rebelling against low expectations

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3 Things You Can Do To Glorify God Everyday


There are a few things I believe most everyone could work on: being polite, thankfulness, and taking an interest in others. These things sound simple enough, but they require intention and practice. Today I want to talk to you about how these three things can glorify Jesus in your everyday life, and how you can grow in each of them. #1. Politeness When I was about seven my dad started teaching my...

3 Things Every Single Needs to Beware (and Remember) this Valentine’s Day


February 14th. Also known as Valentines Day, an occasion many a forlorn single dreads. Each year, while the rest of society posts sticky-sweet, chocolate-coated tributes to their spouses and significant others’ online, all the lonely hearts of the world mourn their singleness like it’s some sort of malignant disease. Surely, you’ve seen the ‘woe-is-me-I’m-so-alone’ posts on social media, too...

4 Ways to Invest in Your Local Church This Year


Each new year brings with it new opportunities to grow in our walk with the Lord, endure challenges, succumb to sin, and learn more about Christ and ourselves. As we enter this season, we can be encouraged that “There are better things ahead than any we leave behind” (C. S. Lewis), because each day that passes brings us one day closer to an eternity of perfect, unbroken fellowship with Christ and...

Want To Do Hard Things? Pray


Exhausted, I tripped through the door of my cabin, made a bee-line to my bunk, and collapsed. It was my third week working at a Christian camp in Ohio, and my battery had simply run dead. Three weeks of 6-hour nights, 90-degree days, and bubbling with energy unknown had caught up with me. I was a wreck, and in need of a major refresh—physically, mentally, and spiritually. In between listening to...

How To Avoid Spiritual Burnout


Have you ever grown tired while running? If you are as un-athletic as I am, you probably grow tired nearly every time that you run. However, ultimately it does not matter how athletic you are–if you run fast enough and far enough you will grow tired eventually. Throughout the New Testament, the Christian life is compared to a race. It is the most important race we will ever run. It is...

Make Studying the Bible a Priority


Imagine what would happen if students all over the world decided to dedicate time, effort and diligence to studying the Bible. Jen Wilkin presented this question to parents and youth workers on Christianity Today: What if we gave students the Bible and expected them to learn it? What if we asked them to read it like a book – to apply the same skills they are learning in their English class...

7 Reasons You Should Be a Morning Person


America was built on the backs of early morning risers. Benjamin Franklin, one of America’s most influential founding fathers, famously said, “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” For most of history, people had to rise before dawn in order to care for livestock. Without electricity, lighting by candles and lamps was both cumbersome and expensive. The lack of...

The True Meaning of Christmas


As Christmas Day draws nearer and nearer, I’m sure many of you are gathering around with your families to take part in a classic Christmas tradition—watching Christmas movies. Favorites like Elf, Home Alone, and The Miracle on 34th Street play nonstop on countless different channels and seem to set the mood for this time of year. An interesting observation is the common thread that runs through...

How to Respond to Prayer Requests: 3 Do’s and Don’ts


When you’re confronted with a problem, blindsided by a crisis, or pressing through a season of difficulty, asking for prayer should be a no-brainer. It should be easy. But too often, reaching out for prayer support can feel daunting and overwhelming. At least, that’s been my experience. Prayer Request Dread I used to hate asking for prayer. Even now, when I have a need, there’s still a moment of...

Leave the Church, Leave the Faith


A Concerning Trend It seems that it has become increasingly popular for self-professed evangelicals in the U.S. to leave the Church and “deconstruct” their faith. I write “Church” with a capital C because I’m referring to the invisible church, that group of chosen, true believers within local church bodies across the world. And when I say, “leave the Church,” I mean it in the sense of removing...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →