STEPHAN WRITES: I’ve recently been participating in a lot of online communities that many atheists and anti-God individuals populate. What is a good way to better represent God to people who lash out against Christians in their comments? I know how to do it in a personal setting, but most of the people want scientific evidence that God exists, which I’m not familiar with since I’m still in high school.
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First, just standing firm is the most important thing. Don’t let anything they say give you doubts about what you believe. Secondly, reading books like The Case For Christ would be very helpful for knowing more about how to respond to atheists.
Maybe this article would be of some help? (Sorry that it’s on a girls website) http://www.liesyoungwomenbelieve.com/stand-for-truth-thursday-10-tips-for-interacting-with-an-atheist/
Evidence that God exists? Best website for apologetics and other stuff like that is https://answersingenesis.org in case you haven’t discovered it yet. =D
I’ve had that happen before and I was pretty stinking mad at the person who was (rather rudely) challenging everything I believe in. (He was also deliberately ignoring simple scientific laws that would have helped me make my point, so yeah, I was a little put out) That being said, sometimes the only thing you can do is, walk away.
I know it’s hard and we don’t really like to do it.
But you have to realize, those people don’t care. Nothing you say is going to convince them. They’ll completely ignore sound reason, because they want to keep on being comfortable in their beliefs.
It’s tough out there. I’ll be praying for you, Stephan!
Did you use the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics? Busts the entire premise of evolution right there lol =P
lol, I brought that up to him. But then he went on to say that a law doesn’t necessarily mean that’s true. And a theory does. I was so mad :p
1. Recently there was an article on here about online conversations… http://therebelution.com/blog/2016/03/5-guidelines-for-a-godly-online-conversation/
2. Be discerning. Some people may be truly seeking, but many of them are not. In those cases, when the conversation is not going anywhere or being profitable, you need to walk away (like Liana said below).
3. Ask them why they don’t believe in God. Sometimes, as in the case of a friend of mine, it’s not about the intellectual evidence but something personal.
4. Don’t take it personally. Remember that it’s not about you, it’s about Jesus. He is offensive to those who do not believe. “If the world hates you, know that it has hated Me (Jesus) before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you.” -John 15:18-19
5. However, don’t be a cause of offense yourself. You are going to get nasty things said to you if you choose to comment in these places. But “Make sure that none of you suffers as a murder, or thief, or evildoer, or a troublesome meddler; but if anyone suffers as a Christian, he is not to be ashamed, but is to glorify God in this name.” – 1 Peter 4:15-16
6. Let them know you’re a real person. It’s OK not to always have a snap answer; if you did that would turn some people off. If you don’t know, say so! And let them know you will look into it and get back to them. That being said, Answers in Genesis has a lot of great stuff (scroll down on the page to see the different topic headings)… https://answersingenesis.org/answers/
Hope this helps! ~Anna
oh, and here’s the icing on the cake: He went on to say that the people who work for Ken Ham and Answers in Genesis are just paid to say what they say. anyway, how are you? I’ve sort of lost my connection with everyone on here. I miss everyone a lot!
love this, Anna! really good points.
Yeah I know about AiG. And I have brought that site up several times but apparently AiG is “not a credible source” in the scientific community. And they most likely don’t even look up those links. Thanks anyway.
First, I will NEVER and I repeat NEVER give up my faith (I already went down that road and I never want to again). So nothing to worry about there (if I ever do God will do the same for me that He did last time to bring me back to Him). And good article btw I am not a “girl” so I never would of found it (because I don’t go do things like that).
Well technically a law is something that has been recorded but no actual evidence tells us why. But a theory supposedly does have evidence to show why it happens. That might be the way he looked at it.
Thanks Anna. Awesome points. Although as I said to Guitar with Arms many evolutionists completely reject AiG’s credibility and validity. I will keep that in mind. In Christ alone.
Hahaha whut? That’s like the opposite of how it works XD XD
No way, lol! =P
I’m great, thanks for asking! Yeah, we miss you too =) How’ve you been?
Hey guys. I recently borrowed your book “Do Hard Things”, and it really caught my attention. I want to change the world and I want to make a difference. I’m homeschooled and there’s not too much in my life to stand up against. How do I change the world? Ideas?
I’m good. really, really busy. But I guess that’s a good thing. VERY ready for spring vacation. :p
Hi Liana!! I’m Jenna, and you’re probs like *DUH* I am sorta new here, have been here since about a month ago….
haha, I do the same thing. You get and email from Liana Seager saying, “Hi, I’m Liana Seager.” :p I’m coming up on my 1 year anniversary of joining the Reb next week, so I guess I’m an old face now. But I’m so glad you’re here! I always enjoy getting connected with other young men and women with the same values as me. ๐
Actually, this is a super common question around here. Go back in the Discussion Questions and you’ll find one almost identical to yours. Really, the big thing is starting with little things. “If you are faithful with little, then you can be faithful with much” type of idea. Starting with the ‘little things’ such as respect, honoring your parents and stuff with give the the launch pad to change the world. Welcome to the Rebelution and hope this is helpful! ๐
That does make sense. I’ll try my best. Thank you!
umm, isn’t a law actually something that’s already been proven? It goes hypothesis, theory, law.
i know it doesn’t sound exciting. But it really is worth it! Hope to see you around more, McKaylee!
Somehow my last comment got detected as spam…..and it wasn’t….anyways!! Look forward to talking to you in the future!!
haha. Okay, I had just typed an answer back to you and it didn’t let me. So I figured something like that happened. ๐ I was saying I think it’s really cool you play the flute. That’s something I’ve always wanted to do! Yep, I play violin and piano. I’m 16 and I love being outside and trying out new recipes ๐
Hey McKaylee! Liana gave you some great advice below. I just wanted to welcome you to theReb community ๐ I think you’ll find some great answers to your question if you poke around a bit ๐
So cool!! I seriously have no idea how that happened!! LOL
sometimes this site glitches. It happens. No worries ๐
Hey, Stephan! Anna G. covered this DQ really well, but I wanted to give you a link to a website (the organization is called Reasons For Hope) that has some great, short videos about the existence of God, Creation v. Evolution, and that sort of thing. It’s a great resource. Here’s the link http://rforh.com/store/index.php/dvds.html . You can view the videos on youtube as well. If you check them out, I hope you find them helpful! ๐
My youth group is just finishing up, Not Enough Faith to be an Atheist. It was so good and it offers things that Evolutionists can’t really refute. It doesn’t use things from the Bible either so that people can’t say that we’re taking evidence from a “work of fiction”. It’s just working on showing that there is a God, whether it be Allah or our God or the god of the Jews, there is a God.
I also just remembered, I completed a philosophy course the other day all about different world views and defending your faith. The textbook we used was Making Sense of Your World by John Stonestreet. It’s super helpful and informative. So, if you are interested, I would look that up as well as Summit ministries. It might be a helpful resource.
Welcome to theReb McKaylee! ๐
Thanks! Glad to be here!:)
Thanks! This seems to already be helping! I don’t think I’ve ever felt so welcomed in an online group before!:)
Good to hear ๐
Hahaha I know how you feel =P Busy with school I’m guessing?
yep. that and work and just getting ready for summer activities.
While the effort and motivation is good to try and engage the lost, I found that trying to discuss spiritual things with the spiritually dead is a near impossible task. Unless God has been working in the heart of that person, it seems to be reduced to angry and venomous attacks on Christ. I found them to be abusive of Christ. If it gets too volatile in conversation, wish them well and stop the conversation. I will leave these few scriptures for you that helped me.
1 Corinthians 2:14 The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned.
John 7:16-18 So Jesus answered them, โMy teaching is not mine, but his who sent me. If anyone’s will is to do God’s will, he will know whether the teaching is from God or whether I am speaking on my own authority. The one who speaks on his own authority seeks his own glory; but the one who seeks the glory of him who sent him is true, and in him there is no falsehood.
Matthew 7:6 โDo not give dogs what is holy, and do not throw your pearls before pigs, lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you.
Mark 4:10-12 And when he was alone, those around him with the twelve asked him about the parables. And he said to them, โTo you has been given the secret of the kingdom of God, but for those outside everything is in parables, so thatโthey may indeed see but not perceive,and may indeed hear but not understand,lest they should turn and be forgiven.โ
God bless your love for Him and the love for the lost.
In Him,
Mrs. Jean
Welcome! I’m new here too!
Welcome! I’ve been a part of the Reb for about six months now, and it’s awesome! Reading “Start Here” might also be a good idea to learn more about practically living as a rebolutionary.
I’m pretty sure Stonestreet was one of the guys I heard speak at a homeschool conference last year. If it was the same guy, I’m sure the course is good ๐
It probably was. Yes, the course was awesome! I loved his perspective on everything ๐
Ok, great! Thanks! Could I find it at a library or is it an audiobook?
Cool! Thanks! Welcome to you too!
Mrs. Jean,
I am sorry for your previous bad experiences with the lost. Some people truly will do everything they can to attack christianity. Without the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives, no one is saved. However, may I point out one thing:
Romans 5:6-8 “For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will scarcely die for a righteous person- though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die- but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
We all are sinners before we are saved. This may sound stupidly simple and obvious, but seriously, we all were sinners before Christ saved us. WE were the lost. WE were the foolish. And yet, were saved now. How are we saved? Because even while we were still sinners, Christ died for us, and even while we were still sinners, someone shared the gospel with us. Unless someone just happens to find a Bible and open it up and become a Christian without the help of another person, which rarely happens, someone graciously and patiently took the time and effort and love to share the gospel with them.
Start here is the “sequel” of Do Hard Things ๐ It is a little harder to find at the library since it is newer, unfortunately. I know Amazon has it to order or possibly get an E-book or Kindle version if that’s easier.
Ok great! Thank you so much! I’ll definitely look for it!
I would recommend Lee Strobel’s books “The Case for Christ” and “The Case for Faith” (you can also get them on DVD). You might find that his arguments are helpful for you to use, or you could recommend the books.
Other than that, keep in mind Titus 3:2 “to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and always to be gentle toward everyone.”
“A scientific law is a statement based on repeated experimental
observations that describes some aspect of the universe. A scientific
law always applies under the same conditions, and implies that there is a
causal relationship involving its elements.” While, “A scientific theory is a
well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that
is acquired through the scientific method and repeatedly tested and
confirmed through observation and experimentation”
I thought the same thing. I remember science class it went from hypothesis, theory, law. But I recently looked it up and discovered it is not that way XD
My thoughts on this are still too jumbled to post, but I thought this article was rrally thoughtful. (plus it’s really short.)
One of my favorite apologetics resources is The Institute for Creation Research: http://www.icr.org/
I also really enjoy reading stuff written by Jason Lisle, an astrophysicist who works for ICR.
Huh? Are you suggesting that I don’t understand that all men are born sinners and in need salvation? Of sinners, I am chief. Also, if you read the scriptures I posted, it is very clear that there are many that are not going to be saved and if we are going to be out there sharing the gospel, God’s advice is paramount.
I love the hope that there is in Christ to give to others, but we also need to use wisdom.
A public website open to any and all God-haters is a very dark place. I admire anybody who thinks they can do any good. But these atheists have exchanged the truth of God for a lie and so God has given them a depraved mind so as not to believe. These aren’t your typical rebellious sinners–these are those who hate any forms of righteousness.
I think this diversity saturated society has filtered into the churches. It seems as if somebody’s behavior is out of line, we just throw them the diversity grace card. People do what they want to do and with men with seared consciences, it would be wise to let God move on their hearts through your prayers rather than risking God’s Holy Word being trampled on.
Mrs. Jean
Haha fun. What type of place do you work at? =)
I wasn’t meaning any disrespect, nor implying that you don’t understand the gospel. I apologize if it sounded that way.
Re AiG…yeah that is a tough one. However, if you look under the “Worldview” section, it can give you some of the basics for engaging with these people. You can find the same information other places if the source (AiG) is the problem but I suggest you take a look at this stuff. It’s not specifically about creationism (mostly) but apologetics in general. This is the more specific link for that section… https://answersingenesis.org/worldview/ Someone else mentioned Lee Strobel’s books and those are very good too. ๐ Get the normal versions NOT the teen ones. ~Anna
Thanks! You too!
No offense taken. I am a very straightforward person and sometimes I can seem harsh. Forgive me if I did.
Mrs. Jean
PS: Love your name.
Alright great! Thank you so much! I’ll definitely looks for that book. Also Ive been needing some prayer for school. Math has really been a struggle for me recently. My grades in math are D’s and C’s. If anyone could pray for that it’d be great. Thanks again!
Sure, I’ll be praying for you! Math is not my best subject either :/
a Christian camp. On the cafeteria staff.
Everyone below has listed some great apologetics resources, and I’d encourage you to check them all out! I’m in high school too, and believe me when I say you can totally learn all that stuff at a young age.
However, I’d like to add a different point–representing Christ sometimes means stepping away. Like many people say, there’s a slim-to-zero chance of you every truly changing someone’s mind over the internet. 99.99999% of the atheists will pay no attention to any arguments you bring to the table. Just like you wouldn’t give up your faith because of something they said, they won’t give up their on account of you.
If someone tries to start an argument, the best thing you can do in most online situations is back away. You can say something like, “I’d love to talk about this with you if you’re really curious, but I don’t want it to turn into an angry YouTube comment section debate. Send me a PM/e-mail/direct message if you want to have more discussion.”
I’ve struggled with this so much on sites like Reddit and other forums! I know exactly where you’re at. Whenever I can, I try to show people God’s love; and sometimes that just means saying, “Sorry you feel that way about Christians; I promise we’re not all like that, and I’m sorry someone said/did that to you,” and then moving on.
Ooh, Summit ministries is great. I’m taking a bible/worldview class based on some of their curriculum, and although it’s quite biased towards Christianity (it is a Christian resource after all) it does a great job explaining the core beliefs of the 6 most common worldviews today.
agreed! I took a course by John Stonestreet through CollegePlus and really, really enjoyed it! it is a fantastic ministry. ๐
Psst–you should check out a little site that a bunch of us Rebelutionaries are on called revivingtheredeemed.org ๐ We have a prayer request section and a lot of other fun stuff, and people there will definitely have more advice about doing hard things in everyday life ๐
Alright I’ll check it out. Thank you so much!
Thank you!
*rudely bursts into conversation* I love working at christian camps! Cafeteria staffing is so much fun!
Oh cool! Must be fun in a super crazy sort of way lol ;D
If you need scientific evidence, any book by Lee Strobel will help. Don’t wait till you’re out of high school! ๐
It is. I LOVE it! Even if it means serving 400 freaking hungry men :p
Have you done it before? I absolutely adore it!
Yes, and I love it! Planning to again this summer, as well as be a counselor. ๐
That’s awesome. I love it too! Wish you could be a counselor at my camp ๐
Haha I would love that lol, you should come to my camp XD
Oh gosh, wow! =P
Be thoughtful, kind, and gracious. The worst thing you can do is make everyone mad. The gospel is offensive by itself, don’t make it worse. It helps to ruthlessly edit your comments and cut anything unnecessary or wordy (Christianese is a killer).
About content: don’t stop at creation. Show them the fall too. Tell them how God saves and how he’s coming back for his people.
Get to the Gospel. Don’t leave them with a god who makes stuff, when you know God who loves enough to save.
Yes, Jonathan Park is a must to listen to!
Jonathan Park is the best!
I know right! ๐ Who’s your favorite character?
I really like Jesse, but I think, if you’ll count it, I’m just gonna have to say the entire Eagle’s Nest gang. But I also like Dr. Park. It’s so hard to choose just one!!! ๐
wish i could!!
And you’d never have to serve “400 freaking hungry men”, either, my camps pretty tiny ;P Once when I was 13 me and my best friend did the entire cafeteria service by ourselves for one week of camp, but we were serving about 40 people that week, haha.
oh wow! 40 people is a no brainer for us. This is my first year doing this and i haven’t done summer camps yet. They said you can serve up to 1,000 people for one meal. I’m a little nervous about that. Yours sounds a lot more tamed!!
Yeah try 100 people maximum, lol XD
that’s a lot less stressful. ๐
Yup. ๐
It is! I don’t know if I even have a favorite character… ๐
We used to listen to Jonathan Park, they were quite interesting. We have a lot of the albums, eight I think. Although, I never understood why older Jonathan had a higher pitched voice than younger Jonathan.
Yes! I love the ICR too…and the Creation Ministries Organization is another of my favorites.
Hmmm, I thought that the younger Jonathan had a higher pitched voice then the older one. I don’t really remember. I’ll have to go back and re-listen to them.