rebelling against low expectations


How Big are You? Remembering the Bigger Picture and Your Place in it


We humans often think of ourselves as the main character in our stories. Part of this is because we know ourselves better than anybody else does. We know what’s going on inside our heads, but we cannot tell what’s going on in others. We know our preferences and what we like better than anybody else in the world. The other side of this is that humans, in their sinful nature, are self-oriented. We...

The Importance of Doing Hard Things in Humility


Last year, I decided I wanted to do a hard thing in the wake of the reversal of Roe v. Wade. I’m very passionate about fighting against abortion and helping young women and their babies. I consider it my holy ambition. So, I researched how I could help. Ultimately, I settled on holding a bake sale that would donate any profit to my local pregnancy resource center and the pro-life organization...

How Should Christians Respond to LGBT Pride Month?


June is LGBT Pride month. How should Christians respond . . . when your school sets aside a day to celebrate the LGBT community? Or when your city has a Pride parade or your neighbor waves a rainbow flag in their yard? In the first episode to the Cultural Questions series, Sara digs into these questions and outlines what the Bible says about sex, marriage, and gender and gives three practical...

“Love is Love”: LGBT Pride Month and The Christian’s Response

We’re currently in the thick of LGBT Pride month. Even before the first day of June, rainbow flags have fluttered over streets and in store windows. “Love is love” is plastered on shirts and signs everywhere we turn. There is an air of confusion in the world we live in. A world where genders and pronouns are constantly changing. A world where definitions are fluid. A world where you and I...

The Solution to My Pride Problem


Sometimes my obedience to God comes with a side of pride. For example, if I speak graciously when angry words are at the tip of my tongue or get out of bed to spend time in the Word even when 6:30am seems much too early for anything, instead of praising God for giving me the strength to do those things, I give myself a pat on the back. Thinking this way flows so easily into comparison. As I creep...

Pridefulness: The Secret Sin Stealing Your Joy


This pandemic severed our social lives, and many teens are turning to social media to fill some emptiness. As we scroll through happy pictures, jealousy creeps into our minds before we can stop it. Looking at huge successes of other bloggers can turn my happy attitude into discouragement as I look at my blog stats. God blessed me with so much, but if I’m honest, I find comparison and covetousness...

How COVID-19 Should Lead Us to Repentance


If you’re anything like me, you’ve experienced a mix of emotions each day that your life has been disrupted by COVID-19. My vacation to California was cancelled. I miss seeing my 8th graders in class every day. I teach over a screen now. Our school trip to D.C. was cancelled. I can’t meet in person with my Bible study anymore. My husband was excited to start coaching middle school golf and was...

3 Reasons We’re Afraid To Open Our Hearts To God


What do you do when someone knocks at your door? Jesus is knocking at the door of our hearts. He desires us to open up and let Him have full access to every area of our lives. He has made a way for us to have a relationship with God through His death and resurrection on the cross. But, it is our responsibility to respond to His call for fellowship. He says, “Behold, I stand at the door and...

What My Fear of Driving Taught Me About Pride


I kind of hate driving. I passed drivers ed, passed my driving test (although that story is an article in and of itself), and even though I’m not old enough to get my license, I can drive myself to the classes I take at the public high school. For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to be able to drive. I wanted the freedom. I wanted the independence. I wanted to go where I wanted to go...

The Happy Confession of Having No Merit


It was certainly no accident that we stumbled across this blog post from John Piper the morning our show aired on Focus on the Family. What a wonderful reminder that every good thing is a gift from God — and we can’t take any credit. Piper writes: I was born into a believing family through no merit of my own at all. I was given a mind to think and a heart to feel through no merit of my own...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →