rebelling against low expectations

Saturate Project Recap


Thank you all who prayed for our efforts in the Saturate Project this summer! With your support and the time and talents of volunteers this summer, we were able to offer every home in Commerce, GA a copy of the Word of God. We estimate that well over 2,500 homes were covered in the city and outside of the city. I personally think it is so awesome that so many of you were able to have a part in what we did! So thanks again!

God worked in my town this summer! Looking back we’re all really in awe of what He was able to do. Believe it or not, the project’s idea does not attract the masses. In the beginning stages of the project, I went to different churches inviting them to join us. In return I received unanswered phone calls as well as rejection emails and letters, but then out of nowhere we would have people call or just show up from outside our area willing and ready to help us out!


One of the biggest “God Sightings” was the effect that the project had on our own youth. In the beginning, we had youth and even adults who shared with us their fear of going and evangelizing in their community. Now we have the same youth coming together and brainstorming ideas for what we can do next to get the message of the Gospel outside our church doors.

So the question I get all the time is this: What’s next? Commerce is covered. What will you guys do next? Honestly, we don’t know and that’s scary. This entire summer our plans and goals were so clearly mapped out in front of us that now it’s unsettling not to know what plans God has for us next. Whether it be another city in our area, another city in our state, or simply telling others what we did this summer, we really don’t want this Project to end.

So thank you so much for all of your prayers and support. If there is one thing I learned this summer, it is simply let God use you where you are. Don’t run from His Will, because if I had then I wouldn’t be sitting here writing this article knowing that God used my church and me in our city for His glory. And that’s pretty awesome.

About the author

Liam Hardy

is a junior from Commerce, Georgia who really wants people to know God for who He is. He is an active member in Madison Street Baptist Church where the Saturate Project began. He enjoys playing and writing music, playing sports, and hanging out with friends.


  • So good to hear. I’m only beginning to understand how much work a project like this takes, and I’m glad for Liam who developed and executed the whole idea from the start and who has helped me plan for Saturate 2014: Cortland, NY. Please pray that God will continue to use the Saturate Project in Commerce, Georgia, as well as Cortland.

  • Hey Brandon, so glad to hear you’re working on launching this project in Cortland. I did a double-take when I read your comment because Ana and I are currently living in Ithaca. Small world!

  • I knew that Ana is from Ithaca, but I didn’t realize that’s where you were living right now. One the girls in my class I think used to go to your wife’s old church if I’m remembering correctly.

  • This post encourages me a lot to take a stand on spreading God’s Word to youth that are incapable of buying for themselves (our country is growing in population and are mostly educated but we are left with millions still looking for jobs). I’ve been planning years past, but the idea has been left out at the box because of many school matters and procrastination. But this time I’ll put the dream into action, seeing that many could actually help us out (aside from the government and non-government organizations, the church I think will be more than happy to lend a hand).

    But I’m still in point of praying for guidance because of the varying religions, cultures and church purposes as well as financial support for the project’s cause. I’m currently having a depth study of the project’s action plan in order not to put to waste such great effort that will be given out by young men and women in our society, that is already considering to be part, and perhaps I would not struggle juggling with both- the project and my candidacy as our town’s youth leader.

    I hope for your prayers and maybe ideas for the Project’s accomplishment.

By Liam Hardy
rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →