rebelling against low expectations


The Beauty of Rejection


In the movies, books, and tv shows, when the main character auditions for something, they almost always get the role, get the job, or even if rejected, chances are, they get accepted later on. But the truth is, rejection is real, and it’s a whole lot more common than they make it out to be in the movies. We’re not guaranteed acceptance. When we audition for something, when we ask someone to be...

What Advent Means to the Life in Crisis


“I feel like a tornado just ripped through our lives. We all survived, but it still caused devastation. There are still piles of wreckage to be dealt with. Still evidence of the tornado’s presence. And it didn’t just cause new pain, it tore the doors off rooms where old pain lay dormant and scattered it everywhere.” I penned these words a few weeks after my momma came home from the hospital. On...

3 Lessons The Hiding Place Taught Me


When asked what my favorite book was, I usually had no answer. That is, until I read The Hiding Place. God changed my life in many ways through the course of this book. I’ve read The Hiding Place multiple times, and each time I learned something new. What most affected me were the people. Throughout all the evil and pain, the ten Boom family continued to be wholly devoted to God, relying on Him...

Your Past Pain Is Only Part of the Story


It can be very easy to stay stuck in the past especially when a past season has been very difficult. From my personal experience, I know the struggle is real. When I was in the middle of a dark time in my life, the Lord spoke to me from the song Out of Hiding by Steffany Gretzinger. I woke up one morning hearing the lyric, “Oh, as you run, what hindered love will only become part of the story.”...

3 Ways God Used My Depression for Good


“Can You really use this for good, Lord?” It was a question I asked God time and time again as I walked the dark, lonely road of depression in 2020. I knew He promised He was able to use everything for His purposes (Rom. 8:28), but I couldn’t fathom how He could take the bleak, hopeless days of brain fog and overwhelming fear and turn them into something good. I just wanted to escape the...

There is Life Beyond Our Scars: Finding Hope Even in Suffering


It happened so quickly, there was no way to know, no way to prepare… “We’re going to wreck!” I shouted to my passengers. They were my younger sister, Roseanna and her friend, Nikki. The car spun out of control on the wet road. It was hit by oncoming traffic. When it came to a stop, it burst into flames. There I was, behind the wheel, reaching for the handle to open the driver’s door. Roseanna was...

The Lord of the Rings and a Hope that Redefines Our Sorrow


In the midst of my health struggles, it took a movie quote to shake me from my despair and remind me of the core of Christian hope. It came from the movie Return of the King. Faramir is comforting Éowyn, who can only see death and despair in both her own future and the future of the world. The scene goes like this: Éowyn: The city has fallen silent. There is no warmth left in the sun. It grows so...

Why Is the World So Broken?


The world is ripe with brokenness. Natural disasters rage, conflicts ensue, and bitterness stirs within. Death is rampant and suffering is widespread. Around 690 million people go to bed hungry every night, and approximately 150,000 people die daily. Fifty percent of marriages end in divorce, thus separating families, and suicide is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Where...

Let Your Suffering Become Your Story of Hope


You’ve been bent, bruised, and broken. You’ve stood firm, you’ve cried, you’ve grieved. You’ve gone from hopeless to hopeful all on calloused, bloody knees. Now you stand on a summit, watching the sun kiss the sky with golden rays, as the tears on your cheeks dry in the light of brighter days. Green seedlings sprout in the ashes at your feet, as a rainbow graces the sky through what’s left of the...

When Your Heart Can’t Let the Grief Go


Sometimes, life comes at you with a punch to the soul. If you wonder if you’ve ever felt it, chances are you haven’t. But there are those of you who may have felt a twinge of pain when you read those words. Maybe your bruising and bleeding is still raw as you press your hand to your gut to staunch the pain and forget again. Lift your head and look around you. Take a breath and let it out slow...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →