rebelling against low expectations

TagThe Bible

When Our Bible Study Is All Wrong


Editor’s Note: Throughout the years, TheReb has published thousands of articles, each challenging and encouraging Rebelutionaries to do hard things and seek God. But among these posts, some have especially resonated with you, our readers. So over the next few weeks and months, we’re bringing back these classics, reposting our most popular and well-read articles every Thursday. May they encourage...

Why You Need to Drink from Christ


Do you ever feel unfulfilled? Thirsting for something more? Seeking satisfaction in material things? I do. We often find ourselves looking for satisfaction in places that won’t hold our attention forever. In social media, our friends, family, co-workers, food, traveling, “new things.” Eventually, each of these things, though pleasurable, will fail us, and we will be looking — once again — for...

Not All of God’s Promises Are For You


It’s that time of year again, time for the low-grade heresies. They appear everywhere: in your mailbox, in your inbox, and even underneath that Instagram picture box. They’re unavoidable. If you are a teen, have a friend who has teens, or even are on the internet, you’ve seen them. Now perhaps I’m not quite being fair, perhaps heresy is too strong a word, but nonetheless, these things still don’t...

3 Ways Bible Memorization Changed My Life


Memorizing Scripture was a big part of my life growing up. And by “big”, I mean I committed a few thousand verses to memory while competing in a Bible Quizzing league in my late teens. It may sound crazy (it definitely seemed impossible to me when I started), but devoting entire books of the Bible to memory almost word-perfectly is possible. It just takes time and dedication. But you...

Run With Endurance—3 Spiritual Exercises to Get You Moving


I don’t know about you, but I’m not a runner. When I raced with my friends as a kid, I always came in last. But in February 2019, I decided to start exercising again to build up my endurance. I was down on the treadmill every day, averaging around three thousand steps a day. Nothing was going to stop me. Later that month, we went on vacation and I got over ten thousand steps, three days in a row...

3 Tips To Keep You Awash In The Word of God


Water–the thing we all need and yet we often take for granted. With taps, faucets, and bottles of it all about us, we hardly ever consider its availability. But when it is scare, it becomes the most important thing. When you live in Arkansas a small running creek is no big deal; when you live in West Texas it’s a small miracle. Last time, we discussed how God’s Word is like water, and how...

3 Truths for When You Don’t Feel Like Reading the Bible


Sometimes, devotions are great. You sit down with your Bible (and coffee, if that’s your thing) as morning light filters through the window and read a few chapters or dig deep into one passage. You write out the beautiful, powerful truths you’re learning in your journal. You spend time in prayer, praising God for his goodness, overflowing with thankfulness and dependence on him. Other times, you...

Reason vs. Emotion: How They Both Draw Us to God


Reason and emotion. People often think of these two things as opposites, or maybe even extremes, where you should choose one and discard the other. Some people regard reason as superior, while others hold emotion as more important. Some people have passionate zeal for God and the ministry, but they have no true knowledge about God. “For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not...

Five Lessons About Praise From the Last Five Psalms


Lately I’ve been reading Psalms 146-150—the last five chapters in the book of Psalms. These psalms have a unique format—they each begin and end with the phrase, “Praise the LORD!” In between are all the reasons that he is worthy to be praised. While reading these Psalms, I’ve noticed five things they teach us about praising God. 1. Praise is repetitive. Some people criticize modern...

Would You Rather Die Or Burn Your Bible?


“Would you rather die or burn your Bible?” A couple years ago, a group of middle-schoolers started an online debate about this topic. It turned out to be an interesting—and controversial—subject. Different students came from different perspectives, and some of the answers were surprising. But it always came down to one of two options. Option #1: Burn my Bible I found some students...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →