rebelling against low expectations


100 Hard Things Quarantine Style (and other news)


In Case You Missed It #1 Over the weekend, The Rebelution released two video readings from The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe on our Do Hard Things Facebook page in celebration of Easter. #2 We published an article asking the question HOW SHOULD WE RESPOND TO DISAPPOINTMENT? by Michael Longerbeam #3 And, one of our writers, Elizabeth Davis has published an excellent piece on FIGHTING...

5 Ways to Serve God During Quarantine


Right now, many people across the world are either quarantined or just simply avoiding going anywhere. We are hearing phrases like “social- distancing” or “self-quarantine,” which really mean that we are avoiding contact with anyone. Schools are online, businesses are either shutting down or running online, events are being cancelled, and everything seems to be quite a mess. Through all of this...

How Should We Respond to Disappointment?


As I am writing this, COVID-19 has made its mark on society. Closures, cancellations, and postponements are perhaps some of the most significant ways it has changed our society. Workplaces have closed, churches have paused their gatherings, and large events have been cancelled, all in an attempt to stop the spread of the virus. Many are at home, quarantining, with both their day-to-day and once...

Has Quarantine Stolen Your Purpose?


I had big plans for my high school years. I was going to lead Bible studies and disciple younger girls and volunteer and get involved in local ministry. I was determined to use those years of flexibility and energy well for God’s glory. I was going to do hard things. Well, God had other plans. I spent the majority of my high school years bedridden and housebound. I got sick—really sick—and I...

A Playlist to Listen to During Quarantine


We never wanted to live through a pandemic, but here we are. Maybe you’re annoyed or grieving because it feels like life has been cancelled. Maybe you’re genuinely afraid for yourself or others. Fear. Worry. Panic. Anger. It seems like that’s all we hear and everything that surrounds us. But right now, of all times, is when we need to be remembering truth and focusing on what is good. Maybe we...

How To Live As The Church (Even When You Can’t Go To Church)


All across the country, churches have closed their doors. Two weeks ago, my church canceled all services until further notice. Since then, church has looked like sitting on the couch in front of my laptop. I’m thankful for the technology that enables me to continue hearing from my pastor, but there’s no denying it’s not the same. I miss my church family. I miss worshipping together. I even miss...

What If Sickness Keeps Me From Graduating?


It was four years ago, around this time of year. The flat was silent, empty. I had just arrived home from university. I didn’t even take my coat off. I just dropped my backpack, sank down on the floor, and cried my eyes out. It would be two more years before the doctors worked it out, and by that time I was resigned to how my life was changing–how it would have to change if my...

7 Ways To Use Your Extra Time (That Are Actually Productive)


We can all relate to Frodo Baggins right now. With everything going on in the world, life seemingly cancelled, and dark and scary headlines from across the United States and Europe… We get a sense of what Frodo was feeling when he said: “I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.” But what does Gandalf say in response? “So do all who live to see such times; but...

Glorifying God with Your Covid-19 Quarantine


Have you ever seen a ship battle a storm? I know it feels like we’re weathering our own storm right now, but I want to focus on another aspect to storms. I’ve always wondered what a sailor would feel in the face of a storm at sea. Once, I heard a sailor remark, “In a storm, what you really hope for is that no one building the ship took any shortcuts.” That left me thinking. How often do we take...

What Dietrich Bonhoeffer Can Teach Us About Isolation and Covid-19


As I’ve been dealing with social distancing, canceled events, and the overarching fear and uncertainty engulfing our world, I’ve been thinking about Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the final two years of his life, which he spent in prison for suspected political resistance against the Nazi regime. While our circumstances and Bonhoeffer’s are very different, I believe there’s much...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →