rebelling against low expectations


When Your World Crumbles: Who Is Your Rock?


Recently, one of my uncles died. While I wasn’t super close with him, he had always been a part of my family. He was a constant. Although I didn’t talk with him a lot, I knew he was always there. But those are things you don’t think about when that person is still in your life. Those are things you think about after they have passed. And it was only when my family prepared a song to record for...

Keep Seeking God In a Stress-filled World


When COVID-19 struck and forced everyone to be quarantined in their homes, I, like most young people undoubtedly, began to panic and grow anxious about what I was going to do about school, extracurricular activities, and much more. I couldn’t do the activities I wanted to do out of fear of what could happen. But more than just hindering my daily activities, I also let my fear stop me from seeking...

3 Lessons On Seeking God I Learned From Jim and Elisabeth Elliot


Jim and Elisabeth Elliot are two of my heroes. I’ve devoured as many books by Elisabeth Elliot as I can get my hands on and been moved to tears by Jim’s commitment to God—and the tragedy it led to. I’ve read their journal entries and love letters, listened to audio clips from Jim and talks given by Elisabeth. God has used their steadfast devotion to Him to fuel a fire of passion in my own heart...

In Desperate Need of Hope–An Introduction to a New Series


Can you believe we are already well into the third month of 2021? It’s been an exhausting year by just about every definition. A lot of things feel like they’ve been turned upside down and shaken up. There are so many different, pressing issues at hand that I find it difficult to know what specific needs are facing young people going into 2021. Nevertheless, regardless of how COVID-19, stay-at...

Two Truths To Cling to After A Year of COVID


We’re coming up on a year. One year since the pandemic started, one year since stay-at-home orders were issued, one year since the beginning of the craziness. I think we can all agree that the past twelve months were anything but “typical.” If I’m going to be honest with you, I am not excited for the month of March. It’s just countless emotional reminders of what...

Hope for Strivers—Truth for When You Don’t Feel Good Enough


Do you feel pressure to make up for your sin, or “clean yourself up” before coming to God? Even though you know that God’s grace is a free gift, do you sometimes feel unworthy of it? Or maybe you’re a slave to other’s opinions of you and need to be accepted in their eyes in order to feel okay. I have some news for you: you’re not good enough. And though this...

When Life Breaks Your Heart–This is Your Hope


I just want to go back. I can’t tell you how many times this thought has crossed my mind lately. I want to go back three months ago and alter the course of the future. I want to go back to the me I used to be before grief pummeled my heart and hopes and dreams collapsed. I want to go back to the precious memories of lost relationships. I want to go back to a pre-pandemic world. I just want to go...

What Lord Of the Rings Taught Me About Trusting God During Trials


I consider myself a Lord of the Rings nerd. Well, maybe enthusiast is a better word. I don’t know about you, but I am fascinated by talking trees, tiny people with an insane amount of grit, daring escapes, fiery depths, and yes, even a wizard who whispers to moths. But I do not only love this story for these reasons (although they’re all really good reasons). I love this story because...

Start the New Year with Thankfulness (3 Challenges for 2021)


This past year was hard, no question. Looking ahead to the new year, I immediately feel a little worried about the uncertainty. None of us know what the new year holds. But I for myself have decided not to let the enemy win this one. One of the best weapons we have against the devil’s schemes is thankfulness. I want to start the new year with thankfulness. Thankfulness looking back I have always...

5 (More) Songs to Encourage You During Uncertain Times


In my last article, I shared 5 songs that have encouraged me lately. When times are tough, it’s easy to focus on our troubles instead of lifting our eyes to the Savior, who is the answer to our every problem. Music helps me to do that. Some songs really speak to my heart, and they remind me of the hope that I have in Christ. Whether I’m struggling and need to be reminded of who God is, or I...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →