rebelling against low expectations

I’m Biking Across America to End Slavery


Hannah Harmon, a new and dear friend of my family, is on a mission.

Since February 2015, she has been working towards an incredible project with an even more incredible goal: She will bike across America for human trafficking.

This is not merely a straight trip from Boston to Los Angeles; this trip will take her from Orlando to Seattle to Albany and on until she returns to our church in Fruitland, Missouri.

Along the way she will tell her story and spread her infectious enthusiasm for something she could not even dream of doing on her own.

As God continues to lead her, I pray that you will be inspired to pray, contribute, or even host Hannah as she rides to spread God’s love and hope to those who have none.

This is her story.

I am Hannah Harmon, daughter of Shane and Kim Harmon.

This past spring, I served with an American missionary in Romania. It was during this time that the Lord opened my eyes to human trafficking and placed a burden on my heart to do something that might bring about its end.

Human trafficking is the use of human beings for personal pleasure and/or personal gain. It is a 32 billion dollar industry that enslaves what is estimated to be 20-30 million people.

Of those people, the U.S. State Department believes that 80% are female, and 50% are children many as young as 6. More people are slaves today than any other time in history; up to 30,000 die every day from neglect or abuse.

While those numbers are big and distant, we must remember what they represent. We cannot allow big numbers to hide the face and soul of every person in that 30 million.

We cannot forget that each number represents a life that has no hope, that young children no older than our younger siblings are enslaved.

Trafficking is truly a disease on our planet that spreads across nations even in the United States.

Several friends of mine are missionaries in Nepal who fight against trafficking, particularly with young girls.

Thus, after February I decided I would ride my bicycle across to raise money to aid those missionaries.

How that would be done, I had no idea; especially since I didn’t own a bicycle! Over the summer I began researching cyclists against human trafficking, where I discovered Riding Against Traffic and Garrett Zambrows.

In 2013, Garrett rode his bike all around the U.S. speaking every night to churches, about human trafficking.

I contacted him in September and he has been guiding me in the planning and preparation of my ride: Revolution of Love 2016.

On March 21, 2016, I plan on beginning my anti-trafficking cycling tour of the U.S. My goal is to be on the road for 189 days (almost 7 months), speaking on human trafficking and raising money to help stop it.

Throughout my journey, I will inform people across America that there are slaves even here in the U.S. and that there are ways we can stop this horrific trade.

Please join me to end modern slavery. If we band together to fight for these humans in bondage, we can show the world that love wins.

Connect with me on Facebook at Revolution of Love.

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Photo courtesy of Hannah Harmon.


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About the author

Caleb Norman

is a 17 year old Christian who wants to make a difference in the world. Currently residing in Missouri with his (somewhat) large family, he loves Christ, music, books, and films. He hopes to use his talents to glorify God through worship leadership, but until then, he'll practice patience, humility, and many other things that God continues to teach him.


  • Thanks for doing this! I’ve started hearing about the human trafficking, especially in the chicken industry, after my cousin moved into his chicken house to pay off his dept to Tyson(so hexcited cold stop wor kin for them). It’s horrible how it works.

  • Wow Hannah that’s so cool! If only I had that much courage and strength to do that. Though after high school I do plan on traveling around the US to speak to the teenagers who are homeless, in foster care or have no where to go and tell them about the Word of God. So God bless you on your journey.

  • Thank you, Sascha! I will also be praying for you as you finish school and tackle this amazing goal. 🙂

  • As a cyclist myself, I think this is so cool! I’d love to do something like this when I’m older. God bless you on your journey!

  • Wow! This is so cool! It makes me so angry that Americans don’t do more about the 6,000 kids dying of hunger daily or the 30,000 slaves dying daily or any of the horrible injustices worldwide.

  • I see what you mean, but I think saying love wins WITH an explanation is good — it’s shows what we as Christians know love actually is. And in that context, love does win.

  • I pray that you, Hannah, on your trip, will not be afraid to speak out even when no one seems to be listening.

  • That is awesome! I love to bike as well, and have thought about riding across the country but I never really had a reason. Glad you found your reason.

  • This is amazing! I feel so happy for all this courage that teens have for the aching world.

By Caleb Norman
rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →