I had to come to these comments to convince myself that this is RILLY RILLY a joke! THANK THE LORD!
I didn’t enjoy the rebellion of the 1960s, but I love this one and don’t want it to end.
Thanks for the laugh [now that i know it’s a joke].
~ann in faith
I was scared for a second there! Sorry, but Reese’s will never inspire me to do hard things as much as you guys have. That list will be a blast!
I was officially freaking out! lol…
*OH MY WORD!* You seriously scared me! I mean, I realize that the Rebelution probably won’t last forever… But I would have liked a little more notice than that! LOL
Thanks for the laugh!
You guys almost made me take an aspirin!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL. Seriously though, when me and my sis saw this we’re like “WHAT???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” and then we saw the first comment. Sigh of relief. Good joke.
Omg I just had like an almost MAJOR heart attack when i read that haha
My first response: “The Rebelution is letting down THOUSANDS of teenagers because of some stupid ceral???”
Ha, you guys really scared me… thanks for the laugh (and the minor heart attack)!
Alexandra- Do I get to check of #9? =]
That was mean! PLEASE don’t ever, ever do that again! It took like ten minutes for my heart rate to slow down to something like normal again. I had to read all the comments to convince myself it really was a joke and I’m still scared. I’ll be fine though, just take a few deep breaths and then I’ll be able to laugh about it lol. I thought maybe somebody hacked into the site or something for a minute, but it is pretty funny I guess.
I was ready to scream at you “What does God have to say about this?!! You can’t just give up like that! What does your book say about this one?” But it gave me a good laugh after I was ready to cry.
Brett: You may have already (errantly) checked off #11, but actually, it’s too late for you — your best and worthy teen years are down the drain. You’re 19, bud. Your best life has slipped your grasp. Adios. El pollo loco esta al otro lado del camino. You might as well give up.
And to think you could have done something with your life…….
“I agree with David. Let’s make them the official cereal of the Rebelution. We need a jingle to go with it though. Hmmm….. ”
“Oh peanut-buttery chocolatey crunch,
Reeses Puffs I love to munch,
But this plagiarism stings,
of ‘Do Hard Things’
Reeses Puffs I’ll skip for brunch!”
That was nerve wracking.
Okay, wow, you had me this close to screaming “Who hacked this blog?!” Whew, I’m sweating buckets. Nice joke though, I think.
“WHAT?! They can’t do that!” 🙂 So glad you are just joking.
Wow. You guys are so awesomeishful! I just about died laughing, after I realised it was a joke!
I think this is the scariest thing I have seen this week. My heart skipped a beat when I saw the title of the post.
Oh my….WOW yeah…I fell for it, just like everyone else. eek. *is still recovering*
Hey reminds me of that list of things teenagers are expected to do when they’re teens (from the conference).
…so if we’re 18 and haven’t done everything on the list??? 😐
just stick with Count Chocula. it’s safer. 🙂
Nice job on the jingle, Daniel. 🙂
Oh, and by the way; Alex, Brett……. watch your backs. You may be laughing now, but the tears are coming.
Enjoy this while you can. =)
Thank you. I composed it on the spot. 😉
oh goodness my heart stopped for a second there. Don’t do that!! 🙂
I nearly keeled over, like dozens of my peers above. XD But ah, so sad that a list like that (which was probably meant to be halfway serious) is all that we young people are to aspire to do. A six-year-old reading this is going to think… what? That meeting a celebrity is a MUST before they hit (legal) adulthood?
I LIKE REESE PUFFS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay this is totally nifty!!!!
I can’t wait to be on a TV show!!!!!!
Bungee Jump anyone!!!!!!!!!!
Oh NO! I haven’t won a trophy yet! What is gonna become of me!!??
They forgot one thing! Graduate from Velcro tennis shoes!!!
i had a heart atack and died
Ok so that is really not nice! haha I saw Alex’s status on facebook and like many others, my heart stopped! but all is good now…:)
Alex and Brett must have just wanted to know how many people were with them. It’s hard to know until tragedy strikes. Looks like there are plenty of people quite attatched to the Rebelution. It’s very encouraging, actually!
NO! NO! NO! NO! Oh, you’re just joking. Don’t scare me like that. I started to freak out!
This is kind of off topic but, is anyone going to see Prince Caspian tomorrow? I’m SO excited!
I have a really hard time pulling off a practical joke. I always end up giving it away by laughing. You guys did a great job though. 🙂
Thomas Leng:
I am glad to see that your death did not keep you from posting a comment. Was it fun seeing your own obituary? 😉 I LOVE REESES PUFFS!
Go Reese’s!!!!! lol, Y’all be ready for the retaliation!!!! June 28th, 2008. Dallas Conference. I will be there. So, I already have #’s 5, 9, and 12 taken care of!!! Only 15 to go!!! oh, wait, am I supposed to do them in order?!? Great joke, you guys! Thanx for the laugh!
P.S. For those of us not on Facebook, would someone explaining what Alex’s status was? Thanks!
HAHA you guys had me super scared for a minute. I didn’t see the blog post, I just saw Miss Hillary G.’s new thread saying it’s all shutting down and I TOTALLY freaked out….the retaliation’s comin’, Hillary… 🙂
You guys can’t do this to me, It isn’t even April Fools yet!
I’m going to start thereeseolution.com !!!
Motto #1: Your young, have fun, eat’a Reese’s Puff!
Motto #2: When the Rebelution is away the Reeseolutionaries will eat!
Motto #3: Do hard things, eat a Reese’s Puff!
Motto #4: When the going gets hard the Reeseolutionaries take a break and go raid the fridge.
Motto #5: Reeseliation!!!
Motto #6: April Fools was 10 seconds ago!
Motto #7: Who let the candy out of the bag?
Motto #8: Goodbye Alex & Brett! Nice knowing you.
Motto #9: Alex & Brett must be trying to get the list done before anyone else!
Now I can check off number 11! (right???)
Hahaha!!! 🙂 Sweet relief! Great one guys! Oh wow, I knew it couldn’t be true – although I was worried. Funny funny funny.
It makes you think… will this ever become a reality (not the reeses thing but the rebelution closing)? It wouldn’t have been as believable if you guys weren’t going off to college this year!!!!
What’s going to happen when you guys get older and no longer even close to teens? It is a scary thought but we know that in reality the “rebelution” as a movement will never end. We as rebelutionaries will continue to “Do Hard Things” for the rest of our lives and hopefully we will inspire the next generations to “do hard things” too. (just thing of people like Josh Harris and the Ludys. They have inspired me even though they are from the previous generation.)
But all and all it was a very good joke! It must be so fun to look through the comments and see all the reactions!!!!!!!!! I wish I could have pulled this joke off. 1 question though… who thought of this?
In Christ,
Olivia H. Erickson
I agree with HannaH…I think I have failed. In fact – I know it. Never again will I be able to look myself in the mirror…in fact…I’m going to break them all. I’m 19 and I’ve only completed 7. Only 7 things that are essential to propel one properly into “old age”! I’ve done more of a belly-flop into old age it seems.
I’m doomed.
Haha – but really, I was very worried at first when I saw Alex’ facebook update. I figured that of course the Rebelution mindset would go on…but the blog is sort-of like the engine. Without it, things would lose momentum, I think.
But then I was relieved to catch on to your joke.
~Lady Tai
I must say I’m a bit confused….Your really not shutting down the Rebelution, are you?? Hmmmm…..Well I think its a joke, but correct me if I am wrong!! Wow, that is a lot to accomplish by the time I turn 18, and my birthday is coming up really fast!! And, I don’t think I could possibly do all those things!!….lol
Motto #10: The Rebelution is over, the Reeseliation begins!
Anyone got anymore Mottos???
Alex & Brett, are you really shutting down the Rebelution?!
And don’t say its April Fools because it isn’t.
Motto #11: Some people said Alex & Brett were trying to pull something off. (;
Man, I got worried when I first read that!!! What are Reeses Puffs? I dont think we have anything like that in Australia…
So yes, we all panicked. Alex and Brett, you had so many people ready to cry, in differing stages of life-threatening shock, etc. Wow. Now that’s impressive. Too bad that wasn’t on the Reese’s list…
My summary of the list:
“Play today, put off tomorrow (because that’s REALLY hard, let’s not go there yet), and do as much as you can right now that you’ll be too smart/mature/responsible to do later.”
Not that anything on the list was wrong! It’s just sad when those are your 18 life-goals for your pre-college life… And here I am, with only 3 months left of being 18, having accomplished less than half of those! Shocking.
Alex and Brett, you should create a Rebelution’s Top 18 List… yeah, put it on a colorful poster too… (Just remember that lots of us, like you both, no longer fit the under-18 category 😛 ) Seriously, I’m going to work on a list of God-glorifying goals for myself… I’d love to see what other people come up with!
Okay, all you people who *almost* thought they were serious. . . wow. I only had time to look at the title (I was on my way to church), and then I had to go, so I didn’t know it was a joke!! You guys are horrible! *slaps Alex and Brett silly* =D
Your friend,
That is horrible! I freaked out. i was so angry! I was deleting the Rebelution e-mails I had gotten. I wrote an e-mail to the both of you telling you: “No you can’t do that.” You guys are horrible…
SEE! Even chocolate is biased toword teens!
Give the Pixelante Admin a Heart attack will ya? I looked @ my email and about died. I just read an email about public Christian affairs may be illegal in the near future and then I saw THAT. *gasp*
NEW MOTTO: “Rebelution, eat your heart out”: CEO of the Reese-olution.
God Bless!
Trevor B: I hope you’re joking! We really didn’t think it would make anyone upset! We thought people would get it as soon as they actually saw the post. 🙁
Greg Morehead: Great motto! 🙂
I made TWO discovers! (Number 10 done!)
1. Alex and Brett have a scanner.
2. Alex and Brett eat Reese’s Puffs for breakfast.
Good grief…
hahaha…I feel so *inspired*
That was so very unexpected. (for me anyway)
Not to make you feel bad, but It did say “It could end in tears.”
I fell for the joke. But when I saw that it said “get away with the perfect joke” I knew something was up. But I didn’t make me mad.
Ephesians 5:3-4 “But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints;
Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks.”
Yes….Alex, would you mind explaining what your staus on Facebook was?? I’m very curious!
Camille, that’s mean!!! 😉 Poor Alex and Brett…..I hope they recover from you beating them up.
After all of the more serious-minded things ya’ll have posted, it’s hard to believe that you’d stoop to such awful joking! I read the email title and got this really empty feeling – I felt like I needed to cry and couldn’t. 😀 Then I read the post and I just can’t get over how funny it is. The great thing is that you didn’t do it on April Fool’s, so no one was expecting it! Just don’t do stuff like this too often, or there won’t be any rebelutionaries left! [We’ll all die of heart attacks.] 😛
hahaha. you guys scared me for a second. that was very funny! the people who make reeses puffs need to read your book & blog. lol!
Haha… that’s hilarious!
P.S. Yes, what DID your facebook status say?
Ha. Ha. Ha.
Just wait until the Gaithersburg conference, guys.
Oh my goodness, guys! I knew they were joking as soon as I saw the Reeses Puffs thing. There are a lot of gullible people on these site! 😛 This just goes to show you shouldn’t believe everything Alex and Brett say without further proof… 😉
Hillary S. – Wooohooo!!! Prince Caspian!! I want to go watch it on Monday. 😀 I’m so excited.
Leah – Reese’s Puffs is a type of cereal. Like Reese’s Peanut Butter cups only they made it into cereal. It’s not the healthiest thing in the world. 😀 I’ve always wanted to try it but my mother isn’t so in to eating basically candy for breakfast for some VERY odd reason. 😛
[…] Posted in Uncategorized at 7:48 am by onerebelutionary Did anyone else have a moment of panic when they saw this? I sure did! [Please answer the question and let me know that I’m NOT stupid for almost losing it] […]
Okay, I found out through a friend that Alex’s Facebook status said: “The Rebelution is leaving. Check out the blog.”. Fot all you fellow non-facebook-users. 🙂
hey, i’m just wondering…. i’ve noticed that most of your posts get 30+ comments…..what is the most that you’ve gotten on one post?
your SIC,
P.S. Hillary S. and RBMA- My sister and I are going to try and go see Prince Caspian this friday!!!! I can’t wait!!!!!!! We might even try to go to the very first showing at 12:01 am 🙂
LOL:-D It’s funny now that I know that you were joking! I was in shear panic there for a minute when I read your e-mail!
I nearly freaked out.
This was hilarious though, after I realized that it was a joke. 😀
I almost stopped breathing. I thought – Alex and Brett have lost their minds! I had to go read the comments to know it was a joke. Please don’t scare me like that again.
Oh man! Ditto everyone else! No Rebelution?!? Come on!
Haha! That scared me for a minute…
“I can’t believe what I’m reading!!!” “They can’t be shutting down The Rebelution!!!” These were my thoughts as I read your post. I have been sooooo encouraged by your website and didn’t want to start imaging life without it! 🙂 Keep up the great work in the Lord! He is using you!
Haha. Hey, why doesn’t someone come up with “The breakfast of Teens”? We could call it, “Rebecereal”.
Seriously, what are Reese’s Puffs? I don’t remember ever having seen them in the store. If they’re really good, maybe I’ll consider becoming a “Reeselutionary”. 😀
Emma (and anyone else who is curious): It actually says, “”The Rebelution is over.” See the blog.” Sorry!! I was just paraphrasing it! I didn’t know you’d actually come on here and post what I’d said!!! 😛
Crud!! I’m 18 in 3 months!!! I better get started!!
I’ve already bungee jumped, won a trophy…
Ok, ya’ll really REALLY scared me there for a second. Ha ha. Nice joke. But I’m not sure where God fit anywhere in that list. But I guess if He’s you’re idol then you could meet Him after that bungee cord snaps.
Glad to know ya’ll will still be around. I’ll be praying for ya’ll. (And that you don’t get out-done by the Reese’s co. If it makes you feel better, I don’t even like Reese’s puffs.)
What comes around goes around… I know I’m toast. It was too good to pass up!
WOW. I didn’t even really get a chance to believe it, because I clicked on the post so fast after seeing the header, “The Rebelution is Over” that probably my mouse cursor blurred! I was thinking, “No!!!! No, it can’t be what it seems” and I’m so happy it wasn’t.
It gave me a good laugh. . .I happen to really like sarcasm and dry humor. . .if I had been in Camille’s shoes though (only getting to see the title) I know it would have shaken me up and turned me upside down and inside out and all of that! *gack!* The Rebelution website & forum is such a tremendous blessing to me. . .and the Rebelutionary message a daily inspiration.
Laughing aside, everyone, this has a good point to it as well. 🙂 By using sarcasm, this post highlights the differences between what the world (or at least the commercial world) considers “motivation” for teens, and what the mission and goal of The Rebelution is.
So, to give everyone another list 😀 :
1.) Realize the post is a joke–praise the Lord, The Rebelution is still alive & kicking (as my Grandpa would say);
2.) Take several deep breaths and allow pulse to slow back to normal;
3.) Take a moment to consider how much the mission & resources of The Rebelution have affected your life, and send a sincere prayer of thanksgiving to God (and pray for His continuted blessing on The Rebelution, Alex & Brett Harris, and all Rebelutionaries);
4.) Laugh at the sarcasm and comments 🙂
5.) Ponder the state of our culture, and its low expectations; and
6.) Go away refreshed in resolve to Do Hard Things for the glory of God! 😀
I can’t believe how many comments this post generated!! 🙂 Amazing joke fellows 😀
I so agree with JoAnna T. especially #2 and #3.
Nice joke guys…
Haha, that was funny guys. . .at least after I found out you were joking. =P
I agree with Jordan Diann, I think my heart stopped for an instant too. *grins*
-Annaka j.
You know, words like idol, joke and pointless leave me feeling totally inspired… 😉
I highly commend you guys for your wise decision.
Better to know when you are beat and stop, then try to just keep pushing for no end…
This was a good practical joke, although not intended. 🙂 I’v done at least half of those things but I doubt that I ever get the other half of the list because they arn’t important in life. They don’t help others, just you.
OK, It’ll take a while to recover from this…
I haven’t been so releived for a long time.
Smooth guys. lol
Oh, and did ya’ll know that gullable is not written in the dictionary?
You guys are awesome.
Do Hard Things!
Wow – totally scared me to death! It’s cruel to do something like that to us poor, unsuspecting readers! But a good joke – I kind of caught on once I read the list of things they wanted you to do!
*grins* Good joke guys, and no, I wasn’t fooled. 🙂
Random note – even if the blog/site did shut down, sure we’d probably all miss the posts and stuff, but it’s not like the movement would die. Ideas really don’t die. The idea of The Rebelution isn’t a new idea that just came out in this generation – it’s been around for years, it’s just not normal anymore. Somehow I doubt that all of us would stop being rebelutionary if the blog closed. If we did, that wouldn’t be very rebelutionary, would it?
Wow guys…
I admit I saw the prayer request on the forum before checking the blog… 😛
So by the time I knew what it was, I knew it was a joke…
But man you would’ve gotten me good if I hadn’t…
*checks off 3,4, 5, 9, 10, 11, and 12* Whew! with 3 years to complete the rest, even! 😛
Thanks for the laugh, guys…
Came the closest to fainting I ever have in my entire life. Ever have one of those times when you realize you can’t breathe?
Happiness that it’s a joke, though!
I noted that list on the Reece’s box sitting in our cabinet at home. I was so disgusted with what it had to say: is that seriously the best they could come up with? Praise be unto God that He commands us to do truly hard things, and then give us the strength to carry out His orders.
My heart jumped to my mouth. 😛 …Thankfully, now I can breathe again. Good thing my cousin (a nurse) was here…just in case I had a heart attack. 🙂
Anyway, I think this is a reason why we should all the more challenge ourselves and our fellow teenagers to do, not just the things that are hard, but Hard Things that will glorify God. 🙂
Blessings to all!
In Christ,
Alyssa C.
P.S. No more jokes, please? At least, not for this week. 😀
Hahaha that is sooo funny. I must be an Aussie, coz I didn’t get fooled. I was just thinking the other day that people don’t realise how funny all you guys are. (And how much the Administrators love a good joke or prank.) This really made me laugh. :laugh:
That gave me a scare
thanks for not quiting
Well, I think I flunked the whole list. Wait no, I got # 9. If we’re not counting last or middle names.
I almost panicked for a second there. But it is rather funny in hindsight and the list is hysterical/pathetic. Especially number 18
Dude, that was like an awesome joke. I’m quite the doubting thomas when it comes to internet jokes. So I wasn’t to scared.
Wow, you guys scared me to death! i even dreamed last night that you guys had put out a new post saying that is was a joke… lol
You guys are an inspiration for the glory of God.
I am an almost 40 year old mom of 6 kids, ranging in age from 5 to 14. I just gave my two oldest boys your book as part of their summer reading. Before I gave it to them, I read it.
I have written a review of it called A Cultural Stigma… A Tragedy
Press on in HIS truth and HIS love for HIS glory!
Naomi Elizabeth – Ha, ha. That was horrible. I actually got the dictionary and started to look it up before I was like DUH! I did find out something I didn’t know before though. There are two spellings of gullible – gullable and gullible. Now I know…
Wow, my heart never sank to my stomach so fast!!! Then I started reading the post and felt sudden relief. Well done on the joke! I have never seen that before on Reese’s Puffs I don’t like chocolate cereal, but any other form of chocolate is wonderful. Well if those are hard things we are in big trouble! Thank you Brett and Alex for pointing us towards real hard things.
Hillary S- I am so excited about Prince Caspian I am taking my little brother once I get home from my nanny job in a few days.
Have a great weekend everyone, and don’t stress your heart to much 😀
“Ahh… Gotta love presuppositional humor!”
Sorry, Tiffany! I was just trying to give the people on here an idea…..and you certainly didn’t change the meaning at all. 😉
Way to keep ’em on their toes! If thats what I had to do before I turn 18 I quit that would make these next 7 months the craziest ever. : chuckling : That is too good.
Keep on for Jesus. It is worth it. I’m listening to a really good sermon right now called “Run for your life” from sermonindex.net It is really good. I would suggest all listen to it!
I almost passed out. Good joke though.
Woah. Don’t do that.
You should’ve done it on April Fool’s Day.
Well then we might have known it was a joke.
But still.
*Deep Breath*
your mean
I was shocked when I first read this, but realized it must be a joke after reading the Reese’s list. Does this count for the practical joke? 😉 Pretty good one.
You guys had me shocked for a moment. After I did some fast reading, I was instantly relieved. It made me think that you truly never know what a day will bring.
My heart is back to it’s normal pace now and I can smile again:-)
I only have 2-3 months before my 18th birthday and less than half the list accomplished! I won’t stress it though 🙂 I have no desire to accomplish some of them anyway.
I can’t wait for Prince Caspian! I’ve been waiting over a year for it to come out. Tomorrow I take my driving test and if I pass, I’m tempted to go see it right after. Unfortunately, it looks like I’ll have to wait until next weekend 🙁
Reese’s Puffs are so good! Now that I can breath again, I can chuckle over the whole thing 🙂
yes alexandria it was fun to see my own obiturary. That should have been on the list of things to do. 😉
wow you guys are gullible! I used to eat Reese’s Puffs all the time so I remembered that list. But it was really funny watching all you guys have heart attacks! =P Didn’t everyone do #12 when they were about 6 y.o. with the world-famous rock collection?
I was really worried when I first read this! I was not very happy that you had decided (thankfully this is not the case) to quit the rebelution when I had just joined! Anyway, I would appreciate it if you did not do that again!
Alex and Brett, you are both forgiven for almost giving me a heart attack. 😉 I just wish I would have thought of this first! Well, it’s a good idea for if I ever have a blog someday and want to scare everyone to death. lol And I’m seeing Prince Caspian on Tuesday! Super excited! I just saw a sweet clip with Reepicheep in it, he’s SO cool!
LOL!!!! Oh. hoo. “wipe tears” That was cruel but very funny!
Thanks. I needed that reality check . Great use of Satire by the way. God bless you guys.
In Christ,
you don’t eat reeses?
A new list (feel free to add to it)
1) read your Bible at least 5 days out of the week for a year (at least).
2) Share the gospel with many people (help me think of exactly how many of whatever)
3) Read deep theology books
4) Share the light of Christ by showing love to everybody (random people you meet at Walmart, your parents, siblings, friends, enemies, ect.)
5) start a Bible study or volunteer to lead Children’s Sunday school for the summer or something.
6) Do something that goes way out of your comfort zone (section 1 of do hard things).
7) Do daily things that are hard for you and you see no immediate pay back everyday.(see, I payed attention!!!!)
Help me add to the list and we will have a great list of ways to do hard things for the glory of God and then we can create a healthy cereal (which will be hard) like somebody said and put a new list on the back. Who’s with me?
That was not funny. Okay, maybe it was. Those poor nurses, “and why are you in the Emergency Room today?” “I read The Rebelution.” Very funny
I really appreciate that your not quitting after all. Now, if I can just convince my beating heart, I’ll be good.
Christ bless,
OK, guys very funny but please never again. Nothing against Reese’s Puffs but your challenge is slightly more, how should I put this, well, just hard?!
All I can say is – Oh good grief! 🙂 I read the prayer request in the Prayer Room about this – did a double take, then came over here. *sighs and shakes head while smiling* Have fun, you guys.
Olivia: I am with you!
Perhaps we could add to the list…
8) Memorize passages of Scripture
9) Do something for God that could be considered dangerous…
10) Do something for God that the world hates
11) Do something for God ANONYMOUSLY, that will not earn you any kind of acceptance or accolades
On # 2, I think a set number would be slightly legalistic… Perhaps: “Share the gospel whenever the opportunity arises”
That’s certainly a HARD thing!
Wow. I think my heart stopped for several seconds.
Don’t DO that! 😀
Awesome joke though! haha
Wooowwww….you guys are too crazee. lol I saw that list before on the reeses box and thought it was funny. You guys are hilarious. A little humor every now and then helps. =)
Reese’s Puffs needs to raise those standards–I mean, “Meet someone with your own name”?? That’s pathetic.
I just recently found out about the Rebelution, but I’ve really been enjoying a lot of the articles on here; Thanks, guys!
This list is incredibly hard! I would never bungee jump, play a part in a TV show, etc., so this list poses a daunting challenge for me.
… I guess it is a good thing that Hard does not always equal Right!
What a joke!
Wow. That’s what kids are aspiring to? ‘Tis quite pathetic. 🙂 I’m so glad the Rebolution isn’t shutting down. It even sounds cooler than Reese-olution.
What are Reese’s Puffs anyhow? Must be an American thing. Anyhow, congratulations on achieving #11, guys! I almost did dissolve into tears . . . after my heart managed to start beating again, however feebly. You guys are really appreciated, please don’t die out on us, no matter how overwhelming the advance of the Reese-olution. And if you ever need another flood of encouragement, your loyal readers would most likely appreciate you taking less dramatic steps to get it! =) I’m glad you’re having fun! Good job, you two.
Wow, you had me worried. I just read Do Hard Things, and I changed my homepage to therebelution.com, and I read the newest blog post’s title and got a little worried.
It was a good joke though.
You guys scared me so bad. I thought you went crazy! =-)
What’s the most comments you have ever gotten? just curious… 🙂
hey Brynne,
great ideas! ya I agree with not putting a certain number of people, I just didn’t quite know how to word it. You put my thoughts in words on #2. Thanks!
Alex and Brett, you guys should take some of our ideas and some of your own and make a list of goals. That would be sweet!
another idea for the list,
email or snail mail a letter to a missionary or MK (missionary kid) at least once a month.
I was also just thinking how they challenge you to learn 1 instrument by the time your 18 and I have learned four 1/2 by the time I am 13! so does that even it out that I have never bungee jumped or gone on the worlds biggest roller coaster?
Rebelution Puffs, the great part of a nutritious breakfast!!!! Oh that is sweet!!!!!!!!!!!
I freaked out when I read this. I thought the rebelution was actually over!
Okay Alex and Brett, it was a little scary at first but as I read the comments it’s hilarious!:D
HAHA — hilarious! Although I really was not laughing at first, until I read the post. 😀 Nice joke guys.
Wow! you almost scared me….until I saw the header
Oh my WORD! My heart stopped for a moment! NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!
I think Alex & Brett should use the list Brynne & Olivia made:
1) read your Bible at least 5 days out of the week for a year (at least).
2) Share the gospel with many people (help me think of exactly how many of whatever)
3) Read deep theology books
4) Share the light of Christ by showing love to everybody (random people you meet at Walmart, your parents, siblings, friends, enemies, ect.)
5) start a Bible study or volunteer to lead Children’s Sunday school for the summer or something.
6) Do something that goes way out of your comfort zone (section 1 of do hard things).
7) Do daily things that are hard for you and you see no immediate pay back everyday. (see, I payed attention!!!!)
8) Memorize passages of Scripture
9) Do something for God that could be considered dangerous…
10) Do something for God that the world hates
11) Do something for God ANONYMOUSLY, that will not earn you any kind of acceptance or accolades
Brett & Alex,
Even though I realized in a millisecond that it was a joke, I still had a heart attack! I must say that the responses are hilarious!! Keep it up, guys!
Just curious, why was it “important to note that Alex and I do not eat Reese’s Puffs.”? I don’t recall ever eating them…do they taste bad? I wonder….but I’m sure they are not as good a gruel.
WOAH! It was REALLY weird to come to the page and see that this was all done! But it’s not. Thank God! 😀 Great thoughts, by the way. 🙂
PLEASE dont ever do that again! That was sooooo mean. After struggeling to get over the shock, wipping my eyes, and reading through it three or four times I got it. It would not have been nearly as belevable has my sis not reminded me that you guys were heading off to school this year (what will happen when you go to college?).
Had I been on ya’lls end I would have found it incredibly funny. 🙂
(Thanks for FINNALY telling what Alex’s facebook profile was!)
Alex and Brett (and everyone else),
Congratulations, I think it’s obvious by the comments that you both successfully scared most of your readers half to death.
The disturbing part is the you ACTUALLY scared them half to death! I confess I did not read all 200+ comments, but most of the ones I did read said they experienced some sort of trauma to their system. I even read one that said ” I almost died”. Something seems slightly wrong about this.
Don’t get me wrong, I think the Rebelution is a great site for teens and young adults alike. The message couldn’t be more needed right now. But when the thought of losing the website gives you a heart attack, you sound more like Beatle fans in the 70’s than Rebelutionaries. What I mean is that even if the Rebelution was going to shut down, it’s not like the message would go down as well. The concept of DO HARD THINGS has still affected countless individuals all over and there is no stopping it. Harris brothers or no Harris brothers.
The basic message of the Rebelution, minus the cool slogans, is not new at all. It’s not as if we never had any way of getting the message without the Rebelution. It’s been around since the very beginning. And it’s all through the Bible. Alex and Brett Harris have just put a modern spin on it that has hit a place were teens can really ‘get it’.
But please Rebelutionaries, resist the urge to make Brett and Alex Harris the new Rock Stars/Boy Band of the Christian book and blog world and just focus on Doing Your Hard Things. Thanks
hmmm… so my brother is obsessed with Reeses Puffs and one morning I was reading the back of the box and the first thing I thought as I read the list was “I bet Alex and Brett Harris would get a kick out of this…” Apparently you did. Also, I was just wondering what your plans are for the rebelution as you head off to college? I’m guessing you’re not going to be posting every day (especially during finals week) but do you have a specific plan of action?
Inna: Hear, hear! We completely agree that The Rebelution is not about Alex and me, nor about this website, but about God’s truth for the teen years. =)
In fact, it’s a lot like a church. The church is not about the building, it’s about God’s Word and the people. But, if the building burned down and the people had nowhere to meet — it would be terrible! This website has become a place where we can all encourage and challenge one another. The emotions displayed in this comment thread (emotions we didn’t mean to elicit!) show more of a connection to the community as a whole and not to Alex and me in particular. =)
Hmm, let’s see: I’ve bungie jumped and learned an instrument.
Not quite, but I still have 2 years to go. Unfortunately, my idol is dead…
Plus, if these are to be accomplished before you turn 18, how can you do #18?
Thank you for your reply. I this is one of the differences between America’s church and…..well maybe most of the world. See, I grew up in Hungary but have lived in various locations and after having many a church building burn down, losing pastors and church members, etc. it becomes more about you and God than any group or even community. Though having a strong community and group of believers is a awesome thing to have, there are times when it is just you and God. In my life, those times, by far, have brought the most growth and maturity. I guess I’m saying that a strong community is a good thing, but no one should be so dependant on it that they would “die” if they did not have it. I guess I have a different point of view than most people though. God Bless!
Inna: I agree with your last comment wholeheartedly. One of my favorite books, “Green Leaf in Drought” by Isobel Kuhn, relates the true story of a missionary couple who lost everything except God — and had all they needed. Here in America, rather than go into the furnace as Daniel’s three friends did (in the Bible) and have an incredible fellowship with the Son of God, we settle too often for agreeing to bow before other gods — we lose God rather than let the church burn, the pastor go, or community be lost. We choose fellowship with people and things instead of fellowship with the One who will meet us if we will but go into the fire for Him. We are not thrown into the fire and do not often enter into the great Fellowship you speak of encountering in times of trouble and earthly isolation and loss because we do not stand for Him alone.
I don’t think that we should actually ever be dependant on community — it gives us the tendancy to “sprawl” when our “crutches” (things that replace God in our lives by causing us to not need to rely on Him) are taken from us (as they ALWAYS, eventually, in one way or another, are — because they are not eternal hopes).
May God give all of us Rebelutionaries hearts for Him alone. May He make, and continue to keep, the Rebelution about Him — and Him alone. May our community, our fellowship with each other, always be based on fellowship with Him. May we rely on Him alone, as the Church (His Bride), is meant to — and may we even have eyes for no one but Him.
God bless you, Inna!!
Brett: I disagree with your last comment wholeheartedly. I’m just kidding! I totally agree with everything you said, but I think that Inna actually just brought up a really great point that could save us (the movement, itself) a lot of losses in the future. For example, what if religious freedom was taken from us within our country and it became so that we could be imprisoned for years on end if we were found out to be Christians by people in authority — would we be ready? Storms are coming — storms even like that. And now is the time to prepare — even to be alone unto God, to lose heroes, to bear great losses of God-fearing leaders and brave Christian fellow freedom fighters — if that is what our witness requires. I really respect you and Alex for so much of what you’ve done so far. But I think it’s time, always is, to keep pressing on, moving forward, preparing. We need the kind of relationship with God — all of us do — that will withstand every kind of storm. None of our futures are secure — nothing of this earth is eternal. We need to be wholly rooted, deep-down, in God who is Eternal in a way that nothing can shake us or break us from our foundations. Can the Rebelution do that — cause a people, a generation, to be that way? I think it’s possible. And I challenge you to it. Keep pressing on! Run faster, harder — run with more zeal for the true Goal — Jesus Christ — than you’ve ever run before. Lead the charge. Truly lead us by the One you follow. We’ll be right behind you. Every true Rebelutionary will be right on your heels.
No most of us would not die that was likely an exageration by whoever said it, but i think most of us wold feel some sence of loss. For me the Rebelution has in many ways helped me grow closer to God and though I have not met the Alex and Brett I view them some what like older wiser brothers whom I can learn much from. I would miss the encouragement and community of other like minded christian teens more than the just the web site.
You guys are doing a great job. Thanks for the book, you cannot imagine what a blessing it has been for me. The Lord will bless you.
PS: When I saw “the rebelution is over” I almost had a heart attack.
You guys freaked me out! That was SO ornery! OH MY GOODNESS! (And I hope you guys don’t actually like those Reese’s-things!)
Inna: I was a little disappointed when I saw the title of the post at first. My thought was “Too bad! It is a good blog.” I was not crying or having a heart attack. Most of that sort of response was probably people teasingly trying to make Alex and Brett feel sorry for posting this joke.
I agree that we should be careful not to make Alex and Brett into heroes. As they said at the conference, “…we’re just two teenagers who started a blog.” They aren’t fundamentally different than any other Christians. They are very visible, and have done a lot. But really, we need to remember that they are people like us, not perfect superhumans.
hu, The whole thing about not making Alex and Brett into idols reminds me of a sermon my dad did a few weeks ago. I wasn’t there because he doesn’t preach at the main church he preaches at a satalite church 20 miles away but he told me about it when I asked about the huge trophy in our car. His response to the question was, “I got this trophy because I am superChristian!.” Then of course I tried to get were exactly it came from and he didn’t tell me. There are allot of people I respect for their relationship with Christ, but I know they are still human.
Elisabeth Elliot mentioned in her book about the life of Amy Carmichael that when she was younger she thought Amy was perfect. Then later on when she realized she wasn’t perfect it was even better because she realized that she might be able to obtain her faith and devotion.
I also think of what a close family friend said. See they decided to adopt, and they ended up with 13 kids and 10 of them have fetal alcohol syndrome, though in only a few of them is it noticeable. She said, “People either put me on a pedestal or they think I am crazy.”
Can we look up to people? yes. Can we have people we respect and admire? Yes. But can we idolize people? No. Can we put people on a superhuman/christian level? No.
Rachel Gross–Reese’s Puffs are basically KIX that are flavored with chocolate and (highly sugared) peanut butter. I think they have KIX in Europe, not sure if they have KIX where you are. KIX are tiny, crunchy balls of a processed corn cereal.
I actually had the same thought – once I had recovered my senses. “Why did I feel like that? Something doesn’t seem right about my being so… caught up in the Rebelution.” Don’t get me wrong – I love the Rebelution, but have I lifted it up on a pedestal that’s too high? It’s really made me think. And I’m still thinking. I know that it can be possible to care too much about a good thing, but is that my problem? Anyhow… thanks for pointing that out. I wasn’t sure whether or not I was the only one that thought of it.
P.S. My family doesn’t go to theaters, so I have to wait ’til Caspian comes out on DVD! :cries: I’m really dissapointed in it, though – I have it from a reliable source that Caspian and Susan kiss. 🙁 Anyhow… since Caspian has nothing to do with Hard Things and such…
I freaked out reading the opening title!
I’m vaery happey that it was just a joke to see what their following would say!
Alex and Brett, PLEASE don’t do that again!
I do want to see Prince Caspian… I’m 50/50 on whether it will be good or not.
More like, REESE-illusionaries.
I was worried because we are going to your conference in CO and had been looking forward to that!!!
Do we get a refund? 🙂
Inna: It is very interesting to hear a little of your story and how you would contacts the American church to the church around the world. I wholeheartedly agree that no one should depend on Christian community the way they do on God or His Word. The truth is that Christian community is just a means of grace — and the God of grace is always there.
On the flipside, the Bible does admonish us not to forsake meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing. While God may choose to isolate us at certain times in order to draw us individually closer to Himself — He doesn’t want us to be in the habit of going it alone. =)
Thank you again for sharing your concern. I’m really pleased that this issue is being discussed. 😀
Wow, I’ve made it half way through the list…must complete to become ultimate teenager…wait this stuff isn’t challenging at all- thank GOD you guys are joking!
Wow!! When I first saw the title, “the rebelution is over” I was a little confused. I thought, “I just found this site, it’s great, it cant be over yet!! It scared me for a minute but then when I read further I found out the joke. Alex & Brett, I am almost finished with your book, I think it’s awesome!! Just wondering, will you ever come to Tulsa for one of your conferences?
Whew…-When I first saw the title ‘The Rebelution is over’ I thinking,”What..? then I thought that you guys really wouldn’t do this -:) you guys made me go into shock. Would you please consider not doing it again?
Thank you! 🙂
Since seeing your Resse’s post, I have decided to pray for you both on a daily basis! I know that when Christians take a leadership roles, Satan puts them on the black list. Satan can’t “unsave” Christians, but he can try to make them stagnant, fruitless, confused people. But HE who is in us is greater than he who is in this world.
Keep up fighting the good fight for the Prize.
“We believe that it is a complete road-map to God-glorifying teen years and a bright future.”
I have a difficult time believing that a cereal company would have such excellent ideals… But great post and I think you have a point, that we have to finish this race and not give up.
I am sorry for the heart attacks I caused also… The remorseful sorry, not the repentant sorry…. in other words I am remorseful that I did it, but I would do it again!
Inna/Brett/or anybody who wants to answer: I totally agree with your last post, Brett, but also, still, with your last, Inna. Okay… this may cause you to think that you might offend me if you answer, but I really want to know the answer so I’ll be open about my concerns:
When I first read what you said, Brett, I thought, “I am in the habit of not meeting together with other believers.” I don’t go to church. I haven’t for I don’t know how long. I visited my brother’s church, but those aren’t the kind of people I really consider believers — they drink, swear, smoke, etc., and then get together and talk about their many problems due to these things and say, “Isn’t it good to be broken?” It’s NOT good to be broken, constantly, by your sins. The reason we are broken by our sins is to cause us to repent so that we can live the best life God has for us. Also, let me mention (I don’t want to get off-topic with this, but just to clarify) that I have a real problem with Christians drinking alcohol, and encouraging others to, because I have seen it ruin their lives and it was really, really sad.
But then I was reminded of this verse which came to mind after flipping through, “Stop Dating the Church!” at the bookstore a while back.
“For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.”
Matthew 18:20
So, from that single verse I would say, “No, I do not at all forsake meeting together with other believers — I “meet” with my mom and we encourage and challenge each other every day.”
I have avoided the normal kind of Christian fellowship within a church because I have not wanted to be compromised or “pulled” in a way which is not according to God’s Commandments. Also, a problem with fellowship with people is that often we let our relationships with others in a church and what they say dictate our relationship with God instead of obeying God’s Will — in other words, we go to mentors and friends and ask for help with how to handle God’s Plan so that it, as much as possible, fits into ours, instead of going to God, as I think we should first and foremost, and asking Him for help in submitting ours and others’ plans for us under His Authority that it might come into alignment with His Plan.
Most of you all know how I write, what I say, the questions I ask — basically, who I am. Would you really want me to come to your church? I would want to go to church to grow, to learn, but before when I tried to attend Bible study meetings and I asked the pastor (during discussion time) how what he was teaching lined up with Scripture (because I was confused and wanted to be sure) he shoved a Bible at me and told me not to talk without a Bible in my hands. After that, he would talk louder over me or call on someone else (even when they didn’t exactly have a question) whenever I would try to join the discussion. I don’t want that. But I do miss church. But maybe that’s just like missing an old group of friends — it’s just human nature wanting the easy way of many friends on a wide, easy, flat path that doesn’t keep going uphill. I don’t know. I mean, Jesus said “two or three” and then in the part about not forsaking meeting together it doesn’t exactly say it’s any more than that.
And Inna; I’m just curious from what you said: would you do anything differently than Alex and Brett that you think would help put/keep the focus, and our reliance, more on God than on community? If so, what?
Also, Brett; I just wanted to say that I really thought your response was a good response — I’m just questioning what community really means (biblically). One thing I really appreciate about The Rebelution, and respect about you and Alex, is the discussion of topics such as this so that we can “sharpen” each other’s understanding and character and can be challenged to grow. So, thank you — you and Alex, both. The Rebelution truly has been a means of God’s grace and blessing in my life — so much so.
I just wanted to really encourage you, and everyone, to “keep moving forward” — not just in competence and success and whatever forwards your ambitions, but in faithfulness to God, in relying more and more on Him daily, in fellowshipping with Him, personally, and getting to really, honestly, truly know His Heart, His Will, and the Power of His Resurrection (as the very few who seek to, wholeheartedly, do). You’ve challenged us this far — and your challenges still stand. But please don’t stop continuing to challenge us in NEW ways — at new levels, as you reach them. Don’t stop finding ways to challenge us when the world is challenged or when we are successful and have reached OUR goals. Don’t even stop challenging us when we complain or don’t applaud what you’ve said. Keep running faster and faster and we’ll do our best to keep up — and hopefully, someday, challenge you.
Too often, we settle for somewhere in the middle of the race, and look back to see that we’re challenging some people — the slow ones (that’s me, way back there behind you, sometimes). We need to keep our gaze forward, on Jesus. We need to keep our gaze open to the race ahead — the race yet unrun.
You just can’t run as fast when you look back (and you really shouldn’t! — ever run into a street sign while talking to a friend? Ouch).
In my room I have a poster on my door from the Canadian Olympic X-country ski team. It says, “Catch us if you can.” I look at it often when I am writing and am reminded that we, as Christians, need to be that way. Too often we keep looking back for our friends, going, “Are you keeping up okay? Am I going too fast? Let me know and I’ll slow down and wait,” when we really need to keep our eyes fixed on the Goal, not looking back, and let anyone who wants to follow God, too, catch us if they can.
Brett (and others),
I definitely agree that having a strong Christian community is/can be a very key part in our our growth as a Christian. I simply mean that there has to be a balance.
I just don’t want to see the Rebelution turn into a “Empire” kind of ministry as opposed to a Kingdom building ministry. A sure fire way for any kind of church/ministry/anything to fall is for the members to turn their leader(s) into their heros and take their eyes of God. I can’t think of a single time when I have started to think that someone was just the greatest thing there was, that I didn’t end up severely disappointed. And it didn’t matter if it was my pastor, an elder, a friend, or my parents.
And I say that more to the members of the Rebelution and less to Alex and Brett.
ya totally freaked me out!!! im so glad its a joke. lol. you guys have such a fabulous sense of humor. rofl!!! i love practical jokes, so i defiantly have # 11 covered. pracical joke do backfire… my yard is covered in toliet paper and the grass is spray-painted right now. seriously. i had better get 2 work on the rest of the list, im already 15!!! i’ve only done like 5. :p i passed my permit test the 1st time, does that count?
ps. i know that this is off topic, but r u guys going to new attitude this year? im not, ( i wish…..) but some of the singles from my church r.
I hope you both have an amazing weekend!
dont do that! i passed out when i saw the title. funny joke though. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
I have really wanted someone else’s opinion on the subject of the Church etc. and was very excited to see some opportunity here. For about 3 years, my family has been doing church at home, just ourselves. Some of the reasons we stopped going to Church is (1) We found our family very divided in the church (as soon as we were in the building we were going in opposite directions). We believe we should worship/learn as a family. (2) We felt that there was too much of the ‘world’ getting into the church. We feel that doing it at home we are learning and growing more in different areas, and we also get to grow together as a family. We do, however, miss worshiping with other believers. It has been especially hard in that area. We sometimes feel as if we are missing out. We do truly think that God called us out of the church, but we sometimes wonder why we find ourselves missing that fellowship so much. Some of what we learn in our services here at home simply goes back and forth between 4 of us older family members, so we often experience unanswered questions. There are really a lot of pros and cons.
I do believe that being in a church around so many people does effect our obedience to God’s Word and will for our lives and how closely we follow it. I definitely saw that in my life when I was going to a church. Whether doing church at home or in an ‘official’ church, I still think that we need to take more time outside of church to learn and specifically ask the Lord to show us any area in our lives that might have been effect by this and to keep us in tune with God’s Word.
Also, I noticed that everything that the pastor said was taken for granted, then and there. Things really were never open to discussion (like your experience at Bible study). I really think that people are more benefited when topics are discussed among believers and not just “it was said and that’s that.” This is a difficult topic with much diversity. I am so grateful for someone to talk to about it, and even though I am only sharing my thoughts, I hope it was of any help to you. I am very open to anything you might have to say to help me grow in this area.
-Nicole K.
I haven’t been on for like a month and when I got back on (just now) I was shocked. I was like what are they thinking? quiting… that is so unfair.Then I thought maybe someone died so they couldn’t continue…Anyhow I am glad to see it was just a joke.
😆 Good one, guys. You just about gave me a heart attack!
Wow, that list from the back of the Reese’s Puffs box was very…inspiring. (haha) I’m so glad we have a higher purpose! It’s sad that those things listed reflect what most teens see as a successful life. That’s what happens without Christ- we resort to finding purpose in meeting someone with the same name. 😯
Press on, Rebelutionaries, press on! 😀
“Therefore we also have as our ambition, whether at home or absent, to be pleasing to Him.” 2 Corinthians 5:9
Inna and Nicole:
Wow guys this is a great discussion.
My family does go to church, but I have been concerned lately about how the world and its thoughts and attitudes are creeping in, and no one seems to realize this or want to stop it. We’ve thought about trying to find another church, but this seems to be where God has us right now. We do have family devotions time every night, and we can discuss things that may have come up at church. I do not think God wants anyone, or even any one family to be by themselves in worshipping him. Especially here in the United States, where we have freedom to worship him, and I would encourage you to try and find at least one other family who believes as you do, even if you don’t meet very often, just get together every once in a while. You do need fellowship with other believers, all over the New Testament you see gathering together, not necessarily in buildings, just in each others homes to encourage and fellowship with each other. My family has found other families through an Above Rubies/Titus 2 group, and friends of friends from there. We also know some families in our area who are part of a Household of Faith church that meets in Hobart now. If you want to find people in your area like you, the National Center for Family Integrated churches has a website with a directory of all the family integrated churches in any place in the United States.
p.s. Thanks for the wake-up call about how much we are getting dependant on this website. I hadn’t even realized it but now that I think about it we have been acting like if Alex and Brett left and stopped posting the Rebelution would be over. But it would not if we are really serious about it. I know it is really tempting to put them on a pedestal and treat them like superheroes, I have done it before and not even caught myself. Even though they’ve told us not to do that, I still do it sometimes. But going to the conference and actually meeting them has helped me realize what I’ve been doing and that they are just like us and not some kind of super-teen =)
Megan H.–JUST in case you had the desire to read ALL the way to the bottom of the page, I’d like to clarify Brett’s reply to your innocent suggestion of making WWAABD bracelets;
First of all, by doing that, you would be relegating them to the same height as Jesus Christ (WWJD), and that is something they DO NOT WANT!!!
These are just humble guys trying to serve the Lord, and although they are fine examples of what Christian manhood should be, they should never, ever be seen as idols or personalities to worship. Only Jesus is worthy of our praise and worship, and we should only ask ourselves What Would JESUS Do?, not anyone else!
So next time you get in a sticky situation and start to wonder what to do, ask the Lord. After all, He’s the Maker of us all. He knows everything about us.
Because HE Lives,
hear! hear!
Nicole K. :
I understand what you are saying about your family being divided in church, all going your separate ways. My dad is an associate pastor and is really passionate about making things multi-generational. We are doing a multi-generational summer Sunday school and least year we had a Bible study with a few other families with people ranging from 1 year to people in their 60s. As my dad puts it, “We need to prepare our little kids to sit through church. It’s ok if they don’t always sit perfectly still! And we need to train our teenagers to think deeper and to be the future leaders.”
My dad has been my biggest encourager for me to live out 1 Timothy 4:12 (my mom being second)! He encouraged me to do a study on Do Hard Things which will be starting in a few weeks, he is a great person to ask theological questions, and he helps provide me with resources and books to help me grow. I love my dad and our family knows better than anyone that he is not perfect, but I still look to him for guidance!
I encourage everyone to check out the end of the video by Alex and Brett recapping the 2007 confrences! I saw it and thought, “They are still normal guys!” Though I thank God almost everyday for Alex and Brett and all that God has done through them and other rebelutionaries, I know that they are human and it is only through God’s power that they have made such an impact in so many lives.
God bless you all,
In Christ,
As I read all the frightened and panic responses, I had to laugh. But then I realized that this might be an issue–does the Rebelution really depend all that much on Alex and Brett? Not to downplay their efforts and all that they’ve done, but the ideas and much of the motivation behind the Rebelution is driven by Scripture. Shouldn’t we be doing this even if we didn’t have them?
Just a musing. 🙂
DON’T DO THAT!! I thought that someone had died or something, and my heart nearly stopped!! EEK….anyway, nice prank. *snorts with laughter*
Rose: It sounds encouraging that you believe that an individual, or a family, is not intended to be isolated; but I’m not sure that it’s true. It was encouraging to me, but I just don’t know. It’s just that I haven’t seen anywhere in the Bible that it technically indicates that we are to meet regularly with more than 2 other believers. It’s great if we can. But I’m not sure if that’s what God intends for all of us, all the time. I mean, we are to go out and share the Gospel — we are commanded to do that. That’s feeding His sheep. A lot of times, that is done alone with Him. For example, I’ve just read the book, “China’s Need and Claims” by Hudson Taylor, about the state of missions in China during the 1800’s. It talked about how many provinces there were, how many missionaries in relation to that, how that would relate to the home country if it were that way in England, etc. As far as protestant missionaries, there were, on average, 2 per (reached) area — expected, I believe, to reach 100,000 people each at their station (leaving still many others unreached just miles away). They were obeying the Great Commission, yet didn’t have much fellowship (the churches were slow in starting and they had to keep going out and preaching in other towns). It sounds like that was God’s Plan for them. Their church wasn’t a group of believers encouraging each other, but rather them going out, alone or as two, and serving and worshipping God. In the U.S., we have religious freedom, so many of us go to a church building, or gathering of believers, every Sunday (or more often, even). That’s not bad at all — don’t get me wrong. But rarely do many of us obey Jesus when He said to, “Go” and preach the Good News. I wonder if church is perhaps not only not a building, but also not a set number of people meeting together — such as more than 2 or 3. And I wonder if church is meant to be us serving and worshipping God and learning His Truth wherever He leads us (or keeps us) and as we fellowship with Him in that way, He will bring us into fellowship with other believers, at times. I mean, I went to a really small church for a short while and we had a youth Bible study meeting every week. The youth of our church made about… 5 people (including the pastor). That was one of the few times I knew a church that was really Church, if you know what I mean. We’d just get together, worship, open the Bible, let the pastor teach or discuss questions we had, and then hang out and eat afterwards. That wasn’t church because it was that many people, it was church because God was there and we had fellowship with Him first and were thus able to fellowship together. But really, when I think about it, that’s not much different than when my mom and I fellowship together. So is anything really missing but numbers? And do numbers matter? Sure, I feel like I miss out. But I’d really just like to know what God wants Church to be — and offer that to Him, accomplish that, be that, whatever it is. Which brings me to…
Nicole K.: Do you think that maybe this is just a common problem among people named ‘Nicole’? It would seem to be so, wouldn’t it? =) I’m really glad we’re discussing this too — it’s really been on my mind a lot lately. I wish I could give you some advice (actually, myself, too), but I really don’t honestly know everything I’d like to, so I’m thinking that perhaps we should handle this with prayer since we all seem to have some sort of questions so far. Let’s pray that God will show us the True meaning of Church — His definition of it. And that He would enable us to find it or to bring it forth, as He has called us to as believers. Let’s pray that He’ll consistently lead us to the fellowship He wants for us, and lead others to us for fellowship because we fellowship with Him, in the way He wills for us. And let’s pray that we won’t forsake any kind of fellowship that is of Him, and also, that we won’t seek any kind of fellowship that is not of Him or not in His Plan for us.
I truly believe that if we seek Him first, the other fellowship will be ours, but that if we seek fellowship aside from that with Him — like actually focus on it or on finding it — then we always miss out in some way on the meaning of true fellowship.
What do you think? Please do add prayers if He leads you to pray something that would benefit us in this matter. I really want to know His Will on this, too.
Anybody else, totally feel free to comment on this (or continue to comment on this) — I think we’re all pretty open to advice.
Nicole: These are great prayers. I will be praying them. The only other thing we might want to consider adding, is that if/when we come to understand the meaning “Church” and what the Lord’s will is for us, that we would know how to go about following His will. Especially in my situation where I am only one member of a family of 9. I really can’t make a decision. It kind of all goes with God bringing people to us as you were saying above, we just need to trust in Him. I know God has a plan for our lives, but I also think that there are some things that we need to take responsibily for, it if it the Lord’s will. We often have to explain to the little ones that “we can’t just wait for the cake to appear on the table after dinner. We have to make it.” Does that make sense? That has always been an area in my life that needed strengthing. I feel I sometimes know what His will is but, I don’t know exactly how to follow it. Also, I truly think that God has a different definition of ‘church’ for different families/people. I think this is a topic that I will be researching/praying about for quite awhile. I would love to keep in touch about this topic. I would write more, but I have to go to my little brother’s baseball game now! More later.
-Nicole K.
Nicole K.: Wow — you have nine people in your family? That’s so awesome. That’s more people than the church meeting I was just talking about. There are two people in my family (who are Christians). Sometimes it really feels like I’m missing something in fellowship because, well, it’s really small! But I’ve kind of been thinking about it and it has given me a heart for people who are in a similar situation. Not to get off topic; but growing up I read a lot of Christian books and they always highlighted finding God through family, through church, through pastors, mentors, teachers… essentially, it told me that I was to find God through people, first; One on one, second. When I really think it’s the other way around — God always comes first. I kind of think that if I had a good family — with a father and brothers and sisters (who are Christians) — then I really wouldn’t have found God as I have. Typically, I think that as humans we basically only seek what we need or really want what we feel missing in our lives. So, on to the point I’m aiming for; I think that God “isolated” me somewhat, for much time up until now, because He wants me, in my future ministry, etc., to reach out to people who are in a situation where they literally cannot find mentors, a good church, and do not have a good family unit to guide them and encourage them and help them find God — because God is still there for us just as much regardless of our situation or the people surrounding us. He is still to be found; the only condition being that we must seek Him wholeheartedly. And, I’m wondering, reading about how He’s been working in your family and what seems to be on your heart, perhaps He has a special call on your life to encourage people to really embrace the real meaning of Church — to really pursue, as a family under God’s Care and Guidance (essentially what all good churches are), how God wants the Church to be. I’ve noticed that usually God puts a need or desire on our heart to cause us to realize, pray about, and receive the compassion and strive to gain the competence to meet desires that are on His Heart — sometimes through meeting the needs of His people.
I also think that the prayer you mentioned is a good prayer to add. A little while back Alex and Brett were doing a series entitled, “Keep Moving Forward.” They mentioned that their mom sometimes has them clear the dinner dishes before dessert is set on the table, encouraging them to “Hustle while [they] wait.” While I think that we do have to wait for God’s Guidance and the “go-ahead” to move forward, I think that it is also highly important to be prepared for when it comes (or to “earn” it, so that it does come) — like you were saying, we have to be responsable in the area of actually taking part in God’s Will and moving steadily towards His Promises, right now; we can’t just sit idly and wonder when the blessings of taking part in His Plan are going to come to us. For example, I think that one thing we can do in this area, always, is to be a temple of praise, worship and prayer unto God and a seeker of His Truth so that when He wants us to go to an organized church, if that is His Plan, or if He wants us to hold a “church” meeting with two friends during lunch-hour, we’ll be ready for His Call to attend Church.
Also (one more thing), I know what you mean about being unable to make a decision as only one member. That can be really tough and frustrating — I know. Usually I’m in the miniority when it comes to group opinions. But you can make a difference according to your convictions — know that. Hudson Taylor often talked about the importance of learning to “move man, through God, by prayer alone.” From experience, I can say that family or group situations where you really don’t have much of a say in are a great place to learn that incredibly important way of accomplishing things. It helps a lot later in life to have and practice that kind of faith when God wants you to accomplish something that just can’t fully be done through human means — the struggle on your part will be much less if you learn that lesson early on (btw, I’m still learning it — it is one of the hardest lessons to learn and apply!). Also, when I was younger, people usually didn’t expect me to say much because I was a really shy kid so when I would try to say something, if we were in a group, they just wouldn’t really listen (unless I got really loud — which I was still too shy to do). It was really hard to get ideas across. But sometimes, one or two ideas would get heard, and it was worth it — God really helped me to change some things in my youth group for His Glory. Such as, the youth pastor was going on a trip so meetings were going to be suspended. I said something about it and they ended up deciding to continue them, only in a different format — and it really turned out to be a great time of growth for me and we were all benefited by the continuation of fellowship (other people added better ideas to my initial idea and it all turned into a big idea to start a really neat Bible study program as a group — which unfortunately didn’t last, but still bore some good fruit).
So, I’ll be praying about this and I’ll add your family to my prayer list (watch out! — just kidding). Thanks for taking the time to discuss this and thanks for pointing out to me to keep doing hard things to get where I need to be and to obtain what God has for me. God bless you, sister!
I do not plan to make Reese’s Puff’s list of goals my very, very top priority. But I have considered sealing an envelope with a list of plans that I hope to achieve by next Christmas. I like jotting down short-term and long-term plans and goals.
The posted comments tell how much people appreciate the Rebelution. I must confess…I too read on in anticipation, hoping that I had come to the wrong conclusion when I read that odious title.
Nicole: I just wanted to say how much I admire how you put out an idea you’ve been thinking about or something you disagree on. I have read comments you’ve made on different post and you do it so graciously and God-honoring.
The whole thing about what church and community should look like, the world getting into the church more, etc. I haven’t done a lot of research on so I really don’t have much to say on the topic, but I do think that we do need have a circle of believers who will be there to encourage us, pray for us, hold us accountable when we need to be in a God-honoring way, as well as what the early church did in the book of Acts to take care of the widows and orphans. I didn’t think I was going to write quite that much but those are a few of my opinions and what I have learned. I have read your, Inna’s, and Nicole K’s comments and I want to learn more about what God wants the church to be and what community looks like. I will pray that God will give all the answers to your questions. “Ask and you will receive”.
Your sis in Christ,
Hillary S.
I would like to respectfully leave a comment on the thread about the church . The verse that several people used to point to fellowship and gathering of believers, Mt. 18:20, is a verse pertaining to church discipline. Read verses 15-20 and you will see the context. Just a gentle reminder to “handle accurately the word of truth” (2Tim.2:15). I’m not saying we shouldn’t gather together as believers, since there is such a strong example of this throughout the book of Acts, but just want to make sure that the verse in Matthew isn’t used to support that.
As a mother of 2 teenagers, I am thrilled by what Alex and Brett are doing, and the challenge they are giving teens today. When I first saw their conference advertised in WORLD magazine, I was so excited just by the title. Do Hard Things! Wow! I want that for myself but I really want that for my kids too. I wanted so much for my kids to go to the conference in Portland, but it didn’t work out. So, we bought the book and will be going through it this summer.
I have hope for the future, as kids stand on a firm foundation and do great and mighty (and hard) things for Jesus!
Noella and Brett,
Thank you for your kind responses in the face of such seeming “heresy”. 🙂
I meant the bracelets as a joke, but I forgot that it is hard to “hear” the tone in a blog comment. I knew that it was a joke, and so assumed that everyone else would.
I agree with both of you whole-heartedly.
Again, thank you for your love in replying so gently.
Now I will remember to type out the two simple words “Just Joking!” if I write something that could be serious, but that I didn’t mean to be! 🙂
It’s great that some of you are really thinking about the true meaning of the church. One verse that has really shaped my view of the church and ministry is:
James 1:27
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
Nicole: Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me. Just being able to talk about it helps me be more open to learning/praying about it, and really wanting to find the true meaning of church. I really has been on my heart for years. I do believe what you stated about my calling in church is along the right path, I am still praying for clarification of what that exatly is. And, you really never know, God may reveal it to me this week or next year. We just have to follow Him. As I mentioned previously, I have always had a hard time figuring out what my calling is, even in small areas. I also appreciate your paragraph about making decisions as a family, and what I can do as only one member. Sometimes, alot of the time, prayer is most powerful and effective. I agree whole-heartedly with what you said, and need to keep that in mind for when I get discouraged. As far as callings, I really think that is a big part in knowing the true meaning of church for each individual or family. In church today, my family was disscusing anger (we used the DVD by Rob Bell called “store”), and how anger itself is not bad, but that how we deal with it. Anyway, between that and another book, we learned that we can look at the things that anger us to help find what our calling is. In some situations, if we get angry about something, we oviously care enough about it to do something about it. I thought that was really interesting. Following God’s will has really been on my heart alot lately also. My sister really had a hard time (after she graduated) finding what her calling was. She is still stuggling, but it is becoming more clear. I graduate in two years and I just really want to be ready when God reveals to me my calling. I believe starting with things such as finding our role in “Church” is a great way to learn to listen and be ready for the Lord’s will. I have really enjoyed our conversations, and will be praying for you too. I appreciate your prayers for me and my family.
Your sister in Chist,
I had a whole lot of fun with this one! My brother really wants to join up when he becomes a teen and when I told him you guys were shutting down he just about died I’m still on pins and needles waiting for “the brothers revenge”
Here are my two cents on the “definition of a church” question. 🙂 I have been extremely blessed to have grown up in a wonderful church. Every Sunday the gospel is clearly preached and every point is heavily backed by scripture. The pastors encourage the whole church to read the Bible every day and even once through every year, humbly requesting us to point out sin in their lives and any way in which we believe our church to differ from the Bible. Thus, I have never really had to struggle with this issue in my own life. That being said, so that you know where I am coming from, here is my comment.
I am not sure that the 2 or 3 gathered in His name is defined as a church. As Kathy U said the context of the verse is church discipline, the description of which involves a lot more than 3 people. Also, I do not see any other place in scripture where such a small group is defined as a church. The churches that the epistles were written to were certainly larger than that and every reference to churches seems to indicate the same. I do agree, however, that a church is people not a building. I was laughing to myself remembering how when I was little and our church met in a public high school I only thought of it as a church building. Silly me!
I wanted to encourage you ladies for your desire to see the truth in scripture and not just hear it from a pastor. It is good to test everything because no one understands perfectly. For that reason, though, I would say that it is even more necessary to seek a larger group of believers than just a family. We must certainly go to God in prayer and scripture for every issue, but we also must not trust our own deceitful hearts to perfectly interpret. God gave us pastors as a gift in this area (Ephesians 4:11-12). We need each others giftings to fully honor God and to grow in sanctification (1 Corinthinans 12) I know you have had great struggles with your local church and from what you say it doesn’t seem like a healthy environment, but please don’t miss out on the grace available in a local church that does honor God. Please don’t give up on finding a community that you can commit to, that will challenge you and point out things you may have missed! It is such a wonderful blessing from God and I am always so sad to hear of people who do not have it. Please do not take this as a self-righteous command or rebuke (the internet really does not help in such conversations). I write this as a sister in Christ to spur you on. May God bless your search for His will!
Disclaimer: For those of you whose parents have decided to take you out of church for the time being, I honor you for honoring your parents regardless of agreement with them. Please do not feel that I am condemning you! While we live at home we must honor our parents so long as we are not disobeying God’s clear commandments at the same time. God bless!
I have really appreciated the church discussion. My family has been homechurching (by ourselves) for many years. We have never been able to find a church that fits for us. My parents are totaly for the family staying together the entire time and it has been difficult to find a church like that. There are other reasons, but that is the one my parents emphasize the most.
It has been refreshing and encouraging to read this discussion. I’d like to say more, but I believe I’ll take a moment to ponder what I’ve read and do some Bible searching.
May God bless all of those seeking His will!
A sister in Christ
You had me going there for a sec! I thinking “what!?!”
Hi all!
WOW! There’s been alot of responses!
My opinoin on what church is is very simple: two or more people coming together to read the WORD and praise God. It doesn’t matter where you are or who you do it with! Jesus loves it when we praise and honor Him no matter what.
Having a quiet time with the LORD is a special time. It’s time where you its just you and God.
So about the church thing. I truly believe that God wants us to gather together as he says. I go to church every Saturday (my church is a sabbath keeping Christian church..). Church is not necessarily just to learn during the sermon. Church is a place where you gather with fellow believers so that you can learn from their examples, they can pray for you, they can hold you accountable, etc. I don’t believe that the pastor has to preach everything exactly the way you THINK things are for it to be a good church. Because that will NEVER happen. If you are looking for a church where they believe everything exactly like you.. well it just won’t happen sadly enough.
I just don’t think that just a family gather together is enough. Families are one of the most amazing gifts that God gives us. But I do not think that when he said ‘gather together’ he meant with your family. You do that everyday anyway don’t you? As long as you still live at home. I think we need to be with other Christians outside of just our family to learn from and grow with. The reason I think this is because of the way the disciples went and started establishing churches as soon as Jesus ascended. The way I read the Bible it definitely doesn’t sound like they mean just a family. I think that if it was the first thing the disciples did it must have been pretty important…
I did cry when I saw that.Seeing that it was posted on my bday that was scary.And we have that box and I dont like them
Woah! So this is what happens when you don’t come to the blog for a month or two! 😉 Seriously funny! (Just don’t do that again PLEASE! 🙂 ) I think have about half of those “goals” done.
About the church disscussion. I know what it’s like to feel lonely. My family is Christian, but sometimes I just feel very different (part of it I think is the fact that I’m the only girl at home) and in need of “girl time”. I talk to my mom, and I’m really glad for this website where I can meet with others who feel the same way. I agree with RBMA about church being a place where you gather with other believers. And I agree that God probably didn’t mean “gather together” with your family in that specific verse, but I know that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t spend time with them. I sympathise with those of you who don’t have a Christian family I know that must be really hard, but I still think if you can find just a couple of people who feel the same way you do, and then try to meeet with them even just once a month.
For awhile that’s what my family did. Once a month on Sunday we and two or three (what is it about that number?) other families would meet together to worship and pray together and maybe one of the dads would share something from the Bible. All other Sundays we had a own “service” in our living room.
Now we go to a church that we mostly agree with. Once again like RBMA said that unfortunatly you probably won’t find a church where everyone agrees 100% with you, it is still possible to find like-minded Christians who believe almost the same as you do.
Wow, this is my first visit to the website and seeing that made me a little scared. Here I was reading a book about not giving up, and doing what God has planned for us, then I see this on the front page…… I’m never going to eat Reese’s Puffs now 😛
So, we actually just had a sermon about church a while ago. What the Pastor said really made sense. He was talking about people who say they are Christians but never go to church. He pointed out how the church is Christ’s body. Then he said that if you say you don’t want to go to church and you don’t like the people in the church it is the same as saying you don’t want to know Christ and you don’t like Him. Or even if you are just too tired/lazy to get up out of bed and go to church it is the same as saying you don’t want to make the effort to be with Christ. Just a thought… I’m not really talking about the home churches. Just the people who don’t make the effort at all. Sorry if I offended anyone! It wasn’t my intention if I did.
Hey everyone! I’m about to write out a response to some of your comments, so stay tuned! I’m really enjoying this discussion, actually. As much as I disagree with a few of you, I am really thankful to ALL of you for attempting to share you thoughts honestly AND respectfully. Of course, very different opinions can be offensive and in some ways we really can’t help that, but I see that you’re truly being careful to keep this discussion perfectly civil and that is much appreciated. Also, it causes me to feel a level of respect as far as community goes that our discussion IS this lively — if it wasn’t, it’d seem like we just don’t care enough about each other to “sharpen” each other and help each other continually grow in our pursuit and understanding of God’s Truth. It’s actually been quite fun for me to look at Scripture (specifically, the Epistles) in order to confirm (or find correction) regarding my beliefs on some points you’ve brought up that I’ve disagreed with for a while, but have never fully articulated a concise biblical arguement against. It’s so great and such a blessing to me to find that there are a few people out there who do really want to know God’s Will on this matter — I seriously felt like I was the only one! So, thanks!
P.S. Does anybody else find it funny that we’re having this deep discussion and then every few posts there is some sort of remark about “Reese’s Puffs”? And, not only that, but what’s especially funny to me about it is that WE are the ones off-topic! =)
Instead of replying to each of you, individually, I’m going to try to organize my response to what’s being said into 5 points:
1) I appreciate the concern expressed regarding my use of Matthew 18:20, but I don’t think I intentionally used it to support that we should be meeting together. I think that Brett brought up Hebrews 10:24 regarding not forsaking meeting together and then I believe the verse in Matthew was used with the intention of attempting to understand what God considers to be a gathering of believers (which I believe that verse describes — regardless of the reason it was described). It was the only verse I could find which literally defined the number of people required to constitute a church. Jesus was, I believe, telling us that when even only two or three gather together in His Name, He will meet them. This verse has been used (by pastors) in various church meetings I have attended where only four or five people showed up (due to sickness or spring vacation, etc.) — to encourage us that though we be few in number, God will indeed still meet us and we will hold a church service. And we did and it was blessed.
Just out of curiosity, though, may I ask those concerned: What else is biblically necessary, in your opinion, to constitute a “church” than people joined together in God’s Name, and Jesus present with them?
2) Regarding the thoughts expressed about church being more than just meeting with your family, I would actually like to hear what you believe is missing in a single-family church. I know that many missionaries go overseas and only have the opportunity of meeting together with their immediate family (due to the fact that in some areas the native people are not very receptive to the Gospel so it can take a long, long time to get larger regular church meetings going). In the Bible, such as in the Epistles for example, the Church is often spoken of like a family — we are brothers and sisters, children of God.
If we meet with our family members to pray and worship and study God’s Word or if we meet with several friends who are Christians to do likewise are we not in both instances gathering as one Family and gathering as the Body of Christ?
When Paul and Silas were in prison and sang together, was it any less “church” than it would have been with 5 more people present?
3) I agree 100% that you can never, on this earth, find a church where the pastor preaches in complete agreement with what you believe — and that’s great. It’s great because we’re not perfect. Wouldn’t it be horrible (and horribly boring) to find a church with a pastor who has the exact same faults as you so you wouldn’t have to grow or change at all? I don’t know about you, but I think that would be terrible. I think that a good church would be a lot like this blog in that we don’t all agree, but we meet up to grow and challenge each other according to our strengths and weaknesses.
4) I also agree that we should not trust our own (or any man’s) interpretation of Scripture. I believe that all understanding of Scripture must come directly from (or be confirmed in our spirits by) the Holy Spirit (John 16:13, John 14:26). I believe that we should always test all teaching with Scripture and all interpretation of Scripture with the Spirit of Truth.
5) And as far as being a part of a local organized church coinciding with being a part of God’s Church; I strongly (but hopefully respectfully) disagree. Recently, I skimmed through the book, “Stop Dating the Church!” and then talked it over with a friend who had read it in its entirety. It made the exact same argument, basically, as your pastor did, RBMA. So I have a pretty good picture of that perspective on this matter — and I know it’s quite common and believed by well-respected leaders. But I’m wondering, if we stick so close to our home churches and are as devoted to them as we should be to God, how will we obey the Great Commission (Mark 16:15)? I believe that people who are a part of a local church can just as easily, in heart and in spirit, truly not be a part of the Body of Christ — the true Church — as people who are not a part of a local church (such as pioneer missionaries or Christians imprisoned in solitary confinement in foreign countries who only encounter the unsaved) can be a part of the true Church in heart and in spirit. So what is really important, in God’s Eyes, when He sees His Church? Is it large numbers (or more than two, anyhow) gathered together in a building or is it individual people submitting to Him in heart and spirit and thus becoming one in Him and with Him as His Bride?
P.S. My mom and I were just talking this over and I realized that, 1) we both wholeheartedly believe that churches should always be age-integrated, 2) we both wholeheartedly agree that a church is wherever God is praised and abides with His people and His people with Him, 3) a church is not determined a true church by its appearance on the surface (i.e., the style of worship, the dress of the people, the type of building it meets in, the number of people, etc.), but rather by the heart and spirit of its people — whether they walk by faith and follow in His Footsteps (which will be evidenced by its works and the love and truth it offers), 4) a church is not just people fellowshipping with each other under God’s watch, but rather a people fellowshipping together, in unity, with God Himself in His Light (as spoken of in 1 John), and 5) the Church of Christ (as a whole, at least) is not stationary or confined to a building or set group of local people, but is a living Body moving and working within God’s Will across this earth and which is still the Church according to the heart and spirit of each individual, regardless of physical location, and brings forth God’s Kingdom wherever it’s members reach.
Also, she gave me this webpage on the subject (which I found helpful): http://www.resurrectionpower.com/page785.htm
And (last note), I just wanted to encourage you all, if you’re still interested (as I am) in pursuing God’s true definition of Church, to read a little of Acts or the Epistles each day. Since we began this discussion, I’ve been reading about half an hour each day and I’m surprised with how far I’ve gotten already and how much God has taught me regarding other questions I had, as well. I’m making two lists as I go along. One is entitled, “His Church…” and I list the Scriptural definitions of what His Church is or what His Church does (along with the corresponding verse). The other is entitled, “As a member of His Church, I…” and I list, in the same way, the things I come across that say who a member of His Church is or what a member of His Church does. And, by the way, it’s incredibly fun!
Now dear brothers, I don’t go here everyday but Alex and Brett! Despite seeing (but not reading) the update you made I was shocked!
Jordan Diann’s heart stopped. My brain stopped functioning for a second there. I had to read through all the comments to see what turmoil you have caused. It was quite devastating in terms of shock …^_^ but it was fruitful in terms of discussion like the church issue above for example.
Anyway, if ever Rebelution Blog has to stop, I don’t think you are quitting at all. Perhaps you’ll just do something else you were called for. And I have to agree with Kierstyn Paulino. If we have stopped becoming rebelutionaries just because you quit this blog, then we’re hypocrites.
Jed Estrada: Don’t worry Jed, across the world, here in the Philippines, you have the assurance that we are used to jokes like this. I just haven’t pulled a practical joke as successful as this.(Are you a Filipino? Your name sounds like one.. at least to me)
Alyssa C.: *fumes* We were together at church last Sunday. You purposely did not tell me, didn’t you? So, you’re in cahoots with them. You want me to share the shock you had. Well, you have it. ^_^
To the Nicoles: I know that God will provide the fellowship that He intends you to have. My prayers are with you.
Inna: That was a good reminder for us all. Thank you. Alex and Brett are great brothers in Christ BUT they must not be put in a pedestal and idolized. We are in danger of doing that when Satan catches us off guard.
Alex and Brett: 269 comments plus mine… 270 comments to this post? Guys, you’re good enough to cause an uprising! But watch out for my retaliation below. *evil grin*
(I don’t think Reese’s Puffs would sell well here in the Philippines… We love rice and cereals are quite expensive here. ^_^)
I think I have read a couple of threatened retaliations on this post. I intend to DO the threatened retaliation. ^_^
Guys, Alex and most especially Brett, forgive me. This isn’t an intended retaliation but it just happened that the timing was right, if not perfect. ^_^
I don’t know how many of you will get to read this comment or how many of you have read I Kissed Dating Goodbye but here goes…
Just before I read this entire Rebelution Is Over post, I was rereading (as I’ve been doing for the past years) some parts of I Kissed Dating Goodbye by their older brother Joshua Harris. I was reading Chapter Eleven that my siblings thought and I did not realize it that I was laughing like a loon.
Their dear brother Joshua wrote something about Brett when he was seven years old…
Err… I dare not post it here. Just go and read the introductory story in IKDG. It’s in Chapter 11: You Don’t Date? What Are You, Nuts?
If you don’t have a copy of IKDG, I guess you could email me and I’ll email you that introductory story. If you’ve read the story, perhaps you can come back here to comment. ^_^
I’m sure it’ll give you a good laugh. ^_^
Brett, my deepest apologies…
Christine – I was never going to mention this, but since you started it . . . The first time I ever heard of Alex & Brett was over at their older brother’s blog “my brothers in the news.” The only thing I remembered ever hearing about them before was in Josh’s “I Kissed Dating Good-Bye.” You know, the part about Brett & the . . . teddy bear, well . . . you know (I love that part). I figured, oh! I guess he’s grown up now! and hopped over to check out the Rebelution. And yes, the story has never failed to make me laugh.
While being related to somebody famous does have its advantages I’m sure, there seem to also be slight disadvantages. =)
One thing for me about church is the fact that it makes Sabbath special. Like I said above my church is a Sabbath keeping church and it just isn’t the same when I don’t go to church. I tend to forget it is Sabbath or it isn’t as meaningful to me if I don’t go to church or do something different/special that I wouldn’t do on every other normal day. I love church. I really enjoy going and would be sad if I didn’t get to.
Nicole – What you said about individual people. Isn’t the point of the verse that we shouldn’t be just individual people doing our own thing? The point of the verse is that we all make up Christ’s body and we all have our jobs to do and to get things done we need to work together. That is my interpretation of it anyway. Sorry if I am not understanding what you are saying.
Anyway, good discussion. I was actually very surprised to see how many people think that not going to church is okay. I have always grown up in a family where church is very important and been taught that it is something God wants us to be committed to, so it is really very interesting to me to see the other side of the issue..
Nicole: Since you summed up the conversation so nicely, I’ll just respond to your comment. (Thanks for doing that!)
I think that there is some mixing of the concepts of the Church and the church (local churches). I certainly agree that a missionary temporarily left without other believers or a persecuted Christian in solitary confinement are part of the Body of Christ, the Church with a capital C. There is no doubt of their salvation. However, here is where I see the local church as a biblical and vastly important part of the Christian life wherever it is possible.
First, Acts 2:42-47 where it talks about the first church. The important compontents being biblical teaching, prayer, fellowship, physical care for those Christians in need, and evangelism. Elsewhere in Acts it speaks of how there was a network of care for widows and the poor. At the time Jerusalam contained all the Christians, however, they were not living side by side and having random interactions. Instead, they purposed to live life together around the gospel in teaching and application.
Second, 1 Corinthians was a letter to a local church that had serious problems. Reading through, Paul deals with how they tolerated sin, misused the Lord’s Supper, elevated or ignored certain spiritual gifts etc. Every issue dealt with living life together as a community commited to one another. If there was no local church, how could they practice the church discipline that brought one member back into fellowship with the Lord? If there is no church, you can’t kick someone out! They were not told to go off on their own, but to press into relationship for growth in godliness.
Third, I believe that it is difficult to grow without accountability. Sin is deceitful and often we cannot see it. If we are not commited to a local church, we will not hear the preached word that applies to the needs of our community. We will not have a group of people to know our hearts well enough to dig in there and do the hard work of showing us our sin. Last year, I had an accountability group with one long time friend and one brand new friend. It was very difficult to share deeply and truly help each other with no previous relationship. God’s grace was abundant and by the end of the year we were doing much better, but it was by perseverence and commitment that we got there and much time was “wasted” as we worked through the beginning.
Does this make sense? Do you see something different?
God doesn’t play jokes. And neither should you.
Wow. Megan M. – You said that so much better than me! You explained a bunch of the things that I wanted to say but couldn’t seem to get across in written words. 🙂 I totally agree with what you said.
Neil Cavuto – Ever seen a poodle? 😀
Megan M. (and RBMA): I’m going to respectfully disagree with you about getting the concepts of the Church as a whole and the community of the local church confused.
Imagine you live in a country where Christianity is illegal and a member of your church is caught speaking of Jesus in the streets and is promptly arrested and taken to prison. Your small church community joins in prayer for his safety from the physical harm he is likely to endure. The man sent to prison, meanwhile, prays for the church members still able to gather together, for their safety from the spiritual dangers they are likely to endure from this situation — that they would not lose heart but that they would instead praise God for counting him worthy to fellowship with Christ in His sufferings and to take part in God’s Plan of rescuing the lost (such as his torturers).
Or imagine you attend a church in America and the house of a family in your church burns to the ground. They come to the congregation and, instead of asking for help rebuilding, they say, “This was God’s Will — God is calling us to be missionaries in Africa.” So they leave and while they are in Africa they pray for you and the other members to be willing to surrender and come follow God’s Call to reach those in need and while you are at home you pray that they would be strengthened and have the needed fellowship with God and each other. (By the way, the house burning down actually did happen to a family God called to be missionaries in Africa.)
Is the man arrested or the family on the front lines of the spiritual battle, though apart from the rest of the members in the natural, any less a part of your local church, really? You pray for each other, you praise God, as one, for what He is doing in both your lives, you even exchange letters from time to time, perhaps. If we are a part of God’s true Church, really, and we obey His Call to fellowship with Him wherever He bids us, then we can never be scattered or separated from the rest of the flock — even the little local flocks.
And notice, also, that from the two examples I’ve given which are based on true stories I’ve read, that one was forced into isolation and the other was called.
I just think that we keep looking at what others had in the Bible and thinking, “God must want that for us because He wanted it for them,” and we keep forgetting that there were a lot of people who God isolated for long periods of time as well (and we don’t quite have the same response to their experiences as to those with “community” experiences, most often).
I just think we need to find out God’s Will for us, individually, and be ready to obey it. And also, to know what church really is so that we trust Him more with the details. It’s like how some parents are called to home-school their kids, some are called to send them to private school, and even some are called to send them to missionary schools . . . it’s all just about obeying God’s Call on OUR lives — not His Call on other people’s lives. I think we need to all be less legalistic guessers and more obedient listeners to God Himself.
Regarding the points you made:
1) I agree that a local church, and the church as a whole, will be all those things (stated in Acts 2:42-47). But, do you really know of a local church that abides by those standards? I mean, if that is truly what a local church constitutes, how many of us could find one? And if we can’t, should we attend a bad imitation, a mockery?
Many organized churches continue in the practice of verse 42, but I have never heard of one to consistently be as any of the other verses describe — selling their possessions and goods and dividing them among all, as anyone had need; continuing daily with one accord (not the the car) in the temple; their numbers being added to daily, etc.
I’ve just never heard of a local church in which the people are that committed to God, thus, each other, in such a way.
2) The church described in 1 Corinthians was obviously a church larger than a single family or four or five friends, but why does it have to be? The two questions you asked about church discipline can be applied fully however small or large a group you have. Earlier, some people were saying that Matthew 18:20 had to do with church discipline. Now it sounds like people think that church discipline requires many people. I think in both instances we’re still looking at the “appearance” of a church and getting finicky because we’re looking at it on the surface through our eyes and we’re just not seeing it fully how God sees it.
3) One reason I don’t attend church is because I am accountable to God. Usually the larger a group we are in, actually, the more sin gets overlooked and passed off as “well, everybody’s doing it.” In every group I’ve been in everybody seems to eventually cater to the spiritual state of the person who is least interested in following God — it’s like dating a non-Christian in that you might hope to witness and challenge each other but most likely you’ll be distracted and sooner than not become equal to the yoke you’ve chosen. Of course, there are exceptions — just like there is one person (if you’re supposed to get married) set aside who will challenge you equally. But for the exceptions, you have to seek God’s Will and wait (and wait and wait), patiently, for His timing and His Guidance to that relationship (or group of people who will challenge you equally to how God has called you to grow and pursue Him and challenge others).
And no group of people can truly know our hearts and our inner sins and that is how all sin roots itself and gets started — inside our hearts. But God can see it and He’ll continually, sin by sin, address it as we fellowship intimately with Him.
It’s true that we are often blinded to our own sins. But more often than not when I have fellowshipped with members of a local church, other people have covered my and each other’s eyes, as well — if you know what I mean.
For example, at a local church around here the leaders drink a lot and when someone turns 21 they take the person to a brewery and get him drunk (just for clarification, this happened someone else, not me). And this isn’t just any church. This is a church written about in really popular Christian books as being a church with great community and fellowship — people read the books and even move to Portland to be a part of it all. But where is God in their fellowship? They are the least accountable people I have ever heard of (outside of really strange cults).
The whole accountability thing just sounds (to me) like Catholics confessing to priests. And it’s really not necessary unless God is dead and cannot speak to you or unloving and does not know and continue to purify your heart as you seek Him.
It’s good that you have some friends that challenge you, but I don’t think that that should ever be considered a better or clearer source of correction than God Himself. I have people who challenge me to grow (for example, my mom will say, “You’re thinking about this too much — you need to keep your eyes on God and quit worrying what other people think”), but most of the time it is not her who brings up the problems in my life.
Over this past year I’ve begun to read Psalm 51 every day and since I’ve started doing that God has really directly (as never before) brought up several (serious) past sins that I had either completely forgotten about or that I and the people surrounding me back then had been completely blind to. Also, for accountability, when God convicts me about something, I usually write it down in my journal so that I will be reminded and have to hold true to those convictions.
Between God and my mom, I’m led to be more accountable than I ever was with any group.
P.S. Hmm… we disagree a lot on this, don’t we? Just as a note, I want to tell you thanks for discussing this with me and that it’s been really encouraging to me to discuss it (even though we don’t agree). And I hope my response sounded as respectful to you as yours sounded to me — you really did a great job of speaking the truth in love (thank you!).
God bless you, Megan!
I’m guessing this discussion might be wrapped up sometime in the near future (which is fine because it takes forever to load on my computer!). So, just as a note to everyone: It’s been great and you’ve all really encouraged me to grow (and discouraged me from eating Reese’s Puffs — thankfully!).
Thanks, Alex and Brett, for allowing (and taking part in) this discussion even though we are quite off topic of the original post, presently. It’s been a real blessing to me, almost ironically, to have “community,” in a sense, here — with you all.
I’ll continue praying for The Rebelution that our focus stays right (our eyes fixed on God, alone) and that we stay willing to surrender all (including community) to God so that this “community” will all remain, and become in the areas which need change, fully founded on the foundation of Jesus Christ — His Love and Truth.
God bless you all!
Well I was among the hundreds that froze in place over all of this but then again I was suddenly relieved by the delicious taste of Reeses Puffs!! I’m a youth coordinator and I am deeply passionate about what I do at my church….sadly though our younger generation is crying out from among many nations and we as christians need to step up to the plate and seek God now and never EVER stop our prayers for teens worldwide. I’m not issuing a challenge here….but a declaration!!! Praise God forever and always and please continue to work strongly for the Lord!
P.S: Gotta get me some Reese’s!!! Until next time!!! God Bless all of you!!!!
Almost forgot….I can finally breathe again. Can’t believe I fell for that!!!
I have about 5 minutes to write, but I was just thinking about something to quickly add. It took me a while, but I finally consider myself a Rebelutionary — it was just hard for me to get to the point where I really felt like I could call myself one (I was making it about me instead of about God). Even now, I still have trouble talking to people about the Rebelution. I still have never said to anyone (besides my mom and you guys) that “I am a Rebelutionary.” I talk to them about my personal convictions as a Christian, but I want to be so careful that I do not misrepresent what Alex and Brett have put so much of their own effort and heart into. So anyway, I was thinking about this and then I realized that I wasn’t this careful when I attended churches before — but I should have been. And then, it struck me that the most important thing of all is not how I represent a particular community, but how I represent Jesus Christ — as a Christian. Am I that careful? Well, I should be. I really need to be or I am actually working against the cause I say that I care so much for. Jesus put so much more into the Way I represent than anybody ever could put into a ministry or a church. So, just as a note to you all; strive, toil, fight until you win over — until you are all that a member of Christ’s Church, a Rebelutionary, and a Christian is meant to be through the Power of the Resurrection.
and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again.
2 Corinthians 5:15
On the 15th I posted my own comment about my heart failure and tears at the sight of the blog post announcing the end of the Rebelution. Today, I went back and skimmed down the comments section; I say “skimmed” because the amount of remarks generated by this post was incredible, and to read all of them would have been a waste of time. At last count there were 274 – and when I post this there will be 275 unless someone else beats me to it. Why do we leave nearly 300 comments on a post about challenging cereal boxes, and, at the most, 50 on an earlier post about doing real hard things? Is that what we care most about? Chocolate-coated cereal? (Thank-you Grace.) Yes, I know, it sounds like a direct contradiction to what I wrote below, but in spite of the fact we only wanted to inform the Harris’s of our heart conditions, there is something to the question.
Anyhow, reading some of the concerns over our outburst, I want to clarify.
My comment was a joke (sort of), influenced by the tone of the blog post. My reaction was exaggerated, I admit. The most I felt was my heart thumping into my stomach. I felt this way, not because the reason for and inspiration of my life (it’s really not) seemed to be giving up the ghost, I was concerned as to the ‘Why?’ the Harris’s would be doing this.
If I can illustrate my viewpoint this way (and, please, my cousins, not I, are the professional electricians): I see it as Jesus being like our family’s breaker box, which is the thing that keeps our home lighted, humming smoothly, and fully charged. Now, let’s say the breaker controlling the light in our dining room jumps, and presto! instant darkness! We all scramble around, trying to restore the power, attempting to figure out what went wrong, and how we can fix it. We do our best, but if the breaker can’t be fixed, it’s pitched and replaced.
Applying that to the Rebelution: Alex and Brett are just two of the multitudes of wires plugged into the breaker box. They are helping to push back the darkness and bring light to our world. Suddenly, we get a notice informing us of the Rebelution’s failing – so we scramble up; trying to figure out what went wrong. Did you burn out? (Which, considering their schedule lately, would not be a shock.) How can we help? Is there anything we can do? Please, tell us you’re not serious! On my part, I felt concerned and a bit worried.
In all my concern, I did not find that I was dependent on the blog and the Harris brothers. To me, Alex and Brett are not, however productive, an irreplaceable part of this movement. Yes, they did coin the word, “rebelutionary”, and establish a base for people with like vision to connect, but this idea, these principles, and this lifestyle has been lived out across the world, throughout the ages, by many, many different people. If Alex and Brett’s connection to the breaker box (Jesus) snaps, and is discovered to be unfixable, they are replaceable. The movement will not die whether they’re in it or not. I was concerned because as their extended family, we should do all we can to uphold them, and each other, in this battle we are called to fight. They are not the newest “Boy Band in the book and blog world” to be put on a pedestal, they are our brothers. We are a family, a community, with Christ as our head. May He be the light and we the shine.
Nicole (I’m not sure which one anymore!): I had some thoughts that I wanted to share with you about your questions concerning the church, but before I do, I would like to say that please, I don’t mean to hurt, or to be too blunt in my comment. As someone else has said, it is hard to hear the tone and the attitude coming through on internet, however hard we try with our smiley, or frowning, or sad faces.
One thing I have often been taught by men I deeply respect is that being an active part of a local body of believers is an essential to growth as a Christian. You cannot go it alone. We need the accountability, encouragement, and different perspectives of other believers. If, where you live, there is no fellowship that can provide this, move. Our family did, and we have never looked back. The past few years have been some of our best as we have grown and matured and been sharpened due to interaction with our extended family.
While we do need to find a balance in becoming too dependent on our local church, there is also a danger in being an island, sufficient unto oneself. Above all, you miss the chance of glorifying Christ. A strong, unified, God-fearing, Christ-centered church is a powerful testimony to the world around it.
You also said that you have not been able to find a church where you are comfortable. It might be that you are nit-picking. I’m not condoning the tolerance of sin, but there is a place to give others room to be different from you. Look at the Creation around you: our God loves unity in diversity, in nature as well as in His people. Beautiful things flower and grow when we allow God to use our differences as we work together for His kingdom.
I pray that your family could find a church family where you would feel at home and that would challenge you to grow.
Christin A.: I did not “purposely” not tell you. I just…well, wanted you to experience the shock. *wink*
Rachel Gross: I agree with you. I think we all kind of exaggerated. I did. I was surprised, definitely, and about to have a heart attack, but at the same time, my mind rebelled against the prospect of the end of the Rebelution. What I’m saying is, at the same time that I was shocked, stunned (you name it), I knew that in my heart I would go on, with God by my side, even if the whole world woult turn against me. 😛 I think we were all just dismayed…or at least, we would be dismayed if Alex and Brett “left.” Perhaps it is because we look up to them as the ones who started this movement and impacted the youth in the battle cry of “Do Hard Things.” Still, I agree that they are our brothers in Christ, just as we all are part of God’s family. And it’s not about any of us, but about God. To Him be all glory and praise! 🙂
I just got back from my trip to Cal, and I almost had a heart attack when I saw the headline! Don’t do that again! I’m still recovering! It may take a while!
Oh my… I have begun reading your book and decided to check your website again. I wasn’t too alarmed with the image but when I started reading your blog post about it, I was starting to believe the whole thing!!! Dear me, if it weren’t for my sister who assurred me it wasn’t really a serious matter, I’d surely have a long face for the rest of the evening, probably the rest of the week!
Everyone: We have about five or six long comments in the moderation queue as part of the church discussion — and after talking with several of you, we’ve decided that it would be best to end the conversation here on the blog. Anyone who would like to continue it by email is welcome to contact us and we’ll put them in touch with one another. Thanks, everyone! God bless!
ypu guys are shutting down?
oh i get it that was good guys.
i feal very encourged…..
Rachel Gross: Actually, I remember the story but not the name of the kid so when I read it again and saw that it’s Brett. I had to look twice at the name before laughing hard. ^_^ The teddy bear part… hahaha I have a teddy bear too but I did not name it after anyone… His name is Ethan. Neither do I kiss it. I just cuddle and make clothes for it. ^_^
jez u guys scared me too
i just got ur new book from my youth group i get to ur web site and thoughtit was closing down>
Alex: would you mind puting me in that discustion. Could you send that to my email?
please as quickly as you can I don’t want to miss a lot! Thanks!
I do not mean to be crittical, but I wanted to share some thoughts.
Nicole: “I just think we need to find out God’s Will for us, individually, and be ready to obey it.”
Does God have a specific will for us? What is someone was seeking council on a marriage choice, and his mentor said that that person he wanted to marry would be a bad choice, and this person says it is God’s will?
I believe that we ask for wisdom on the right choice not to reveal his will.
Also I forget who said that they don’t know where it says in the bible to meet with two or more people, but I believe it is in Hebrews 10:25 that will answer your question. Hope this helps!
With Fervent Love for the Brethren!
i read through this Reese’s list, and I think that you guys should make a more Biblical checklist. Because these things are just for fun, but they aren’t enough to make a big change in this generation.
ohhhh ok, nevermind, i get it, was this Reese’s Puffs checklist just an example of low expectations of this world? So do you guys agree with this checklist, or what is your view on it?
did all of u guys realize th@ reeses puffs STRONGLY resembles DOG FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????? and it tastes like……….suger and p.b. “flavoring” lol!;)
alex and brett i’m glad 2 hear th@ your appetite does not include eating dog food *ahem* i mean reeses puffs…….;)
rofl!!! that was funny. actually i think reeses puffs are really good.. that’s just because i love reeses. i loved the joke though, guys!:)
O MY WORD!!!!! i really thought that you guys were really shutting down.. I was going to tell you that i have signed up for the con in mpls and my cousin and friend from school is going with me. whose idea was this? or was this both you guys idea???????????
Very funny : ^)
That list was pathetic!!! Totally encourages teenagers to become responsible citizens! (not) 😉
Y’all posted the update too soon! I didn’t get to freak out like all these other good people. 😉
if thats what they call a challenge, i want to know what easy is!
If that’s the hard stuff, I must be doing the EASY stuff!
That was pretty funny, but, seriously – why don’t you guys eat Reese’s Puffs? LOL. 😉
geez i started to get scared and i just begun reading the book
omg….that scared me!! 🙂
Patricia: Reese’s Puffs are chocolate-flavored “cereal” (i.e. candy) with peanut butter flavoring. The main ingredient is sugar. They aren’t good for you either!
It might actually be more nutritious to eat real chocolate and peanut butter for breakfast than Reese’s Puffs!
Genna: I know what you mean about the dog food.
BLIMEY. I thought you chaps had gone off your heads for a moment there.
Reese’s Puffs. The name itself is enough to drive fear into millions of hearts. Along with putting them all into a suger coma.
Quite a list. Hard things. But I’d rather do actual hard things. Speaking of which, your book is brilliant. Time for another one then, eh? 😉
I think you guys (Alex and Brett) scared quite a few people with your joke!! 🙂 I obviously, am here a little late, but I think you’ve learned your lesson 🙂 Although, you did post your update a little too soon. I don’t think ANYBODY would like it if the Rebelution website was over!! (except for reese’s!!)
Anyways, if they did shut down the website, we still would be challenged by their book. We don’t need Alex and Brett (hopefully I’m not making you feel too bad by saying this, hopefully you’ll understand what I’m trying to say), but they do challenge us in a unique way. The Rebelution has begun, it won’t end with just a shutdown of an awesome website, or the end of conferences. Teens around the world will still challenge each other – it just wouldn’t be on here.
~ Kaitlyn Kay
Thank God you were joking! I you freaked me out a little bit. I started reading your book a few nights ago, and I am enjoying it alot!! I love the rebelution… I am sure glad you guys aren’t closing down.. that would have stunk… I can’t wait till the rebelution comes to Texas in late June, I am going to go with my family.
Carl Ivey IV
Wow – somehow I when I saw ‘The Rebelution Is Over’ and then a picture of Reese’s Puffs…. well, something just didn’t look right – haha
Nobody seems to have thought of a counter-contingency plan. All we have to do is agree on a set time to log on, collectively, every day, shutting down the site until the Reese’s people take back thier evil eese’s and return the bel’s! Hey, we shut down the server by logging on all at once for the modesty survey. I vote 8:00 am EST; five minutes a day. Reese’s will soon be begging Alex and Brett to come back!
Hahaha, couldn’t resist. Seriously, this was an awesome joke. I nearly died laughing. Plus you inspired some good disscussions on the purpose of church in our lives and the importance of relying on Christ for our Spirirtual growth, not just certain people or websites (awesome though they may be)
I just recently started looking at this website, and i think it is amazing. My youth group leader encouraged me to read your do hard things book. currently i am almost halfway through. I think this post was really funny, and just goes to show how low the expectations are for our world today. I wonder if the producers or whatever for this list were serious when they made it or were just thinking, ” I wonder how many people will fall for this?” Thanks for everything guys
lol very funny ohh and i love the book
ohhh and thanks alot now u made me hungry for some cereal
You guys didn’t fool me.
Though funny and hard, don’t you think that list is a little bit trivial?
Hey im new to this website and im reading your book along with my school and we love it thanks 4 being awesome writers and willing to take your time to send a message to our generation YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!!!!!
check off number #08.
Guys that was only the awesomest of awesome pranks, DEFINITELY CROSS OFF #11!
Scared me…
Niiiice… I hope you don’t mind me saying so, but I wasn’t really fooled. I mean, anyone who has read your book knows you guys wouldn’t give up when a cereal company came out with a list of “major” expectations!! Nevertheless, ROCKIN’ AWESOME!! :-))~
When I first read the title, I was like “What?????” You guys have an awesome sense of humor! I can imagine what a shock it must have been for those who read it first!!!
P.S So, you liked reading the comments,eh?? I suppose you like to torture innocent people!! (Just kidding!!)
Very nice , good sharing . Thanks …
very nice , great sharing..
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