rebelling against low expectations

Saturate Project 2013


My name is Liam Hardy and I live in Commerce, Georgia. I’m homeschooled and have just finished my tenth grade year of highschool. As a freshman I felt God telling me to buy New Testament Bibles and give them out to people in my community. I was really convicted that, as a homeschooler, I was not as involved in my community as God wanted me to be.

I started with my neighbors and started going out spreading God’s Word. At the beggining of this year I began to feel God telling me to get others in on the project. I presented the idea to my family, pastor, and then to my church family and the result was an awesome project that began on the first day of June and will continue through the summer called the Saturate Project 2013.

The Saturate Project’s goal is to make famous the name of Jesus Christ by putting a Bible into every home in Commerce, Georgia. We are going out on specific Saturadays throughout the summer. We first went out on June the 1st and we will be going out again on July 6th and August 3rd. On the first Saturate Weekend we were able to cover over 1,000 homes with the gospel.


The effect of the project has already taken hold. My friends and I have grown so much closer together. Adults in our church have become bolder as they see teens step up to the task described as the Great Commission.

We really need your prayers as we move forward. Pray that people would see our efforts and know that all that we do is for Jesus Christ. Above all, pray that the Kingdom of God would Saturate Commerce, Georgia with the living water of Jesus.

“Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” — Jesus Christ

About the author

Liam Hardy

is a junior from Commerce, Georgia who really wants people to know God for who He is. He is an active member in Madison Street Baptist Church where the Saturate Project began. He enjoys playing and writing music, playing sports, and hanging out with friends.


By Liam Hardy
rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →