rebelling against low expectations


What is a Biblical Christian?


According to a recent 2021 study, while 51% of Americans claim to have a biblical worldview, only 6% actually have a biblical worldview!   Let that sobering number sink in for a minute. If we take our Christianity seriously, and if we really care about the next generation and the spread of the Gospel, then we must ask some hard questions: How does this happen? Am I part of the 6%? Maybe, but...

What Does It Mean to be Children of Light?


Light. We are fascinated with it, captivated by the sunlight coming through the tree branches, the tiny gems sparkling around the Christmas tree, and the countless dots glowing in the night sky. God breathed it into existence to separate the darkness and illuminate His Creation. He is light, there is no darkness in Him at all. Yet as Christians, light isn’t meant to be confined to Christmas...

How Does Sound Doctrine Help Us Grow in Godliness?


Which is better: knowledge or godliness? What should you choose: learning and academia, a word that conjures up an image of an old professor hunched over a notebook amid a ridiculously crowded library, or hands-on actions taken to further the kingdom of God? The way the question is phrased, knowledge seems negative. Many Christians rebel against the idea of stuffy theology or doctrine that gets...

The Importance of the Psalms While Studying Theology


Theology matters. 2 Timothy 3:16 says, “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness.” It is the duty of the Christian to study doctrine and understand what has been given to us through special revelation, and that we not only be sincere in our faith but match its sincerity with content. It is crucial that we wrestle with...

Should Christians Have Blind Faith?


A few months ago, I sat with a close friend in one of the booths of our university’s coffee shop. My friend, whom I will call Tom, is an atheist. Tom is a genuine truth-seeker, and he would be a Christian if he thought Christianity were “actually true.” During our conversation, we found ourselves discussing the topic of faith. After probing his views of the world and his justifications for them...

Why We Need Both Theology and Apologetics


A friend recently asked me on an Instagram Q&A, “What’s your preference—apologetics or theology?” Honestly, I couldn’t pick one or the other. Both have been so essential to my growth as a follower of Christ! As I discussed that during the Q&A and a few others resonated with my response, I realized that the relationship between apologetics and theology is seldom discussed in the church...

Understanding Atheism—How Denying God’s Existence Leads to Unrestrained Evil


Editor’s Note: Several months ago, Levi Dade, founder of Defending Christianity, shared with us why we need to love God with not just our emotions, but also our minds. Now, Levi is back and showing us a glimpse of what that looks like by helping us understand the viewpoints of other worldviews—in this case, atheism. Joseph Stalin, political leader who governed the Soviet Union for 29 years, is...

Pleasing Man or Pleasing God? Facing the Offense of the Gospel


The gospel is offensive. There’s no getting around it. It was in the early church, it is today, and it will continue to be. People don’t like to hear about sin; they don’t want to need a savior; they don’t like the idea of a God in control. People want truth that’s malleable. They’re looking for instant gratification and something they can bend to fit their desires. They want to be told, “It’s...

What Are Spiritual Disciplines and Why Are They Important?


Bible reading. Prayer. Meditation. Fellowship. If you’ve spent some time in the church (or even on TheReb), you’ve probably heard a lot about these. You’ve probably also heard about some lesser-known practices like fasting, solitude, secrecy, or celebration. These are spiritual disciplines. Maybe you’re dedicated to practicing some or all of them. Maybe you think it would be a good idea and want...

Secularism Can’t Explain Morality–And Here’s Why


“‘Agree to disagree’ is reserved for things like ‘I don’t like coffee’ … Not human rights.” These words were posted on Facebook by Rainbow Rights, an LGBTQ+ support group. In the textpost, they stated that anyone who supports racism, sexism, or homophobia is going against, in their words, “basic common decency.” To anyone who would disagree, the textpost says, “We do not have a difference of...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →