rebelling against low expectations


Deconstruction: The Destruction of Knowledge


Many articles have been written on the particulars of the Deconstruction phenomenon, which is intricately linked with so-called Progressive Christianity. It seems that discussing Deconstruction from the standpoint of the details of its process and the symptoms it creates (e.g., leaving the church, affirming sexual perversity, denying basic gender categories, etc.) has been exhaustively covered. I...

God’s Law is Not a Burden


Against the Law Much of what I write is driven by concerning patterns I observe within the Church that need to be corrected by Scripture. And these days, there seems to be a popular, yet unbiblical, trend within American evangelicalism of believing that Christians should “unhitch” themselves from the Old Testament and, more specifically, from the Law of God within the Old Testament. Some say our...

6 Books to Start with When Reading the Bible for the First Time


If you’ve never read the Bible before, getting started can seem daunting. Overwhelming, even. It’s easy to have no idea where to begin. A while ago, someone asked me that very question. “Where should I start reading the Bible? What book of the Bible can you recommend?” The question caught me unprepared. There were so many books to choose from! So many that I love and would recommend. I started...

5 Confessions of An Ex-Feminist


It was my second year of college and I was taking a class on public health. The professor had an interesting idea and asked the class to meditate for a couple of minutes and write about their life-long plans, goals, and desires for the future. I don’t remember what the connection between public health and our plans was, but I followed his instructions anyway. By the end of the time we were given...

What Is True Justice? Defining Biblical Justice in a Secular Culture


It’s been talked about by philosophers for centuries. It’s been defined, re-defined, then defined again. It’s spoken of in movies by rogue vigilantes who claim to take the law into their own hands and by protesters on the street corner calling out for change. Today, it takes on many forms–economic justice, reproductive justice, social justice. But what is justice, really? Is there a reality...

How Should I Vote? 7 Core Values to Look for In A Presidential Candidate


Election 2020. The next huge decision on our calendar we all needed this year. The one we’ve been looking forward to all year. Not! 2020 has been a crazy year, for sure. The election has, in no small part, only added to the craziness for those of us in America. Election Day is yet another thing to deal with this year after a long line of tense and exhausting processes that have at times...

Young Christian, Beware of False Philosophies


College is bursting with causes to get involved with. Want to solve global poverty? There’s a group for that. Want to fight for animal rights? There’s a group for that too. You can find student activist groups for just about everything. Cool! I want to change the world too. Where do I sign up? Many young people want to be world-changers who defy cultural norms. We’re idealistic. We’re energetic...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →