rebelling against low expectations

Project: Hope For Yuri


At the end of August, we posted a heart-wrenching plea from seventeen-year-old McKennaugh Kelley, asking, even begging for us to help two disabled Ukrainian orphans get adopted. You not only responded with compassion, you were moved to action, sharing the article around the Internet, pledging money towards adoptions expenses, and praying, praying, praying.

Here’s an update from McKennaugh:

Due to everyone who shared this article, a family saw it in an online prayer group and decided that they were going to step forward to adopt Yuri. They are now starting his adoption process, which may take around a year. Please pray for them as they embark on a journey of faith to bring love to Yuri.

Thanks again. I can never forget how it felt to hold little children in my arms who were dying from lack of food and love. I will also never be able to forget it when someday I see pictures of these boys smiling in loving arms.


The Worch Family (that’s them above) is in the process of filling out paperwork, getting passports in order, having home studies, and holding silent auctions and fundraisers to help cover the adoption expenses — which should amount to nearly $30,000 when all is said and done. Please keep them in your prayers and consider contributing to their fundraiser.

You can follow their ongoing story on their blog, Unashamed Hope, and follow their fundraising at At the time of this writing they have raised $2,794 of their $30,000 goal. We’re sure than any amount counts.

One way young people can rebel against low expectations is by learning to give generously to worthwhile causes. For more on the topic of young people and giving, check out this story about two boys in Zimbabwe and our commentary at the end.

Finally, keep Viktor in your prayers. A family also stepped forward for him, but were unable to move forward due to Canadian adoption requirements. His need is just as desperate as before. You can follow his ongoing story on McKennaugh’s Facebook Page.

About the author

Alex and Brett Harris

are the co-founders of and co-authors of Do Hard Things and Start Here. They have a passion for God and for their generation. Their personal interests include politics, filmmaking, music, and basketball. They are both graduates of Patrick Henry College in Purcellville, Virginia.


  • I have 19 grandchildren at this time (7 of them are the Worch children pictured above) and I love them all so very much. But there is always room in this Nana’s heart for another little one to love. I am blessed to have children/grandchildren who want to bring a disabled child into their family and be Jesus’ arms extended to him.

  • I found it 🙂 It’s so neat I’m actually being talked to by the author of that amazing book… You’re like a celebrity… 😉

  • This project was touching, because one of my 8 siblings was adopted from Haiti about, oh, 10-ish years ago. I was pretty little, but I remember there was a lot that went into it.

    We read your book for family devotions. We’re about… 7 or 8 chapters in… And we LOVE it.

  • I’m glad your family was able to adopt. It’s such a beautiful picture of how God brings us into His family. =)

    And I’m glad to hear you’re reading our book together as a family — and that it is encouraging you. If you have any feedback for us, please let us know. God bless!

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →