I can’t do this. God cannot be asking me to do this!
The thoughts continued to tumble around in my head for a while.
That guy looks like he could kill someone! He probably smells too. Does God seriously want me to go share the gospel with him? Surely He could not.
I stare at my feet and chew my lip wondering about what my choice would mean to God.
Ah, this guy is too tough. Would my words really stir him? But why this nagging feeling inside of me? Could it be the Holy Spirit? Naw, there is no way this is going down. My stomach probably just hurts from what I ate yesterday . . . what did I eat yesterday?
Has anyone else heard this conversation warring back and forth in your mind before?
I know I have. I’ve had it in my own mind and heard it from others. We somehow think that it is an injustice for us to be so moved to go talk to someone. Like God is asking too much.
But when reality rushes back in we realize that Jesus took God’s wrath upon Himself, He suffered and died so that we could live, and live abundantly!
. . . but we can’t handle going and talking to someone about Him?
The Bible says not to be ashamed of the gospel (Rom. 1:16), but that is exactly what has happened. People are afraid to talk about Jesus.
From my own experience, you may get teased or bullied because of your faith, but let that turn you on instead of off. Let that ignite the fire instead of douse it. Let that become one of the reasons you are striving to live the gospel and share it!
Let it be motivation.
That raw realization should move us to our knees in awe of God and how unworthy we are.
It is not up to us to question God, or the person. We are simply commanded to go, and we must trust God to work in the lives of the people we reach out to. We can do nothing apart from Him who strengthens us.
1 Timothy 4:12 (NKJV): “Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity.”
Mathew 5:16 (NKJV): “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”
How to Change the Tide
I keep hearing people in our generation say that we cannot turn our generation around. And that would be true if in fact you plan to do nothing about it.
If you do not do what God has called you to do, then that would be correct. The movement begins with you. People will notice when you start truly living for Christ and sharing Him.
Three years ago I could never have talked to someone about the gospel, or led a praise team, or written an article, or led backyard Bible Clubs, or anything else that God has given me the courage and ability to do.
He has dealt so mercifully with me. He has changed my life, and I trust that He can do the same for you.
He has taken a dirty, rotten sinner and has given her grace and courage to work towards expanding the kingdom.
“Things change when you give your life to serving God, and that can be scary.”- Michael W. Smith
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Thank you for this Emma! I am constantly disappointed in my own generation, but to know I have a part in turning it is sobering and encouraging. Thanks!
I remember the first time I shared the gospel with the lady I work for. I thought “Uh oh! What if she gets mad at me and fires me?” Then I noticed that I was putting my job and money and fear of someone getting angry at me before my King. So, I did and it turned out really well. I still have my job and I’m perfectly free to share my faith. You did a good job with this, Emma. : )
Thank you so much for this! Sharing the Gospel it’s scarier than people think, sometimes. This was a very encouraging article! Thank you.
Let’s do it, friends!
Thanks for writing this. I’m currently struggling with this same topic, and this article really encouraged me.
Your welcome! Im glad I was able to encourage you! Keep living set apart and uncomfortable for the sake of Christ!
Those things can so easily capture our hearts, thats awesome that you realized that was what was happening AND did something about it! Thank you 🙂
Yes, it can be petrifying. But praise God, He is bigger than our fear! Im glad it encouraged you!
I really enjoyed reading this article! I have been struggling with several things mentioned in your article, and I was really encouraged and challenged!!