For the past five years, I have placed a high value on my popularity — what people currently thought of me. It was one of my biggest priorities, but not in the way the typical teenager thinks of popularity.
You see, I am different than most people. I believe that “fitting in” is undesirable. “Being normal” is not on my list of goals in life.
In fact, I want to be un-normal. And really, that’s not a bad thing. I believe we are called to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth, not just another common human. We were truly made to be Uncommon.
But, like most good things, wanting to be different can be taken too far. I guess a better way of describing my mindset was: I wanted to stand out, I wanted to be noticed, I wanted to get the glory for anything I could.
I convinced myself I was doing it so I could be a bigger influence on others for Christ… But now, I’m not so sure.
At OnePoint (a weekend church event I attended last month), I learned the value of humility and not caring about what people thought of me.
The 3 messages were about 3 different things:
“Are you stretched?”
“Are you stuck?”
“Are you stranded?”
Unknowingly, I fit into every one of these categories. I didn’t know it at first, but this weekend exposed the truth: I was broken in all three ways.
I felt stretched. Life and busyness kept competing for my attention and more importantly: competing with God. I was not gaining ground in that battle either.
I felt stuck. I felt like none of the sin or bad habits could be beaten. Like the more I tried, the more I failed.
I felt stranded. I felt as if I was the only one who encouraged other teens around me. I felt like I had no one when things really got tough. I felt that I was alone in a room full of people. I was lonely. And I didn’t know how to change it.
When I preached, I sounded forceful and almost angry. Where I could have been encouraging, I was saying “you aren’t doing enough!”
I was highly respected but not viewed as an equal. I intimidated others and was viewed as weird. I just wanted a friend who understood me and could help me!
Here, on TheRebelution.com and other internet sites, it was no different. I wanted to be the popular one, who everyone loves and thinks as wise, cool headed, and controlled.
The opportunity for me to “shine”, be noticed, and be “loved” came that weekend. My small group needed someone to be “Fusion Man”, my group’s In-Home-Challenge superhero creation. But someone else was picked and I was not happy — I was jealous.
In the long run, it was a good thing I wasn’t Fusion Man. I needed a dose of that humility.
The truth is this: God loves me whether or not I am popular. He can use me even when I mess up. He is glorified in my weakness.
You see, God uses me DESPITE me. And who am I to try to worry about if His will is good for my life?
I am no one. But He uses me anyway.
God can use us even when we don’t stand out
At OnePoint, the speaker, Dr. Mark Bedwell, told us the story of the crippled man at the pool of healing in John 5. The man was convinced he needed to get into the pool to be healed, but Jesus had other plans, and healed him differently, and in a better way.
This simple story of the man who was stuck by the pool really affected me… and it transformed my life.
Jesus has reminded me once again of His love for me and how I don’t need to be insecure when I have Him, always taking care of me.
Coming into the conference, I didn’t know what to expect. Coming out, I gave my story to 200 other teenagers, hoping it would change their lives as much as it had mine.
I told them about my struggle. I poured my heart out over the microphone. I told them what I learned — and how much it changed me.
But I wasn’t perfect. All of a sudden, that wonder of “what people thought of me” suddenly came flying in.
But I said to myself: “No. It doesn’t matter what they think. God can use my story however he wants.”
Initially, I thought I did only “okay” — and that my story was just another story everyone would forget in a week.
But later someone came up to me and told me they really loved my story. It wasn’t what I was expecting. That showed me yet another eternal truth: God is glorified through my weakness.
So now, I’ve learned I don’t need to worry what people think. Because God loves me no matter what and he uses my terrible life for something great — despite me.
And that is mind blowing!
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Wow. Reading that felt like I was looking in a mirror at my own heart. My own thoughts. I guess I’ve always wanted to be the super-spiritual Godly role model to my friends, and I tried to justify this, but really, it isn’t justifiable. You’re right, I feel stretched, stuck and stranded sometimes. And it’s all my fault. But the thought that God would choose to use me in spite of me is mind blowing. I don’t deserve grace. I probably deserve it least of anyone I know. But He gives it to me anyway, and He chooses to use me in spite of my imperfections. Thanks for taking me down a couple of notches there and reminding me to keep my self-righteous attitude in check. =)
Whoa! Can’t believe I was the first comment! That never happens. =p
Thank you for making me rethink my priorities and how important it is to me that I stand out for being different. I do that all the time…
I’m just like you, Trent. In that I really REALLY want to know that people are thinking well of me. If I don’t know what they are thinking, or suspect that they think something wrong about me, it stresses me out! But God has been teaching me That I need to stop pretending to be something so much bigger and better than what I am. He has given me something to do. (Whether that is taking out the trash, or learning a new job, or leading others, or….) Am I going to follow Him and put my faith in His way of doing that certain thing?
Thanks Trent, for being transparent.
I really needed to hear this. I’m supposed to speak for the first time about the Revelation and Christ at my school this Tuesday. It’s to a Christian group of people but I’m still nervous and I’ve been trying to ignore that “what will they think of me after?” Voice in the back of my head. I needed to hear this. It’s not about me. It’s about God using me to get to them. I’m just the bridge, I am not the one walking on it.
Thanks so much for sharing- I can completely relate. What you said about being stretched, stuck, and stranded sounded exactly like my own thoughts/feelings on any given day. This has really encouraged me.
Thanks you so much for sharing, Trent. It really means a lot. Keep living for Jesus, and never stop following Him! He is using you. Don’t doubt it. 🙂
Thank you for sharing this, Trent. To be honest, it’s nice to get a reminder that everyone I know online as these “perfect, amazingly intelligent Christian kids” are just as messed up and self-conscious as I am. God truly does love each of us in our own ways, and our satisfaction will be eternal only when we have Jesus with us.
So glad I read this–it shows me some of my attitudes better than I would have been able to show myself! I struggle with the desire to be considered someone important, and, like you say, it’s so easy to convince yourself that you’re doing it for God. Being “highly respected but not viewed as an equal” really sums up a lot of my relationships with friends, and it’s something I often feel tempted to grasp for to offset my own insecurity. But now I’ve realised that often you can serve God better by not “standing out.” As Abraham Lincoln said, “Ordinary people are the best sort. That’s why God makes so many of them.”
This has been really helpful, Trent. Thanks for sharing.
Spiritual pride is so nasty, hey. I can definitely relate. Sometimes I get sucked into the ‘oh, I’m awesome, I’m so different from everyone else, more mature, more _______”. And then God slaps you in the face and is like, “hey, that’s not what it’s all about!” That happened recently, in fact. Purity is a passion of mine, and I struggle with not taking pride in ‘how good and pure I am.’ And then one day I suddenly got a HUGE wake-up call to an area where I had failed in purity, and I realised again how much this is SO NOT ABOUT ME! It’s about my King and His glory. It’s about being a light – whether that light is big or small, noticed and popular or not. Thank for this post, Trent.
Amen, Samuel! I love that quote too!
Oh my gosh! I fit in all three categories too! Sometimes I just feel like I’m sitting in a hole, in the the doldrums, and I can’t get out. It’s like I can never get a break, even though I would if only I could get my act together with my time management! Thank you so much for sharing your story Trent:) “His strength is made perfect in our weakness.” Something I need to keep in mind at all times!
I’m overjoyed you can relate to my story!
Yeah! I totally agree with you!
Being faithful in the little things shows how much we are willing to do what God tells us.
There is no glory in taking out the trash. But if we won’t do that but we will do something that makes others love us, what does that say about our motive?
Excellent comment, Samuel!
Darth Vader: It is your destiny!
It would be almost humorous, if pride wasn’t so serious, because we have to be so big-headed to actually believe our way is more important then God’s.
Thank YOU for sharing! 🙂
And He’s using you too!
Yes! It’s one of those things where our goal should be not to fit in or stand out. It should be only to serve and obey God, whether that means fitting in, standing out, or a little of both.
You’re awesome bro! Have a great day!
Yeah, bro. I think many of us do, just in different ways. And for some, it’s less obvious then others.
But he [Jesus] said to me [Paul], “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9
So true…thanks for writing, Trent! =)
I hope you do well, Marissa! 😀
Thank you for this, Trent!!
Keep up the good work! 🙂
Thanks for being honest and transparent, Trent! Those three categories…yep, that’s me too. And my prayer is the same: that God’s power would be manifested through my weakness.
Thanks Trent 🙂
Wow Trent. Thank you.
I think everyone has wanted to stand out and be different, for people to notice them and look up to them at one point. And like you said, even on the Rebelution it can be hard not to care about what people are thinking about me. Thank you for your encouragement and for reminding me that only what God thinks about me matters. And even when I am not the most popular or funny or talented or pretty, He still uses me for His glory. That’s amazing!
Thank you for sharing with all of the rebelution people. I really enjoyed that you said “He uses me despite me,” because it’s so true. We try so hard to somehow deserve His love. In the end, we realize we are broken and that nothing we ever do can make Him love us. Because He does already!!
One of my favorite missionaries, Katie Davis in Uganda says in her book Kisses from Katie:
” God reminded me how beautiful we are all to Him, after all, we were created in His image, and He looks at me, at you, in all our sweat, dirt, and brokenness and says “I choose you. You are beautiful.”
Thanks again, beautifully written.
I think nearly everyone at one point or another struggles with trying to be the “holier-than-thou” type person. A couple years ago, I actually used to be the popular girl in my group; everyone wanted to talk to me, everyone wanted advice from me, and I received special attention from adults. Everyone thought of me and my family as the “perfect kids”. I knew I wasn’t perfect, but since everyone thought of me as the cool, smart girl, I became prideful and wanted to keep that “title”, and was so focused on trying to please everyone else that I forgot to use my life to please the Lord. I think I have moved along in the right direction since then, but I definitely have not conquered it. Recently, a comment someone made about me acting “above everyone else” kind of slapped me in the face. They were saying it as an observation, not a criticism, but it was a good reminder that I needed. Your post if definitely one that I relate to and need to keep in mind all the time. Thank you. 🙂
I appreciate your support, Rachel!
Definitely, Eva!
It’s amazing that God will use people like us even after becoming as prideful as we can sometimes be.
These are definitely things I struggle with too! I have to remember that the reason we are on earth is to bring glory to God, and not ourselves. Thanks for this story it is encouraging!
Yes, I agree. I’m so thankful God gives us second chances even after we’ve failed Him so many times. It’s just amazing. 🙂
Wow, Trent, this honestly is exactly what I needed today! Thank you so, so much.
Thanks Trent, that was really encouraging and thought-provoking!
Hey, good job bro!! 🙂
I love hearing stories of God working in someone’s life for their good and his glory! 🙂
Great article! I don’t really like to stand out as much, I prefer to blend in, but I really struggle with being worried too much about what people think of me and not what God thinks.
Oh, the balancing act of life. What you are experiencing is the lifelong battle with the flesh. Pride vs humility is constant. Once we think we have the humility thing handled, it can turn into pride. It is a difficult walk. You are young Trent and I admire your openness. Being different is good as long as it is used for the glory of God. I appreciate your story of how God gave you a little tap (or a big slap), however you take it to remind you of His love for you. I am way beyond your years and I remembering years ago asking an old saint in the faith if it ever gets easier and she said no. It has so proved to be true. But even though life gets tougher, God gets greater. Hang in there. Chastening is extremely hard and takes time. But if you slip up He always proves faithful to pick you up and lead you on. He will lead you rightly. Blessings to you!
I am so encouraged by your transparency! Transparency is transforming…for you and for the brethren! Thank you so much for sharing!!
I know it took humbling yourself to come to the Light, confess and allow the Word to sanctify you to walk in repentance! This is a daily walk of a child of God. I’m thanking God for you and how you are choosing to pursue sanctification!!! May you continue to GROW in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ!!!
(I’m deeply encouraged because though I’m 38 im a new believer…6 years in the Lord Jesus. I love to see and hear young youth/adults walk in faith… I subscribe to therebelution because it stirs me by all of your examples 1 Timothy 4:12 indeed! )
I know right! *shakes head*
🙂 You’re welcome.
new profile pic!!!
Is that you? And what are you holding I can’t tell? With these questions of mine ever stop???? XD sorry
i am holding my bowie knife and my sword
oh and thats not me its my cousin ned. ok just kidding lol:) forgive me
Thanks, you too!
Thanks Cassie!
Wow, Trent! Great article! Thanks for sharing.
Cool! =)
Trent, I am a 65 year old custodian at a high school with 1700+ students. 7 years ago I was a Hobby Lobby store manager, secure in my job and making an excellent salary. The Holy Spirit started convicting me that I was not where God wanted me to be. I ignored the conviction that was in my heart because I wanted the prestige and security of my job. I quickly became the most miserable man on the planet. Eventually, I had to call my district manager and I stepped down to the position of full time stock person. That wasn’t good enough for God. I ended up leaving Hobby Lobby to become a day time custodian at the high school. It has turned out to be the most rewarding and fulfilling job that I have ever had. I testify that no matter what path God wants us to go down, how different, how impossible, how insecure it might make us feel….God always knows what is best for us. So who are the students that stand out to me? First of all, let me say that when I am walking the halls I make eye contact with every student that I meet and say hello to them. I learn many names. Most respond, but there are some that just completely ignore me. The students that stand out the most to me are the ones that call out my name and speak to me first, even when I may not see them. I am the guy that cleans up when they get sick, cleans up their spills, plunges the toilets, empties the trash cans, pretty much the low guy on the totem pole in the world of a high school student. Yet, there are those who respect me for who I am and reach out to me. Those are the ones who stand out to me. It is the example that Jesus set for us. Reaching out to the lowly and downtrodden. I cannot imagine Jesus ever passing by anyone without speaking, smiling and perhaps even calling out their name. To God, it is really the little things we do in life, in His name, that count. God has greatly blessed me since I was at the high school. To God’s glory, I was asked in November of 2013 to speak on service at the induction ceremony for the National Honor Society. Then in May of 2014 an even greater blessing…I was invited to give the address to the graduating class at their Baccalaureate ceremony. To God be the glory! To stand out in God’s eyes is more important than standing out among our peers….no matter where that may take us. Want to stand out at your high school? Learn the name of your custodian at your high school and give him or her a shout out everyday. The verse I always turn to when I do some of the more unpleasant tasks is: And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. Colossians 3:17 KJV Have a Blessed day, Trent, and stand out for the Lord Jesus Christ.
Wow! Thank you for sharing this powerful story with us! Please feel free to come back and comment here any time. We would be more then happy to have you. 😀
I’m not Trent, but thanks for sharing! That was really encouraging for me. Thank you, and like Trent said, we’d love to have you stick around!
Thanks Trent! I like reading the perspective that teens have on this world we live in. Helps me with those that I run across that are struggling.
Thanks, Ethan. I think that I will!
Awesome! We appreciate wise and thoughtful input. 🙂
Hey Trent,
Have you ever read When People are Big and God is Small by Edward Welch. I have been reading that book and it is helpful in thinking about self-esteem issues. The book is available on Kindle.
I fit in all three categories right now. Except I’m in one way completely opposite. I don’t try to stand out. Why? Because of what people MIGHT (emphasis on might) think of me. I don’t want to stand out because I don’t want to hurt my pride, and I’ve been struggling for a long time. I often feel like I’m always running around trying to meet everyone’s expectations. Thanks for sharing; it was a strong reminder that as you said “God is glorified in my weakness,” that I don’t have to be the perfect one.
Wow Trent, you hit home with me on this one. Thanks for taking this important step. Praying for you buddy.
Thanks so much for your honesty, Trent.. I struggle with the same thing. =) This article is inspiring!
Whaaaat!!!! Fellow Aussie!!! *High-fives back!* I think we are quite possibly the only two Aussies on here! (Unless I’m awkwardly forgetting someone…) Which state do you live in (if you don’t mind saying here)?
Ah, maybe I should read your full profile first… 😛 Near Canberra, hey? Awesome! I’m in SE QLD (I won’t say exactly which city.)
Thank you! 😀
Exactly, bro. It’s a relief when we remember that, huh?
I have never read that, no. Haha. But I don’t have a Kindle. 😀
Ethen, it is my genuine pleasure. 🙂
Well, it is also available in “real book” form. I just thought I would tell you you could get it on Kindle since that might be easier.
I loved that book! So did my sister 🙂 She was really inspired by Katie Davis…
Yeah! Same. Katie Davis is just amazing! God has done so many great things through her.
This is where I’m at.
Stretched? yep
Stuck? yep
Stranded? yep
wow! Right on.
Ditto on seeking to be a man after God’s own heart.
I hope God will use me, despite me, to change the world, also.
Your openness and honesty says a lot about your character.
You are going on my prayer list.
Thanks for sharing, Trent.
God bless. 😀
Great! Welcome to the family 😀
Yup; thanks for sharing!
I agree! Btw I love your profile pic! 😀
Is it bad to get annoyed with people if they steal all the attention from your friends and you get left out?(sorry im off topic)
Well, I guess it depends on what the situation is exactly, but I would say that there’s nothing wrong with getting annoyed. What matters is how you respond; even if people aren’t treating you well and you feel annoyed, we’re all called to show the love of Jesus. To bless those who persecute us (even though this doesn’t really qualify as persecution, but you get the idea).
I can really understand your position. Just remember that emotions are emotions. It’s not a sin to have them, but you do have to be careful with what you do with them. Don’t dwell on negative emotions; don’t allow them to dictate your actions. I know, easier said than done. 😉 Anyway, those are my thoughts.
Thanks! Yeah I have a total of 2 friends (earthly and not from my family) and 1 person always talks to 1 of them and then occasionally they even tell me to go! But then as soon as my friend is gone they talk to me!
Yeah. I know how that is. I have about 1 friend that I sometimes see. I know of at least one other person on here that doesn’t have many. I think that’s why we like it so much here!
Yes I love it here!
Aw. 🙁 I guess I would just say to be on the lookout for ways to grow as an individual and as a Christian, even in a difficult situation. Personally, I haven’t had a close friend in nearly six years. I’ve had casual friends, but it’s not really the same, you know? Anyway, my point is that it helped me to grow. I’ve changed (for better) in ways that I don’t think I would have changed if I had a group of close friends. My circumstances forced me outside of my comfort zone.
Even if this doesn’t really apply to you, what I’m trying to say is that God can make something good out of a difficult situation. 🙂 And I’ll be praying that your friends will stop leaving you out!
I’m having a “It’s not just me!” moment. 🙂
Thanks for your prayers! Maybe im supposed to have eternal friends instead of earthly! Thanks for thr advice christy!
Of course! And that’s a great way to look at it! 🙂
Me too! you’re the second person that’s told me that haha!
Yes, totally. I guess it doesn’t help that I’m also a perfectionist. Thanks again for the encouragement.
Wow Trent… I don’t even have the words. I have never read an article that I can relate to as much as this one. Thank you.
I have only ever had one very close friend in my entire life, other than my two older brothers. About a year ago she kind of “deserted” me and found a new best friend. I find that it’s hard to keep from letting this hurt my pride or my self esteem. My oldest brother just moved and has totally phased me out of his life. He never talks to me any more. My other brother works all the time and i barely see him. Until i found you guys, my “disqus family” I was feeling alone and like I didn’t even matter. So thank each of you for including me. I love coming here and having real Christian conversations.
Thank you so much for this. What a beautiful testimony.
Yay 🙂 Glad to have you.
Yeah! Somehow the Reb attracts people like us like a magnet!
No prob, Katie!
Also, you should also check out the site that @Ethan__H:disqus and @programguy:disqus made: http://www.revivingtheredeemed.org. It’s basically a site where we can share prayer requests, and ask each other questions about life. You’ll have to sign up, but it’s totally worth it! =)
Hope to see you on there!
Hey, I hope my last comment didn’t come across as overly pushy or anything….
That sounds really awesome, I’ll be sure to check it out. Thanks for the info.
I can’t find your last comment…. What did it say?
I’m super glad you can relate! 😀
Haha just the one about Revive…didn’t want it to sound like I was “plugging” it or anything. =)
Awww, hey don’t worry about! People need to know about this!
Alrighty! =D
About it*
Haha yeah I figured you meant that. =)
Oh btw, you know you can edit the comment and fix that right?
Lol! I got the email…
What email?
What are you talking about “what email”? XD
I reply from email, so I don’t usually see edits!
This is, like, totally genius….
Thanks, Katie, for welcoming an old guy to your discussions. I am encouraged by the passion I read here to share the gospel and be followers of Jesus Christ. I encourage young people at the high school as God leads.
Ack!!! Haha we’re having way to much fun with this. =)
What what what email??? My head is spinning… XD
as soon as I get disqus running on my blog we can code speak/edit there so we don’t have to spam up this perfectly good blog… 🙂 (That was actually sort of a disguised invitation for you to come check my blog out… 😉 )
If you keep this up, all this random thought stuff, people will think you’re crazy 🙂
Do you need help with Disqus?
Oh, that’s way to late. We already do!!!!
Well it says go to WordPress admin and click “plugins” but I can’t find the plugins button…
I gtg y’all. I’ll be on again tomorrow, Lord willing
Go to your dashboard. On the left side, there are a lot of options. Click on the “plugins” button. Then click “ad new”. Then, search for disqus. It’s easy from there!
Okay! Bye!
Ty 🙂
Sure! Let me know if you have any more trouble. 🙂
Oh, most of them already do! =) haha
Oh, you have a blog? I’ll have to check it out soon…
Ethan, whatever you do, DON’T REPLY TO THIS COMMENT!! =)
See @katietelling:disqus I told you! 😉
Alright see you then, Lord willing! And hey, thanks for actually saying that! (Lord willing) You’re like, one of three people I know that say that haha. =)
Hahahahahaha how about you come to the website and look what I edited that too…. =P sorry it’s kind of mean. =)
Lol….I don’t mind! That did cross my mind, though. 🙂 Look at my edit!
I am not going to forget this!!! When is your b-day, @josh_whatshislastname:disqus?
Awesome, they got it up and running! 😀
Yep! Welcome!
Hahahaha. XD
Ooh it’s coming up in 11 days…April 20th. =)
Yeah! You going to check it out? =)
Wait are you going to edit that or something….
I totally get your situation! One of my close friends is a “popular girl” who is everyone’s best friend. I rarely get to talk to her anymore because one of the other girls will drag her away and giggle and whisper with her. They’ll seriously plan sleepovers for themselves while I’m standing right there. My friend doesn’t really understand that she’s hurting other people’s feelings by hanging out with one person and not the other. I’ve tried to get to know the other girl so we can all be friends, but I think she just sees me as someone who’s trying to steal her friend. (Even though I’ve known her longer…) Guess I’ll just have to keep praying for her and trying to spend time with them both.
Yeah, I just signed up!
Edit what?
My cousin’s birthday is the 20th, and my mom’s is the 21st!
Yeah, being friends with the popular girl is tough, even if she’s a great person.
Great! =)
Hmmm I have a cousin named Ruthie…JUST KIDDING I don’t really. =) But that’s cool!
How do you post images in a comment? I’ve never figured that out…
The comment to say something to where my answer sounded weird. =) But you didn’t.
in the bottom left corner, or just paste the url into the comment. 🙂
Well for me, on the bottom right is “Post as Josh A” and on the bottom left there’s a little picture of a mountain. Click on that…yeah what Ethan said haha. =)
Oh. *facepalm*
I really should try figuring stuff out before I ask. XD
Oh, and thanks! Almost forgot. 😉
You should post a picture to test it out! =)
Thanks! Yeah, he beat you by a few seconds. 🙂
Ok…this is what I have on hand. 😉
Haha. Sure!
Haha. =)
Yeah, it’s random and cheesy, I know…but it makes me laugh. 😀
@brooklynmorrison:disqus If these @ things even work, check this out. 😉
Right! And the worst part is that person calls me names and argues with me and afterwards I tell my friend they hurt my feelings/were mean and my friend sticks up for him! I cant stand that person but I am best friends with her….Sorry to gab
lol 😛
God uses every good and perfect gift for His glory! Truely!
He is awesome! Praise be to Him.
Okay, so here’s the gist. I went to dashboard like you said, but I still couldn’t find the plugins button, so I googled it. Apparently they’re saying that you can’t do plugins if you use wordpress.com, only if you use .org. So I went to set up a blog on wordpress.org so i could use disqus, but then they said in order to do that you needed to pay for a web host or some sort of deal, and I don’t have any computer accounts like paypal or even a checking account, so I’m not doing that. I’m really frustrated right now. -_-
Calling all programy guys! Is there a way to get around paying to do this?
Oh, well, thank you for being willing to come hang out with us 🙂 Any extra experience and wisdom is definitely welcomed!
I’m going to get off so I don’t end up smashing this computer to bits right now. “The wrath of men does not produce the righteousness of God”- James 1: something.
Yes. There is a way. I will reply more later; going to be busy today!
That’s what I wanted to hear. Thanks a bunch =) Also, I just signed up for revive, just waiting for the confirmation email. =)
Favorite line: “he uses my terrible life for something great”
Okay, I don’t even like Marvel (or Loki), but that was funny.
Yay! 😀
That screenshot came in handy!
The one about Josh?
Yeah 🙂
Dude, you’ve gotta charge your phone better! 16%… Sad, sad.
You get what you pay for… It doesn’t hold charge great.
Happy Birthday, @josh_whatshislastname:disqus!
Work on your “perfect” spelling!
I just realised that I was two days early…
How did you know?!
Scroll down a bit…he told me it’s the 20th.
haha 🙂
Whaaaat?!?! Whatever your edits did, they worked 🙂
I don’t!
I don’t remember what I said!!!
Aww, dude!
Hey Trent, can you tell me what was said for those who feel stranded? The way you described it… I’ve been feeling that for almost this whole school year.
Dear Mary,
When Pastor Mark (Dr. Bedwell), shared these three huge things that many of us could relate with, I no doubt he expected most of the students to relate to one of the three more than others. But for me, it was all three.
When he started talking on the stranded feeling, he said (keep in mind, I’m paraphrasing from memory, not directly quoting),
You feel alone in a room full of people. You can go the entire night and not really meet anyone. You feel as if it’s like you’re invisible – no one cares.
You see, I felt that way so much throughout my life. I kind of felt like I was alone and isolated. it was like I was placed on this earth with the purpose of figuring life out while EVERYONE else always had it together, was cool, and knew everything about everything.
I was a quiet and insecure 11 year old boy, despite my very loving family. Even through middle school, my outlook stayed pretty much the same, until I realized something:
I’m not the only one who’s learning and insecure. Everyone else is the same!
My outlook on life was pretty much what you see in this video:
Since that time, I have used that knowledge for both good and selfish reasons – but deep down inside I still longed for acceptance, really above all else. I knew I had acceptance from God, so that was a HUGE help, since He was (and still is) the most important thing in my life.
But deep down inside, I still had that longing to be wanted by other people, especially my peers. For a long time, I have excelled in teaching other students, by example what the Bible teaches. And I think quite a few people benefited from it.
But it still wasn’t enough.
After every public speaking engagement, I always felt worried about what other people thought of me. I was afraid of people not liking me. At church, I oftentimes found myself alone, sitting at a table or continually walking around because I didn’t want it to look like I was standing awkwardly. No one was open to talk with me – even when there were 200 students.
And then I went to OnePoint weekend.
When he gave the message about being stranded, I felt so touched and surprised, like it was made just for my specific situation. I began to realize the second very important truth, as if God was saying,
“It doesn’t matter what people think… Because it’s not about you.”
Suddenly, I felt huge relief, and that wasn’t that anything was any different, but my outlook changed. I still don’t always have someone to talk to, but that’s okay!
Now in the present weeks, I sit down and look at the world around me, and see the other teenagers, finally understanding my mission.
It’s like we’re on an undercover mission. On that kind of mission, are we concerned about socializing? The answer is tricky: Yes, but only if it helps the mission. Fun is great, but it’s not our number one priority anymore.
I will sit with empty seats on ether side, and smile at passing people, in a welcoming way. I invite people to sit with me sometimes, if they’re all alone.
Sometimes people will just come up to me because I’m not talking with somebody. And they end up indirectly asking for comfort in a broken relationship – because I’m available now and it’s not about me.
So, to wrap it all up in a few sentences, I understand. No, I was never in your exact situation, but the circumstances are probably similar. And… I think the solution is too.
We all struggle with the desire to be accepted… and we address it different ways. Some try to stand out, some try to blend in.
But if we remember that everyone else is hurting just as much as we are, and that it’s not about us, life seems easier. Because so what if they reject us! They’re not really rejecting us when we’re on mission – but our savior, who his agents reflect.
If anything we shouldn’t be offended, but sad for them, because their missing out on an amazing gift God is offering them through us.
I hope this is helpful to you, Mary. Have a blessed Sunday evening,
– Trent Blake
Thanks. The feeling of being alone in a room of people happens sometimes. I love people and I’m pretty good with them but sometimes I just feel apart from everyone else even though nothing is different. I’ve been growing really close with God and i always wondered if he was behind this feeling of distance because i was becoming different from everyone else. I never thought about God giving me that feeling to help someone. I just thought it was a sign i was bad at relationships. Next time it happens, i’m going to look for someone who might need someone to talk to instead of focusing on my own problems.
Oh my gosh! My people! 😀
Lol XD
That was not what I was expecting to see in my inbox and I can’t stop laughing!!
But yes. You have found us. 😉
That’s an awesome way to react to it Mary!
Where have you all been my whole life?!?! I mean the conversation flows from Jesus to Marvel! Always a good thing!
Yes!! That’s what I love about the Reb too! We can go from talking about Jesus to the silliest (or most awesome!) or most random stuff, and go right back again!
So, Marvel fan. 😉 Favorite movies?
Ha ha! All of them?! But if I had to pick it would probably be between Captain America The Winter Soldier and Avengers. (Of course that will probably change when I see Avengers 2!) But what about you? Favorite movies? 🙂
Haha, I think I’d pretty much have to agree with you. Although the second Thor movie was awesome!! And I can’t believe Avengers 2 is almost here! So excited!! 😀
Favorite superhero? 🙂
The second Thor movie was awesome. Just watched it again last week! And as for me I love each of the superheros for different reasons! So it is hard for me to pick a favorite! What about you?
I know what you mean!! My favorite is probably Hawkeye. I have a few specific reasons, but the biggest reason is probably the simplest–he’s just awesome! 😉 He’s not the most popular pick for a favorite superhero, but that might be one of the reasons I like him…
I love Hawkeye too!! (I told you, all different reasons!) 😉 But yeah for the guy with the such little screen time (and most of it a Loki zombie) he really did manage to amaze! (Like when he shot an arrow without looking, at a moving target and NAILED IT!!! Or when he does the awesome oh no I am out of arrows! Time to leap of the roof with my handy dandy arrow here and smash through this window and land on all this glass without sleeves and not get cut!) Yeah. I am a little crazy.
YES!!! That jumping off the roof scene was awesome!! I really hope that they give him more to do in the second one, although from what they said it sounds like they did, so yay!!! 😀
And I think your craziness is totally appropriate for the subject. XD What do you think of the X-Men movies?
Ok so I haven’t seen them all due to the fact of some inappropriateness and my dad would like to watch most of them with us after he re-watches them so he can skip parts. (We don’t care because we just want the awesome kick butt action!) But I LOVE the X-Men! Really loved Days of Futures Past! Quicksilver was AMAZING and hilarious!
I can understand that. I just look the other way when necessary. 😛 Yes, Quicksilver was awesome!!! “Whiplaaaaash” XD It’ll be cool to see what he’s like in the Avengers’ take on him.
Yeah! Oh my gosh! We are SO not the only ones who quote whiplaaaaaaaaaassshhh! XD Ha ha ha! And yes I am excited to see him in the Avengers! (I know different actor and all, but still I think it will be cool!) Ok so do you like anything DC?
Yes!! That was one of the best parts of the movie. XD
Yeah! Not as much as Marvel, in general. I really like Arrow, and the Batman trilogy is amazing!! What about you?
And…I am going to see the Avengers tomorrow!!!! SO EXCITED!!! =D
Pls do a blog about what the speaker said about the three subjects I’d really would like to know
Hey Caleb! I don’t exactly remember the excact message word for word. But here is a little more into the story behind my article…
When Pastor Mark (Dr. Bedwell), shared these three huge things that many of us could relate with, I no doubt he expected most of the students to relate to one of the three more than others. But for me, it was all three.
When he started talking on the stranded feeling, he said (keep in mind, I’m paraphrasing from memory, not directly quoting),
You feel alone in a room full of people. You can go the entire night and not really meet anyone. You feel as if it’s like you’re invisible – no one cares.
You see, I felt that way so much throughout my life. I kind of felt like I was alone and isolated. it was like I was placed on this earth with the purpose of figuring life out while EVERYONE else always had it together, was cool, and knew everything about everything.
I was a quiet and insecure 11 year old boy, despite my very loving family. Even through middle school, my outlook stayed pretty much the same, until I realized something:
I’m not the only one who’s learning and insecure. Everyone else is the same!
My outlook on life was pretty much what you see in this video:
Since that time, I have used that knowledge for both good and selfish reasons – but deep down inside I still longed for acceptance, really above all else. I knew I had acceptance from God, so that was a HUGE help, since He was (and still is) the most important thing in my life.
But deep down inside, I still had that longing to be wanted by other people, especially my peers. For a long time, I have excelled in teaching other students, by example, what the Bible teaches. And I think quite a few people benefited from it.
But it still wasn’t enough.
After every public speaking engagement, I always felt worried about what other people thought of me. I was afraid of people not liking me. At church, I oftentimes found myself alone, sitting at a table or continually walking around because I didn’t want it to look like I was standing awkwardly. No one was open to talk with me – even when there were 200 other students.
And then I went to OnePoint weekend.
When he gave the message about being stranded, I felt so touched and surprised, like it was made just for my specific situation. I began to realize the second very important truth, as if God was saying,
“It doesn’t matter what people think… Because it’s not about you.”
Suddenly, I felt huge relief, and that wasn’t that anything was any different, but my outlook changed. I still don’t always have someone to talk to, but that’s okay!
Now in the present weeks, I sit down and look at the world around me, and see the other teenagers, finally understanding my mission.
It’s like we’re on an undercover mission. On that kind of mission, are we concerned about socializing? The answer is tricky: Yes, but only if it helps the mission. Fun is great, but it’s not our number one priority anymore.
I will sit with empty seats on ether side, and smile at passing people, in a welcoming way. I invite people to sit with me sometimes, if they’re all alone.
Sometimes people will just come up to me because I’m not talking with somebody. And they end up indirectly asking for comfort in a broken relationship – because I’m available now and it’s not about me.
So, to wrap it all up in a few sentences, I understand. No, I was never in your exact situation, but the circumstances are probably similar. And… I think the solution is too. We all struggle with the desire to be accepted… and we all address it in different ways. Some try to stand out, some try to blend in.
But if we remember that everyone else is hurting just as much as we are, and that it’s not about us, life seems easier. Because so what if they reject us! They’re not really rejecting us when we’re on mission – but our savior, who his agents reflect.
If anything we shouldn’t be offended, but sad for them, because their missing out on an amazing gift God is offering them through us.
I hope this is helpful to you, bro. Have a blessed Sunday evening,
Through Jesus,
– Trent Blake
Wow this was great just saw it thanks so much man!
Sure thing bro! 😀
I haven’t finished Batman trilogy yet, but have so far loved it! ( And I know I will love the last one!) And I love the Justice League and wish they would make a good movie already! (Like Superman was ok. Wonderful effects, but the story was meh. Batman VS Superman BETTER deliver! Although from the looks of the trailer, I am not that impressed!) And LUCKY YOU!! How was it! I had a little kid at the school I volunteer/work at went and saw it the night it came out, and knowing I liked Avengers, was anxious to tell me about it! And he TOLD ME what happened to Quicksilver!! I was like NOOOOO!
Cool! You know, I’ve been told that the third movie isn’t as good as the first two…but it’s been a while, so I can’t really say. Either way, it’s still really good. 🙂 Haha, I know right?! DC really has to catch up with Marvel! Yeah, Superman was not very memorable. When does that Batman vs Superman come out?? I keep forgetting.
It was AWESOME!!! They finally did Hawkeye justice, which made me really happy. =) Noooooo!! I’m so sorry, that’s awful!! Did he give away anything else? Because if not, at least you have a couple more surprises waiting for you. 🙂
Uhh Batman vs Superman is…….. March 25th. And my dad took me and most of my sisters to see Avengers today! It was AWESOME! Hawkeye was really cool, but I couldn’t believe how sarcastic he was (I laughed half the time he opened his mouth!) and his family! I did not see that coming! But yeah there were more surprises and I loved it! Thinking I will see it again with a friend! Did you get to see the end scene?
Almost a year?! Wow…
Yay!! Wasn’t he awesome?! That’s the Hawkeye I’ve been waiting to see. 😉 He became such a likeable, relatable, and funny character in this movie! I can’t wait to see more of him. 😀 And wasn’t Ultron an awesome villain??
Of course I saw the end scene! XD One must never leave a Marvel movie before the credits are over! Makes you excited for Infinity War, doesn’t it? 😉
Hey found this quote the other day and realized how true it was for the rebeltuion
That’s very true! Are you new to the Rebelution? I haven’t seen you on here before.
Well sorta. I read the books almost a year ago and checked out the website on and off for awhile but then I started getting more interested in it over the past week so here I am! So yes I am new to the posting thing on here
Cool! Welcome to that family then!
thank you for posting this! I have gone through much the same thing and have come to the same conclusion! A light on a candlestick doesn’t fit in with the darkness all around it! May God continue to use your story to change the world and challenge others to be in the world, but not of it! Your sister in Christ,
That is so cool, because that is pretty much my story as well! I am also sharing the book Do Hard Things with some of my friends, so maybe they will join soon as well! Your sister in Christ,
It is encouraging to know that I am not the only person who has been there! I know exactly what you mean! I am blessed to have some friends who have been challenging me to reach out to others as well, and having been the one in the corner makes is easier to relate! Your sister in Christ
Ultron was amazing! He was creepy/funny/kind of mental…. 🙂 Yes I loved him! And yes I am PSYCHED for Infinity War! One must NEVER leave a Marvel movie before the credits end indeed!
Haha, good description. The only thing that worries me about Infinity War is, the further we get with these movies, the more likely it is that an original Avenger is going to die. I mean, it has to happen at some point. And you know I’m going to cry. XD It was bad enough when Phil “died”!
Wait, Phil Colson isn’t dead?! What?!
I KNOW!!!!! I’m really sad too! I think they are going to kill off Cap because Chris Evans doesn’t want to do it anymore. I nearly start bawling thinking about it!! Then they won’t come back either!! But I still think Quicksilver will! 😉 And yes it was bad when Phil “died”! So you watch SHIELD too?!
Oops… O.O You might want to watch the TV show Agents of SHIELD.
Oh…I’m so sorry! XD
I thought so too, because I heard the same thing…but then I read an interview about Evans saying that’s not exactly what he meant…so I don’t know. O.O I don’t think Quicksilver is going to come back, unfortunately. 🙁 I mean, he and Phil are the only important good guys to have died so far. If they keep just bringing people back to life, no one will take anyone’s death seriously. But those are just my thoughts. 🙂 Why do you think he might come back?
Yes!! Be warned, I’ve only seen the first season (I rely on Netflix for TV shows). But so far I love it!!!
Oh my gosh!! I have to tell my sister!! We have been in mourning! And they weren’t the only ones “technically.” Pepper (Iron Man 3), Tony (Avengers), Bucky (well you know), Loki (Thor 2)… ya know. They all came back. AND it would be the perfect pun for the Avengers to be like I thought you died? And Quicksilver would be like You said to walk if off. You didn’t see that coming? 😀 And I haven’t even finished the first season! I watch it with my dad and sisters so it is hard to find a good uninterrupted 45 minutes when we can watch it! We are on episode 19 I believe….
I just saw this… and your talking about socialization was just what I aws thinking about! 🙂
Hey Rachel, does your middle name start with an F and is a attribute of the spirit? I think I know you in person!