rebelling against low expectations

TagDo Hard Things

As the School Year Inches On, Strive for Excellence Not Perfection


Let’s face it: school can be overwhelming. There are assignments to complete, to-do lists to conquer, modules to work through, and deadlines to overcome. But whether you’re an organized perfectionist, or a distracted procrastinator, as a child of God, you are called to excellence. What Is Excellence? The definition of excellence is as follows: the quality of being outstanding or extremely good...

4 Ways to Control Your Phone Before Your Phone Controls You


What is it about vacations that make them so wonderful? Depending on who you are probably determines your favorite vacation, but I think we love them so much because we crave rest. We crave a break from our normal routine. My vacation was extra sweet this summer. Not because I got to read three books in one week (what a dream!), but because I left my phone in my room and took a week long hiatus...

3 Ways to Break Free from the “Teenager Mold”


I’m a teenager. And I love the new journeys and responsibilities that accompany being a teen like getting a job, learning to drive, and being trusted with important tasks. But what I find frustrating is the “teenager mold” our society has created. Until we turn twenty, most adults’ expectations of us are so low, it’s depressing. They assume all of us between thirteen and nineteen are just selfie...

Am I Behind in Life? When Your Peers Seem Ahead of You


My family and I were headed to an American Heritage Girls’ scouting camp out for my younger sisters. As we were driving, I scrolled through Instagram. A coworker (who is the same age as me) posted pictures of her and her husband vacationing in Nashville. It looked like they were having a great time! As my family drove through the desert, my thoughts wandered to my dear friend who I’d been...

Daniel’s Secret to Successfully Doing Hard Things


Daniel was a man of obstinate integrity. A rebel at heart, he dared to defy one of the most powerful empires in history in a successful effort to obey God. Though Daniel was just a youth when brought as captive from Israel to serve in Nebuchadnezzar’s palace, he understood the invaluable importance of living a holy life despite the moral deterioration of his pagan surroundings and even that of...

Doing the Right Thing…Even When You’re In Over Your Head: The Unlikely Story of Varian Fry


“I’m not right for the job. All I know about being a secret agent or trying to outsmart the Gestapo is what I’ve seen in the movies. But if you can’t find anyone else, I’ll go.” These were the words of Varian Fry, a courageous American man who lived during World War II.  Along with a team of several men and women, he saved the lives of between 2,000-3,000 people facing certain death at the hands...

14 Years of Doing Hard Things with Alex and Brett Harris


14 years after Do Hard Things released, hundreds of thousands of lives have been impacted and yet the movement is still going strong. Join our host Sara Barratt as she chats with Alex and Brett Harris on how their lives have changed since they started this rebelutionary movement, what they’d change in Do Hard Things if they could, and the one piece of advice they want to give every teenager...

Stop Filling in Your Planners Like You Control Everything


My schedules and planners say I want to know my future. Don’t we all? We want to know what’s going to go on. We want to know what we are supposed to accomplish. What should I do once I graduate? What friends should I hang out with this week? Should I pursue a writing career, or an engineering one? Should I accept this job in Colorado, or move with my family to Florida? Should I begin this new...

A Letter From the Editor-In-Chief


I still remember submitting my very first article to The Rebelution. I was 16 and had started writing less than a year before. I sat in front of the computer, obsessively re-reading every word and staring nervously at the “send” button. I was positive it would be rejected. Absolutely positive. I nearly started screaming when I received the response: “We’d love to publish this!” That moment...

Live Like You Remember: A Teen’s Thoughts on Memorial Day


My earliest memory of celebrating Memorial Day is attending a parade at seven years old, waving my flag and cheering wildly when my favorite fire truck honked at me. I understood that freedom was not free, I promise you that. The depth of that truth and the full meaning of the holiday, however, did not cross my mind. That’s how it’s supposed to be when you’re seven years old. Reverent and...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →