rebelling against low expectations

Baton Rouge Conference


After five years traveling around the United States, The Rebelution’s live Do Hard Things Conference held its final tour in 2011 — with the last event held in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Each conference was a challenging one-day event for teens by teens who believe that our generation is ready for a change.

Between 2006 and 2011, The Rebelution came to twenty major cities in the United States, Canada, Switzerland, and Japan — challenging teens with the message of rebelling against low expectations and doing hard things for the glory of God. We’re not about the numbers, but we love to share numbers that show God is working in our generation:

  • 45,000 teens, parents, and youth workers reached with a life-changing message.
  • 2,000 bold professions of faith in Jesus Christ with every head up and every eye open.
  • 14-year-olds worked with Convention Centers, 15-year-olds manned $50,000 robotic cameras, 16-year-olds managed grassroots publicity, 9-year-olds ran Audience Response Technology, etc. These were events for teens, by teens.

Even though the live conference tour is over, The Rebelution is not. In fact, you can still bring this exciting message to your community using our conference DVD. Visit our online store to purchase downloadable conference videos and audio recordings.

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About the author

Alex and Brett Harris

are the co-founders of and co-authors of Do Hard Things and Start Here. They have a passion for God and for their generation. Their personal interests include politics, filmmaking, music, and basketball. They are both graduates of Patrick Henry College in Purcellville, Virginia.


  • Praise GOD from Whom all blessings flow…

    What an amazing conference. I was SO blessed to get to be a part of the last one. I don’t think I’ve ever been in a service as moving as that third session – and I’ve been raised in church and been to a lot of moving services. Praise the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men (Ps. 107:8) ! Oh that He would raise up THIS generation to “Rebelutionize” the world!!

    The Lord has used “Do Hard Things” to impact my life in such a way that I don’t believe it will ever be the same – and that’s good! I hope and pray that He will use me to influence and encourage other young people, and to spread the message and impact of this idea so that it will effect a great change for His glory.

    May God bless you Alex and Brett – and all who have helped you – for not keeping this idea to yourselves, but for giving years of your lives to share it, so that it will keep on going – maybe even for generations to come!



  • I had the wonderful opportunity to help out at the San Diego conference this year. As always, it was incredible experience! This time though, God gave me the opportunity to do a hard thing during the time I was actually there. During the alter call, Isaac grabbed me and asked me to pray and share with the young girls who had come forward. I froze. I had shared the Gospel with people many times, but I never had to actually lead them in a prayer. My immediate reaction was, “No, sorry Isaac, but I can’t do that”. Yet I felt a tug on my heart and a voice say, “This is the hard thing I want you to do right now”. So with my hands sweating, my voice shaking, and tears still running down my cheeks, I walked up to a girl standing by herself with her hands over her face. I put my arms around her and began talking with her. What an incredible blessing it was! She whispered through her tears, “I don’t understand exactly what this means or what I have to do, but I just want to know Him. Will you tell me about Him?”. 🙂

    Alex and Brett, thank you so much for all you have done over the past few years. God has used you in such an incredible way to change so many lives. I’m sad knowing that the conferences are over, but I look forward to seeing what God has planned for you next! Continue strong in serving Him!

    Sarah Peña :p

  • What an amazing conference! I think one of the most amazing things was seeing all the volunteers. We arrived early, and it was amazing to see so many teen volunteers working hard to help put the last conference together. And of course, nothing could compare with seeing so many people come to know Jesus as their Savior.

    God bless you!

  • I also had the opportunity to go to the San Diego conference! It was amazing how many lives were touched!!! That day was one of the best days I had ever had!!! “Do Hard Things” has changed my life!!!!

  • Alright, here’s the short version. =)

    I went to the DHT conference in 08 in Minneapolis, MN, and it pretty much ‘rebelutionized’ my life. Because of The Rebelution, I was able to help lead (and this last year directed) a project to raise money for building clean wells in the DRC in Africa. Over $12,000 in three years to the glory of God.

    In 2010 I volunteered to join the prayer team for the St. Louis DHT conference from 500 miles away. I kept up praying for the conference from Minnesota, and joined specifically lifting up the St. Louis conference. A few weeks before the conference took place, my family decided to go with friends from Tennessee to St. Louis (P.S. they had no idea that I was on the St. Louis DHT prayer team). Brett felt sick; we prayed; 200 people responded to the Gospel. That experience changed my life. God has since then continued to use prayer as a pinacle in my life, a cornerstone for all conduct.

    Thank you Alex and Brett for your faithful ministry from what started as a blog to what has become a movement impacting the world. And I foremost thank Jesus, the one who set the example for Rebelutionaries and is raising up a generation for himself, to manifest the awakening change in their lives.

    As you’ve taught many of us to praise, Soli Deo Gloria!


    Philippians 3:8
    Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ

  • I attended the Williamsport conference and it was awesome. I will always be thankful that I could attend. It was amazing to watch so many people come to Christ. Thank you, Jesus! The Rebelution has impacted my life and continues to change how I think and do things. Thank you Alex and Brett for being faithful to what God has led you to do. To God be the glory for the great things He has done and will continue to do.

  • I also attended the Williamsport conference. Teresa, I was one of those people who finally and fully surrendered my life to the lordship of Jesus! I am living a changed life. I appreciate all you guys who were praying for us during that moment that we surrendered to Jesus, when I said “yes” when I stood and proclaimed that Jesus was Lord. Bless the Name of the Lord.
    Alex and Brett, you guys are such a huge an encouragement to me. Thank you for answering the call, and standing up against the Myth.Thank you for being bold!
    Blessing from the Star Breather be upon you.
    In Christ Alone- Allison

  • Hey, y’all! Oh, my, where to even start. I had the amazing blessing of being able to attend the St.Louis conference in 2010. I was also on the prayer team and it literally rocked my world. I saw God answer prayers before my eyes and I saw people I had never met before but prayed for become brothers and sisters in Christ. Needless to say it was awesome. 🙂 I thank you both for your ministry to teenagers and your Christ-centered hearts. I was blessed and encouraged seeing two young men who were so passionate about the gospel sharing their passion with thousands of people. Being on the prayer team and then watching God work solidified my belief in God answering prayer. It may not be the way we want him to answer but he always answers. I look forward to what you all will do next! Thank you for being fearless in your pursuit of godliness and growth. Blessings to you both!

    Your sister in Christ,
    RuthAnne I.

  • Is there a reason why it is there last conference? Why would they end it all of a sudden?
    I missed the one that came near me and I was really hoping to go to one.
    What are they going to do instead? They’re still going to have The Rebelution website right?

  • The last, because… in the 2012 your tour will be around the Europe? 😀
    Poland, Poland, England, Poland, Poland, France, Poland, Poland and hmm Poland? :))
    I can help! I want it very much!
    But if the reason that it was the last conference is that You feel old – I assure you that You are not old!! Though You are not teens You can be THE REBELUTION`S TEENS how long You want to. : )

  • Hannah, they are both pretty busy with other things I believe (marriage ect.). No, they said the website is not going away.

  • R. Werner, I appreciate you answering those questions.
    I am really disappointed that I missed my opportunity to go and for all the other teens who never got to go.
    Maybe some other Rebelutionaries could ‘take over’ the conferences. Rotate or something.
    It really sad when we lose such a wonderful event to reach out to teens, but maybe the teens they have spoke to will start something. (I know that some have started nonprofit organizations, but as I said, a group of teens who could continue the conferences.)
    Just a thought, God Bless!!

  • Dear Hannah, I know I am sad too. This year’s conference in San Diego was my first conference. I thought about doing video conferences. I would love it if some Rebelutionaries continued doing conferences. Thank you for reminding me of the idea. I think I will look into doing something like that soon. I would love to talk to you over e-mail sometime, if you are interested. I will get back to you with some contact info. somehow. Your fellow Rebelutionary, R.G. Werner

  • I think that it would be wonderful join together together with other rebelutionaries with the same mindset and goals, in other states to do DVD conferences at their churches etc. We just can’t let the work Alex and Brett have done stop!!

  • I feel heartbroken for all the teenagers in this world who do not know that there are other options for them: and for the ones who choose in their hearts which way they want to go.
    As a teenager myself, (13), I sometimes feel tempted to conform to the worlds way of doing things, and daily have to remind myself that although I am in this world, I am not of this world. But most importantly, I am a child of the King and I need to conform to His standards!!
    I am so thankful for people like Alex and Brett who are reaching out to teens with other options: that you don’t have to be subject to the world’s low expectations for us.
    I pray that I will be able to reach out to the teens around me, and would love to get to know other teen girls who have the same goals, as I do.

    In Christ,

  • Hannah, I would love to get to know you! But I will have to figure out how to get ahold of you. I guess there might be some way to do that. I am also 13 and would love to get to know other Rebelutionaries.

  • Hi, I’m French, so I’ll try to do my best to make myself understood. ^^
    I am reading your book “Generation Challenge” and I find it absolutely amazing.
    I’m sixteen, and in this book I managed to find a lot of answers I’d never find elsewhere. So already, thank you for her.
    I was curious to come and see what was happening on this blog, and see so many Christians here its really heartwarming.
    I prayed to God to allow me to talk to other Christians, I did not know, and I find this book. I really think it’s a real response from him. And I find it extraordinary.
    What happens here is really incredible, and I really hope to find people as incredible as this blog.
    Thank you for everything. And soon I hope.

  • Alex and Brett,
    Why do you tell people to write and then don’t respond? Even if you are involved with marriage, etc., doesn’t mean that this blog is not also a priority. It’s sad that since you made all the money you needed for your families to come, that you now stop the conferences, but then again, the conferences didn’t really feed kids what they needed. It was like giving them a substitute so that you could gain what you wanted.

    Kudos to R. Werner for covering for you. Stand up and be men and fulfill your responsibilities.

    Why in the world would you continue the website unless it’s to keep the store going so you can continue to make a profit? You hardly ever write on the website and when you do, it’s to advertise your accomplishments and not to exalt God.

    Tired of all your facades.

    Open your eyes, kids. Look to Jesus, alone and not to these young men who don’t even really know God. They know the method of Christianity, but not God, Himself. They used to tell people who wrote in that they couldn’t respond, because they were focusing on the blog. Now, they tell people that they’re focusing on their marriages. Garbage. If they were focusing on God, they would treat people right and not just appease people to gain more money for themselves.

    Teens don’t need Alex and Brett’s watered down religion. They need JESUS!

  • I am so sad that I missed the last conference. You’re doing an amazing job Alex and Brett!

    @Forget Me Not
    The Harris’s aren’t claiming that they’re replacing Jesus or anything like that. Their goal is to point teenagers towards glorifying Christ, not glorifying themselves. If you missed that, then you missed the whole point of Do Hard Things. People can make excuses why they aren’t willing to do hard things for God, but in the end that’s all they are…excuses.

  • Forget Me Not:
    I first want to ask you a couple of questions, before I continue with my comment.

    Have you ever read the books by Alex and Brett??
    Have you ever been to a conference??

    In this world, as I am sure that you are aware, Teens are being influenced greatly by what the culture promotes as ‘cool’. There are very few people out their today who have chosen to resist the cultures path for them and their are hardly any teenagers out there who are willing to reach out to teens with a message that they don’t have to be part of the worlds low expectations for teens. But most importantly they ARE reaching lost souls and leading them to Christ.

    Although I may be confused why they would stop their ministry, I believe that they had good reasons for why they would stop a ministry that they passionately enjoyed. As for the blog: One of the other goals of the blog was so that Rebelutionaries could comment and have conversation about different topics. And they do write articles, over see the website etc. Though they might not write articles as much as we would like. They have busy lives, (probably busier then any of us) They have family responsibilities, managing this website, replying to emails, handling their conference, other speaking engagements etc. I assume that they just decided to postpone any conferences for now, but that they haven’t decided to postpone them indefinitely. (I hope :))

    I do not agree with you that they are offering a ‘watered down religion’, but rather agree with commenter ‘Angie’. They feel burdened for teens. They aren’t claiming to be God, but rather give God the credit for why they are enabled to do what they do.

    Forget Me Not: What value do you place on family??
    Don’t you think that our relationship with God it our first priority and then to our Family’s?

    In closing I just want to say that I LOVE the Rebelution and what it stands for!! We need more people like Alex and Brett in our world!!

    Thanks for keeping up the blog, it very encouraging!.
    God Bless.

  • I’m not making excuses for not doing hard things. In fact, I do extremely hard things, only things which God can do through me.

    No, the Harris’s do not claim that they are replacing Jesus, but they act as if they are.

    I do not believe that they glorify Christ or lead kids to with their selfish message.

    They point kids to being “better people” instead of being fully transformed and changed by God, birthed by His Spirit and raised up to live in Power, no longer seeking their own agendas.

    I believe that Alex and Brett live completely to make themselves happy, wealthy and famous.

    If they really cared about the people they would respond to their blog and emails. They treat people as if they are here to serve them and help them achieve their goals.

    I have read their books, the part that I could tolerate and I know for a fact that they watered down the stories from other people to the point that the accounts offered very little.

    FACE IT, they’re selling just enough of Christianity to make it popular and prosperous for them.

    They do not live out their message in real life….. not even close.

    When asked what HARD THINGS they have done in an interview, all they could say was that they kept their rooms clean when they were 16 years old. And we’re suppose to attempt to achieve such mastery?

    If you follow Alex and Brett, you will NOT be following God. It’s that simple.

  • Forget Me Not,

    Just because someone doesn’t answer their emails or blog comments doesn’t mean they don’t care about people. Alex and Brett started the Rebelution because they cared so much about their peers and wanted them to live their lives to the fullest potential to glorify Christ. Alex and Brett are in their last year of college and both are starting up families. They don’t have time to answer every comment and email. Even though I’m sure they wish to.

    I can assure you that Alex and Brett do care about people. I am personally acquainted with their family. So many times I have seen their passion for young people. I have seen their fervor in worship. I have seen the incredible joy they have in the things of God. I have seen their hearts break for lost souls. I have seen them sobbing when a life is given to Christ.

    They do care. And they do follow God.

  • They act as if they’re replacing Jesus? Don’t you think you’re trying to read between the lines here?

    Christ gave us a clear commandment not to judge the hearts of others. The only evidence that you’ve given to show that Alex and Brett are in this for themselves, is that they don’t respond to messages on this blog anymore. Why shouldn’t we believe them if they say that they’re simply busy with life?

    Let’s not condemn others for the sins we think we see in their hearts. Instead, Christ told us to be more concerned with removing sin from our own lives. Matthew 7:3-5

  • Dear Forget-me-not,

    Thank you for voicing your concern,

    I’m not sure how familiar you are with the situation. Alex and Brett are currently attending college, which makes it very difficult for them to respond to everyone’s emails and questions. And in reality, in contrast with most prominent figures in different areas of ministry, Alex and Brett are the most available for discussion with other people.

    I apologize if you feel like your emails and questions have gone ignored, that most certainly is not their intention. However, I would be wrong to not point out that that’s partly the point. This ministry, this movement, and this message isn’t reliant on a couple key figures. It’s something that someone can live by regardless of whether they’ve ever heard of The Rebelution.

    As far as living for themselves, this is simply absurd. I know personally that Alex and Brett both put off things like college and and personal interests in order to travel and share this message that God put on their hearts.

    As far as fame, and wealth, this is definitely not the case. I don’t know of a single time where Alex and Brett have tried to hog the lime-light. If what they do is selfish, then anyone who stands on a stage and shares a message is selfish.

    This is a ministry. It’s why we don’t turn anyone away if they can’t afford registration. It’s why we give away hundreds of books away at each conference. Alex and Brett take very little money from the conferences they put on, most of it goes directly back into the ministry.

    Finally, if they were focused only on making money and becoming famous, why would they end the conference tour? The whole point of this was that Alex and Brett didn’t want to become the eternal leaders of a teen movement. They believed the movement was self sustaining, and it didn’t need them. I really just don’t understand the basis for this accusation.

    I’m not sure if you have attended the conferences, but the third session is the most important session where Brett shares the gospel. We emphasize throughout that doing hard things doesn’t matter if you don’t have the right relationship with God, and that honoring and glorifying Him is the most important thing.

    I don’t know why you harbor this bitterness towards Alex and Brett, but I’m sorry it’s tainted your view toward the movement. Alex and Brett never wanted anything, especially themselves, from getting in the way of young people accepting responsibility, stepping outside of their comfort zone and doing the hard things that God calls them to do.

    Blessings to you,

    Isaac Franklin Harris

  • Forget Me Not-

    Why do you harbor such bitterness toward Alex and Brett? Unless you personally know them you don’t have the right to make that accusation toward them, that they are replacing God. I totally agree with Issac, Alex and Brett are very giving people. One thing that I remember, that I was encouraged by at that Indy conference this year was the session when Brett shared the gospel, he told all the people that became christians that he personally wanted to meet them all, don’t you think that is caring? I think that you should listen to what Isaac has said, he’s their brother he ought to know them better than any of us. What about when their Mom died last year? They still did conferences when they could have decided to stop doing them for the year or altogether. When I read Alex and Brett’s books it totaly rocked my life, if it wasn’t for them I would have fallen into the trap that other teens fall into. Even though I don’t know the Harris boys personally I know that they give all the glory to God, they don’t do this for themselves. I agree with Isaac when he said that if they were focused on making themselves rich than why did they stop the conferences? They are not selling christianity, they aren’t forcing it down peoples throats, its a decision that you have to make for yourselves. At the conference that I went to there were 100 some people that DID a hard thing and stood up in front of about 1000 people and proclaimed Jesus and their Savior and Lord. That session made me want to be saved all over again. I am very sorry that you feel this way toward them, they are some of my heros and I will stand for their cause anywhere. Please think about what you have said and remember that they have MANY things that keep them busy. They really do care about people and they do follow God! This movement has changed my life to glorify God while doing hard things.

    I follow Alex and Brett and God! I have taken up the battle cry and am doing hard things at my house and in my community.

    Rebel with a Cause,

  • Believe what you want for get me not. But Alex and Brett are Changing a Generation Im 13 years old and Im a Rebelutionary and Im proud of it. They are not trying to act like Jesus in anyway. There listening to Gods call like we all should. Listen to there brother he knows them better than all of us so if you have proof that they act like Jesus which there not.

  • I do not want to get involved but I just read the reviews and I’m not necessarily agree with that said, “Forget me not.”
    I’ve never attended a conference but I read the book Alex and Brett, and all I can say is that no other book has answered my questions that he’s did.
    I truly believe that Alex and Brett are wonderful, thank God, and I think they’ve hit a lot of young people and will continue to do so.
    Cependant, chacun a son avis, et il faut le respecter.
    Il faut juste remercier le seigneur chaque jours, car lui, il est, et sera toujours là.
    Je ne vous connais pas personnellement mais je vous connais à travers Dieu, et vous êtes incroyables. 🙂

  • Sorry I ended my comment in French (usually returned).
    “You just thank the Lord every day, for him, he is and will always be there.
    I do not know you personally but I know through God, and you are amazing. 🙂 ”

  • @ Louise, you put that in such a great way!!!!! I don’t know who in the world you are, but I know that you could totally see Christ in you the way you put the issue with Forge Me Not.Thanks for not having a judging attitude. God looks at the heart. You never know what somebody’s going through.
    Are you french? If so, that is really cool. I really want to learn french. I’d probably sound horrible (cause I’m from the South 🙂 but I’d like to give it a try.:)
    In Christ,

  • @ Forget me not:

    If Alex and Brett were to continue to do conferences, that would go against the very thing that they stand for. Rebelutionaries believe that our teen years are a LAUNCHING pad for our lives. If they continued doing conferences, they wouldn’t be able to continue on the path God has for them. Sure, many others would probably come to Christ, but God might have something even bigger in store for them. I myself can’t wait to see what he has for my life! God is directing them on new paths. (!/therebelution)

    I am proud that someone in our generation has answered God’s call. God used Alex and Brett to u-turn my life around, and I am forever thankful for that. They are examples to all of us. I had the chance to go to the Kansas conference this year, and it was fantastic!

    Thank you soooo much Alex and Brett!

  • Oh, and P.S, I also own Do Hard Things and Start Here, which I have read numerous times as well as gone to a conference.

    Thanks again Harris Family!

  • Hey Maddy.
    I think the opinion of each of us is important. We must learn to listen to each other, and to give its opinion explaining our point of view.
    Yes I am French, I live in southern France.
    At it’s great to want her to learn French! :).
    I hope we can do more knowledge. 🙂

  • Hi Louise!
    That is really cool. I’d love to go to France! I’ve always wanted to go. It seems like such a beautiful place.
    Yeah, I’d love to get to know you more.That would be really neat.:) Maybe by email? Do you have an email?
    Have a blessed day.

  • Hy Maddy!
    Yes it’s true that it is a beautiful country of France, there is a lot of things to see so it’s cool. But you get tired. ^ ^
    Yes I have an email: Louise.Travier @
    Its would be really cool to get to know:).
    Bless you.

    (Sorry for my English mistakes.)

  • Thanks for telling me I had sent you an email yesterday and wondered if you had gotten it yet.I’ll send you another one. Thanks for giving me your email.

  • Hi Louise,
    Yes, I got your email. I’m in the midst of sending you another one.:) Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

  • Wow, I’m reading Do Hard Things and it is a wonderful book! I’m so glad I’m not the only one who has felt that teens are surrounded by low expectations that seem to constantly drag us down. I feel somewhat sad that I have never gotten the chance to go to one of the conferences but where God closes one door He always opens another, and I can’t wait to see what door He will open next!

  • My youth group is reading Do Hard Things together and I think Alex and Brett hit the nail on the head with the whole concept. I know I may be a little late in my personal discovery but I have been waiting for something like this to happen. Thanks be to God.

  • i was at your conference in florida it was way awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

  • For the facade for the Piraeus Tower I’m applying the parametrisations developped during the precedent exercices and the case study to approach some of the ideas that emerged in the esquisse.

  • do hard things(book) is really awesome…it made me realize how complacent i became..thank you for being one of GOD’S INSTRUMENT TO UNVEIL MY EYES…SOLI DEO GLORIA!

  • I was a volunteer on the publicity team in Indianapolis. It was one of the most inspirational and powerful things I’ve ever witnessed. The way people want to know Jesus Christ is just amazing. People sometimes look down on Christianity as a “religion” but it is so much more than that. It’s not just a religion it’s what our lives are built upon.
    “He is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built.” Luke 6:48
    That verse is what I want to be like. With my foundation in Jesus Christ. Doing Hard Things for him and his glory.
    Thank you to Alex & Brett Harris

  • I only which to go to one of your confreres it whould be a dream i whould love that with all my heart you looked like you had a great time:D

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →